

_I: “Keep moving forward”… It comes to mind today. You have to keep going, no matter what happens.

_AM: What makes you think this?

_I: What we talked about yesterday, about independence, made it clear to me that real independence of absolutely anything is never achieved. Independence is more of a mental, or emotional, state in relation to the things around us. It is a state in which the being finds itself in the face of the reality that conditions it. Even though I consider myself an independent person today, I am still linked and in a certain way dependent on my mother, my friends, and the emotions that link me to them. That is, at least in another degree of dependence. It doesn't mean I couldn't live without them, no; because yes I could, but they are still present in my life, and that makes them pillars that support me and on which I lean when I need it. You could say that I independently choose to be dependent on them.

_AM: Yes, that's one way of looking at it. There are two ways to face dependence: unconsciously, in which we depend on others as a vital necessity, or consciously, in which we choose to be in a bond of interaction with others. Without counting, of course, the third aspect, the subconscious, which tells you that you depend on eating, drinking and sleeping, at a minimum.

_I: That's why... I was thinking that, over thousands of years, beyond the philosophies and transcendental recognitions that we make about our dependencies, no matter how much we free ourselves from empires, kingdoms, governments, cultural, social and religious systems, feudal, powerful, bosses, families, toxic relationships of friendship or couple, in one way or another we continue to depend on something, whether from the past, in the present or towards the future. So independence can only really be characterized by one fundamental factor.

_AM: Which one?

_I: The Advance. Move forward, continue forward. Transcend every step we take. Don't stop. It is not like this?

_AM: Exactly. The mechanism that makes you aware that you are practicing independence is the ability you have to move forward in life. When we talk about Transcendence, we talk about going one step further, another level; The word comes from “trans” (from one side to another) and “scandere” (to rise, to climb). You can imagine it in the following way: You decide to go to the mountain, to climb to the top and take some good photos of the landscape. First you walk through a plain, then a valley, and you go deeper until you find uphill paths, which will take you along mountain roads, winding paths; until you start having to climb, climbing over rocks, climbing difficult parts, like steps. I ask you: from the point where you are now, does everything you have done before lose meaning?

_I: No… Because it's part of the path.

_AM: So, trying to eliminate, erase, cut, change what happened, would be foolish, just as if, already being close to the top, you wanted to eliminate the bottom of the mountain because you already consider it irrelevant to your purpose. What photo would you take of the landscape if, believing that the only important thing was the summit, you decided to eliminate the entire mountain and the valley?

_I: Sure… It doesn't make any sense.

_AM: For this very reason, you must see your path to the future as the path towards contemplation of your past. Transcendence is what summarizes the idea of ​​going up and scaling that mountain, going from one side to the other, from one stage to the other, without eliminating the previous one. Shift, from “skamb,” means curvature, turning a corner to reconfigure direction. A change is not transcendental, since it denies the previous journey, starting from 0, as if in the middle of the climb, a force pulled you back towards a forest on a plain, and everything traveled before no longer made sense.

_I: That was what I felt, in a way, with the I Am path. That it was a change, and not a transcendence.

_AM: The change happened in the forms, but not in the essence.

_I: I know, though… I still have the need to move forward. The thought I had today is that we are only 100 days away from finishing the YOSOY path the way we are doing it, with the daily alignments. Then another stage begins, of course. However, in all this time, something else would happen, and yet I decided to advance to this new form. That is, I felt that I was independent from the previous way, you understand?

_AM: I understand you, you have recognized that you are independent by allowing yourself to move forward even though the ways have changed.

_I: Exactly…

_AM: Do you want to go down that path?

_I: How?

_AM: In your mind. Tell me. What would you have done in all this time? Many don't know...

_I: Well... In February 2020, specifically on the 2nd, together with some friends, we opened the Door of Time of this project, which enabled us to work day by day with the energy of I Am. We then lower this information along the Nile to anchor it in each chakra of the territory: “Ater Tumti”, bringing Heaven to Earth. On March 3, 2020, in Philae (temple of Isis), in Aswan, I received the message that the next time I returned to Egypt it would be for a long time. I didn't understand it, I let it go... From there I went to Italy to finish my citizenship so I could take my trip through the Nodes of the Planetary Network. From Italy, I headed to France to learn French in 3 months, since one of the places I had to go required me to know the language for safety. I arrived in Nancy, France, the day before the quarantine, and stayed locked up there, studying French, thinking that my trip would begin in August as expected, for my 33rd birthday. During my 33rd birthday I was supposed to travel at 33 nodes of the planet (12 of the icosahedron, 20 of the dodecahedron plus the central one connected through the axes of the north and south poles). But well... Everything I had booked was cancelled, and I understood that I had to continue anyway, move forward, and that's why I decided just 15 days before that I would come to Egypt, and go all the way from here, without traveling. The world forced me to walk the path this way.

_AM: You continued. But otherwise, what would you have done?

_I: Well... On July 25, 2020 I had to be in Murmansk, Russia, to set sail for the physical North Pole (17 days of sailing through the Arctic on the Russian icebreaker). Upon returning, I would travel to Siberia, my destination was first the island of Olkhón, in Lake Baikal, and from there, to the sands of Chara. The trip continued traveling to Hokkaido, Japan, from where he would take a private flight to fly over the desert area of ​​the North Pacific, or land with government permits on the military island Minami Torishima. Direct flight from Japan to Hawaii, where I would take a boat 400 km north of Kauai, and then head to Alaska, specifically, to Barrow, on the Arctic coast. The next step would take me to New Mexico, to the sands of White Sands and the Four Frontiers area. To then head to Killiniq Island, on the Quebec peninsula (Canada), a place that was difficult to get to, and dangerous because of polar bears, so the closest option B was Nuuk, capital of Greenland. From there, to the Caribbean, Anguilla Island, between the Virgin Islands, and Antigua and Barbuda. Jumping back into the old world, I would head to Madeira, Portugal, a country from which I could enter Sao Tomé e Príncipe, in the Gulf of Guinea, Africa; and from there, only then, would he set foot in Egypt and the Sinai. Although I wouldn't be there too long, since my next step after the pyramids would be to fly to Seychelles to sail to Bird Island, on the way to Somalia; from where I would return to Reunion Island, embarking on a 25-day scientific ship through the TAAF (French Southern Antarctic Territory), arriving at Île Amsterdam (where they asked me to know French out of obligation and safety). Way back to Asia again, my next step It would be Kashmir, north of Pakistan. From there, the return would be through South Asia, starting with Sumatra, in front of Simeulue Island, towards the Bay of Bengal, and then jumping to Taiwan. And from there, Micronesia, still figuring out how to get to the small Kapingamarangi atoll, off Papua New Guinea. Territories from which I could move more easily to Australia, where I would visit the Cape Range peninsula, in the Western Region. Arriving in New Zealand, I would face a 32-day cruise, which would take me to the nodes near French Antarctica, at the Dumont d'Urville Base, and which would continue to the node of the inhospitable Ross Sea, the furthest point of all the world. Upon returning, my path would continue towards French Polynesia, where I had to find a way to reach the lonely island of Rapa, the southernmost island of the country. From there, he would fly to Kiribati, from where he could find a way to reach the deserted island of Howland. To return to French Polynesia, specifically to Nuku Hiva, from where I would sail about 1000km northeast. Returning to the capital in Tahiti, I would fly to Rapa Nui, Easter Island, another node, entering Chilean territory, from where I would travel to Ecuador to visit Isabela Island in the Galapagos, then head to Brazil, to Fernando de Noronha, and descend to the Gran Chaco of Paraguay. Directly from there, I would cross Argentina to the Tierra del Fuego node, in Ushuaia, where I would take a new cruise that would take me to the distant island Tristao da Cunha, halfway before mooring in the port of Cape Town, in South Africa. , from where I would head to Lesotho, another node. And so, somehow return to Chile, to fly to the South Pole. All this with fixed cruise dates and flexible flight dates…

_AM: Aren't you really glad that this trip didn't happen this way, and instead you were able to stay still all this time since Egypt?

_I: Today I am no longer happy or sad about these things. The Path of the I Am through these 33 nodes of the world was something that made my Moon in Sagittarius happy, but also made my ascendant in Capricorn desperate. Many days of disconnection, when no one would know anything about me. Probably, a lot of effort would be thrown into the air, since no one would have known what to do. In this way, people already know the information they must take into account to activate these sites, so that when this adventure must take place, we only need to connect, since the “I am” of each one will be aligned. That's why I told you, my feeling today is that Moving forward is the fundamental thing. If the world had allowed me to take this trip, I would have gone on to complete it in one way or another as I did in 2012 with Harwitum around the world, as I did at the end of 2012 with La Gran Mujer in South America, and as I did in RomaamoR for Iberia and Italy in 2014. No matter the forms, we must move forward.

_AM: Frustration is the result of depending on an expectation. To advance comes from the Latin “ad” (towards) and “ante” (in front of, ahead). The meaning is to go towards what is ahead, face it, move in the frontal direction. Being independent is being able to free oneself from the expectations of forms, from what we expect to be, to recognize what is, and adapt to it without dragging what pushes us behind, due to fear, emotionality, history, prejudice or preconception. We cannot live in the past, but we can live in the past. Whoever lives from the past, carries the weight of dependence, of the conditions, of what was, and remains still, static, in the previous ideas of its being, which blind him to what is and what can be. . Those who live in the past are unaware of being trapped in the conditions of what was, those who do not realize that things have changed. In the first case, it is fear that prevents being independent and moving forward in life, in the second case it is ignorance or lack of knowledge that things have advanced. Independence is found only in the ability to let go of each step, to recognize that in each part of this journey, you added new knowledge that you took to the next point. That's weaving a web. It is not about abandoning what happened, but about becoming aware of what the past gives me to shape this fabric.

_I: Putting one foot in front of the other, facing life, is not abandoning the past or what connects us to it, but rather helping that past overcome its vision of itself as you become aware of what you achieve.

_AM: Adapting to circumstances, facing new horizons. Launching you into new adventures. It is true, without having the concept of advancement, nothing else can be achieved.

_I: Life goes on, and life is a Constant.

_AM: Therefore to stop is to remain hanging on concepts of what was, and to become independent is to strive for what will be. The paths will open before you if you keep moving forward. And there are people who remain behind, not because they do not serve your path, but because they have collaborated until that path. No one is left behind, they simply move in different directions, and the direction you take is your own decision. Waiting for others is an option, but never go back, because everyone has their own rhythms. We can accompany you on the path, and move towards the future, but not go back into the past. Well, even if we look back, for a conscious being, it will be moving towards the recognition of the path traveled, reviewing the steps taken, recognizing new options to follow it.

_I: For a conscious being, well, all directions are forward. Recognizing, adapting, transcending each step is the key to becoming free beings.

_AM: This is the Wisdom of Freedom.

_I: I recognize myself as Free, moving forward in life, becoming wise with every step.

_AM: I Am the Way. And you are the steps in me. Keep it up.



