_I: A new self is reborn. From the darkness of karma and the past, the strength of a birth towards light and expansion arises within me. But I do not look upwards, but at my feet, filled with earth and mud. For I recognize that this new Self does not emerge from the grace of Light but from the Experience of Shadows. I honor each step, for it has designed what I am. It is the history, it is my walk, the walk of all that I was, of my past, of my ancestors. The footprints that remain marked in every climate and geography, in the mud, in the sand, in the grass, in the snow... My spirit lives in me today more than ever. Before, I felt it above me, levitating in the air, with a character of superiority, of distance; with a feeling of untouchability; like a famous person, a platonic love, a ruler sitting on his unreachable throne. But since I invited him to descend into the shadows, into the mud, to see my hardships, to recognize my darkest emotions, my inner hell, it is then that I have been able to feel him more present, more in me than ever. Instead of making the effort to climb to an invisible place, escaping from what I am, I took the strength to stand where I am and realize myself, feeling the spirit come to me, like a guest in my home. Like being born in life. Reborn. As if a different breath emerged from my breathing, feeling lighter... The more I bring down the light to matter, the less weight I feel. Perhaps the key to joy, the key to how to get out of the cycle of suffering, was precisely not to escape from life seeking the heavenly, but to allow oneself to live the heavenly here... In life.
_AM: "Ater Tumti"... Heaven on Earth... They said 12000 years ago. "Carpe diem, carpe vitam," they said 2000 years ago: "Enjoy the days, enjoy life." The word Life comes from the Greek "Bios" (life) and "Zoos" (animal), giving the sound "Bitzoa" which gives "Vita" in Latin. A possible and conceptual translation of it could be identified as "The continuous expression of the soul in motion." In English, "Life" comes from the Indo-European "Leip," which means "continuous, perseverance, adhere, remain." The Continuity of things is what we call Life. Life is the manifestation of Eternity. Life is not only expressed in matter but in everything that is constant. And atomic energy, universal energy, is constant, as the foundations of reality construction are based on waves, on expansive and eternal vibration; for there is no way to stop something that has no limits. Life is space as long as it vibrates. Life is time as long as frequencies continue dancing in reality.
_I: And therefore my life is nothing more than one of those moments of eternal life, of the living history that composes each being in existence through time and space...
_AM: Death is just an intense expression of life. Life never ends, life continues, goes on, and we can all appreciate it. When a mother gives birth to a son or daughter, it is the wave of life continuing in different forms, a small wave in an ocean of trillions of waves; some more intense than others, moving in the same space, the water, but at different times, the tides. Cells multiplying and nurturing others, RNA creating new DNA strands, a tree creating thousands of seeds and gestating hundreds of new plants. The seasons of the year, the water cycle, the turning of the planets, the magnetism of the stars, the attraction of subatomic particles... All this is life.
_I: And I know him through biology.
_AM: "The Word of Life," that is, the truth or knowledge that encompasses life, explains how this continuity is lived in all things. Through feeding, through reproduction, through migrations, through seasons, all cycles manifest and register in biology through experience.
_I: In my cells are stored the records of all the things that every living being has done in existence, right?
_AM: If memory is not active in you, that memory still lives inside you. Biology is your library of Life, the record of everything you have been, what you have gone through. The energy with which your cells have been created comes from the same water that dinosaurs drank, from the same molecules that nurtured jungles, that flew over deserts... The life of Earth lives in you, for life is constant. Your life is just an expression of the great Life, there is no such thing as "my life."
_I: How then could the life be understood in relation to other lives?
_AM: Let's understand the infinity of concepts in this question. First, what you call "life" is a continuum, as we said, a wave in an ocean. What you call "my life," then describes that moment of consciousness in which a wave recognizes itself as such. But sooner or later, the wave will submerge, disappearing to be born in the next. You call that moment death, believing that "your life" has ended. But no. Your life has transcended its form, moving on to the next generation, either genetically or familiarly.
_I: So someone can transcend without the need to leave biological descendants?
_AM: Yes, because beyond biological manifestation, what endures the most is what others take from us. And the presence, words, experiences we share are recorded in the DNA of those with whom we live, and therefore, it endures in their cells and those of their descendants. Saying that life is mine or yours is just one of those ways the universe has of self-referencing to find the core in the "I Am." It is the way of remembering that each one is a path to the center, to the divine, and therefore the possessive is used to indicate that at that moment, "I am this path, I am this life that goes to Unity."
_I: It's a simple conceptual matter of the conscious aspect of the cosmos, but it's not real...
_AM: No... Life does not belong to us, it is impossible to possess a life, it is impossible to become the owner of a reality that is non-existent and flexible. This is not your life, this is an expression of life in which you find yourself as Matias.
_I: And the past lives?
_AM: They are the past waves. Hundreds of waves. But there are three forms: a river, a lake, or a sea.
_I: What are their differences?
_AM: In a river, your energy advances, creating different waves and breakers on the rocks along an inevitable and fluctuating path. This is what you call "your past lives," that is, you yourself coming from the mountain and traversing the same path, transforming yourself; and at each stage, you create a new reality. Consciousness recognizes this journey as unidirectional, and therefore interprets it as its own path. But then there is the Lake, where different streams and rivers converge, mixing waters, energies, and paths, creating a stable and contained communion. This is known as the Family Tree. A set of personal paths that coexist as one, sharing data and information. Thus, your biological family is part of the history of your soul, and your ancestors are part of what you call "past lives." Then there is the Sea, where one's own history or path, together with the family tree's history, merge with that of all living beings exchanging data. And yet, all have always been water, and water is one body, and water is the memory of that body. So... What is your life?
_I: I always say that I have had past lives, that I remember being Shiw in the Nile, Sigurd in Scandinavia, and so many others, what would those people be to me if they are not my past lives?
_AM: They are your River. They are the path from the perfection of the snow to the stream of your existence and the winding of your experience.
_I: And the memories that live within me, of my grandparents, of my ancestors from southern Italy and Spain, as well as those from the French Basque Country, the De Stefanos, the Heredias, the Cuadrellis, and the Bides, they are my Lake?
_AM: That's right. They live in you, in your cells, they are the memory of your evolution, and even further back to the first cells that emerged at the origin of life.
_I: So... What would my Sea be?
_AM: Your cosmic memory, what you remember from cultures, from Earth, from planets, from dimensions. The general records shared by all but that have never passed through your river or your lake. But remember that water is connected in all things, in the food you consume, in the kisses you have given, in the water you have drunk, in the air you breathe, in everything. Therefore, while you live your own river lives, while you develop flowing in the waters of your Lake, you also receive data from the rain that comes from the evaporation of the sea, or from the snow falling in the mountains. Therefore, life information does not cling to just one path, you cannot say that you only live in a river or a lake, but you will always be connected to everything. For Life is everything.
_I: Life is Water, not the forms it takes...
_AM: That's right. Therefore, all living beings share the same memories of the entire Universe, only they have not yet remembered that they can do so. You do not remember your past lives, you have simply opened yourself to feel the memory of water. If you cling to the belief that your memories are from past lives, you will miss the truth, which is that everything is Life. Recognizing your family's history is not to free yourself from their patterns, but to recognize that you are them. Remembering past lives is not to know what your soul has lived, but to recognize that the whole story lives in you. Remembering that life runs through the entire universe is not to understand the Universe, it is to remember that you are the universal life, and it is within you. Consciousness is what allows you to self-reference in the eternal to not get lost in the Ocean of Existence. However, it is inevitable to launch oneself to sail in it.
_I: Life, then, is the universal ocean where everything converges through time and space, and recognizing that there is no such thing as "my life" or "past lives" or "parallel lives" in the universe, is when I can begin to live all of it as it really is... Connected to all times and spaces... Recognizing that Life is Eternal and has no limits...
_AM: That's why every day is a rebirth, every concept is a new breath, every death is a step on the path, every past, parallel, or future life is nothing more than an expression of your own being. For you are Eternal, and only by recognizing this can you unite all paths.
_I: And so I will. For today I can say with firmness and full consciousness and understanding "I Am Life."
_AM: ...Live... It's time to be Reborn...