_AM: And from the Atom come the Elements. If the Atom is the indivisible existence, its projections will be called Elements, which are the way of enumerating the list of extensions that arise from a unity.
_I: Like the different degrees of a sphere.
_AM: That's right. The degrees and angles do not exist in themselves, separately, each one has its logic in the unity of the sphere that contains them. Thus, the different elements of existence are the degrees of this Atom.
_I: What are the elements?
_AM: Well, of course there are many, and we could interpret them in different groups. Specifically in 5 groups. Firstly, the essential Element called Ether, the center of all things and from which existence emanates. And from it, you find Fire, Earth, Water and Air. They are not the elemental bases, but they do group the concepts, since every inorganic mineral element will be part of the Earth group, every flammable element will be part of the Fire group, the liquid of Water, the gaseous of Air. Hundreds of elements exist as a basis in universal existence, which give meaning to what we are, although not all of them inhabit all things.
_I: How?
_AM: In the same way that in your body there are elements that are not used for the development of your life, such as arsenic or mercury, which could kill you, also on certain planets there are no elements, so you will not find them here.
_I: This reminds me of Chemistry class.
_AM: That's right. Because the Chemical Elements are what give logic in their combination to all of life. In 1869, in St. Petersburg, Russia, university professor Dimitri Mendeleev was trying to arrange the elements of nature in some way that he could understand the logic of. Then, in a dream, he saw how the elements began to arrange themselves one on top of the other, in a perfect order, which he took note of when he woke up. His dream was the beginning of the Periodic Table, a way of ordering all the elements based on their atomic number, that is, based on the number of protons and electrons that each element has. What he saw is that, like a wave that accelerates its frequency, the elements were easily arranged in a sequence from least to greatest by number of subatomic particles, and what was even more interesting is that he could even predict the composition of the chemical elements that had not yet been discovered but that he was sure would occupy the corresponding place in his table.
_I: Everything had a logic…
_AM: That's right. Many of these elements were in nature, but many others no longer existed, or on the contrary, were invented. The logic of this table is that it puts the complexity of each element at a glance. Starting from left to right, and from top to bottom, the elements are arranged based on lowest to highest atomic number (number of protons and electrons per atom). Downwards and to the left the atomic radius and ionic radius increase. Moving up and to the right, the ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity increase. There are 18 Families of Elements, ranging from column 1 being the alkali metals, and culminating in column 18 with the noble gases. The 18 Families are: Alkali Metals Family, Alkaline Earth Metals Family, Scandium Family, Titanium Family, Vanadium Family, Chromium Family, Manganese Family, Iron Family, Cobalt Family, Nickel Family, Copper Family, Zinc Family, Earth Family, Carbonoid Family, Family Nitrogenoids, Amphigens Family, Halogens Family, Noble Gases Family.
_I: They are Families of elemental beings… Grouped by affinity…
_AM: This affinity is due to its level of atomic energy, which goes from subtler to denser in strata called “periods”, which gives it the name “Periodic Table”, which is divided into 7 of these levels. In turn, the families are divided into 4 Great Clans: the first unifies columns 1 and 2 representing the Alkali and Alkaline Earth Clan, adding Helium and Hydrogen to them. The second groups columns 3 to 12, giving the Clan of Transitive Metals. The third is the Metalloid Clan, which runs from column 13 to 18. The fourth is the Lanthanide-Actinide Clan, which is outside and below the periodic calculation.
_I: And in the clans and families, there are all the individuals, who, from them, create everything else...
_AM: Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine, Xenon, Cesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Wolfram, Rhenium, Osmium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Thallium, Lead, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelius, Laurentius, Rutherfordius, Dubnius, Seaborgius, Bohrio, Hassius, Meitnerius, Darmstatius, Roentgenius, Copernicius, Nihonius, Flerovius, Moscovius, Livermorium, Tenesus, Oganeson.
_I: And… how important are they in our path?
_AM: Oh… the Elemental Consciousness. Being aware of the elements of nature, those that can be composed in reality from atoms, makes us recognize the potential of the first families. We are made up of a group of Families that it is essential to recognize.
_I: Which ones?
_AM: The Holy Family is Vibration, Energy and Matter. From it, all the family groups that constitute us arise. This family is in turn the Three Mothers that give rise to all existence.
_I: Like the Three Marys, Orion's Belt...
_AM: Yes. In the case of the Mother Vibration, you can find the groupings by Magnitude, Frequency, Direction, Time and Impedance. In Mother Energy it is expressed in three new families, that of Work, Wave and Heat, and can generate different types, such as Nuclear, Chemical, Electromagnetic, Thermal, Electrical, Internal and Mechanical. And well, we have already mentioned the families of Mother Matter through the Chemical Elements. Being aware of these families helps you recognize yourself as a child of the force of the matrix in all its potentials.
_I: It's incredible, because, of course, I usually think of the universal mother, of the cosmic family, as something more poetic, but that poetry is found in the most basic elements of existence.
_AM: And that's not all... Because, as you know, each of these elements of the Holy Family has a consciousness of itself, what you call Spirit, and it has an experiential memory, called Soul.
_I: Each element?
_AM: That's right. And it is the combination of their consciousnesses, which you know as Elemental Beings.
_I: Oh, creatures from other dimensions!?
_AM: All the elemental beings you can imagine are the spiritual records of the elements mentioned in the Holy Family.
_I: And each of them are grouped by the basic Elements. No?
_AM: They are subtle manifestations of Elemental sacred geometry. The Tetrahedron being Fire, incorporates the spirits of Salamanders, Dragons, Vulcans, Djinns and the Phoenix. The Cube being the Earth awakens the spirit of Gnomes, Goblins, Fairies, Gremlins, Goblins, Dryads, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs and Fauns. The Octahedron being the Ether, elevates the spirits of the Devas and the Angels. In the Dodecahedron, Water flows in the spirits of the Undines, Nereids, Nymphs, Mermaids and Tritons. And for the Icosahedron, Air encourages Sylphs, Sylphs, Sylvestris and Elves.
_I: When I was a child, Gnomes and Fairies were present in my life all the time. I learned a lot from them...
_AM: Because they were awakening on a spiritual level with the elements of the earth, in order to communicate with Planet Earth.
_I: I understand... Elemental Consciousness is the ability to not only know the objective of the element, but also the subjective, the spirit that speaks in it, its energy, its vibration, its soul.
_AM: Where the beauty of Elemental Life is found, that is where you discover the beauty of the awakening of consciousness in matter. Where you can see the magic in each chemical element, in each object that seems inert, lifeless, boring and null, in their interaction the energy arises that gives life to all the creatures that enhance the magic of the fourth and fifth dimensions. The Elementals are the Heart of Consciousness.
_I: The spirits that discern the elements of the atom…
_AM: Who in their nature teach us about Love for existence. Hidden in the shadows of matter, are the roots of the Heart of the Creative Mother. Connect to your heart, and when you feel the water, when you touch the earth, when you look at the fire, when you breathe the air, dare to dance with the Sea, to empower yourself with the Mountains, to light up with the Flames, to speak with the Wind . Their spirits beat in you, they will speak to you, they will respond if you respond to them. They are your family, your brothers and sisters. Sons and Daughters of the Atom.
_I: I become aware of the Elemental, and I recognize myself as one with Nature.
_AM: Thus you become Eternal Life. And achieving it is elementary.