

_I: “…You taught me the courage of the stars before you left. How the light continues endlessly even after death. Breathlessly you explained infinity: How rare and beautiful it is to even exist. I couldn't stop asking you to say it again. I tried to write it, but I could never find a pen. I would give everything to hear you say it one more ti_I: that the universe was made only to be seen by my eyes... With lack of breath I will explain infinity. How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.”

_AM: You remember, well...

_I: As if it were yesterday even though it was 2017. I was in the rental house where we lived with my mother in Argentina, and I was writing the book “The Great Inheritance.” At one point I became silent, and I stopped feeling inspired. I didn't know what was next, what the next words would be. And then I closed my eyes, as if waiting for a sign... And it came. It was this song on a random Spotify radio.

_AM: “Saturno”, by the band Sleeping at Last.

_I: Its melody made me feel what my heart was experiencing... A kind of desolate melancholy, in which I felt alone, stripped of all the essence that I sought to convey... And suddenly, the lyrics of the song made complete sense.

_AM: I tried to be as direct as possible so that you would understand me.

_I: I know… When I heard the song I immediately thought of you. I realized how long it had been since I spoke to you. The first time I felt you, when I was 12 years old, in one breath you showed me the infinite, and I couldn't find a way to write down everything I felt, what you made me see, remember. I understood existence and yet it seemed most strange and beautiful to me. You showed me how the Universe created itself to see itself, to see myself. And with your look I understood everything. What you told me in a breath is what I now tell in mine. But every so often I needed you to remind me. At that moment, when I felt your presence, your vibration resonated like a gong, and you said: “this is my name.”

_AM: “Ghan”… Your “Higher Self”…

_I: But in 2017, after listening to the song, when I felt your presence, I asked: “Ghan?”, and you answered: “I am.”

_AM: And you are I.

_I: And then for the first time I wrote a short dialogue between I and I am. I was writing about the history of my grandchildren, who discovered my history, but I didn't know how they did it, and then you whispered to me: “Because of our conversations.”

_AM: “Conversations between I and I Am.”

_I: I knew at that moment that our transcendence was not like Matías and Ghan, but like I and I Am, it is the being who would show me the courage of the stars. And this time you wouldn't leave, now you live in me, in my silence. I never thanked you for making me listen to that song that, through tears, gave me inspiration back.

_AM: You don't need to thank me for something that already vibrates in me. We are one.

_I: Saturn brought us together.

_AM: How it unites us all to our Higher Self. As we have said, each planet is like an inevitable step on the path of our lives. While the Sun is the Self, the center, the ego that anchors the physical reality of this existence, Mercury is the expectation of learning, knowing, moving and communicating with the environment, Venus being the relationships that we create in our walk, links that lead us to manifest projects, to generate our realities on Earth, that awaken the force expanding us through the works and struggles of Mars. In the asteroid belt, the first crisis occurs due to these struggles in which we have not won, which take us to the soul, where we find the greatness of what we carry inside, the potential to fulfill our purposes in life: Jupiter. And yet, the soul reminds us that to achieve what we have come to do, it is necessary to review history with Saturn, to open our minds to new options from Uranus, and recognizing that there is nowhere to go, since we are all one ocean. in Neptune, which ends in the death of Pluto, where the void gives us the opportunity to become free creators. But Saturn is the turning point that frees us from the idea of ​​individuality to move on to the idea of ​​a collective, integrated being. And to do this, our souls must expand towards all times, recognizing that we are one in the past, in the present and in the future. Only then do you understand the “I Am”.

_I: And this is why Saturn, the god of Time.

_AM: That's right. Perhaps the reason for calling this planet that way is due to its slow orbit around the Sun, at least that of the planets known in ancient times. The Sumerian and Egyptian peoples, and therefore the Greeks and Romans as well, had Saturn as the last wandering star in the sky, ignoring the others behind it. When analyzing its movement they could see that it was much slower than that of the others, that is, that a complete cycle of this planet around the Sun, a Saturnian year, is almost 30 Earth years. But these are qualities more typical of the Greek god who gave his name to this planet.

_I: Cronus, the god of time.

_AM: Simply put, Cronus is not a name, but means “Time”. Chronology, schedule, chronicle, all concepts related to the measurement of the passage of time and stories. For the ancients, the slowness of this planet was related to patience and the ability of time to encompass everything else. In Greek mythology, Cronus is the son of Uranus, the mental spirit of the Heavens. And in turn, he is the son of Gaia, the spirit of the Earth. Heaven and Earth, Uranus and Gaia, came together to give birth to the concept of the passage of Time. But Uranus prevented the evolution of things by always living in the idyllic plane of things, and for this, Cronus killed him by cutting off his testicles.

_I: Yes, from whom Aphrodite was born, as we have already said.

_AM: And with her life was born, and Cronus reigned, manipulating the evolution of life itself together with his sister Rhea, who shaped the mountains with the flow of waters. But one day he suspected something for sure: he would be betrayed by one of his sons. Then he decided to carry out an atrocity: devour them all.

_I: An image that perfectly embodies the contemporary Spanish painter and expressionist Francisco de Goya: “Saturn devouring his son.”

AM: Quality that perhaps best describes Saturn: full, opulent. While Cronus summarizes the idea of ​​Time creating life and evolution and in turn destroying and devouring his own creation, Saturn is the vision of someone who is filled with what he has devoured.

_I: Why?

_AM: As much as many take Saturn as the Roman version of the Greek Cronus, the truth is that their stories are distant like Mars from Ares. Saturn is also a god of Etruscan origin, more related to the Harvest than to Time itself. However, they both have a point of connection that has made them one. Saturn comes from the Latin adjective “satur”, which means “satisfied”, from the verb “satire” (to satiate). The concept refers to a time of celebration for the enormous production, for the large number of crops, manufactures, for livestock; and recalls the idea of ​​the beginning of time when gods and humans lived together on Earth, and the world was full of riches, abundant in food; in which every human was satisfied, and there was no need to work to achieve anything. This past utopia of the origins was celebrated as “The Feast of Satiation” which in Roman would be called “Saturnalia”. They would be like a month of parties and celebrations of opulence and sharing among everyone. Even the rich sat slaves at the table and served them, remembering the times of equality. The wine, bread, meats, and all the products accumulated during the harvests were shared during this cold month in which everything was decorated with laurel and vine leaves; in which the inhabitants gave gifts to each other, remembering the sharing of the people with the gods. These festivities were so extensive that they were united with the celebration of “Sol Invictus”, which remembers the victory of the Sun over darkness on December 25, the day on which it re-emerges on the horizon announcing the slow return of spring.

_I: I mean… Christmas.

_AM: Christmas, or Nativity, is the celebration of the Solstice, but the decorations that are used to this day, as well as the gifts that are given, are related to the Roman Saturnalia. It was a time without time, a time of celebration, of wealth, of giving, of food, of sharing the harvest, of eating all together before beginning the new return of the Sun.

_I: That's why they related Saturn to Cronus.

_AM: Well, the idea of ​​the end and beginning of time, of the god Janus, who gives rise to the month of January (January in English), is what marks the end of one year and the beginning of another at the end of Saturnalia. It is thus a time of unity, of sharing what has been accomplished during the year, of rethinking the objectives for the new year, in which the family comes together to celebrate a new beginning.

_I: The meaning of Saturn, then, is unity… Well-being. Why is he portrayed as so rude and cruel?

_AM: Let's see: Saturn is the divine concept that encompasses the wealth of the harvest. Everything worked during the year bears fruit and it is time to share it. Saturn is related to the time of effort that you have had to use and dedicate to obtaining the fruits, not just the fruits themselves. To obtain an apple you need at least 2 years and a lot of patience and care. To obtain bread you need months from sowing to harvesting, processing the grain until obtaining fine flour and cooking it. For a red meat banquet, you need at least 2 years of grazing. Time and effort are key to the celebration, tilling the land is the basis of the party. For each individual in the family to come together, it is necessary that everyone has managed to carry out this work, add up, be part of the clan that has made an effort to obtain the products, each one in their profession, on their path. Effort and Time are key to celebrating Saturnalia, and therefore, this planet reminds us that if we want to achieve something in life we ​​need to make an effort, work to achieve it, whether with our body, emotion or mind, the doctrine, the calendar, the Tools, getting to work, are essential.

_I: The image that Cronus and Saturn, like one another, devour their children, therefore has a negative and a positive vision. The negative would be to see how time consumes us, effort takes our energy, and the process only leads us to inevitable death. However, in its positive aspect it tells us about the wealth achieved, the ability to celebrate and enjoy what has been achieved in the experience...

_AM: When it comes to the primordial human basis of agriculture, you will relate these two processes from the vision of the Body, where Saturn positions itself as a judge, as a kind of inquisitor who tests us, who encourages physical effort, even to the disease, with the intention of recognizing the things that we have swallowed in history and that weigh us down, as well as recognizing the wealth that we have achieved and that we cannot see because we search more and more. On the emotional level, Saturn makes us review history, the internal wealth that we have harvested throughout life or lives, which makes us evaluate what we have consumed, and whether it does us good or harm. Thus he takes himself as the great leader of the Karmic Board, who will not hesitate when it comes to showing you what weighs most on your soul. And for the mind, Saturn has a huge list of reviewing beliefs and expectations, making an exhaustive evaluation of what has been experienced, learned, and rejected throughout the year. Saturn is the one who remembers that if you have done well the work of the year, of each day, you will have your reward: Rest. For this reason, more than 4000 years ago, the people of the Middle East called the last month of their year and the last day of the week as “Shabbat”, meaning “Rest”, and originating the name of the day Saturday, which in the English maintains its Latin name dedicated to Saturn (Saturday = the day of Satiety).

_I: The Great Gaseous Planet that attracts the eye the most because of its rings.

_AM: Many may not know it, but Saturn's rings are pieces of ice and rock no bigger than a car or as small as a fist or as particles of dust and sand, which float like trillions of satellites held by force gravity of this gas giant. With at least 82 natural satellites, several rows of rings and a hexagonal-shaped gaseous south pole, Saturn is one of the most striking, fanciful and strange planets in our solar system. Its size compared to the Earth is as if the latter were a ping-pong ball and Saturn were a basketball. Its ammonia atmosphere gives it the yellowish tone between dark tones due to the hurricane storms that hover in the tropics of the planet. Its rings begin around 6,500 km above its equator, culminating around the outer distance of 120,000 km, where its largest satellites begin to circulate, including Titan and Rhea.

_I: It is a unique planet…

_AM: That is why he calls us to Unity. All the trillions of pieces of ice that make up its rings, the dozens of satellites that surround it, all speak of the order of the parts, the balance of everything that could be chaotic levitating through outer space. Saturn integrates the history of the Soul as a library, where one can review one's karma, one's history, one's past, present and future actions. Saturn is the being that reminds us that the great celebration is the unity of all parts, and that the greatest purpose of all is not to achieve an external goal, but to unite all the wealth generated in the internal world. Thus, it is essential to review the past, recognizing that history is not something foreign, but an extension of our own being, and that the individuals who traverse our human history and family tree are nothing more than extremities of our unique being. Saturn makes us see that the achievements of life are not for oneself as a separate individual, but for the One that we make up with those around us, since those who inhabit the present time are nothing more than physical extensions of my body. And by nourishing my mind, by nourishing myself with experiences, I do nothing more than project my being towards the future, reviewing the paths I wish to travel, transforming myself into those that will come. Saturn is the threshold where the individual sees everything he has done and been, leaving the limited vision of who he is here and now, today in this place, and can see what is, has been and will be everything that happens and all places. that he steps on and the people he meets on every day of the year and every place on Earth. He moves from the individualistic vision of the comforting purpose of the ego, to the transcendence of the whole, of the great being.

_I: That is why this is where you spoke to me, because this unity that adds up all times and spaces is the I Am.

_AM: I Am all Times and Spaces.

_I: I Am Here and Now…

_AM: I Am the Way…

_I: I am the Walker…

_AM: And by recognizing our inner wealth obtained along the path we have taken, we can finally celebrate what we are.



