I Am Vitality


_I: Today is Root chakra Mind day, and I was thinking about how difficult it is for most spiritual people to accept the importance of this chakra in enlightenment.

_AM: Well, it is clear that in the last 2 millennia the function of this power center has been misinterpreted and seen only in its negative aspect. This has clearly generated a particular vision of it that, out of habit, has made it something “taboo” that should not be talked about.

_I: It is because of that constant search to go towards the heavens believing that everything earthly traps us and is bad.

_AM: Forgetting that the shape of the cosmos is toroidal, and the higher you go, the closer you are to returning to the lower base.

_I: What should we understand about this chakra?

_AM: Basically, it is the center of Vitality. If you created the energy in the sacrum, this is where it settles and gains strength to ignite. The spark of the serpent of light: the kundalini. The energy circuit is a closed process of positive and negative axes. To understand it, you have to understand the following: what happens when you light a fire? Does the heat go up or down?

_I: Go up, because the electrons dissipate, right?

_AM: And the cold air?

_I: It goes down, that's why the stoves are placed below and the air conditioners above.

_AM: Cold air weighs more, and hot air weighs less. Thus, we can see the snow fall from the heavens, and the fire rise flaming into the air. This helps us understand that the Spirit, the cosmic Mind, is a fresh, platinum energy that seeks to descend into matter, become water, life. As long as the body is hot, it emits energy, lights its fire by evaporating the water, making it return to its celestial state, converting all anchorage to matter into ashes. Both generate the cycle of life, the engine of the positive and the negative. And observe the great error: the negative is what descends, and the positive ascends, that is, the spirit is the negative aspect, and the body is the positive, not the other way around. Therefore, it is the densest part of the being that seeks ascension, illumination, while the enlightened person seeks density, being born, living. The great conflict is believing that the spirit wants to rise to the light when it already inhabits the light and consciousness. A spirit is an adventurer, an artist. He needs to be inspired, live, experiment, go down into the mud and get dirty to nourish himself with the grace of creation. Instead, the body seeks transcendence, constant liberation. You seek to expand and regain clarity, leaving what weighs you down to feel at peace.

_I: So all this time we've been doing it wrong. To deny the lower part of the body is to deny ascension. The transmutation of being.

_AM: Denying your legs and your genitals on the path of spirituality to find enlightenment is like trying to look for water in the rain and instead of using a barrel or bucket, trying to accumulate it by opening your mouth and pointing to the sky. You will die of thirst. And you will feel only the aroma of the spirit, but it will not satisfy you.

_I: The source of the spiritual connection, then, is in the genitals?

_AM: As strange as it may seem, that's how it is. The fundamental key to understanding this is that spirits do not want to die, they want to be born. The universe seeks to create life. And life arises from the potential of reproduction or multiplication. A kind of energetic ecstasy that causes the spirit to join the patterns of matter. In a way, it is the spiritual mind that thinks about sex constantly, since the spirit delivers vitality to the bodies; and for the spirit to descend, it needs cell multiplication and combination of genomes. That is, information. The crown chakra is the door from the spirit to matter, and its physical source is anchored in the pituitary gland, a tiny brain gland in charge of the body's homeostasis, that is, balance. It is what drives the hormonal functioning of the entire body, which gives orders to the rest of the chakras, the glands. The furthest glands to which this information reaches are those of the genitals: testicles and ovaries. The impulse of the spirit on these glands is to generate the cells of life, and therefore, vitality. To do this, it sends a large number of electrical pulses that dilate the genital area, generating heat, which seeks to expand. This flash is the heat of sexuality. “Be hot,” they say, right?

_I: Yes… It makes sense…

_AM: Thus, the energy begins to rise, transmuting the fire of the body, ascending. The cold energy of the spirit is converted into hot energy of the body, and they complete a circle of perfect life energy creation. Now, this circuit is perfect on an energetic level, and becomes more complex on a biological level. The biological basis is multiplication, mitosis, meiosis, and the creation of these two positive and negative aspects in two types of genetic gender: male and female. The first will be driven by the heat to sow the genetic seed, and the second to retain said seed by joining it to its own. Normally, in the biological world, the male must fertilize as many females as possible to ensure genetic territory and expansion. The female needs much more time to gestate the seed until she is born and takes care of herself, and this is why the male cannot waste time. However, depending on the climatological or geographical context, this symbiosis adapts, such as generating a long-term communion with the objective of protecting the fruit of said union. Every kingdom, species and race has found its way. But the human added another: the cultural one. Culture is another way of ensuring group and genetic transcendence, and attributes artistic, spiritual and moral weight to the reproductive act.

_I: The way you say it, it's as if there is no love between couples, as if everything simply involves reproducing.

_AM: That's just how it is. Whether it is your body, your soul or your mind, an individual or the universe itself, the only thing they seek is to expand, to have the ability to discover what they are capable of with their potential. From the biological, it is reproduction, from the emotional it is the ability to feel, from the mental it is the ability to learn, from the cosmic it is the ability to create. It's a question of semantics. Your problem is that you are so involved in the emotional concept of love, that you do not see that love is energy, not culture. You are the only species that calls energy “love,” and you believe you are different or beautiful because of it. Well no. Energy is already beautiful, the combination of positive and negative, the ability to create, to seek to multiply, to see in the other the complement for transcendence, all that that sounds mechanical to you, is love, is beauty, is creation. , is to fall in love. Deromanticize your moral idea of ​​what it means to join another, because then you will only think that the only way to feel love is because of what another makes me feel, or because of the utopian idea of ​​reaching a place where we all love each other through hugs. and kisses.

_I: I understand then that for the spirit, everything is one, and reproduction and birth are potentials for manifestation, for loving, for interconnecting energies that expand.

_AM: Exactly. Now, like all energy, it can also stagnate. Let's go to the animal kingdom, to which you belong. You may have noticed that a human's reproductive season begins around 12 or 13 years of age, and for a decade or so, everything spirals out of control. Hormones generate a lot of heat, with the intention of making the body grow, especially positioning it in an aspect worthy of reproduction, and this excess heat generates a period in which controlling the internal fire is almost impossible. And when there is a lot of energy in the same place looking to get out... We all know what happens...

_I: …Explodes…

_AM: That energy is called rage, anger, hatred and all those low emotions that generate discord, fights, fights. But is this human?

_I: No… It happens throughout the animal kingdom.

_AM: And in others too. It is the fight for reproductive territory. The mammal's energy makes it fight with other males or females to obtain the territory or the greatest number of agents with which to reproduce. This makes them intolerant, and activates the fauna. Do you remember what was done in Khem, 12,000 years ago, with young people between 12 and 18 years old?

_I: We were taught to manage sexual energy. We were told that this stage was the best to learn to connect with spirit if we learned to channel this potential, if we took advantage of this fuel. We were taught to have conscious sex, which today would be tantra and kamasutra.

_AM: Sure. Today that energy is repressed with morality, with taboo, with religion, with shame, with “that is not talked about”, “that is not done”. The more this energy is blocked, the stronger it explodes. A few thousand years ago, this brilliant and lustful period was associated with our animal past. In the quest to be heavenly and holy, there was talk of celibacy. It was understood that rage and anger were attitudes of the devil, and should be punished. Rage came from hysteria, from the Greek “hystera,” meaning “womb,” which linked women directly to the devil. To calm their emotional disorder, they were described as almost animals, men's belongings that had to be controlled and that only served for reproduction. And the man was told that sex was only for reproduction and that they should do it only with a woman in the eyes of God. In turn, man was considered closest to Divinity, and therefore, a large number of people were forced to leave earthly pleasures for heavenly glory. But, dear friend ME, the body was still animal, and denying it would not make it disappear, but would make it even more angry. It is like having a power plant in a dam, where more water arrives every day, and therefore more energy is generated, but it is not being used for anything, not even to light a town. Sooner or later, that stagnant energy, that denial of love, the lack of affection, the denial of the genitals (treating them as the impure part); all this will lead to the explosion, which destroys everything around it. Call it rape, depravity, pedophilia, it is the misuse of sexuality for the simple fact of having denied it. You cannot deny the source of your vitality.

_I: Is the sexual violence we experience now a reflection of this?

_AM: Now? Haha, now you have the internet, it's the only thing that has changed. The positive energy that the seed, the masculine side, delivers with its fire, burns, destroys, penetrates by nature into the celestial energy. If that energy was not well worked on since childhood, if it did not receive the corresponding loving balance, if it did not learn to respect the energies of others and manage its own, then it will use its vital energy to try to dominate others. And the longer the trauma of repression has lasted, the worse the result will be, as in a rape. The same thing happens with the celestial feminine energy, which descends and receives said fire, that is, it can trap you, control you, manipulate you to mold the other at its mercy. Many of those who sought to feel sexuality freely were forced to abandon it, becoming celibate priests and nuns, who have only found in the repression of others, rage and anger as an escape for their energy, and some, in the most vulnerable, the children; and they do it, because they are also wounded children. Humanity's violence comes from not being able to manage its life force.

_I: A comedian once said that if humans had more sex there would be no wars.

_AM: Were you a comedian or a scientist? Look... Vital energy is the key to the expansion of life. If I cannot expand myself, I will seek to expand upon others, imposing my energy, seeking to dominate them. All anger I feel is the accumulation, retention of energy that I am not using correctly.

_I: What I notice between the lines is that sex is essential for balance.

_AM: Not sex, sex is to reproduce or satisfy a momentary energy. Sexuality is the key to enlightenment. All the power centers that ignite the divine fire of kundalini are located between the anus and the perineum. The testicles and ovaries, in the penis and vagina, in the clitoris and prostate. There is the force that ignites life, there the cells and nutrients that create humans are generated! What greater creative force, then, do you have in your body capable of allowing you to create without limits?

_I: And… How do I use it?

_AM: Well there are many ways. First of all, stop thinking about what society has explained to you about these parts. Forget what you have learned or believed about it. Clear all preconceptions of this energy engine. Second, figure it out. It is part of you, analyze, observe, touch, discover. To know how to use it, you must learn in practice.

_I: It seems silly, but yeah, most people don't really know where their tender points are. And it's not just a question of masturbation, but simply of sensation.

_AM: There is the third step: the two paths. The first way is to discover the point of greatest pleasure and allow the biological fire to be released until all the muscles relax. The second way is to send that fire to the head, without having to release the tension, that is, ejaculate. The first path helps us know our limits, and discover power, as well as “keep the circuits active and clean.” The second path lights the fire of the chakras towards the crown, connecting us with the sacredness of sexuality. And all of this must be done alone, in the first instance, because this is the discovery of oneself. The time will come to achieve this with the other.

_I: This would allow us, firstly, not to accumulate energy, make it flow, and secondly, it would help us connect better with our spirit. TRUE?

_AM: Enlightenment feels like a great orgasm, ecstasy. If you don't know what an orgasm feels like, you will never know if you have become enlightened.

_I: Good point…

_AM: The energy that runs through your entire body is infinite. Used incorrectly, it destroys and generates horrible emotions of hate, rage, control, anger, manipulation, violence. Learn to download the tension throughout the body from the base chakra, and you will be able to use the vital energy to ascend, connect with the infinite creative power, with your higher self and manifest it here and now.

_I: The great task is to free the idea of ​​what we believe about sexuality.

_AM: That is why we are in the Mind. Surely many have a “dirty mind”, and it is normal, it is due to the inability to have let go of occult ideas about sex. This is the chakra that keeps humanity trapped, no other, all its evils pass through here, the source of its power, of its energy. They cannot pretend to be illuminated without electricity, they cannot pretend to feel heat without fire, they cannot pretend to see light without an energy source. They cannot think that the way to illuminate is by accumulating light and energy, since the result will only be an explosion. The repression of this chakra has repressed all the others: the fear of creating from the sacrum, the fear of being oneself from the plexus, the fear of loving from the heart, the fear of speaking my truth from the laryngeal, the fear of thinking differently from the 3rd eye, the fear of believing different from corona. The engine of all this is in your genitals, so… “Put eggs into the matter.”

_I: Eggs, ovaries, guts, courage...

_AM: Put your energy into it, because you are your own energy.

_I: I am Vitality.



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I Am the Matrix