_I: The first day of the year 2021 finds us starting the Mental week of the Atlantean month of Capricorn. Yesterday we explained that the year really ends on December 21st with the Solstice, but that ancient traditions celebrated this cycle's end for 10 days, what they called "Saturnalia Festivals," culminating on December 31st, where the God Janus was honored, a god with two faces looking to the past and the future. Janus gives its name to the month of January, announcing the return to work after the holidays. Saturn was the god of Agriculture, and because it was winter, he was honored to ensure good harvests after the scarcity of cold. Once celebrated, the fundamental task of Saturn continued: work, and in case there is any doubt, this is the key that defines Capricorn. So, we start this new year fully with the energy of work, the labor of the Capricornian earth.
_AM: Saturn rules Capricorn, tilling the land gives rise to the word labor, work, a task that ancient slaves performed under the pressure of a three-stick whip, which in Latin is unified as "tripalium," originating the word Work.
_I: Work as punishment, and Labor as a necessity for sowing.
_AM: The word "work" has a connotation of guilt, pain, slavery, something very characteristic of Capricornian energy.
_I: It's true... As a Capricorn rising, I can say what it feels like... It's like it's never enough. It's always seeing the negative, the fact of not being enough, of not feeling deserving, that one has to work hard to achieve goals, sacrifice, get one's hands dirty in the earth to get good results, and cultivate patience to see the fruits grow.
_AM: "It's never enough" could be translated as "You can always improve." In this way, we can take the positive aspect of this sign that will accompany us for 30 days. Humans today live in a society that no longer has physical slaves, but psychological ones. Most of humanity is enslaved by a system they themselves support. It's dependent on bonds, controlled by necessity. Globalized competition has sown the seed of inefficiency in every corner of the world, where one struggles to be better. And in a world with so much potential competing to be similar things, frustration is overwhelming.
_I: Yes, it feels like no matter what you do, there's always someone doing it better. The competition to achieve goals is such that instead of making us grow and develop our skills, we spend more energy seeing what others are achieving and wondering if what I'm doing is worthwhile. Many times, I've felt, upon seeing the things others have achieved, that I haven't done anything. And of course, then many people come and tell me all that I've achieved, and perhaps they also observe me as I observe others who have achieved so much... But that feeling is still there... "I can do better...".
_AM: The tireless Capricorn who never stops thinking about work, about solving things, about improving, about building on ever stronger foundations. Because what Capricorn seeks the most is the assurance that what it is doing will be useful. You can imagine this sign as an Architect, who wants to build the tallest building of all to have the best view of all. But with each new floor added, instead of making him feel closer to the sky, it makes him feel insecure about the foundations. "What if they're not well reinforced? What if more weight needs to be added at the base? What if it needs to be distributed with some buttress? What if I put hexagonal arches? Is the base wide enough? What if it isn't and the building collapses?".
_I: The building will never be finished.
_AM: It will never be able to contemplate the views because it's so focused on the foundations. That's why it's so slow in its processes, because it fears finishing something wrong, and it prefers to never finish it but do it perfectly. Capricorn is the King of Structures.
_I: What are structures?
_AM: Structure comes from the Latin "struere," which means "to join or pile up." Unity makes strength, and Capricorn strengthens itself in these unions. What unites them are patterns. Pattern comes from the Indo-European "pater," which means "to defend" and gives rise to the word father. A pattern, therefore, is data that provides security.
_I: To whom?
_AM: To the mind. Every living being needs to feel safe. Security occurs in the balanced exchange of energies or in the formation of a stable structure, whether physically like a house, emotionally like a family, or personally and mentally like a belief. Thus, in the search for security, the mind seeks patterns, external concepts that can be interpreted as containment shields against the fragility of being. Patterns are ideas, perceptions, beliefs, that only live in the mind, and that limit the mind for its own good. The mind seeks to self-save, protect itself from its infinitude, delimit itself to recognize itself in life. Thus, throughout this construction of loose ideas, hereditary patterns are created, shields of limiting beliefs that generate security to the being.
_I: That's why it's so difficult to break free from belief patterns, because they are there precisely to defend the being... So, if they are born with a useful purpose for life, why do we all seek to eliminate or transcend them?
_AM: Because you can't live locked in a house. You need to go out to find food, to interact with others, to discover the world, to grow, to expand, to feel... Another will of the mind is to expand and assimilate new data, it always seeks to achieve this, but if the patterns it has created are many, they can generate a disaster for its development.
_I: It reminds me of beavers. Maybe the Capricorn aspect is like a family of beavers that take ideas from trees by felling them and shaping them into patterns that will create a dam in the fluid mind that is a lake or river. The dam of accumulated patterns in the form of this structure is positive for creating burrows and surviving safely, but at the same time, it helps many other species to live off the waters, like frogs, birds, fish, and so many others that find an oasis thanks to the dam. However, it may prevent the flow of those waters to lower lands, where droughts occur, death, where life does not progress because it has stagnated.
_AM: That's right. The mental lagoon created by the dam of patterns gives a feeling of security inwardly, but damages and destroys everything outside, beyond the mind. Therefore, when it rains heavily, you need to flexibilize your structures to avoid generating environmental chaos.
_I: What would rain be?
_AM: The Awakening of Consciousness. That flow of information awakening in you, which comes suddenly like a moment of enlightenment, and pours much new content into your interior.
_I: And how do I flexibilize the structures?
_AM: Coherence. And it is achieved through the most original structures of all, the Universal structures.
_I: The Laws...
_AM: At the beginning of Atlantis as a civilization, about 15000 years ago, some priests received that rain of consciousness that made them see that the Universe is a network of patterns called the Matrix. The creating Matrix is nothing more than an eternal fabric of ideas that structure limits for the Cosmos. They understood that the Universe needs these network patterns to be able to manifest itself focused in specific times and spaces, because otherwise nothing could manifest itself being free and flexible. Structures are those geometries that gave meaning to Life itself, because without them nothing would exist. So they began to follow the repetitive codes of the patterns, in the mineral, animal, vegetable, human, and universal realms, and they discovered that the Matrix organizes its Patterns in 6 main ones that are essentially repeated at all levels. Therefore, they recognized that they were not simple patterns or structures but Laws.
_I: What does Law mean?
_AM: Law comes from the Indo-European "leg", which you see in words like "legacy, legislate, college, intelligence," and it means: "to choose, to select". In a way, the Latin concept "lex" refers to the things that are chosen or pinpointed so that something works, and therefore it has been translated as rules or norms to follow.
_I: What are those 6 Laws?
_AM: From the human perspective, you know them as Generation, Polarity, Cause and Effect, Rhythm, Vibration, and Correspondence. All of them within the Law of Mission which refers to the Patterns, and the Law of Networks which refers to the Matrix.
_I: But according to Thoth, the Atlantean priest known as the Egyptian god of writing, medicine, and architecture, in the Emerald Tablets he wrote that there were 7 Laws. What is the seventh?
_AM: There are several laws, but the one you call the seventh is not the seventh, nor is it the first. That law is All Laws. Because it is the only one that truly exists.
_I: How?
_AM: When the ancients investigated the patterns, they realized that at all levels the 6 laws are constant in each pattern of the matrix, but they all had something in common: they were a perception.
_I: A point of view among themselves...
_AM: And a perception can only tell you one thing: that there really is nothing in the universe, nor are there laws, because if reality depends on the observer, and observation is the act of receiving data that will be processed by the brain in the world of ideas, then the only existing thing is the World of Ideas.
_I: As Plato said...
_AM: Plato didn't say anything new, he just taught what others before him had shown him. For the Ancients, the 6 laws that encompass the patterns and the matrix are a kind of guide to know how to move within the Mind, which is the only thing that exists...
_I: And where one can get lost the most.
_AM: The Mind is infinite, eternal both in time and space, it has no limits, and therefore, its observation is infinite and modifiable. Imagination is capable of manifesting realities through Intention, it is capable of making you feel things that are not there. And what is there is only perceived by the same mechanisms of your imagination.
_I: That's what seems very strong to me, that for the brain, perceiving the "real" external world, and perceiving the "fictitious" internal world, is the same. So, for the mind, there is no difference between real and illusory.
_AM: That's why we live the Dream of a Dreamer. Something inconceivable for Capricorn, and therefore, the earthly mind of Saturnalia turned the Free Mind into a Law, The Only Universal Law: Mentalism.
_I: What does Mentalism establish?
_AM: That everything that exists is Mind, that everything you perceive is a mental interpretation, and that it is impossible to establish what is true, because the only true thing is the mind. The power of the waves generated by your thoughts can make an electron behave like a wave or like a particle, changing all the laws of physics. In this way, not even the laws of physics are an anchor to describe reality, but they describe the regulations between objects composed of particles when they decide to behave as such. Thus, Mentalism reminds us that to truly have power over reality, one must learn to use the mind. Cultivate it with meditation, study, silence, music, laughter, emotions, experiences, imagination, creativity, art, philosophy.
_I: The Mind is the only field of sowing and harvesting for the Being, and from there everything is manifested at a mental, emotional, and physical level.
_AM: Your beliefs and thoughts define who you are and shape the environment in which you live. Transforming your beliefs, changing your point of view, broadening your vision, enriching yourself with other perceptions, all of this makes your mind a fertile field for creating new realities. The world is as you see it, you yourself are what you believe of yourself. All other laws arise from the Mind. Open your Mind and you will find the Universe.
_I: These days, I suppose, we will go through the Laws of the Universe, then.
_AM: That's right... Because they are the basis of all Structure. If you understand the Universal Laws, you will be able to lay strong foundations for this building you are constructing.
_I: Climbing the stairs to higher floors from where to see everything with greater distance and contemplation.
_AM: Remember, the greatest Ocean of existence is the Mind, and its currents are Imagination. Imagine, and you will reach the Divine...
_I: I Am Imagination, and therefore, I can Imagine myself in a new reality. But... It's not so simple... Because no matter how much I try to think, I can't change many things...
_AM: Because, my friend, you live among patterns and matrices. To achieve being the Mind and using Mentalism, the ability to transform things with ideas, first you must become aware of what your patterns are and the matrix in which you find yourself immersed. Then you must recognize the laws that keep you prisoner, know where they hold you, and start using them correctly and coherently, and only then will you discover the Divine Mind.
_I: Of course, it's just that I always hear or it's said: "change your way of thinking and you'll change the world" and many of those cliché phrases, which are very nice but can't be put into practice because when you do, they don't work.
_AM: Precisely that's why we're not talking about Mentalism in Pisces, but in Capricorn, because to make that phrase become a reality, it's necessary to work a lot, follow the steps, till the soil of your consciousness, and get down to work in a process that can take a long time. You don't dig a well and find apples; you must understand that for everything there is a time, a process, some steps.
_I: Patience... You can always improve.
_AM: Welcome to the Capricornian mind...
_I: I Am Mind.
_AM: I Am Law.