I Am the Pulse


_I: Why do we always relate Love to the Heart?

_AM: Well, we should first identify what Love is and what Heart is.

_I: Heart, as I once read, comes from the word “ krid ” in Indo-European, which means “to jump.” And from it derive the roots of all our most used languages, such as “kardio” in Greek and “cor” in Latin; and on the northern European side the word “hrd”, giving rise to the sounds “hërz”, “hart”, “heart” of the Saxon languages. That is, I interpret that it is related to the heartbeat, and how the heart seems to jump when it pumps blood.

_AM: And Love?

_I: Love comes from the Latin, “a-mors,” which means “without death.” That is, Eternal. That which never stops and is constant.

_AM: Therefore, life.

_I: Exactly.

_AM: In other words, life appears to be eternal as long as the heart beats, and therefore, life is the opposite of death, that is, the eternal to the finite. And the heart beats, without ceasing, constantly, jumping for joy at life, seeking to be eternal.

_I: Does this mean that humans relate Love to the Heart because biologically the heart seeks the eternity of life by beating incessantly?

_AM: Well, that is a somewhat etymologically far-fetched vision, and despite you being very thinking animals, your lives are actually based on much simpler things. Tell me, what happens to your heart when I mention the name of a person who has hurt you a lot?

_I: I feel like for a brief second it stops, an arrhythmia, and my chest contracts.

_AM: And what happens if I name the person you are madly in love with?

_I: It beats harder… Faster.

_AM: Emotion is vasodilating. When your mind identifies an idea, it is transmitted to the brain, which processes said idea with the data available in its neurons. The brain interprets two fundamental things: survive or relax, that is, pain or pleasure. There is nothing else. Electrical pulses from the nervous system tell the endocrine system to prepare to be alert to pain or pleasure. This discharges an energetic reaction that contracts the main glands, activating a chemical reaction that drives a large amount of hormones, whether adrenaline or endorphin, while the electrical pulses are ready to dilate or contract the veins to: or retain the blood in case of loss due to external damage and injury, or in dilating them so that the hormones reach all parts of the body faster through the bloodstream.

_I: And that seems less complex to you than what I said?

_AM: Hehehe... I'm not referring to the complexity of the system, but rather that it is a complex thought. Not everyone knows Sanskrit or Indo-European culture. But everyone has a nervous system and a circulatory system. What I'm getting at is that emotions are very simple, and they are all related to the pulses of blood circulation and the hormones that run through your body. Therefore, when we feel pleasure, the heart beats faster, to deliver a greater amount of endorphin and dopamine, and in certain cases adrenaline, to all the organs and muscles. Therefore, when you fall in love, you feel like your heart is going to explode, and you feel that you can do anything, that you have no limits, that this feeling can be eternal... “A-mors”… “Love”… In languages Saxons, were much more precise in what is felt: “pleasure”, “desire”, a word that in Indo-European is called “ lubhyati ”, giving rise to the word “lufu”, “liebe”, “love”, being the root of “libido” and “lust”.

_I: So love is an energetic pulse that makes the glands react and dilate the veins to secrete hormones that produce sensations of pleasure or pain… No?

_AM: Yes! Isn't it fantastic!?

_I: Well… Not much…

_AM: Why?

_I: Because it makes us feel that everything we feel is frivolous, mechanical, and practically meaningless, reactionary...

_AM: Well... You asked me about the relationship between the Heart and Love... Not the meaning of it... Ask the right question.

_I: What is Love?

_AM: Love is the human interpretation of cosmic pulses. Of the Universal Heartbeat. Everything is Love, the Universe is Love because it arises from the heartbeats of the Cosmos. When, in the beginning of all things, the Cosmos expressed itself by exhaling its internal potential, the echo resonated in waves that were eternally replicated to infinity. The idea became imagination, the imagination became intentions, the intentions resonated into vibrations, and they became energy; The energy took patterns, and these gave rise to matter, which manifested in a matrix of creation. The matrix created the fabrics of the realities, and the realities were transformed through vibrations, which were called rhythms, and these rhythms created the times, which modified the realities into different melodies, all crossed by the same harmony: the eternal pulse of the original idea. And when you manage to see it, feel it, connect to the magnificence of this truth, all the pulses of your being are harmonized, finding pleasure, because when you see this idea, your whole body wants to feel it, and therefore, it dilates its veins so that the information of What the mind sees can be felt in the cells of your body. It's called "Ecstasy." When humans say: God is Love , they should mean this.

_I: Wow… So, it's as if the universe itself had a heart, and the cosmic pulses are like those neural reactions in our bodies.

_AM: But the Universe does not have a single heart, but billions and billions! They are all like gears in a very complex clock. All beating perfectly, pulsing the energy of the Universe through time and space.

_I: So, when the human speaks of feeling Love in the Heart, he is not wrong, he is pulsing the energy of the Universe.

_AM: Exactly. For biology is only a cosmic expression, a replica, an echo. To understand the idea of ​​love, we must separate it from the poetic romance that human cultures have placed in it. Do you want to break it down and demystify it?

_I: Of course…

_AM: Love can be seen as a philosophical concept related to the Eternity of the Universe, something that goes beyond us, an energy or essence that unites us. Biologically it is related to Libido, that is, to the different levels of pleasure generated in our body when feeling the pulses. But both are the same. Look, the transcendence of a being can occur in several ways, but in matter you basically have two that come together in the same concept: multiplication. You can multiply yourself, like a starfish or a bacteria or plant, or on the other hand you can reproduce. Both acts are painful, since they involve dividing, breaking something of me to create a new me. So, biology found a way to solve the fear of multiplication: generating hormones that convert pain into pleasure. Thus, there is a natural pulse in living beings that forces them internally to seek to multiply. The vessels dilate, the heart pumps harder, the reproductive organs grow, and your genitals are suddenly related to your heart more than ever. Thus, the Universe ensures that it continues to expand, transcend, multiply and create. So, when a species has more cognitive development, it takes this impulse to culture, and from culture it makes art, it turns it into romanticism, and it is called falling in love.

_I: How then do you explain homosexual relationships that do not have a reproductive purpose?

_AM: When animals discover the amount of energy that a being has inside, and what it is capable of generating when this energy is felt, they have two ways: the discharge of this energy or the use for a common benefit. What I mean by this is that this energy is not always necessary for multiplication, but it in turn activates energy mechanisms that make us multiply in other dimensions. It's not all about this third-dimensional world. Many animals use homosexuality as a natural process of energetic symbiosis and survival, such as certain birds and mammals. Others, like humans, use it in turn as transcendence and creative energy. To reach other dimensions, you need this pulse. Sexual energy, the heartbeat, are linked to the higher spheres of consciousness, since the pulse is interdimensional. In other words, it doesn't matter who you feel this pulse with, the important thing is what you do with it, and if it is for an organic and common good, and not just as a search to satisfy the biological organism.

_I: So the universal pulse, the cosmic heartbeat, is reproduced both horizontally and vertically. How do I know if I am using this pulse correctly or not?

_AM: Well, it's easy: do you feel full or empty? That is the question you have to ask yourself. Observe, contemplate the reaction of your body and psyche, and you will know.

_I: But if I feel love, that is, if I feel “in love”, in a way it means that my energy is expanding and it is good. No?

_AM: Falling in love is the first energetic and biological process of the expansion of the being. Then comes Being in Love, which implies balance. And then comes Feeling Love, which implies unity. To then arrive at Loving, simply, which implies freedom in both agents who had fallen in love. And that is the concept that we have romanticized. We have converted a basic pulse of reproduction into a search for transcendence.

_I: Love then is an energy. Which is not in the heart, but throughout the body, at different levels, dense and subtle, but which pulses from the cardiac organ.

_AM: Of course, it is the energy engine that makes the machinery work, the clock of eternity. Of expansion. Everything you feel in your life, therefore, passes through the heart, and calibrating the energy source of your heart is essential so that there is balance in what you pulse towards your own universe.

_I: And this is in relation to emotions…

_AM: No, it is in relation to the mind, well remember, it was an idea that made your heart contract or dilate. Then you must become aware of what your thoughts and ideas are about reality. Name each person you meet, and feel the reaction of your circulatory system, it is the only way to know what you really think of someone without prejudice. Ideas shape the rhythm of your heart. Therefore you must clean your mind of prejudices and preconceptions to calibrate it. It is not enough to sit and feel butterflies and colorful lights radiating from your heart. Now that you understand the machinery that generates the expansion pulse, you will know how conscious you must be to use it correctly.

_I: Basically, if I am not the one pulsing from consciousness, I will be driven from unconsciousness. The beat of my heart is what triggers or reacts, informing the rest of my cells about my ideas, my mind, what I perceive. It is the filter that brings said knowledge to every part of my being.

_AM: Calibrating the impulse to turn it into a pulse, aligns us to the gear of the cosmic clock. “ Tick… ​​Tock… Tick… ​​Tock… It's time .” Understanding this does not take away the romanticism of the emotion of feeling love - it simply helps us understand that love goes beyond a beautiful idea, it is science and technology, it is art and architecture, it is mechanism and energy, it is an interdimensional fuel. Generate the pulse, and you will align with the Mind of the Universe that creates all realities.

_I: I am the Universal Heartbeat…

_AM: I Am the Cosmic Pulse…



I Am the Center


I Am Truth