

_I: What is my purpose?

_AM: What do you mean?

_I: I mean... One thing that happens when we begin to investigate existence is that the meaning of everything we have believed until now is lost. And even though we have experienced this sensation at some point, it does not mean that we will not experience it again.

_AM: Loss of purpose…

_I: Look, I know it's difficult for you to understand, but from the ego's point of view, this is totally destructive, it almost eliminates even hope. I explain. We have said that the first 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) refer to the pillars of the Physical Body. Thus communicative learning, emotional bonding, the manifestation of realities and the strength of will constitute the principles of an individual. Breathe, Eat, Sleep and Reproduce, the four key needs of a living being based on biology. All people live like this. Regarding Mercury, we have that intrinsic need to inhale and exhale, and therefore to take something from outside and deliver something from within, to see in the other what I am missing, and by communicating, I complete myself. So, I have something in front of me that I move towards, that I look for, which is the other. Then, I generate a bond with the other, a relationship, from the mother in my pregnancy to the friends of life, through family, loves, children, and even enemies; With everyone I find that energetic reciprocity, deposited in the other. And with the other manifesto, I believe, I manage to experience what I am capable of creating, expressing the internal art that only the Earth can generate, in the joy of living in community. And so comes Mars, which makes me leave the magic of the previous 3 planets, telling me that I must do things with others and for myself, which talks to me about work, about goals, objectives, about putting strength ahead, the typical “ make ends meet”, look for something that fulfills you in life. Together, the four of them always talk about moving forward, about evolving in relation to each other, about doing everything to survive as an individual in a group, about always having things to do moving forward.

_AM: Of having a daily or life purpose... Of “Pro” (in front) and “Posit” (position, to put), that is: what is put in front.

_I: Yes, that's how humans live, all living beings. Moving forward. And this is how our idiosyncrasy is created. Having two eyes in front of us makes us look at what is in front of us. Two ears pointing forward makes us pay attention to what is coming. Hands forward make us build the future. The nose in front of the face makes us pay attention to what is approaching. The forward mouth not only feeds but also defends us from what attacks us from the front. We are built to look ahead, to walk forward, to feel forward, and for this reason we build the future, setting goals ahead, on the horizon, always hoping to find something new and transcendental later on. From the moment we are born we are destined to look for a way out, to obtain something new that awaits us outside in an experience, to take for ourselves what we find, to learn, to relate, to look straight ahead, to study, to work, to carry out a project. Our entire psychology is projected forward, and we are conditioned to create purposes that make us continue moving forward, opening a path in life...

_AM: The purpose is a program…

_I: That's where I wanted to go with this. What is a program? And look, we've already talked about it a lot... But the physical programming, precisely, makes it still difficult to assimilate.

_AM: Because you try to fight the idea of ​​Purpose. And you don't have to...

_I: But... Why fulfill purposes that we know do not exist? I mean that when you get to know the universe, you realize that there is nothing ahead, because when you advance on a sphere like a planet, you inevitably arrive at the same place from which you came. When you see that the Universe is a branch that has a sphere, you see that time and space are curved, they contract with each other, they stop having the logic of physics, and therefore the idea of ​​moving forward changes completely. Suddenly you discover yourself as that drop of water that was freed from the ice of the mountain, traveling along paths, streams, rivers, advancing in a direction in life, overcoming obstacles, all so that at the end of the path, you find the ocean, where There is nowhere to go, but to belong, simply to be, and one day you become a vapor, a cloud, a snowflake, and you return to the same place... To travel the same paths... Then, a strange sensation invades that drop that you are: So that?

_AM: And the existential crisis arrives… The Asteroid Belt…

_I: That moment when everything seems to attack you, and above all, your own psyche. The body tries to survive by generating fears, instilling fears based on survival. Careful! They scream madly, knowing that they can lose all control, that at any corner they can die due to the lack of meaning, of direction, without a fixed orbit, immersed in perdition and chaos.

_AM: The dark night of the Soul…

_I: And then… The meaning that you had previously given to your life, the simple purposes, become insignificant before the greatness of what is seen beyond. The moment you manage to cross the barrier that defends subsistence, the banal objectives that you have set for yourself in life, you discover something much more transcendental: the Purpose of the Soul.

_AM: Individuals, clouded by the wonder of the soul's purpose, lose the sense of the physical purpose. Nothing will have the same meaning anymore, because what was previously sensory is now sensible.

_I: What do you mean?

_AM: What you call “losing meaning.” Meaning comes from what is felt, and this word arises from sensations, from the 5 senses. The body perceives the purposes as you have described them, based on what it touches, tastes, sees, smells, hears. When, after existential crises, we free ourselves from the gravitational pressure of the Ego, of the Sun, of subsistence, detaching ourselves from the orbital pressure, from the weight of life, the 5 senses stop providing information in the way they did before. , and they expand being one.

_I: The sixth sense…

_AM: Where you smell what you hear, where you hear what you see, where you touch what you smell, where you taste what you touch... Where the senses are unified, and you can no longer differentiate spaces, losing meaning. Although you don't actually lose them, but instead gain breadth of perception, what you lose is the structure or methodology of meaning.

_I: Ah… Now I understand… That is what sometimes makes one say “My guides told me” or “I saw an angel”, but when you have to describe the way in which you have seen or heard it, it is difficult to describe, well It feels very different, with other senses, where you see without seeing, you hear without hearing...

_AM: Exactly. It is the expansion of the senses towards the Soul. And what changes, then, is the meaning of the river, the meaning of life is also the direction it takes. What were once goals now cease to be goals, and become part of an endless process, an eternal cycle. When you can see it, you realize that purpose is not linked to a single life, that it only shows a simple experience of water, but it is related to the cycle of all your lives and forms. Purpose ceases to exist as something ahead, as a goal, as meaning, and becomes part of something greater, a cycle that encompasses all times and spaces in their various forms. Something that you can only relate to the soul, to the higher. You find the purpose of existence. And when you open your eyes, you discover a world even bigger than any of the others.

_I: Jupiter…

_AM: Jupiter is the planet that regulates the purpose of the soul, the greatness of your being, which encompasses all possibilities. Its gravity and presence in the solar system is enormous, showing the expansion that your being can reach. The purpose, seen from the perspective of the Earth, is related to the path of the hero, which arises from the first nomads who dared to launch themselves into the horizon. Normally, it was the leader of the pack, the father, the guide, who led them to safety. The idea of ​​security was related to the day, to light and its clarity. The nomadic father guiding his people to a place where they could live their days comfortably, gave the idea that the Father was the Day, the father was the Purpose, the Way, the Light, the Truth... Do you know where I'm going?

_I: Yes... It is the birth of the idea of ​​God, a paternal being, Father of the Heavens, of Light, who takes us to a paradise, which gives meaning to life, which is the Path to the Truth.

_AM: The Heavenly Father is born from here, while the Divine Mother emerges from the womb of the Earth, the caves, the gestation of what is within the world, while the father travels across the horizon. Looking towards the Heavens, the Sun looked like such a father walking to and from the horizon. In the Indo-European language, “Daylight” is called Dyeu, which gives rise to the word Yovis in Rome and Zeus in Greece, which in Spanish ends up giving rise to the word God (Zeus, Deus, Dius, Dios), and Father It is called “Beep”. How would you say, then, “Father of Light”?

_I: “Dyeu-Pitar”… Of course! Dyu-pitar… Djupitar… Jupiter.

_AM: Jupiter. The Father of Light. Who marks the path, the purpose of a people, of all together. For this reason, the Romans had Jupiter as their main deity, father of all, custodian of Rome, of the Empire, who defeated Time that devours everything, bringing clarity, consciousness, purpose, transcendence.

_I: Just as for the Greeks, Zeus was the God of Lightning, of Light...

_AM: You see again here how the gods are born from concepts, and not from real beings. That the characters who called themselves gods were nothing more than beings who sought to have power over others by relating themselves to concepts that humans revered from the beginning. In the heavens, Jupiter is seen as a glorious wandering star. Because Venus represented the emergence of Life, and Mars could be clearly distinguished by its reddish color, the next wandering light that illuminated moving along the night vault as if strolling through its celestial palace, had to be the lord and lord of everything: Jupiter.

_I: That's what they named this world.

_AM: Without knowing that they had guessed very well, because many centuries later, with the use of telescopes, they were able to see the greatness and opulence of this world. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The size of this gaseous planet is equivalent to uniting 1400 Earths, we could compare the Earth, then, as if it were a marble next to Jupiter being a soccer ball. Jupiter is composed mostly of Hydrogen, and a percentage of Helium. Its core is liquid and merges with its hundreds of atmospheres gradually. The pressures and speed of its rotation (a day of less than 10 hours), make this planet not only the fastest in its rotation on its axis, but also that it is practically not inclined and is the world with the greatest number of storms and hurricanes, some of which have been active for centuries. Its beauty is incomparable, since its colors are more of an impressionist work of art than the surface of a planet, more worthy of being Van Gogh's greatest painting than of the interaction of Helium, Nitrogen, Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide that gives it they compose. Its more than 79 satellites and its invisible Helium rings with its blue northern and southern lights, in addition to its intense colors produced by the different pressures that divide the planet in the form of bands, designing layers of winds between 300 and 500 km per hour on average, make this world fascinating and magnanimous. Beyond his physical appearance, from the beginning, the human mind has recognized him as the one who guides, the one who takes lost souls to the horizon.

_I: Who gives us the true meaning, almost like a kind of second Sun.

_AM: A Sun that does not blind, that does not burn, is the fresh Sun of the Soul. The one who inspires.

_I: And it connects me to the purpose of the Soul…

_AM: He is the one who shows the eternal path, who reminds you of the search for the transcendence of the great being that you are.

_I: But… After Jupiter, comes Saturn, making me review the history of this purpose. Personally, since I was a child, I see myself living between Jupiter and Saturn. Without the imperative need to survive and cling to my body, I have been wandering almost all my life between the gravity of the two gas giants, which demand my attention. Saturn reminding me that I must look at the past, my past lives, build my future from the present, connect the weak points of my network, be able to face unfinished things and get to work healing and harvesting everything that I have denied if I I really want to obtain inner wealth. And on the other hand, Jupiter reminding me that I have come to fulfill a fundamental purpose, that I have come to do great things, and that I cannot help it. That my lives, for thousands of years, left me, I left myself, a legacy, my “Great Inheritance”, which I have been writing about since I was 13 years old. And I have built everything based on these two worlds, until, upon entering the pyramid to begin the I Am, this 2020, I suddenly saw how I was moving away from these two giants, I saw how I had been living in the world of ideas for a long time. , in Uranus, in the spiritual, and I recognized myself as having lived without my feet on the Earth, wandering like a soul in pain, a wandering spirit, flying in the thick air of my thoughts. And when I pronounced I Am, and it resonated on the Internet, I saw Neptune, and I saw the drop, in an ocean current, realizing that it was Ocean, and even more, realizing that it was water. I saw the water that carries out the cycles on Earth, but also the water that floats in each world, the Water of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, the water of comets, of the Saturnian rings, the water that expands in the cosmos. And suddenly, I saw how that water does not follow a cycle either, it simply “is.” And Jupiter's purpose disappeared. My soul was clouded by the expansion of the spirit, and there I saw how nothing really makes sense, and how not even the sixth sense of the soul really has logic... And it happened again... Jupiter became small, the water cycle seemed like a trap, an absurd prison, because the great soul purpose of connecting the Planetary Network, of healing the history of 12 thousand years, of building a conscious civilization, all the greatness, became a drop in the universal ocean... Then...

_AM: You watched the show again. But this time much bigger.

_I: Yes… As we have already said, there is no purpose… So what use is Jupiter to me?

_AM: What good is it to be human if no human exists?

_I: How?

_AM: Your body is nothing more than an agglomeration of particles that have only joined together to save the energy generated by the quantum filaments of the vibration that gives rise to atoms. What you perceive as time, space, processes; They are nothing more than the harmonic interaction of particles that have neither time nor space, since they create it. Your thought, your philosophy, your soul, is nothing more than the construction of said interaction, which trying to stay together generates networks and synapses, repetitive programs, algorithms necessary to maintain the functionality of this vibration. Seen this way, you have no soul, no spirit, and your body is a mere irrational conception of a mind woven together as systematic utility.

_I: Wow… You are… Destroying me…

_AM: Oh no… I'm building you. It's just that you're not seeing it from the point of view you expect to see it. You want to see the top of the mountain going into the valley. You want to see the greatness of the ocean plunging you into the abyss. It will be impossible. “The Tree covers the Forest for you.” Your ancestral programming needs to have a purpose, someone to tell you what to do, where to go. And what you forget is that there is no one in the Universe, there is only one being, there is only the I Am, and all those that generate purposes, that impose their mandates, are nothing more than systems that you yourself have created, not Matías, no. You. Don't you see it? Jupiter's greatness is not reminding you that you have a purpose, its greatness is reminding you that You Are the Purpose.

_I: I Am the Purpose…

_AM: But not because you are the goal of all this, not because your simple existence means everything to the Universe, no. But because you are that particle capable of wondering, of asking yourself the question. Within this entire solar system, you, human, have asked yourself the question.

_I: What is my purpose?

_AM: And therefore you are worthy of creating it.

_I: Create my own purpose.

_AM: It is the greatest of freedoms, and the one that terrifies you the most, because it implies recognizing that when you become conscious you are alone, that nothing else exists, that there is no north, there is no horizon, that there is no up or down. That you are Jupiter. There is no dad or mom in the Universe. You are the creator and the light.

_I: I Am the Light… I Am the Way…

_AM: You create the purpose from the essence, and it multiplies throughout all time and space, without linearity. You create the purpose of those who 12,000 years ago began the path. You create the purpose that unites you to the future, you create each step you take today. There is no one imposing their mandate on you, it is you yourself creating the opportunities to be. Not Matías. YOU.

_I: …I…

_AM: Listen to me well… YOU.

_I: …I…


_I: ME!!

_AM: Now you are ready to undertake the Camino. Create your purpose. Now you are ready to face the Sun.



