I Am Truth


_I: What is Truth?

_AM: What do you believe is the Truth?

_I: Well, I think it comes from the Latin meaning “Verum”, which means exact. The concrete and completeness of a matter. Therefore, everything that is exact or concrete is true.

_AM: And tell me, what is exact and concrete?

_I: The things experienced, that which we all, by common consensus, and after having gone through the process of Cartesian Experimentation, agree is an irrefutable truth.

_AM: Like what things for example?

_I: Well, what I see, for example, is seen by everyone, therefore it exists.

_AM: And everyone sees them the same?

_I: Not exactly. There are nuances, perspectives.

_AM: And those perspectives are real?

_I: No. That is, the object exists, but the perspectives are different. For example, a tree is there, we see it, we touch it...

I'm sure?

_I: Well, I see it… And I touch it.

_AM: I don't deny it. Of course. But… Think about it a little more. The tree is green?

_I: Umm, well, not exactly. Chlorophyll is green, because it captures certain ranges of sunlight.

_AM: So you see color through a distortion of light. No?

I do…

_AM: And... Depending on each person's eye capacity, the color will vary. Now tell me… The form: Do you touch the tree?

_I: Well, actually what I feel is the magnetic friction between the electrons that try not to touch each other... Actually... I have never touched anything...

_AM: Exactly. Because on a microcosm scale, space is infinite, and particles never touch each other. They generate the appearance of contact, but they are only energetic discharges. If I light the tree on fire...

_I: It is reduced to ashes… It has no weight… It does not exist.

_AM: Its carbon particles volatilize at high temperature, they disperse. Did the tree exist, does it exist or will it exist?

_I: It was just an idea… A concept.

_AM: An echo of the Truth.

_I: …An echo?

_AM: Everything that exists is an echo, a fractal. And the echo is a vibration that arises from your own intention and perception. The more echoes generated, the more perspectives of the same thing. Nothing that exists is Truth, because all truths are collective conventions built over billions of years through the capture of energy, the perception of light, the sensation of time, the movement in space. All of this for billions of years generated a convention among species of what is real. But every analyst, every experiment, is based on one of those echoes, not on the truth. The scientific mind knows that nothing is true, and therefore must base its life on constant doubt. Doubt is the only key to discovering the Truth, because the moment you claim to know the Truth, you have schematized yourself, you have become dogmatic, and you begin to judge other possibilities, locking your mind in a box with no way out.

_I: Science was born to question, but now it is science itself that fears being questioned.

_AM: The character became what he fears. Faith is the confidence that there is something more, Science is the doubt about that something more. Both become dogmas when they consider that something else belongs to them. The same thing happens in politics, in art, in music, in spirituality, in social matters. Facts are mere perspectives. And therefore, you have to accept that you will never be right no matter how hard you try.

_I: So what's the point of seeking the Truth?

_AM: Seeking the Truth is knowing what you are capable of. It is discovering all your potentialities and secrets, what lies internally and externally in the cosmos. It is accepting others, understanding their point of view. Seeking the Truth is trying to find the consensus of balance, in which everyone can live their truths in harmony.

_I: But there are many truths that hurt. For example, Humanity is a single species, and there are different human races. But in turn, this causes racism. So is racism a viable option?

_AM: What is your fear of diversity? Isn't it strange that humans, in the incessant search for respect for diversity, at the same time seek for everyone to be equal in the eyes of everyone? Think. The concept of racism is the understanding that there are beings different from you, who are essentially the same, but are different. Now, remember that the particles are all the same, but they try to cling to their atoms and molecules, trying not to collide with the others, making you feel the touch of your hand with the tree. That is, you are all the same, you are the same particles arranged in a different way. The error would be that the particles of your hand force those of the tree to disappear, or to become a hand. The Universe does not judge racism, since they are different visions, but the Universe seeks harmony between races, since only in their harmonies and interactions does diversity grow. The greatest objective is the plurality of visions. You can't force someone not to be racist, just as you can't force someone not to be a humanist. But you can educate them to awaken their best potential, respecting the potential of others.

_I: The greatest search for Truth, then, leads us to total acceptance.

_AM: Unconditionality. Truth is itself a paradox. For there is a truth for each vision, and one for each dimension. The greater the breadth of your vision, the more acceptance there is of all truths, since they are only echoes of one truth.

_I: And which one is that one?

_AM: That there is no truth. That the truth is an idea, a perception, and therefore, the truth is moldable, it is modifiable according to the evolution of the observers. Humans are very egocentric, and they believe that the observers are only them with their two little eyes. But no, the observer is each atom, the minimum expression that has two eyes: electron and proton. And yet, they are also a perspective of quantum, of strings, of waves, of resonance, of echo... Of the universal mind.

_I: Therefore, it is impossible to create a parameter of truths on which to settle.

_AM: The only truth is the ability to transcend, to evolve, to learn. You can never build a collective system based on Truths, but rather based on the acceptance of the different echoes of Truth. The eternal cycle in which you are involved without coherent evolution is due to the fact that you are still spinning around like a hamster in the search for the Truth, but worse still, in the imposition of the Truth itself.

_I: In this sense, neither science nor spirituality should be taught for a conscious civilization.

_AM: The path to discovery and acceptance must be taught, with doubt as the only tool. Science and Spirituality cannot be taught, they can only be discovered through doubt. How do you feel when people doubt you?

_I: I feel strange, because I don't care, but at the same time something in me bothers me. I feel like I always make a huge effort to be as coherent as possible.

_AM: Because you seek to be accepted. Like all mammals. “If the pack does not accept me, I will die alone.” It is an ancient thought. What you must accept is that there is no way that 8 billion people will accept you. With luck you will get 2 or 3 to do it in your entire life. And this goes for everyone. Because there will always be nuances about which to doubt. When your being feels anger or frustration when they doubt your truth, it is because every atom of your body knows that you are true, that you act and feel your truth, and when they doubt it, it is as if you were disintegrated. However, it is your truth, nothing more, and the doubts of others are the limit of your truth and the beginning of theirs.

_I: This makes it impossible for a society to move forward.

_AM: What makes progress impossible is the imposition of a truth on the other, regardless of the social system. This is your truth, and you share your truth, with the grace that you are able to doubt it.

_I: Yes, I doubt myself, what I do, always, but I still do it, because I know it is my truth.

_AM: As more people follow their own truth (and instead of seeing in you the Truth they see an example for theirs), then there will be harmony, collaboration, and they will not need any ideology, nor social movement to transcend the current reality.

_I: The point again is education.

_AM: Going back to what was discussed, don't teach “Not Being Racist”, teach “How to be Human”. Change the concept. Don't teach what is wrong about others, teach about what humans are capable of doing with their infinite potential. Don't ask the elderly about their experience, ask the children about their enthusiasm. Listen to the experience of the elderly as a record, but act based on the children's imagination. Humans want to teach new generations to correct the mistakes of the past to build a better future, without thinking that the answers to the future are not in the erroneous truths of experience, but in the infinite possibilities of the imagination.

_I: It is important to recognize the events that have happened, but not take them as starting points to build the future.

_AM: If you do that, you're just building from “Don't do what I did,” instead of building from “What would you do?” E-duco, education… Question, doubt, questioning.

_I: Truth, then, is the ability to accept the infinite potentialities of each being.

_AM: Of the being that I Am. Become the rock that, when falling on the water, generates waves, the echoes of time and space.

_I: Therefore, there is no truth outside, only inside, since everything else is a projection, and therefore, it is the projections that must find balance. Science, Spirituality, Politics, Economy, Social, Educational, Natural, all have their truths, and if they allow themselves to doubt themselves, they will accept the infinite capacity to create in the search for new truths.

_AM: The Truth is just a dogma. Look for art in science, art in spirituality, art in education and the natural. Art is the ability to reinvent oneself, awakening the inner potential, from where all the echoes of truths arise.

_I: To discover that the truth is in oneself.

_AM: To discover that I Am Truth.



I Am the Pulse


I Am Power