I Am Power


_I: Today I was wondering what Power is.

_AM: And did you come to any conclusion?

_I: Well, Power is the noun of the verb “ to be able  to do something.” This means that having power is precisely possessing the ability of “I can”, of recognizing in one the ability to do things for oneself. However, on Earth, in society, it is not the same.

_AM: Power in societies is interpreted as being above others, having power over others.

_I: Yes, more than anything, it has a negative connotation, which speaks more about Control than the ability to do something in itself.

_AM:  Humans are the only animals that are aware of their gifts, their abilities. Therefore, they were able to manipulate tools that for other animals are simply a random or reactionary action. This meant that from that great discovery of what they were capable of, they had taken control of their potential, and therefore of their tools. So now they could do anything. Using a stick, a stone, a mortar, a plow, a hammer and nails, using chemistry, writing, architecture, music, art, science and technology, year after year the tools became more complex. The human saw that he could build new realities, because he had the potential, and the power over the tool. But the more the population grew, the tools were not enough, and a single human could not do all the work. For this reason, one of those wise men began to teach others how to use the tools, shared the knowledge, and transmitted the power. But the greater the number of people, the more hands, the more potential, and therefore, the greater the capacity for creation. So, the older ones saw other humans as tools. As workers, as warriors, as subjects, as slaves, and as employees. So, people became tools with which you could do things, and therefore, over which you had Power.

_I: Using a person as a tool, as if they were a hammer or a nail…

_AM: That's right. In this way the sense of Power that we possess today was constituted. Being in Power does not make you powerful, much less capable or wise, it just makes you someone who knows how to use people as tools. Someone who “can” use people.

_I: Until people free themselves, revolutionize themselves, and fight for their freedom, knowing that they can too.

_AM: And that's when they make the same mistake.

_I: Which one?

_AM: At the moment when the revolution occurs, and the chisel, the hammer, the nail, the gouge, the screwdriver, the compass, the leveler and the wrench manage to banish the builder, they all begin to fail, well now, one of them must come to power. Well, each of them was taught to be what they are, and they do not know how to be anything else, they do not know how to be a builder, and therefore, the battle will lead to chaos, until a new builder appears and gives them meaning and purpose. to exist. Do you understand?

_I: That is to say that the power struggle is constant…?

_AM: The power struggle is constant if the power sought is the one possessed by the other. The kings and queens, emperors, rulers; Everyone seeks to have Power. The people were not educated to have power, but to be “under” power. Be a tool. A concept was externalized that should never have come from within each person. Considering another person a tool is not negative, the negative thing is considering that all tools are the same, that they are all hammers. If the tools do not find their purpose, their true power, after each revolution, a new builder will come to take power over them.

_I: Therefore, there are two types of Power, the one that makes us know what we are capable of doing with our inner potential, and the one that makes us want to use others as tools for our own purposes.

_AM: And they are both the same. Two sides of the same coin. A society without power or the search for power does not exist. Humanity needs different powers, but it needs to know what Power means. It is the capacity for realization, for giving to others the sense that each one has a useful potential for the whole, that each one is unique and, from that consciousness, the builder builds an unmatched Power: the Creative Freedom of the Tools.

_I: So the tools stop being tools, and become makers, builders.

_AM: It's called “empowerment.” Another misused concept. Empowerment is not about taking away someone else's power to take what belongs to me. It is awakening my ability to collaborate with the balance of others. Without needing to be used or to use anyone. Real Power is built when the being shows others that they are capable of awakening their own. Something you call “Leadership”.

_I: And why would leadership be needed?

_AM:  Because you are mammals. Simple. From the moment you are born, you are subordinate to mother and father as examples. One of the two will set the trend and direction of the group. The Family has a natural hierarchy, it can be anyone, but it does, something that does not exist in reptiles and birds or other kingdoms. Mammals, especially large mammals, have evolved to migrate, and in every migration, a guide is needed, someone who moves ahead. Then they called him Father, or Shaman, or Leader, King, etc. Today, it is a Politician, who has claimed said Power. It's natural, and it's not bad.

_I: But hierarchical power hurts us.

_AM: Then why haven't you changed it in the last 20,000 years?

_I: Because a new power always arises, or empire, or dictatorship, or any other system that subjugates again.

_AM:  For a power to take effect, many must surrender that power. That is to say, if a control system emerges in the world, it is because its population does not know how to use its own power. The two factors add up: the irresponsibility or inability to awaken your own power, and the mammalian nature that flows in your blood needing someone to follow. In other words, there are no two separate things such as “those in the people” and “those in power.” You are all human. Humans with empowering irresponsibility.

_I: How is this cycle solved?

_AM:  Educating humans to awaken their inner power. Reminding them of what each of them is capable of. The Education you have only gives you tools to become new tools. Knowledge and Wisdom cannot be given, they can only be shown. It is only the inner power that makes us seek knowledge and awaken wisdom. Learning what is taught today as a citizen is the next step in learning to be a person. Well, you are all individuals before a collective. It ignites the potential of the individual, and it will be useful to the collective. And in 3 generations, you will all be powerful.

_I: And who will govern?

_AM:  The knowledgeable and the wise. Those who, having awakened their potential, put themselves at service as tools and guides, not as leaders.

_I: Transcend the mammal phase, then.

_AM:  Evolve. Taking Power from Unconsciousness is controlling the tools; Being the Power from Consciousness is guiding others to find their own tools.

_I: This is very difficult to do, it takes a long time.

_AM: ...And what else do you have to do before?

_I: Well… Survive.

_AM: Oh, right, that detail. That is the biggest impediment to Empowerment: the biological need to survive: eat and sleep. Governments control populations through this, religions do it, and even families: “Today you are going to your room without dinner! “. Punishment and Reward call him. This need is the main reason why there is a Society, but not a Civilization. The main factors of Society are the agglomeration of individuals and groups so that, through exchange, they can survive in harmony for as long as possible. The main factors of a Civilization are the incentive to cultural and intellectual development, to the formation of a searching, philosophical and artistic spirit. It is evident that until you overcome Social needs, you will not be able to build a Civilization. However, the paradox is that the only way to solve the social is through the civilized. Each one has their own concept of what Civilization means, but in reality, every people or being that has self-awareness, capable of creating and generating common well-being, is a civilized being, whether from Switzerland or the Amazon.

_I: I remember that 12,000 years ago, rulers had to be very prepared in their inner being before coming to power, because they had to be a reflection to imitate, not to follow.

_AM:  That is an empowered being. The goal of a coherent being, which reflects internal balance in the external world, and is coherent both inside and out. The current world is based on the forms of power, but not on its essence. The great challenge is to get away from all concepts of power, both right and left, as a center, beyond ideologies, beyond economic or educational positions. Behind, or inside all of this, there is a common factor: Humanity. Empower the Human concept in each individual, and you will have Humanity.

_I: Therefore, those who awaken their inner power will be those who can help transcend the social to reach the civilized, and thus evolve.

_AM: And for that you must empower yourself.

_I: I can.

_AM:  I Am Power.



I Am Truth


I Am Who He Am