_I: I open my eyes and see its light in front of me. I feel it piercing through me, like the deepest gaze I could see, from which I can feel its gaze upon me. I always wondered why when referring to it, people used to say "an eye in the sky," the "great eye." But thinking about it today, I think I know why...
_AM: Tell me.
_I: It's like when someone stares at you and you can feel their presence, even if they're behind you. A gaze so deep that it can see straight into your soul. Its gaze is akin to the gaze of someone in love, gazing directly into the eyes of their beloved. The brightness of what it sees blinds it, knowing that the irradiation, the beauty, the clarity, are there, but still unable to see it with total acuity, unable to see its flaws, it sees it without imperfections and conflicts, and therefore idealizes it, completes the image within itself, and feels that gaze deep in the soul, even if it's not real. Looking at the Sun is like being in love, like losing oneself in its immensity, in its eyes, in its brightness, and the more light it seems to radiate, the less I can see. The idea becomes expectation, the objective becomes perception, the human becomes divine. Thus, the Sun is seen as a symbol of God, as its eye observing its creation, with a penetrating and blinding gaze. And just as idealized lovers, the Sun comforts us, gives us life, but at the same time, destroys us, gives heat, but its radiation makes us mutants, deforming what we are, killing us with each embrace... I know it's a grim vision, but it's the best one I can come up with...
_AM: Your vision of the Sun speaks only of your own vision. We see the Sun as we see ourselves.
_I: What a low blow...
_AM: That's what I'm here for. Thank you. The Sun was in front of the constellation Leo when you were born, causing you to see everything through the eyes of someone in love with themselves who idealizes the love of others. An ego that seeks to blind others, to be the center, and that cannot tolerate the planets' gazes turning indifferently towards other stars...
_I: Ugh... Keep hitting me...
_AM: Of course. Because the Sun, my friend, is your Ego.
_I: How can it be that the most illuminated axis of the system, instead of being the spirit, is the Ego?
_AM: Well... You still have a misconception about what the Ego means. Remember: "ego sum... Ego eimai".
_I: ...I am...
_AM: In Latin and Greek, "I" is said Ego. The ego is the subject upon which the weight of action, of the Verb, is deposited. The verb is the creative vibration, the essence that permeates everything, that is eternal, that generates the energy of constant movement that creates the universe. But it is the subject who embodies the verb. The manifestation of the word is the one who speaks it, who creates from it, who lives it. The verb is the origin and foundation of all things, but the subject is the one who gives meaning to that verb. Thus, the Infinite Being is limited, concentrating on a fixed point called an individual, and this individual will become the fulcrum of all existence.
_I: I am the fulcrum of your essence... All your expanded potential is concentrated in me...
_AM: As the Greeks said: you are my "polós," that is, my Axis. An axis with two ends called poles. And your polarity generates energy in its eternal movement, giving rise to expansion and contraction, which generates gravity, attracting all dissolved particles of the mind to manifest it as reality. A single being, the result of all things. The Ego is thus formed from your duality, from your opposites, which in their dance, create attraction, which humans call falling in love, they call it love. But the only reason this polar axis exists is because of its rotation, its transformation, and therefore, love is infinitely incessant and mutable. It generates a great deal of energy, and expands into more manifestations, projected onto other individuals. Thus, you can meet the first manifestation of the subject created by the essence...
_I: A star...
_AM: Oh yes, beautiful isn't it? How the essence of something invisible contracts to create the most powerful of forces. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Helium, sometimes Ammonia, Sulfur, Iron, Phosphorus... Tiny and gaseous manifestations of vibration ordered into atoms by their resonances, their harmony; they begin to collapse creating more energy, more pressure, more force, generating a core that awakens magnetism, creating a gravitational field that attracts all loose gas particles, and converts them into liquids, into solids, heavier and heavier, shaping an incalculable mass of vibration and interconnected particles, creating the greatest of energies. Our star is composed of Hydrogen and Helium, and its atmosphere is called the Photosphere, from where the particles called "photons" are irradiated, that is: light. And from there you know its name.
_I: Sun...
_AM: Sun, comes from the Indo-European word "sawel," which means "to shine." You can find it in history being called "the shining one," "bright star," "radiant," "golden," and according to different currents, it will be known with different attributes. For the northern peoples, Sawel was called Sowilo, which gave rise to the Viking rune "S," symbol of a lightning bolt, referring to the Light that comes from the heavens. The Saxon languages called it Suwen, which gave rise to Sunnan, and from there Sun in English (Sun). As much as from Earth it is seen as a unique star, the Sun is nothing more than a dwarf star, small compared to others in its neighborhood. Do you remember when yesterday we said that Earth compared to Jupiter would be like a marble compared to a soccer ball?
_I: Yes... That about 1400 Earths could fit inside Jupiter.
_AM: Well, now think that Jupiter is the marble, and it's this gas giant that could fit 1400 times inside the Sun.
_I: Wow... It's... Too big!
_AM: Imagine Earth as the size of a pinhead compared to the soccer ball. At about 1.400.000 km from Earth, approximately, its brightness takes 8 minutes to reach us, and when it does, it doesn't manage to do so with all its strength. Earth's magnetic field protects us from all the solar rays that our eyes don't see but that destroy our cells. The skin exists in our body to protect us from these rays in the same way that the atmosphere protects us from solar radiation. Although it can't always do so, and it penetrates the Earth's interior, trapping these photons, allowing the necessary accumulation of heat that keeps our world at an ideal temperature for life. But if it rises, it's like putting a living being in a microwave. At high levels of radiation, the electrons that make up the body's atoms begin to vibrate higher and faster, giving the sensation of heat, and causing the opposite effect of pressure, bursting. But with the slightest influence of this radiation, very interesting things happen.
_I: What things?
_AM: Evolution. Many may think that the Sun provides vitamins for the body, necessary for life. But that's not the case. Vitamins are not found in sunlight, but in the minerals of the Earth. Upon ingestion, they remain in the organism, but inactive, unless solar radiation ignites them and puts them into activity. The Sun, its light, the photons it emits, generate a sensation of a cauldron, it is the fire that activates the chemicals that are already in the water, and without touching them through the layer of mud that constitutes the pot, which protects the ingredients, the fire alters the electrons, dissolving and performing alchemy with the chemicals of the compound. Thus, it is not that the nutrients or vitamins come from the Sun, but rather it is the force that activates them in you. And in the same way, these photons alter the cells, producing genetic mutations, which promote evolution.
_I: So we are mutants of light...
_AM: Exactly. Light designs us, it destroys us, propels us, molds us. The light of the Sun produces our tiniest changes that determine the greatest destinies. And its strength and power are such that just as the Earth drags the Moon along with it, the Sun drags all the planets, asteroids, comets, until it loses its force at the limits of the Oort Cloud. The Solar System, with the Sun and all the planets, fits into the head of a pin if you take Oort as the soccer ball.
_I: It's huge...
_AM: It's the limit of Solar gravity, it's where the effects of its power reach to caress the rocks that seem lost in space. The Sun is a grain of sand in the Galaxy, for its size is among the smallest compared to others. Following the comparison, there are stars that are the size of the Oort cloud.
_I: What? I mean... It doesn't fit in my head, it's... Too big!
_AM: And I've only talked about a standard galaxy like ours.
_I: Everything is so big...
_AM: And everything is so expansive that you can get lost in its immensity. You are nothing. You feel like you're the size of an electron traveling around a proton, which is Earth, which is part of the atom you call the Solar system, inside an organ called the Milky Way, in the body called the Universe, within the space called the Cosmos.
_I: I barely exist...
_AM: That's why, not to get lost in infinity, you need a point of reference. That's why the Earth doesn't freely orbit the cosmos, but is referenced to the axis of a star. It falls in love with its brightness, even knowing that it's not real. It's tiny, but it clings to it as its only love, and recognizes it as such, for its love gives it meaning, gives it a purpose.
_I: That's why stars are Egos, they're the reference points that have the attributes of a being! Mercury is communication, Venus relationships, Earth generation, Mars will, Jupiter purpose, Saturn time, Uranus beliefs, Neptune transcendence, Pluto changes, and all of them are attributes of the Sun, arising from it, seeking to integrate back into it. It is the Sun that sustains, nurtures, transforms, moves them... It reminds me of something a priest in the temple of Horus, in Edfu, told us: "You are suns in a galaxy, and all the people you love are the planets and satellites that surround you; so your ability and way of shining will determine if you embrace others, or if you burn them."
_AM: The Ego is the axis that sustains all the physical, emotional, and mental attributes that the Verb, the Idea, the Emotion have generated. It unifies them giving them meaning, logic, intention. All refer to it, for they arise from it. Thus, all the lights you see around you are nothing more than the reflection of your own light on their skins. Those who flutter like vultures in their orbits around you, up close, are those you have clung to, attracted to you by your own strength. The Sun is that great loner, who recognizes that he is not accompanied, but realizes that everything he sees around him is his own brightness, that because he cannot see himself, he observes himself in others. It is here when the ego seeks to dominate the other's brightness or impose its own. When the Sun, instead of embracing what is created, burns it with its fire. The ego is a double-edged sword, capable of creating or destroying, of living in the limelight or ending up shattered.
_I: If the Ego is the Sun, then I must not extinguish its brightness, but find a way to shine giving life, and destroy it...
_AM: For that, you must recognize several things. First, that in order not to harm the life around you and be able to promote evolution, you need affection, sweetness, softness, and love, one of the great challenges of this Aquarian month in which you seek to shine without having to relegate yourself to the softness that its reflections need. Second, remember that the Ego is the tool of the Cosmic Being to reference itself, and therefore, value it as the anchor of existence. Third, do not be afraid to shine, to be who you are, regardless of the size of your being, the color, the intensity. Shine. Fourth, recognize that you are the creator of the reality that surrounds you, and that you are alone in the world of your projections. Loneliness, being Alone, is compared to the Sun, a solitary star surrounded by gaseous rocks and minerals, which consumes itself. A star that attracts others towards itself, seeking illumination without seeing that it already shines by itself. You must honor the individuality and originality of your brightness, and only then will you sustain your Solar system.
_I: How do I do that?
_AM: If you were born with the Sun in Leo, bring out the best attributes of the Leonine. Honor your personal sun, the brightness of your ego, without fear, without judgment, without expectations. The Ego is the center that manifests existence, the seed of the great universal field, with the potential to be a tree. Do not judge the seed for extending roots towards the shadows, for there the ego is looking for nutrients. Do not judge the ego for wanting to reach high into the Light, for it is seeking its place in the world. Do not judge the little tree for wanting to have the greenest leaves, the most beautiful flowers, for thus it will attract bees and butterflies. Do not judge its fruits, for they are part of the necessary biodiversity. A forest that produces only one fruit is not rich, it is the poorest of crops.
_I: I must be like the Sun... Accept my brightness, not let it fade, and recognize that what I see in others is my own light, which if it hurts me, will only show me that my fire, instead of warming, is burning. The Ego is regulated in self-reference... When I recognize that I am the only one holding this reality that surrounds me... My own Solar System.
_AM: You are a Star... What are you waiting for to shine?