I Am the Matrix


_I: Thinking about the Sacred, and what its potential represents, I don't know why, despite this, the first word that comes to mind is “Frustration”.

_AM: Why do you think that word defines this energy center?

_I: Well, the Sacral is the chakra located in the lower belly area. Although its glandular power is related to the adrenal glands, which are much higher up, the sacrum covers the entire digestive, purging and drainage area, and therefore the liquid and the emotional area. Area in which the uterus is also located in women. I suppose, then, that it has to do with the fact that it is a creative center, and if things don't go as expected, well, we get frustrated.

_AM: It seems logical, of course. This is a complex chakra, since its energy encompasses many realities. As you have said, it is part of the digestion system, since it is what gives energy to the intestines so that they absorb all the necessary nutrients from food, which will pass into the bloodstream after being filtered. In the same way, the kidneys purge the water, separating the pure elements from the heavy minerals, excreted into the bladder. And above, the creative womb, the uterus. Many functions, all related to water, and therefore to emotions. In the Universe, emotion is seen as energy, which can turn on a light that illuminates your darkness, or directly electrocute you. Energy is not good or bad, it only has positive and negative aspects that give it mobility through space. The great conductor of energy is water. And therefore, the electrical pulses in the water generate chemical reactions that give rise to cells, and thus the mechanism of life, creation. To obtain this energy, it is necessary to transform or decompose a previous one. In biology this went from being photosynthetic to phagocytosing. In other words: from inspiring light to eating it. Thus the matter, which is made up of photons, particles of light, would be grouped into vegetables, which would then be eaten by herbivores, and then these by carnivores, and all of them by omnivores. Energy is processed in the intestines, generating calories, that is, heat, light, energy. This force or impulse produces a reaction that gives vitality to the body, and will to the mind. Thus, one, depending on what one eats, becomes creative.

_I: And the kidneys?

 _AM: It is the energy purifier. The large amount of this energy promotes the secretion of adrenaline, produced in the adrenal glands, that is, above the kidneys, and while one gives us the strength of energetic will, the organs purify the impurities of our being. But if I do not stop providing impurities, it is inevitable that one day the kidneys will become exhausted, and they will stop purging, getting dirty, filling the body with heavy minerals, and generating energetic heaviness that will consume the adrenaline in trying to dissolve this conflict, instead of be willing to activate the will. Exhaustion. The feeling of loss of strength, of creative sense. There is no energy, and there is no creation. So, everything done so far seems to lose logic, since I'm only interested in burning fat. There is the frustration.

_I: What would those fats be?

_AM: Everything I didn't face before, what I wasn't willing to work on myself, the things I "left for later" or was afraid to look in the eyes. You call it karma. Karma means dust in Sanskrit, but we could actually refer to karma as any unnecessary burden.

_I: I define karma as the books that you take to school in your backpack and that, instead of incorporating their knowledge, you repeat the course over and over again, always carrying the same books and now carrying new ones. Greater weight to go to class. It is not bad to carry a book, the bad thing is to carry it all your life without having understood what it says inside.

_AM: Well, fat is the same. Based on the biological aspect, the book of life, lipids are useful for accumulating useful fluids and minerals in times of scarcity. They are energy reserves. But if I don't know what to do with that energy, it continues to accumulate, it is not processed by my body due to lack of will, and it accumulates, generating weight. That weight is called biological frustration. Although the opposite can also arise: the senseless waste of energy, which consumes the entire reserve until there is nothing left, which results in the same emotion: frustration, because now you do not know what to do, because you have run out of energy. .

_I: So you tell me that frustration has nothing to do with the perception of having done things and then they don't work, but rather it simply has to do with my ability to manage my vital energy... Is that it?

_AM: Exactly. I know that you humans put all your evils in the external world, by the grace and misfortune of possessing two eyes that look outward. It is easier to think that it is external circumstances that determine my mood, emotional state, or that condition my success in actions. But the truth is that failure is not synonymous with frustration, failure is synonymous with “trying again.” If in the attempt you do not spend all your energy, or in the intention to do so you do not stay still in the world of ideas and hopes, then a failure is a new opportunity. Think of it in terms of waves. Imagine a vibration wave, or waves in the sea. The reason why the curve goes down is not because everything is going wrong, but because it is taking a clean and jerk to launch itself upward with greater force. A natural catapult in the form of vibration waves. It is this system that gives speed to sound and light. Not the straight ascending lines, but the undulating spirals.

_I: Culturally it is what we would call success and failure, crisis and opportunity. It is our own energy management that leads us to create. And there is the strength of the womb. The biological manifestation of creation from trial and error after millions of years, what we call Evolution.

_AM: Precisely, the evolutionary mechanism is what gives us the power to understand that what we have achieved was not because of our successes but because of our conflicts, because only in the face of crisis do we awaken new surpassing options. Nature, in general, has as its fundamental key the reserve and administration of energy to transcend through time and space. Therefore, frustration is only a personal perception of the inability to manage one's own energy. Now tell me: What frustrates you?

_I: …Well, it honestly frustrates me to think that everything I do is of no use.

_AM: What a useless thought, right?

_I: How?

_AM: Possessing a frustration in an idea with a projection to the future is basically unrealistic. It's wasting time.

_I: Well, yes, I know, but in a way I work to build a future, and every step I take, I take it thinking about whether or not it is useful for that future.

_AM: Well there is your mistake. You have no energy for the future now. Maybe, in 5 years, your body will process an amount of energy you've never experienced before, and you'll throw yourself into it so hard that in 2 months you'll accomplish everything you didn't do in 30 years. Isn't it then absurd to project your current capacity into the future? Imagine yourself at 5 years old, learning your letters, extremely frustrated for not knowing how to write this dialogue due to the lack of vocabulary, frustrated for not knowing how to reach the world, since the Internet had not even been made public, or frustrated because you do not know how to speak. English and then you would never reach other countries. Don't you think it's ridiculous?

_I: Seen this way… Yes it is.

_AM: So, tell me really, what is it that makes you feel frustrated?

_I: That many of the things I have done have not worked out, that is to say, that all the strength and energy I put into my projects always end up turning out to be something totally different and easy. The YOSOY project itself was going to be a super documentary trip around the world, in an adventure like no other, where we would interview children and the elderly about planetary consciousness, about a new society. And also, the movie we were going to make, the friends with whom I was going to make it. It frustrates me that all of that suddenly falls away, disappears, and I end up doing all of that in a way that is too easy, sitting in one place. I feel like everything I did and what I had was of no use.

_AM: So, do you consider that what you are doing now is wrong or of no use?

_I: No, I'm not saying that, but now everything is perfect, everything turns out wonderfully and makes too much sense, but still, the last 5 years have been about spending energy, ideas, friendships, family, money, resources... Everything. So that? If in the end it turned out in another way that I did not manage. Which makes me wonder... What is the point of starting to make plans for the future and create projects if in the end, two months before, the universe orders everything and it turns out perfectly but in exactly the opposite direction to what was expected...

_AM: Tell me, how does the Universe work? For energy, right?

_I: Yes, use the energy available to manifest.

_AM: And do you think that 5 years ago you had the right and fair energy available to do what you are doing now?

_I: Clearly not…

_AM: These 5 years you were eating at a banquet like no other. You swallowed a lot of food in the last 12 months when you were also digesting. The last 6 months your spiritual intestines separated nutrients from heavy minerals. And in the last 3 months, adrenaline started flowing through your veins. And two weeks ago, you took the will, and took action.

_I: I wonder then when I'll screw up...

_AM: Hahaha, that will inevitably come. But you will know how to turn it into compost. A good subscription for what is to come. To sow a seed, watch the plant grow, and reap its fruits. Eating the product that comes from your own shit.

_I: I understand... Everything I did is part of the creative process, of ingesting energy, processing it, creating, absorbing what is useful.

_AM: Everything is part of a process. And when that energy is ready, then you can be a Father…

_I: A father? …I know… It's something I know is close…

_AM: It is the natural process. All that creative energy manifests itself in sacral gestation. But before being a father, you must be a Mother, activate the uterus, the matrix: the Planetary Network.

_I: Many awakening people call the Matrix the Matrix, and give it a negative connotation. They say it is a network that keeps us imprisoned in this world and reality, and they refer to it as a prison. They say that the gods or universe is like a video game that uses us as its characters, creating realities to precisely consume and devour them. As if everything were part of a macabre design, although some conspiracies already go a little further saying that even politicians and NASA have something to do with this...

_AM: Matrix is ​​the Latin word for Uterus, maternal womb. You can, therefore, think that what we are experiencing today with the persecution of the Matrix is ​​the “New Age” version of the Witch Hunt of the Inquisition: considering the feminine aspect as the culprit of all our evils. The truth is that the Universe is a creative womb, and yes, we are its creations, generating energies so that it can regenerate itself. We are in God's digestive system, in a way. Creating energy, realities. The Matrix is ​​the network that connects all visions, energies, patterns, vibrations, all the bases of creation, evolution. It's not a trap, it's a tool, it's a mother. But it is normal for children to want to be emancipated from their parents. It is the crisis of the adolescent, who first denies the command or order of his father, the Pattern, and takes refuge in the arms of his mother, the Matrix, until he suddenly realizes that the mother was the one who wove the networks of her reality, and decides to escape from his arms. He denies his parents and ancestors, seeking to be someone different, until, without expecting it, one day he becomes a father or mother.

_I: And there you have to make the decision of whether to do the same thing as your parents now with your children, or be a different father or mother.

_AM: When you begin to manage your own energy, you become the creator of your own reality, manager of your world. It is easy as a teenager to judge parents without having been a father or mother, but we all grow, we understand. It is important for evolution to transcend parents, but it is equally important to honor them, because among their energetic capacities, they have given the best they could and had of themselves to make us what we are, even if sometimes it is not what our expectations would have been. darling. The cosmos is a creative mother, who protects us until we become creative mothers ourselves. The Matrix will continue to be a prison for those who irresponsibly do not have the ability to create their own world and manage their own energy.

_I: So, to get out of the feeling of frustration, I must use my own energy correctly, understanding that everything I have done so far is part of the digestive process that gives me the energy to later create my reality, being a mother and father of this new one. world that I am capable of generating.

_AM: All belief patterns are fertilizer for this seed, all your patterns are what determine what you feel. Use them properly, without judgment, they are just tools. Become the parents of your reality. Take control of your own energy. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are.

_I: I am the generator of my own energy…

_AM: I am the Matrix.



I Am Vitality


I Am the Center