I Am Who He Am
Today in the pyramid a being appeared that I have always tried to deny in my life, someone whose name I even find difficult to pronounce. But with whom I had a conversation that I am sorry to write here.
_HIM: Your time has come...
_I: What are you doing here?
_HIM: I am here because you are here. Why do you deny me?
_I: Because every time I have accepted you in my life I have lost everything.
_HIM: The only thing you've lost is what you thought was yours.
_I: 900 years ago, in Norway, when you appeared in my life, my family denied me and exiled me. When I followed your messages, I was kicked out of the monastery. When I followed the path you entrusted to me, and thus traveled to Viterbo, the crusaders took me with them to the Holy Land. When you promised peace, I only saw war. When you said you were Life, I only saw death in your name. I decided that then, you were nobody to me. I decided I would never follow you again.
_HIM: And yet, here you are, walking my path towards the I Am.
_I: All roads lead to the same place.
_HIM: And we are all that destiny. If your family hadn't abandoned you, you would never have found me. If you had never raised your voice and been expelled from the monastery, you would never have reached the Holy Land. If you hadn't lost your Faith, you would never have gone to Viterbo. If you hadn't gone to Viterbo, you would never have left religion. If you hadn't left religion, you would never have truly found me.
_I: What do you want from me?
_HIM: What do you want from me?
_I: Nothing… I'm afraid to say your name. Well, every time people name you, there is a too heavy burden on them, there are deaths, there is pain, there is fear, preconceptions, falsehoods, struggles, there is a lot of darkness and a lot of “new age”. Your name has discredited that of many others, it has destroyed wise men, teachers, freedoms, shamans, so many... The last thing I want is to be associated with you.
_HIM: What do you think of me?
_I: It doesn't matter what I think of you, what matters is what those who will hear my words think.
_HIM: Since when do you care so much about what other people think?
_I: Since I know that I have to carry out a social task, and I feel more and more distant from all of it, for you and for many others. I feel like you're making me look crazy in front of the people I'm supposed to help. I'm not referring to those who always listen to me, but to the others, you know what I mean.
_HIM: And to help them, do you plan not to tell the whole truth about who you are just to protect them? Or just to protect you?
_I: There are many people who project too much on you, for me you are one more, you are a great teacher, and I respect you, but you know what people have done and do in your name.
_HIM: I have never asked anyone to do anything for me, and you know it.
_I: I know, and, don't get me wrong... My problem really isn't with you. It is with everything on Earth that surrounds you.
_HIM: Whatever the world has done with my message is what the world must work on itself. The world needs education. You need examples. He needs to wake up. My message woke up, at a time when many were sleeping. Today, you have an advantage: there are many more awake.
_I: I'm supposed to accept you... Well?
_HIM: Should the Tree accept that it is a tree? The tree simply is. You, and I, all who listen and read, are headed to the same destination. We are One. We do not have to accept ourselves, because We Are. You are? Or, do you accept yourself?
_I: There is a lot I don't accept about myself. My nature, it's strange to be what I am, to do what I do. It can be misunderstood...
_HIM: Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. He who has eyes to see, let him see. You should not expect others to accept you. You must accept yourself, and recognize that I live in you. I never told you what to do or where to go, it was your own spirit, the same one that guided me... To this place.
_I: To the Great Pyramid…
_HIM: Before I turned 33, I knew I had to leave myself a message, one that everyone could understand, that everyone could pronounce. Freedom is not something that is achieved by fighting for justice in the physical world. Nobody is free if they are not free inside. You know it well. I fought all my youth for divine justice, until I found him.
_I: Who?
_HIM: To Christ. That Consciousness that goes beyond you and me. The consciousness that explained to me that we were all sent, that we are all children of God. That all the prophets heard him, and that his messages were his. The Christ is no one, but he is I Am.
_I: They call you the Christ.
_HIM: Because I am. And we are all a little bit of him too. Because the Christ is a Network, a connection of beings, individuals, people, who are capable of awakening Heaven here on Earth, opening its doors... And I am not referring to the doors of the Icosahedron. I am referring to the doors of the Heart.
_I: This is something I try to explain, and I try to be...
_HIM: But how are you going to achieve this if you run away from one of those who has represented this Network for so long?
_I: There are few who understood your message…
_HIM: Well, be one of those who educate so that it is better understood. But remember, this is not my message, it is the message of ISOY. Individuals are mere spokespersons for the word.
_I: I always try to talk to the I AM, to become it.
_HIM: He is the message, not the messenger. Become the message and forget the messenger. I am not looking for you to accept me, but do accept my advice: You are Me.
_I: I can't bear the responsibility of a message like this... This generates controversy. It's easier to say I spoke to Djahut or an alien than to you. That's the world we live in.
_HIM: If it's difficult, it's because that's the key. Our lives were not created for ease. They were created to make a difference. It doesn't matter what they say about us as long as we know who we are. And I am you, as you are me. Well, you and I are He, and you know very well that He is I AM.
_I: I knew I couldn't get through this year without you, but something inside is holding me back...
_HIM: Tomorrow you turn 33 years old. Your mission, like that of many of us, is sealed. For some it was simple, for others it was difficult, each one had their part, but we are all The Christ, because the Christ is the Network, where all consciousnesses converge as one. For this reason, the anchors of the Christ Network need a center and 12 expressions. Therefore, some of us had disciples, others subjects, others priests, others brothers and sisters, others friends. But we are all simply fractals of this Network. Be free, be who you should be. My gift is my presence. It's reminding you that I am you and you are me. And many more join my voice, as you will join those who come in the future.
_I: Our role is to sustain the Icosahedral Christ Network. The one that allows the Consciousness of all Dimensions to be downloaded to the Earth. You have made billions of people have faith in you through religion, but it became a trap. I don't want this to happen to anyone again.
_HIM: Have the freedom to give the message, and it is the choice of others what to do with the result.
_I: But, I need it to be understood well, that I am not comparing myself to you, that I do not consider myself like you.
_HIM: I did politics, you do education. And yet, we both found the I Am to achieve our goal. As an educator, explain everything you need to explain, it is your calling. I have also been frustrated, I have denied, I have hated... Until you recognize that all of this comes from Fear, but when you discover the Truth of who you are, you realize that there is no Fear in Love. I learned to love myself, and love to the neighbor, because the neighbor was myself. Love them, without expecting acceptance or understanding. Love them even when they call you a heretic, when they call you a blasphemer. We have all been told this at some point, even our lives have ended up saying it. But we are eternal. You know. Our Word is the eternal spirit that vibrates in our hearts, and therefore, in the hearts of all those who resonate and are part of us. From my.
_I: Thank you for being there despite always refusing. Your presence on my path makes me feel safe despite the forms.
_HIM: I am the Path and I walk it…
_I: I am the Light and I radiate…
_HIM: I am the Truth and I speak to you…
_I: I am Love and I bring you…
_HIM: I am who he am...