

_I: Another amazing day at the pyramid. Today there were many of us, I think about 20 people, all surrounding the chamber from the walls, and I walking in the center. The guards took care of us, and suddenly the atmosphere became one of great affection and support. Gently, I prepared to gauge from the sarcophagus, and then I felt the presence of Thoth and Isis again. The first, he had me anchor an axle and connected it to six directions. He reminded me that the reconstruction of a new world must arise from a firm axis, from the center of Being, and that our task is to remember that we are all that center, and that we are already in it, wherever we find ourselves. The center follows us, because we never leave it, we are only holograms of its imagination, of its dream, and as such, it is enough to stop running to be there, and feel it, return to the center. The second, he reminded me that we are the network, that this center is only possible thanks to the connection of the reflections, of all the holograms. As long as everyone communicates, they can create the image. “I am the Divine Mother,” he said, “I am the matrix that connects everything, I am the links that give meaning to existence.” And I could see the connection in all things… I could feel how from the core we were all linked…

_AM: Link, from the Latin “in-laqueus”, to be linked, rope, tie. In English (link), from the Indo-European “kleng”, meaning “to bend, to return”. It is that which keeps all things connected to each other...

_I: Although that connection sometimes seems to be heavy. Today we are in relation to the Solar Plexus in the Emotional week, that is, the ties created from emotion with others, and normally the concept is heard: cutting ties, detaching, breaking chains, all ideas that lead to the idea that links, the “moorings”, make us prisoners.

_AM: Like your Islamic friend, who thinks that God has us as slaves.

_I: Exactly. The idea of ​​ties refers us first to the idea of ​​chaining. The search for freedom, to break the chains, goes through the history of the physical, the emotional and the mental. Beliefs are links, links are links, survival generates links... So, how can we consider that cosmic links are not the prison of that God...?

_AM: How do you generate a link?

_I: Well, taking the original image of the universe, an internal point is projected towards the exterior, which we can see as an expansive wave that generates an echo, returning towards the origin, bending, and through this reflection a conditioning is generated between both. .

_AM: In other words, the -1 (negative) is projected into another 1 (positive), but they are the same, and their link is only produced by the echo of the primordial expansion. In other words, the link was produced by a cause that gives rise to an effect, which will modify the perspective of the cause. And so, when seen, the link will be called 2. And when the 2 is reflected in the -2, they will create the 4, and so it will continue towards the -4, creating the 8. As you see, the links are nothing more than a projected idea, a concept that is fractalized by echoes, by causes and effects, by a pendulous swing. The ties are an idea, a concept, modifiable only if you modify yourself. For the only thing that maintains the dependence of a link is the image that the -1 projects on the 1. The universe is a free, eternal and infinite being, which has created the limited only to experience the aspects of its potentiality. The greater the expansion, the more possibilities, and thus, what was previously just a being and its reflection, has now become a network, an interconnected matrix, where each reflection generates its own, determining those that are projected around it. This gives the sensation of a trap, of apprehensive ties or bonds, almost like a kind of prison in which you feel like a prisoner, a slave to the Cosmos.

_I: This is what some religions feel, because they can feel that there is a greater, invisible force that determines our lives.

_AM: And that force is nothing more than the divine bond, reflections of divinity itself that observes itself with millions of eyes born from a single one. Existence is so simple that it did not allow us to create or play. Thus the cosmos complicated itself to enjoy the experience. So we feel that returning is also complicated, but no, it is very simple, just remember that we are reflections, and that it is a whole game of reflections and looks. Only then do you find freedom from this prison that you have created for yourself.

_I: The links that unite the chains of creation are the links of DNA, the patterns that manifest, multiplying over and over again. The first structure, a tetrahedron, which multiplies on itself in a spiral chain, with a double helix, generating all the possible bonds of a being, delimiting its potential, but at the same time recording everything it is capable of. The very chains that we feel trap us in existence, so they are the same ones that contain the force of our expansion.

_AM: “Make your greatest weakness your greatest strength.” For this reason, it turns the Matrix into the Network.

_I: Today, Isis said: “awaken Manik in you.” Manik is the Weaving Spider of the Divine Dream. Everything that exists was woven by Manik, it is his great web. His 8 legs are the 4 spaces and 4 times. His 8 eyes are eternity, infinity. Her body is the two spheres that make up meiosis, the “vesica piscis”. Her spirit was present in the Mother, designing her dress, a beautiful white silk fabric, which connects the songs of all living beings.

_AM: Your tissue has three layers: subconscious, unconscious and conscious. In the subconscious, Manik conditions all creations, limiting them through his freedoms.

_I: How so?

_AM: The infinite capacity for imagination of a being generates beliefs, an endless labyrinth of nooks and crannies in every corner, with curves and right or acute angles. The very infinity that gives the option to be whatever you want leads you into a dead-end trap that you yourself weave according to your beliefs and preconceptions. That is where the bonds become anchors to which the body clings as the only way out. There we create bonds of dependency that link us to others by genetics or affinity, whether positive or negative. This is how karma arises, in the constant and repetitive transmission of information by reflexes, like two neurons playing ping-pong.

_I: And the unconscious?

_AM: The one who denies his ties, the one who considers that he lives exempt from everything, disconnected from others, and refuses to see the ties he has, believing himself to be free when in reality he lives immersed in conditioning and patterns. This is not the case with the conscious, who recognizes that he lives in a world created by links, but instead of seeking to escape from its conditioning, he decides to become the spider.

_I: I have been told this many times. “The only way to get out of the Network or Matrix is ​​to become said Network or Matrix.” It is as if, by living from the subconscious or unconscious, we are like flies trapped in a spider web, and the more effort we make to try to free ourselves from it, the more trapped and entangled we find ourselves in links, ties of all kinds, easy prey for the consequences. of our actions.

_AM: But if you become the spider, if you remember that you were always the spider, you will have the option to walk the web, to use it.

_I: I remember that a few years ago, I was at the Ezeiza airport flying to Bogotá, and I felt like writing about my fear of spiders. I said that in reality my fear of them was because I feared becoming entangled in the very web that I was weaving, entangled in my own stories and the projections of others. I feared going from being a spider and weaving the Web of Consciousness to being a fly from Unconsciousness. Upon arriving in Colombia, those who welcomed me said that they would take me to a special place, where a “mamo”, a Muisca priest, would perform a ceremony for me at the Piedras del Tunjo ancestral center, in the town of Facatativá. Upon arrival, a beautiful ceremony took place among everyone. The priest approached me asking me to bow down to cleanse and bless him. Then I feel him touch my back and make me stand up straight again, asking me to put my hands in a receiving position. And he pronounced: “Mother Earth has decided to give you this gift today.” Then let go of your spider's hands in mine. White and yellow, it was a beautiful spider, but still a chill ran down my spine. The spider began to walk down one of my hands towards my arm, weaving a web to my shoulder, and up my neck, surrounding my ear and neck, doing the same to the other ear. It returned to my chest and stopped at my heart. After a while she knitted in circles and continued to my other arm returning to my other hand. I placed it on the ground and it went among the plants. I found myself woven throughout my entire body. The spider mother told _I: do not be afraid to be connected, you are the Spider... her softness made me feel at home, wrapped in her web I did not feel trapped, but protected. It was an impressive experience.

_AM: The ties that tie you to this world, the fears and expectations, are nothing more than the chains that you yourself have built in your mind. Freeing yourself from them does not eliminate them, but rather makes you the weaver.

_I: It reminds me of the Argentine anthem... "Hear, mortals, the Sacred Cry: Freedom, Freedom, Freedom... Hear the noise of broken chains, see the throne of noble equality...".

_AM: “Listen, humans, to the Universal Sound: the liberation of the body, emotion and mind… Listen to the transmutation of DNA, see how you crown yourself on the axis of coherence…”. The greatest chains and bonds live in your body, and you can only free them by living fully. Each being is a reflection, a link in the creation that creates divine consciousness. You cannot cut the ties, because in reality, they do not exist, they only live in the perception of your mind. You cannot free yourself from something that does not exist, the only way to find freedom is to become Freedom yourself.

_I: And so the links with my history, with the people, with the world around me, will become my paths, my journey towards myself, towards knowing myself in the other, towards integrating myself into connectivity. That which makes me feel linked to others is the key to my freedom.

_AM: The links are the pulses, they are the beats that share the information of the being, they are the electrical discharges between the neurons. Nothing would exist without links, nothing would be perceived without links. Living trapped in them or creating through them is just a change of perspective. The Web of the Great Spider needs free souls and minds weaving in light bodies, happy to be weavers.

_I: I take all my chains, but this time not to break them but to transmute them. And my cry for freedom will no longer be to escape, but to remind me that nothing can enslave me unless I allow it to.

_AM: The fabric is freedom, travel through the fabric, free yourself in it, and you will make the links, bridges that connect the realities of your own being.

_I: I Am the Weaver, I Am the Net.



