_AM: Every movement has an axis. Every structure has an axis. Every life has an axis. But that axis is not fixed, it fluctuates. The axis makes a journey on itself, traveling the paths of perception.
_I: What would that be like?
_AM: Stand up no matter which direction you are facing. And now start turning on yourself, no matter in which direction, to the right or left. Do you see?
_I: Everything that is around me.
_AM: Now add to this twist an oscillating movement, like making circles, moving your torso back and forth. Do you see?
_I: I can see sometimes the floor and sometimes the ceiling...
_AM: With a broader vision of your environment.
_I: Yes, more complete.
_AM: Both movements, rotation and precession, can add one more: translation.
_I: Moving around the room…
_AM: That's right. While you rotate on yourself performing this circular wobble, move in circles through the space in which you are.
_I: Now I can see many more things than before...
_AM: It is the Axis journey. You might think that with so much shaking, you are losing the axis, but in reality, it is in the movement that you discover where it is. The Axis is a straight line or transversal line of an object that allows the design of a surface or a body. The word comes from the Latin “Axis”, a name used for the central bar that supports the wheel in a cart, since in Indo-European languages, the word originates from the word “Ag”, which means “to drive”, to guide, lead. The Axis, therefore, is not an immovable fixed point, but is precisely the center that drives mobility. The Axis is the beginning of the journey, it is the beginning of real movement, it is the only one that can take you to your destination.
_I: Sagittarius, it has been a month of journey, through our interior, through our history and our Earth. It is often considered that moving so far from oneself is to lose one's axis... What does the phrase “lose one's axis” imply?
_AM: The axis does not refer to a place or the stability of a place or a routine, or a thought. Many times people consider a way of thinking, a belief, an economic or philosophical stability, a routine or security activity, as an axis. For this reason, this phrase is used to define those who go “outside the norm”, from what is established or considered in balance. In the collective unconscious, the idea of axis is attributed to what is still, fixed, inert, static, straight and dogmatic. Therefore, losing the axis is considered precisely to err or deviate from these preconceptions. However, the axis of a being is its essence.
_I: The essence of who each one is… The I Am.
_AM: Be yourself, connect with your inner strength, with your personal search, your mind, your emotion, your body, be in harmony between what you think, feel and do. Essence is the Quality of Being, from the Latin verb “Essere” and “entia”. The axis of a being is not a straight line, but a quality. And it must be nourished by experiences to express what it really is. Thus, the essence, from its triune axis (spirit, soul and body), drives the entire being to move, to make the journey to discover the potentials of its Essence.
_I: That journey is Evolutionary, it adapts, transforms, it gets to know different perspectives...
_AM: Each individual makes his own journey in life, although all individuals together make the journey of the Earth. Within a physical system, made up of gravity, there is something you should know about what this search for the axis entails.
_I: What?
_AM: That you will always depend on greater forces.
_I: What do you mean?
_AM: Let's put it this way. You have a body, a soul and a spirit. Your spirit is free, it is the imagination, it is unlimited. However, even though your mind has no limits, it will be limited by your emotional capacities embodied in the soul. Your soul will translate your infinity into periods, frequencies, ups and downs, depending on your vibration and mood or beliefs. But your soul may have emotions that are not compatible with your body. Maybe your soul feels like traveling, moving through the world and feeling happy in that freedom, but your body is sore, or sick, or has to work to survive. And now comes something even bigger: the environment. Your life, your emotions, thoughts and actions are determined by the severity of the environment. For your parents, partners, children, friends, bosses, governments... Some with greater gravitational weight than others, conditioning your movement. This is: no matter how much you want to do certain things with your essence, the external weight is greater than the internal weight and does not allow you to do so. Then there are even stronger realities, geography: you cannot swim across an ocean, you are not designed to do so, your entire being is conditioned, but what is worse, you are not designed to leave this world, you cannot leave it without being in a constant risk of death for minimal things. Trapped on Earth, home or prison. And at the same time, the Earth is also subject to the gravitational power of larger external stars, such as the Sun. The Earth cannot escape its orbit, it will always be attracted towards the center. And the Sun, the same, held among other great suns, conditioned to move at thousands of kilometers per second in the galactic spin, trapped in its gravitational current.
_I: Wow… So, our axes, essences, are conditioned by each other. For this reason, many feel that this is like a trap from which there is no escape... How do I find my axis if it is conditioned by the force of gravity of other axes?
_AM: Taking advantage of this force in your favor…
_I: How?
_AM: First of all, in our talk there is a serious error.
_I: Which one?
_AM: We said “others”.
_I: Of course... And in reality we are all One... The same... In the same body...
_AM: Considering yourself a prisoner of external forces is like considering that a cell in your liver is considered a prisoner of the liver, and the same prisoner of the cells of your skin. There are approximately 30 trillion cells in your body. In comparison we could say that if you put all 8 billion humans together in a single country in the world, with a small personal space for each individual, they could fill the entire country of Luxembourg.
_I: Nothing…
_AM: Compared to your body, your cells would fill the surface of the entire Earth.
_I: There are more cellular individuals in me than there are humans on Earth... That's a lot of people under my responsibility...
_AM: All subject to your gravitational will. But cells do not seek to be free, because... What is freedom?
_I: Ugh… How deep, I don't really know. As humans, we consider freedom to be freedom from the control and oppression of others…
_AM: Freedom is difficult to achieve when you look at it with the eyes of matter, because in a world linked to energy, it will be impossible for you to find freedom, or by doing so you would simply cease to exist, since the last possible prison of matter It is the magnetism of the positive and negative, and without it, there are no atoms.
_I: So…?
_AM: Freedom is a concept that cannot be sought outside, but can be found within...
_I: In the Axis…
_AM: Exactly. The Freedom sought by the Sagittarian in his expansion throughout the world lies in how free his being is, that is, in how capable he sees himself of Being what he is. Thus, freedom lies in deciding what I do with who I am.
_I: And how do I use the gravity of others to my advantage?
_AM: As the Earth does in three simple movements.
_I: Rotation…
_AM: Rotation is the gravitational ability of the Earth to rotate on its own Axis, observing 360 degrees around its celestial surroundings. This allows you to take perspective, observe everything around you, make your entire skin live day and night, experiencing lights and shadows for about 24 hours in a repetitive cycle.
_I: Precession…
_AM: The Earth's North and South Axis is not at an exact 0 degree like a stake driven into the ground, but rather is tilted about 23 degrees off the 0 axis where we might imagine it should be. This makes the Earth look slightly tilted with respect to the Sun. The force of solar gravity causes a constant rotation of this axis, which rotates one degree every 72 years, pointing to a new star called “Polar Star” (Today it is Polaris in the constellation of the Big Dipper) approximately every 2,150 years, which will mark an astrological period called “Astronomic Era or Age”. That is to say that the Earth's Axis will be passing or pointing to a constellation for 2,150 years. The full circle takes 25,776 years. The Precession of the Equinoxes moves in the opposite direction to the Rotation of the Earth, and therefore, while month by month the order of the constellations is: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer... and so on until Pisces, in the Precession, era after era, the order will be opposite: from Pisces to Aquarius, then Capricorn, Sagittarius, and so on until Aries.
_I: Translation…
_AM: Due to the gravity that the Sun exerts on the Earth, it is propelled into an elliptical orbit around our Star that oscillates briefly every century changing its direction by less than one degree. The image is that of a cowboy flying the lasso around him, or a native throwing the boleadoras. This movement around the Sun means that, due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, the position before the Sun means that at each end of the ellipse, the two terrestrial hemispheres experience opposite seasons. By drawing a cross centered on the sun, you can mark the moments of Solstices and Equinoxes, giving rise to Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, which in the opposite hemisphere will be exactly the opposite: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.
_I: The Axis is the Great Journey…
_AM: And so the Earth uses the force of the Sun to create Life, transformation, Evolution, growth, development, transcendence. The beauty of existence itself is due to the fact that the stars, as well as the cells, do not think about the prison of their bodies, but about the freedom of their potential by feeling part of a network. What you see as dependence is actually power, what you see as control is actually impulse, what you see as prison is actually unity. The only reason you can get off your axis is because you want to escape from yourself, from what you are, from the place you occupy in the great being that you are, the Universe.
_I: There is no journey without the path… There is no journey without a horizon, without support points, without schedules, without destination or origin. There is no trip without landscape, without a mountaineering stick, without a backpack to carry my things, water and food, tools, camera and notebooks. There is no journey without a doubt, without hope, without the will for adventure and the love of encounter in discovery. The axis is not in finding me, but in searching for me.
_AM: As the Earth does, you are destined to take this journey every day. And the more in your being you are, the more you will stop escaping to find yourself.
_I: My Axis is my Being… My Essence.
_AM: Contemplate the Heavens and you will see the Eternity of this Axis, emerging from the center of the Earth, its magnetic field, making it move through the celestial vault.
_I: My Celestial Journey is Eternal.
_AM: Well, my Axis is Eternal.
_I: I am the Eternal Celestial...
_AM: I am Eternity in motion…
_I: Therefore, today is not the end of a year, of the year that has united us all in the world, 2020. Today nothing ends, today the Earth only reminds us that we continue spinning observing a new celestial landscape that will bring new Adventures.
_AM: The Journey is always about to begin... Happy New Year 2021. Happy Return to the Sun.