_I: During the alignments of this emotional week, you are leading us to experience the legacies of History, at least in general terms. What I see as important is to recognize how this legacy passes from our own hands to ours, being a single being, not being the one who looks, the one who listens to the other, but putting ourselves in the eyes of those who we usually think are outside. Yesterday, when you had us break the Bread to distribute it among all, remembering that we are all connected by the same divine food, it reminded me of two things: the multiplication of the loaves of the biblical story, and bread, which although in Spanish is a meal, in English sounds like an elf, like Peter Pan. What relationship do the two have?
_AM: It is important that you see that nothing is separate, and that everything returns to you. “Like a legacy that one gives oneself through time and space, a legacy that when delivered, in one way or another will return to your hands.” What you see back are not circumstances different from you, but rather you yourself, in different moments and expressions. The multiplication of the loaves of Jesus the Christ explains that we are all one. Unity is the only thing that exists and the only thing that nourishes us all. Each being that exists is a unit in itself, an individual. It is understood as unique despite the others. However, upon self-analysis, you can see that it is made up of organs, of cells, and that there are millions of parts and beings living inside it, each one referring to itself, feeling unique. In the universe, then, the equation is easy: (1×∞=1) “If each of the millions of individuals in existence is considered unique, then the common denominator is unity, and therefore there are no individuals but a single self-referring being.” Bread represents the divine food par excellence in all cultures, made from different grains. The hundreds of seeds create a single food, which is then distributed among hundreds of other individuals to nourish their stomachs, their personalities through the stomach and the work of the pancreas. The philosophical concept explains that everything that comes from thousands becomes one, and that the one becomes thousands nourishing each aspect of creation. That is to say, the Unit is Diversified. What do you call the single path that returns to itself?
_I: I suppose from the etymology “Uni”, meaning “one”, and “versare” which is “to return, turn, pour over oneself”. That is, “Universe”.
_AM: And what would you call the opposite view? That is, “turning outward, towards two, duality, separation”…
_I: I suppose that using the positive and negative concept, speaking of Two, which in Latin is “Duo” and its particle is “Di”... In other words, “turning, turning towards the dual” would be said “Diverse”.
_AM: Universe and Diverse. The University or Universality speaks of the quality of uniting all things on the same path, in which all visions are integrated into a single being, they refer to a single existence. Thus, going to University is what tells us that we seek to unite information, data, experiences, subjects, themes, knowledge, all together in a single individual, a student; At the same time, the student knows that at the University they can find all things in a single place, since all currents of thought and study converge there. The University is the Integration of all things, the assimilation of knowledge into wisdom, from the external to the internal. Thus, Universality speaks of more transcendental concepts, such as the integration of ideas, concepts, emotions, beliefs, philosophies; in which one seeks the union and logic of all things that exist as part of the same organism in harmony and order, what in Greek you call “cosmos.”
_I: And the Diverse?
_AM: Diversity is the quality of expanding into different options, paths, expressions. It is the quality of the One to manifest itself, to reflect itself, to experience itself through interaction. Remember that the universe decided to express itself in duality, from the internal to the external, generating the concept of negative and positive, and from these two, it began to create. The generation of all realities is produced by this diversity, by the diversification of the unit in a constant ramification.
_I: Fractality…
_AM: Diversity is the ability of the Universe to recognize what it is capable of, the different manifestations of its being, its infinite power to build, express, feel, know. If the University integrates to transcend, Diversity expresses to experiment. So it is that from the beginning of the maximum Universal Unity, the steps that the divine consciousness takes to manifest itself begin with the diversity of polarity: expression, experimentation, continuing its path of return to the one through integration and transcendence.
_I: Nowadays there is a lot of talk about diversity, in many senses: ethnic, racial, gender, sexual, thought, religions, information, etc. There is a great concern to value Diversity against the historical preconceptions of Universality, which was used to homogenize society and cultures. That is, making them all equal under imperialist, monarchical, dictatorial mandates, establishing rules of “normality.” Therefore, the collective idea of this thought of unity is confused with making us all equal. How is the Universality of Being sought without losing its Diversity?
_AM: Becoming aware that Universality does not speak of Equality or Equity, but of Harmony. Equality comes from the concept “Aequus”, which means “flat, smooth”, giving rise to words like “Equinox, Equator”, which refer to the fact that things have no difference between them, that they are stable, without distortions, wrinkles, shadows. no lights, everything is the same. On the other hand, Harmony comes from the Latin concept “harmonia”, and in turn from the Greek “harmós”, which means “to bring together”, “embrace”, “connect parts”, giving rise to words like “arm” in English, since the Latin concept suggests “putting shoulders against shoulders.” Each one, being individual and unique with its own qualities, but combined in an unconditional balance, a word also originated from “aequus”. Understanding this, you will be able to notice that the path of the Universe is its own creation, it is the experimentation of itself, and it cannot experiment being one, because it needs a point of reference. Just as to grow, a plant needs heaven and earth, just as for a human to be born it needs a mother and a father, just as to learn we need an apprentice and a teacher, just as we need to go out into the world to integrate the world inside. Just as you need a purpose to know where you are going, and you need relationships to project yourself and bring out the best in you, the universe can only discover what it is capable of through the reflections and expansion that only occurs in dual concepts. or polar, in the diverse. Therefore, Diversity is the key to Divinity. The more diversity, the more creation, the more growth, the more possibilities. And the more harmony in diversity, the more unconditionality and acceptance of diversity, the closer you will be to universal Unity.
_I: And what about what I asked you about Peter Pan?
_AM: Oh, the Elf is a playful one, between the lights and the shadows. The expression, the moment in which the universe decides to diversify in polarity to create, from Light and Darkness, is what as humans you call “childhood.” This stage is the one of greatest learning, imagination, magic, creation, expansion. The word “Pan” comes from the Greek and means “Everything”, giving rise to “Pangea” (all lands), “Pantheon” (all the gods), “Pandemia” (all evils)… Thus, the concept speaks of which it is full, having passed into Spanish as “food that nourishes the entire being.” But what the presence of this “Peter Pan” reminded you with the bread shared by the Christ, is that the path of diversity implies fun, and this is an attribute of the Faun. Play, have fun.
_I: Does having fun come from Diverse?
_AM: That's right. Diverse is the path that the Universe takes to generate Creation. Diversity is the quality of the universe to manifest different realities, existences, that allow the consciousness to be nourished with rich experiences for the growth and development of the Being. Fun is the action that the universe takes to produce this creation.
_I: So the Universe only creates through Fun, the act of being different, the act of separating to see yourself, to experience yourself.
_AM: Creation is a game, a game with rules, which you call universal laws, but it is a game of manifestation, it is something that should be “fun”, in which polarity becomes a form of graceful dance.
_I: This is the attribute of Sagittarius, even more related today to the Sacral chakra. Fun is the key to Creation. Sometimes the spiritual world considers that fun does not enter into the connection with the divine, they forget to laugh, to play, to make jokes, to have fun... Why?
_AM: Because whoever seeks Unity as a path to God or the Divine, interprets duality and its expansion as the Diabolical, the shadows, the confusion; the duality that leads us to struggle and conflicts. Thus, he gives the impression that Universe and Diverse are enemies, as one integrates and the other divides.
_I: However, both are Divinity, on the one hand integrating and on the other manifesting…
_AM: That's right. There is no beauty without diversity, there is no evolution or happiness or love without diversity. There is no ecstasy, glory, enlightenment without fun.
_I: It is as important to meditate as it is to laugh.
_AM: The quality of the best teacher is having fun learning with their students. The quality of good parents is to have fun with their children. The quality of a happy people is their ability to laugh and have fun. The quality of a harmonious individual is to allow fun as a path to enlightenment. “The great teacher is one who lives looking at the world with the eyes of a child.”
_I: To become creators of our own reality again, we must dare to have fun in creation.
_AM: Play, have fun, and this way you will radiate the light that is in you, illuminating the world with your smile.