

_I: Ufff... When I release the fury in myself, I feel exhausted... Today I thought I would wake up stronger, and in reality, I can't wake up, not even now. Anyway, I exercised, I think that's helping me with my flexibility... But I still don't know if I've reached the turning point.

_AM: What do you consider would be your turning point?

_I: Free myself from this emotional weight, make a break with the past...

_AM: What is the past?

_I: I don't know, a kind of energy that prevents me from moving forward, from taking everyday life as an adventure, with strength, vigor. It's like I'm dragging something that's not even mine.

_AM: Whose then?

_I: I try to think from where, and my grandfather's face comes to mind, but behind it, that of many in my family, at least those who have already died. The De Stefanos were not characterized by having the best of wills or love for life. Starting from the simple fact that my great-grandfather decided to change his last name from “De Stefano” to “Destéfano”, because he was tired of having to spell it and explain how to write it. My mother and I changed it back to the original. None of them had any real dedication to life, and they almost adored the fact of dying young like his mother, my great-grandmother. My grandfather's favorite phrase was “meh, why?”, with reluctance, almost with aversion to life itself. And sometimes I find myself saying the same thing. As if inheriting this, a weight that I did not choose.

_AM: But you accepted...

_I: It must be that “honor the clan” thing. Many of us carry things that are not positive for us just because we believe that this honors our ancestors. Fears, anger, jealousy, fighting, racism, misogyny or misandry, xenophobia, religious beliefs, I don't know, so many things that we sometimes consider natural in our way of thinking, attitudes that speak of unworked issues, of aspects that we accept. Maybe laziness is one of those sins that I inherited from my family, at least from the male side.

_AM: When generation after generation, you find yourself hanging on to the concepts of your ancestors. This is called Dependency, formed from the words “de-” (movement from top to bottom) and “pendere” (hang, pending). Something that is hanging on something else.

_I: Why do we live our lives hanging on the lives of others?

_AM: For survival, to ensure subsistence in the world. As we have said, it is the search for group acceptance, or the mechanisms that tell us: “the others survived because of this, maybe it will help you too.”

_I: Yes, but I realize that it's not really like that, because many people did poorly using the same system...

_AM: Well, that's the old story of the world. Even though kingdoms have proven to be warlike, hierarchical, and harmful systems for the people for millennia, even today there are people who defend royalty. As much as colonies have been a disgrace in human history since they began with the conquests of Greece and Rome, even today countries continue to treat their regions as colonies controlled by a central power. Even though they have had all the evidence to confirm that democracy does not exist, the people continue to defend representative democracy. We defend the above because we come from it, because it is what brought us here. The first system that refused to do the same as its predecessor was Samael, the Bearer of Light (Luciferus), who for going against his predecessor was considered a traitor (Satan). This is the stigma that those who decide to do something different from the clan have by nature. At first they are considered traitors, deserters, no matter how much they seek to transcend themselves.

_I: Transcendence is seen as a dishonor.

_AM: Because it implies leaving the group, to become an individual. The word individual means “that cannot be divided” (indivisus), and therefore, it cannot be one thing in one place and another in another, it cannot have two personalities, two faces, it is unique, it cannot be hidden. This is called the “quality of being one without division,” which you know as “individuality.”

_I: What about individualism? Which is seen as a bad thing.

_AM: It is the movement of this being without division, it is the action that it takes to stop living between two worlds, one external and the other internal, and begins to live as it simply is. Individualism is not negative, the problem is that it goes against human morality and ethics, based on tribes, clans, families and social groups. It is considered a disgrace to abandon the group, yet it is the key to achieving independence.

_I: That is a recurring term, they talk about the importance of independence, but at the same time it seems to be taboo. What makes us celebrate Independence Days but at the same time find them grotesque in the search for unity?

_AM: Let's see. Independence is precisely freedom from being attached to someone. Don't depend. Be self-sufficient and self-referential, individual. As you told me at the beginning, the feeling you have seems to come not from you, but from something you have accepted from others. But that makes it part of you, inevitably. You cannot blame your ancestors for what you have agreed to receive from them. You depend on what you accept, not what is imposed on you. Ultimately, it is the individual who makes the decision to depend on an idea, an emotion or an attitude. Blaming others in the past or present for what I think, feel or do is useless in the real process of empowerment. For an individual to regain his power, the corresponding place of it, he needs to first recognize that what he thinks, feels or does is born from the acceptance of it, not from imposition. Thus, he can understand that he is capable of freeing himself from others, and starting his life as an individual, being himself, thanks to recognizing the power of acceptance. When you accept that what arises from you corresponds only to you, then you realize that you are free of what you decide to think, feel or do.

_I: That is becoming truly independent…

_AM: Yes. But of course, it goes against the law of the mammal or the organic law of networks, since life is ordered in sets of equals in order to prevail. Atoms, Molecules, Compounds, Tissues, Organisms, Organs, Living beings, Bodies, Groups; They all interact in networks of dependency in which they all depend on each other. It is the key to existence and creation.

_I: Seen this way, becoming independent is negative…

_AM: It is if you see existence as an extension of particles that seek to survive by uniting with each other. But it is positive if you see it as a consciousness expanding to know itself. This, when you become aware, is where the magic happens.

_I: What magic?

_AM: Evolution. Networks are completely modified when an individual finds a different way of doing things. When, after asking the questions, you find a different answer, which leads you to face all your difficulties, you set the intention of letting go of what was, to, with impetus, solve the problems through the incessant struggle that confronts us with everything that is not worked, manifested in fury. When you managed to recognize the roots of anger, of the low vibrations of your being, those things that you have accepted in yourself and have nurtured throughout your life, you have two options: do nothing and relegate yourself to the affirmation "this is who I am, I'm not going to change”, or free yourself from what you think you are, and become independent of this energy. And I answer you again; The reason why people talk about independence but still fear it is because of the fear of losing control of their lives, the security of their livelihood. Well, independence implies conflict, breakup, leaving what one is accustomed to, to find oneself in a different state.

_I: I will say that, being born in an American country, the word “Independence” is heard almost daily. We all historically rejoice in the republican milestone of having achieved independence from the Spanish Crown, in the same way as the Brazilians from the Portuguese and the Americans from the English. From 1776 until no more than a decade ago, experiencing the independence of countries and the democratic celebrations that this implies, speaking of the value of being able to have determination of government, of election, giving power to the population to choose their own destiny. And yet, the same countries that in many cases approve the independence of some nations, do not do so with their own regions. In Argentina itself, we have seen this with the Unitarians and the Federals, which ended up making the self-determination of the regions disappear, all depending on the decisions of the capital. And not to mention Scotland and Catalonia, like so many other regions with less voice around the world. We people usually fill our mouths talking about freedoms, but then, the only thing we seek is to hold on to what we have, for fear of losing it, controlling our bonds and relationships of freedom. And what I said is at an international level, but at an intrapersonal level the same thing happens, talking about the importance of loving others unconditionally, of allowing ourselves to relate without judgment, saying that we are free as individuals, but then we become attached, or dependent on the others, mentally, emotionally and physically, clinging until we suffocate, with jealousy, revenge, rage, anger, betrayal, guilt, judgment. All for fear of losing control. I wonder if free beings are capable of exchanging more potentials, then why do we believe that by imprisoning others we will obtain better results?

_AM: The dependence on groups and networks has caused the belief in the human subconscious that to be united is to be together or to have possession and control over the other. To be who we are today, many beings have depended on each other, they have needed it as a way of survival in a hostile world. Going alone had many negative results, especially death, which came after battles, the dangers of the road, hunger and thirst... Loneliness. The group sought to defend itself, protect itself, originating the idea of ​​protectionism. He himself launched a series of control mechanisms, in which under the words “I take care of you”, “I love you”, they end up doing what they want with individuals at will. And they themselves give up their power, because they believe in these words, or they see themselves incapable of doing better.

_I: That is what we see every day with governments, that in the discourse of caring for the population, of protecting the weakest, they end up controlling the lives and directing the course of beings who could choose their destinies for themselves...

_AM: And in the same way we do it with our loved ones, in the desire to take care of them, we only limit their abilities to be. Well, being a conscious individual frees you from the dangers of the world, naked before a new possibility. Therefore, every search for independence ends in struggle, in battle, in war, in separation. And this is what the world does not want, it refuses to live, because it considers it unnecessary.

_I: If we have the opportunity to think freely, to communicate freely, to manage our own projects with others freely, then why do we relegate the power to others?

_AM: Laziness of change. Fear of transforming, of letting go of what is known. What we have talked about until today are necessary keys to face the inevitable result of a conscious being, which is independence. A people cannot obtain freedom from dependence if they cannot generate their own ideas, feelings and actions by themselves. A being who lives by the ideas and words of others, who does what he is told, who shares a textbook ideology, will never be free. An individual who fears being alone, who fails to face his own inabilities and internal conflicts, is incapable of transcending and being free to grow in the world. It is not a question of systems, but of individuals.

_I: No matter how much we build a social system that allows us all to be independent, we will always depend on someone if we don't learn to strengthen the individual.

_AM: Therefore, you must learn to use the questions we have asked, you must learn to find the answers in yourself, to set the intention of what you are really looking for in life, to let go of those things that damage the integrity of your being, to put impetus into action to face problems from a different perspective, which allows you to use the energy of your frustration, rage, anger, jealousy, revenge, of all your furies, with the purpose of being free, of recovering your independence. And when you do, you will be able to free others, understanding that loving unity only occurs between two free individuals, not between divisible slaves. And when you do, all projects will be carried out from freedom, and you can be a prosperous individual, who can build a system of independence, in which you do not need states to endorse it, since independence will already be your natural state.

_I: I liked this. “Independence as your natural State.”

_AM: Look your ancestors in the eyes, and tell them that independence is your turning point. That the system you once accepted at their hands is no longer useful to you. And it's time to create your own, from your individuality. Look those you love in the eyes, and tell them that you will no longer depend on them to love them, that you can be free from expectations to give them freedom and share it together. Look in the eyes of society and tell them that you promise to be an independent individual in their thoughts, feelings and attitudes, in order to give them the greatest freedom in all the States of the World.

_I: By knowing my conflicts, by managing the energy stagnated in me from them, I expand to be free, to find the true power in me that I should never have given to anyone: my independence.

_AM: This is applied Wisdom. Love manifested. The Conscious Will. Welcome to your journey towards the Independence of Being.



