I Am the Tree
_I: If my base chakra is life energy, why is it also called the root chakra?
_AM: Because it is the point from which the connection with the earth is born, which is where much of the energy of this chakra comes from. The physical expression of the roots are your legs, and the nodes that accumulate nutrients are your knees.
_I: So the knees are constituted as another chakra.
_AM: The eighth chakra from the point of view of heaven, the second from the point of view of earth. This means that for the etheric, spiritual plane, the path to life manifests itself in taking an idea (crown) that I turn into a purpose (third eye) for which I must learn and develop in the experience (laryngeal), share myself and expand my limits (heart), to strengthen the personality that is my tool (plexus), and thus create the necessary energy (sacral) to manifest my ideas (root). Born, and begin to trace my path on the earth (knees). However, for those who seek to leave the paths of life to return to the spirit, they follow the opposite path. He seeks to free himself from the roots in matter (knees) to be able to transmute his energy (root) and become the creator of a new reality (sacrum), seeking the coherence of his being (plexus), to expand to the common service (heart), expressing the inner truth (laryngeal), to find the meaning of things (third eye) and thus connect to the Truth (crown).
_I: What information do your knees connect with?
_AM: With the story and your ability to adapt to it. The legs are the tools of the physical body that hold the greatest amount of weight of your matter, they are the ones that exert the greatest amount of pressure, those that generate the greatest force and power, and those that allow you to move forward or backward. Your knees are the centers of flexibility on this path, those that allow you to lean, protect yourself, exert strength and engagement when going up an uphill slope, they are the ones that exert the necessary pressure on a descent. But, above all, they are the ones that remind you that the path is forward or upward, since they are designed to help you walk, move in the environment, and be agile when running, escaping. The idea of the knees is to strengthen your presence here and now, and to help you advance on the path you are traveling.
_I: This is why they are related to history, because they mark the path taken by our body.
_AM: And not only his own, but everyone's. By cellular memory, each step you have taken has been recorded in your knees, and through the sympathetic and parasympathetic pulses of the nervous system, this data is recorded for future reactions. You can think of your knees as a kind of GPS that records all the steps you have taken. But when your phone dies, this information goes through the cloud, and is downloaded to a new phone, maybe with better apps and operating system, but the steps are there, in the GPS. This lets you see that each step taken by your ancestors is recorded in the nervous pulses that have inscribed it in the DNA. The reason is the provision of information in the event of possible similar circumstances. For example, climbing a staircase for the first time is difficult, until your body has experienced it, and then it will no longer be necessary to think about it, because the mechanism of how to do it will be in each cell, and they will act in reaction to seeing a staircase. . Today you no longer think about how to raise or lower it, it just happens. You do it and that's it. Well now imagine the same thing with every decision that has been made. Where you have gone, what you have done, traveling or not traveling, what you eat, what you feel, the attitudes and aptitudes, the skills developed, the traumas not overcome, the beliefs, denials, repressions, pains, dangers, loves, sensations, intentions... Everything, everything that can occur to you that has involved a decision-making and has led to an action, all of that has been recorded as a pulse that, if it had to be done several times, has become mechanized. The more times it has been repeated, the body has assimilated it as part of the parasympathetic system instead of the sympathetic one.
_I: That is to say, taking into account that the sympathetic nervous system refers to everything we do voluntarily, such as speaking, moving my hands to write; Every action and attitude that leads us to do something of our own free will is ingested mechanically by the parasympathetic system by repeating itself over and over again, that is, like breathing, heartbeat, digestion.
_AM: Exactly, everything that you do not have to think about in order for it to happen is the product of a sympathetic action that, mechanized, became parasympathetic. And so, it is inherited, from generation to generation, like the heartbeat itself. This is why we look like our ancestors, this is why we have the attitudes of our grandparents, great-grandparents, parents, even without knowing them. That is why we repeat the same mistakes or awaken the same attributes.
_I: Does this mean that we must free ourselves from those attitudes to be ourselves?
_AM: Wrong. Who are you without those attitudes? What are you yourself? Think…
_I: I am the final result of all this... In other words, my existence, my personality, what I believe I am, is the complete product of all that mechanical acting. My personality, my self, is practically an inheritance seen from that point of view.
_AM: Very well, you cannot get rid of what you are, otherwise you would cease to be. Imagine a tree that believes that to be a good tree it should first cut its roots. Does the tree that thinks that have a future?
_I: No…
_AM: Because a tree with deep roots grows stronger, because it is firmly anchored in its present. The human moves, unlike the tree, which has given it a connotation of “fleeing”, “escaping” from its point of origin. Get away from your past by moving towards the future. Meanwhile, for a plant, the future is up and down, for an animal the future is ahead, where it is going. This has created the feeling that the only way to move forward is to leave the past behind. However, everything in life is a cycle, and inevitably, we return to where it all began. For this reason, every story you read, write, observe or live is normally a circle, in which the “hero” moves away from his home, and after going through hundreds of transformative feats and adventures, returns home. Thus, you were just a tree that walks in circles. But a tree nonetheless. That is why each of us returns to where we started, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, is ourselves, and everything that life gave us is the tool to make the path. Your family, your culture, your race, your species, are your roots. Everyone has something to offer you. The first cell gave you the heartbeat, it dedicated itself to thinking about how to generate the circulation system, so that now you don't have to think about it. The nerves had to look for a thousand ways to find the correct way to transmit information, and it is thanks to those cells that today you do not have to make an effort to feel. It is thanks to the conjunction of cells and bacteria that today you can digest without thinking. It is thanks to the first complex organisms that you can breathe and move without thinking. Thanks to your hominid ancestors you know what a home, a family, is; Thanks to the dangers, you have learned to feel afraid, and today you know how to defend yourself. All your innate abilities are thanks to those homo-erectus and homo-habilis who set out to investigate the sticks and stones. It is thanks to all your direct ancestors that you feel what you feel, that you think how you think, that you have the abilities that you have, the characteristics that make you who you are. And every step you take is an electrical pulse that charges your DNA with information for your children, grandchildren, and all future generations.
_I: What if I don't have children?
_AM: Well, your friends, nephews, or others. Well, attitudes are shared and transmitted by pulses, and sharing is a pulse too.
_I: So I can't cleanse the karma that doesn't belong to me, nor eliminate someone else's story, because that story is me...
_AM: You can't.
_I: But… What about all those karmic cleansing therapies and clearing past memories?
_AM: If you think about it, the only thing that all of them give you is clarity. Thus, you accept your story, you recognize it, and you accept yourself. The idea or thought that these therapies lead to is to recognize that I am removing a weight from my shoulders that is foreign, but the only thing I am doing is giving it its rightful place. If the goal is really to eliminate the past to build the future, it is literally to believe that I will obtain better fruits by cutting down the trees.
_I: Sure… It's impossible.
_AM: It is difficult for me to run a historic marathon in a wheelchair. Maybe the chair is motorized and you beat those who are running, but it will not have been a fair race, because your body did not find the internal potential, but used the external one. You become disabled not when you cannot use your body, but when you detract from it by depositing it in something external that you are assured will make your life easier. That is being “invalid,” which means “worthless.”
_I: Therefore, everything my family has experienced is who I am…
_AM: Tell me, what has your family experienced?
_I: Well, as far as I know, my family comes from Potenza, Italy. Well, actually, at that time it was the Kingdom of Naples, and they emigrated during the unification war. Hunger led them to leave, emigrate to Argentina in search of a peaceful home where they could produce. There they had children, they multiplied. It was a very macho and old-fashioned family, but I recently discovered that all of the men in the family had cheated on them with other men. In fact, my great-great-grandmother ran away with someone else and abandoned them. It was even thought that my great-grandmother had also been forced by my great-grandfather to have relations with him, with his father-in-law, and we even have the doubt as to whether my grandfather is his grandfather's son, and not his father's, which is why my great-grandfather He never wanted it. My grandmother also loved her, although my grandfather didn't seem to care at all, perhaps for that reason. My mother had me when she was 17, as a result of a weekend meeting. My father denied me, until I was 27, when I looked for my brothers. And on his side, his family had also escaped from the French Basque country, going to live in the Argentine countryside. Tough and rude people, in which the women of the family also escaped from their men.
_AM: Escape... And how do you feel, escaping?
_I: Well… Sometimes I feel like that.
_AM: In a sexist and repressive environment, in which men are abandoned by women, you decided to look for men who do not abandon you like they did, trying to break that repression, being born homosexual as a reaction to your family's traumas. But you knew well in your cells that women had been protecting themselves from the indifference and dominance of the male, so you created an environment without men present, where women could direct their own lives. Although you never felt at home, because they always had to leave to find themselves safe. Thus, your mother and you needed to move every two or three years, feeling secure in the move. Your trips are the reaction to escaping from what can imprison you in the family. The non-recognition of your physical father makes you not recognize your heavenly parents, nor find your own limits, so you always seek to transcend them without waiting to finish what you started. The lack of purpose of the men in your family created meaninglessness in your heart. Escape from you.
_I: …Seen like this… Of course…
_AM: But my question is, have you decided that that is wrong? Have you wanted to delete this story? Or did you decide to use this same tool for a positive purpose?
_I: I think so, that I have not denied that story, and that I was prepared to make the best of it.
_AM: Well, look carefully, you have turned male repression into your creative and sexual freedom, without fear of sharing what you feel. You have turned the energy of escape into your mission, to travel, move, show the world, remember that there is no home other than planet Earth. You have transformed controlling machismo into a life in which women have the last word in your decisions and advice, they are your guides. You have made your father the Universe, and turned the paternal limits into the infinite expansion of the Cosmos, which allowed you to return to your father and your brothers with freedom. You took the possible concept that your birth was your mother's mistake, and turned it into the grace of having her more as a companion and sister along the way than as a matriarchal mandate. You have taken your grandfather's silent purposelessness and given him the greatest of purpose that you share with thousands. Tell me now, do you think that with this you have disgraced or eliminated your history?
_I: No, I have resigned it. I used their potential, their ways, to turn them into something surpassing.
_AM: So, we didn't have to cut down trees, we had to contemplate them, understand them, accept them, know that we were part of them, and instead of eliminating roots, you removed the soil, oxygenated it, added fertilizer and some worms and minerals. You revitalized the roots, redefining the strength of sustenance.
_I: So, what each of us must do to find harmony, is what as a network, together, we must do with humanity, with wars, policies, hunger, conflicts, racism, patriarchy, matriarchy, oppression, all of it. You don't have to clean it or eliminate it, you have to resignify it.
_AM: There are no bad or good, and even the dead roots serve as fertilizer for the new ones. Everything is recyclable, nothing can be disposed of on Earth. You cannot eliminate your past, because a people or individual without a past is a people without meaning, without the strength to build a future. What you must do is stop living in the past, resignify it in your present, and thus create the future.
_I: How do I resign him?
_AM: With attitudes, actions. It generates a new action, a new attitude and aptitude in the face of daily circumstances. Contemplate your common reaction in life, look for the origin of this attitude, and you will find the mechanism. Recognize him, and you will find his purpose. Then, you give it a new meaning, a new meaning and usefulness, and you put it into practice by acting differently: if before you shouted, now make an effort to speak softly in the same circumstances. Educating the body until it becomes a new habit is like exercising, it takes time to see the expected results, but one day, it will become mechanical, and you will not have to think anymore or use up sympathetic neurons, since your parasympathetic system will be in charge.
_I: Instead of reacting, I must act.
_AM: And recognize that everything you have done in other lives and in this one, what your ancestors have done, all of it, is you today, here and now. Resign yourself, honor your father and your mother, all your ancestors, all your roots...
_I: Well, I am the Tree.