_AM: When you think of Mother Earth, of Mother Nature, the first thing you imagine is a forest or jungle full of life. And of course it is because it is plants that have made the existence of the natural world as you know it possible...
_I: The trees…
_AM: Phytoplankton.
_I: Oh, the ocean plants.
_AM: The Plant world is very broad, and, even though it seems far from the Human world biologically speaking, there is no other kingdom with which we have a greater direct relationship than with this one.
_I: Why?
_AM: As we have already said once, 4 billion years ago, the first forms of life began to occur in the oceans. This used an accumulation of minerals, sugars, among which are sodium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus, intertwined with vitamin components and pantothenic and folic acids. These structures combine with each other in order to accumulate energy, which allows the formation of the chlorophyll molecule. Chlorine has the ability to absorb light, specifically in a frequency range of 500 to 600 nanometers, which gives the leaves (fylon) their green color (khloros). Chlorophyll is a pigment made up of magnesium (a fundamental element for capturing light) and a phytol (alcohol) chain that is hydrophobic, that is, it absorbs water (hydrogen and oxygen). This pigment is found in the structure of the chloroplast, an organelle of eukaryotic cells responsible for producing nutrients, which in this case, thanks to chlorophyll, will be produced thanks to light energy, which these cells (cyanobacteria) , gives them the property of “photosynthesis” (transformation of light). In this process, light is translated into energy, which allows the chloroplast to obtain hydrogen and carbon molecules from water (Hydrogen and Oxygen), minerals (Carbon) and gases from the environment (Carbon Dioxide), to produce glucose. , useful for nutrition and energy storage.
_I: Take the hydrogen from the H2O molecule (water), and the carbon from the CO2 molecule (gaseous compound), and create the “carbohydrate.” And the remaining oxygen in both compounds is released into the air.
_AM: The appearance of carbohydrates, of glucose, allows the appearance of a thick membrane that contains the organelles and the chemical elements and nutrients they produce, inside. Thus, these ancient bacteria begin to take on a greenish color capable of accumulating minerals and water, nutrients, on their long journeys through oceanic deserts. Without predators, these organisms began to become more complex and reproduce, forming a wandering green mass that moves through the oceans, releasing tons of oxygen into the atmosphere for millions of years, until today.
_I: Phytoplankton…
_AM: Exactly. Phyton-Planktós, from the Greek: Wandering Vegetable, lost. It is a plant structure that has no root, and that is carried away by the current. It occupies most of the planet, traveling through all the oceans, sliding towards the poles where it is left to die, areas where it accumulates en masse, and is visible from space.
_I: This is what gives rise to microalgae…
_AM: The first algae of existence. They begin to extend towards the coasts where they find the security of an eternal sun, and they deploy roots to cling to the rocks, the sand, and thus stop being displaced by sea currents. But droughts and telluric changes displaced the coastlines, lowering the level of the oceans, leaving the algae abandoned in the middle of a desert. But the ability of these plants to accumulate reserves of water and nutrients made them survive these long periods of scarcity, which enabled them to adapt to dry environments on earth, creating moss, grass, ferns, vines and conifers, 3500 years ago. millions of years ago, when some of them began to flower for the first time. It was thanks to an extensive and prolonged glaciation that, due to the freezing of the oceans, plants spread across the dry land, improving their ability to capture sunlight, perfecting themselves until they constituted thousands of species of the natural branch called Flora.
_I: But, Fauna already existed, right?
_AM: Yes, it appeared shortly after phytoplankton.
_I: The zooplankton…
_AM: But that's another story. Plants, in their release of oxygen, led to the appearance of organisms that could process it as a source of cellular energy. While some batteries began to phagocytize those that carried out photosynthesis to more directly obtain the energy product of nutrients and minerals, the leftovers of this photosynthetic process allowed them to enrich themselves. Thus, plants began to form the support of all life in the world. Through food and breathing, Flora gave Fauna the full meaning of its existence.
_I: Without it, we cannot get food, vitamins, nutrients, and without them we cannot breathe. That's why our relationship is so direct...
_AM: The Plant Kingdom is the Mother of all animal life, and we are nourished by its two breasts: food and breath.
_I: We owe them our lives…
_AM: The Plant World is the genus “Plantæ”. Vegetable means to grow and multiply, and Plant means to stand firm. The Family Tree of the Plant World begins with the Primoplantae (microscopic algae), which branches into Glaucophyta (about 13 microscopic species) and Rhodophyta (about 7,000 diverse species of various sizes), together with the Viridiplantae group, from which a greater variety arises. , which incorporates the Chlorophyta (about 8,500 species of aquatic green algae) and the Streptophyta, a group within which you can find the Charophytas (plants similar to terrestrial ones but submerged in water) and the famous and most recognized Embryophytas (all terrestrial plants). The latter are subdivided into Bryophytes (like moss) and Vascular (those that can reproduce by spores or seeds). There are around 300,000 species of plants in the world, and all of them produce the bases for life.
_I: They are the body of the Mother…
_AM: In order since its origin, we can say that each group of plants has been processing nutrients from the mineral kingdom to process them into life. Thinking about it this way, each species has managed to incorporate the memory of the planet, and do something incredible: transport it.
_I: Synapse… Send data.
_AM: If minerals are conductors or semiconductors of electrical pulses, which accumulate as data, this data can become organic if it is processed by plants. Photosynthesis enables the information recorded in the mineral kingdom to flow into the plant kingdom, generating a network of pulses that allow the exchange of data. What the phosphorus had accumulated, what the calcium had recorded, what the silicon had stored, is now exchanged, interacting, forming a new link, a new data that surpasses the previous one, with the ability to transcend. Create Information from Data, Wisdom from Knowledge.
_I: They generate the first organic information network…
_AM: Thus, each species functions as a kind of neuron, pulsing data through the nervous networks of the world. The Plant World is the Autonomous Nervous System of the Planet.
_I: Wow.
_AM: And therefore the Mind of the world moves in them. And in this way, when animals are nourished by different plants, fruits, flowers, they develop within themselves a new ability to process mineral data, through the reaction of neurons, and thus thinking, imagination, inventiveness, rationality.
_I: Consciousness…
_AM: We owe the ability to be conscious to the Vegetal kingdom... That is Vegetal Consciousness. Plantae, Primoplantae, Glaucophytes, Rhodophytes, Chlorophytes, Streptophytes, Charophytes, Embryophytes, Bryophytes, Liverworts, Anthoceroses, Mosses, Pteridophytes, Lycophyta, Euphylophytes, Monilophytes, Horsetails, Ferns, Psilotopsidas, Marattiopsidas, Polypodiopsidas, Spermatophytes with seeds, Gymnosperms, Conifers, Cycads, Ginkgo, Gnetales, Magnoliophytes with flowers, Monocotyledons, Dicotyledons.
_I: And the mushrooms?
_AM: The so-called Fungi Kingdom could be considered within the Plant world, although this is not the case, since its tissues and base structures are closer to the animal world than to the plant world. We could say that they are an intermediate world, whose toxins can be nutritious as well as hallucinogenic or poisonous. Fungi do not carry out photosynthesis, that is, they do not produce their own food, but rather they feed on other elements, eating organic matter such as plants and animals, that is, they are heterotrophic (they eat various things) unlike the plant world, which is autotrophic. (which nourish themselves).
_I: I understand…
_AM: Plants are the Consciousness of the World, your thoughts are nourished thanks to the Vegetal kingdom, the network of mental information extends throughout the world thanks to this kingdom that has managed to convert inorganic data into organic information. Without plants, not only would you not be able to find food or breathe, but you would also not be able to think, imagine, reason, ideate, believe or create.
_I: That is the Vegetal Consciousness…
_AM: The neurons of the world that connect data from Earth. Hug a tree and you will connect to planetary information, and you will be able to communicate with the world.
_I: I did that in 2012, and it worked. Since I was little, my great-aunt, Olga, encouraged me to talk to plants. She always talked to her rose bushes, to the creeper, to the lemon trees. She told them about her day, her emotions, she sang them her favorite songs, she asked them how they felt. She naturalized communication with the plant world so much that she encouraged me to do the same. I remember being a child and talking to plants, feeling that in some way or another they responded to me. I maintained this, even in adolescence, a time when I had two tree friends, to whom I would always tell everything. An oak tree at school, and a eucalyptus tree at summer camp. The oak listened to me as a friend, the eucalyptus advised me as a teacher. I always maintained a close relationship, but I saw its capacity when I was kidnapped in August 2012 in Paraguay. It's a long story, but in short, apparently I went into a place I shouldn't have, and the natives kidnapped me with various types of weapons, machetes, arrows and shotguns. He was there to carry out an activation on Guazú Mountain, where there was apparently trafficking in weapons, drugs and human organs. Instead of being afraid, I got very angry, but when I saw the hours go by and they were waiting for the chief in another city to decide what to do with me, I saw no other option but to relax and meditate. That's what I did, and I saw the network of plants. Then, I approached a tree under the eyes of the guards, and hugged it for a long time. I sent images from action and adventure movies, like Indiana Jones, chased by natives, or movies about kidnappings, missing children, or things like that. Nobody knew where it was. But then something amazing happened that I wasn't aware of. Many people began to dream about me, as if I were a child who was running away, or they saw me tied up, bad, sad, lost, in danger. They began to write, to report what they saw, and that led them to ask the hotel if I was there, but I had never returned. Everyone mobilized, and my mother and lawyer went to Paraguay to look for me. While they were investigating what had happened, I had committed something reckless: during the night I escaped, walking on tiptoe through the Indian tents, petting the dogs so they wouldn't bark. And I got lost in the fog. Hours later I found a farm where they fed me and called the military. And so I returned to the city, recovered what had been stolen from me, and continued with my journey from Harwitum as planned. But I will always remember that it was the forest that informed the Network, it was the trees that helped me spread the message.
_AM: The union between human and plant consciousness is fundamental for the transcendence of the planetary network. Recognize the consciousness that moves in your world, and you will recognize the consciousness that lives in you. Be aware that every vegetable you eat, every flower you eat, every seed and fruit, tuber and root, leaf and stem, keep inside the data converted into information, which within you will become thought.
_I: I owe my consciousness to the Plant world, my ability to dream comes from the light of plants.
_AM: Your initiatory path towards enlightenment is nothing more than the Plantae legacy of photosynthesis.
_I: I am Light.
_AM: And your luminous Network is anchored in the roots of the entire Vegetal kingdom. If you seek to connect, well, the Planetary Consciousness Network, you will have no choice but to talk to the plants, connect with each tree on your path. They will tell you what to do, because they know what you need to know.
_I: I am the Root of the Network.
_AM: May Mother Flora nourish you with her Light. She receives from her bosom the nourishment and breath that awakens the divinity that lies in your consciousness.