

_I: “Does God exist? Is God the Creator of all things? If God created the Universe... Where does God live? Is God something separate from the Universe, or is He the Universe? Is there a purpose in creation? If God created me in his image and likeness, then can I also be a God? Can I create or only God can do it?”

_AM: What do you feel when you go to paint?

_I: I don't know how to describe it... It's like an impulse... Suddenly, one day, I feel something running through my body, something that doesn't go through my mind, in fact my mind goes blank. The first thing I do is put everything I'm going to use even if I don't know what I'm going to paint... But I like order at the beginning of things, even if it later becomes chaotic and dirty. I put the brushes aside, everything organized by size, the palette with the mixer, a gouge in case I use plaster, and all the acrylic colors, which I sometimes organize by color ranges in front of me so I can find them easier. Normally I know that I will start by painting a map, I love painting the Earth...

_AM: What do you feel while you paint?

_I: Strangely, a bit of responsibility arises, that is, I think things like: if you don't get the color right the first time you will be wasting material, if you don't draw the right measurements the entire map will be disproportionate and you will have to start all over again. Well, I usually start with Europe, always, because its shape helps me have a reference point for the rest of the sizes, but if I do it wrong, it is incredible how it will affect Australia and its distance from Antarctica and South America... When I have managed to have the sketch of the map and the distances are appropriate, then I begin to fill in with base colors... White, blue, yellow, colors that help distinguish the contours and contrasts and serve as a base for the rest. That is when the mind begins to go blank, as in a meditation process, in which I stare at the brush passing through the established lines, and filling in the spaces makes my mind feel ecstasy, pleasure. When I discover the colors, I am amazed, and I am fascinated to see how they look when mixed with the other layers. I feel like every brushstroke makes me discover something new, and the more realistic the colors are, the more I feel like I'm traveling across the surface of the world. As in a meditation in which instead of closing my eyes to travel around the Earth, I have them wide open contemplating how I create each of its corners...

_AM: What are you doing it for? What is the purpose?

_I: I don't know... It doesn't have a purpose... Simply, when I finish a continent, I smile, and walk in circles staring at it, feeling part of it. And when I finish with the entire Earth, I observe it in wonder... As in love, contemplating every corner. I feel that, every time I paint it, I discover something new in myself, it helps me know how much I have learned to contemplate... I don't find a purpose other than contemplation...

_AM: How many have you painted?

_I: Many… Too many, the first was when I was 15, the week before I moved to Spain. I took a piece of wood and painted a world map. I left it for my grandmother as a gift, before leaving without knowing when I would see her again... It was the first time I painted her, I felt like it was the first time I would go so far away, and I needed to express that the world was my home, that I would never really be far away if the Earth was in the same house where I was born... Now that I think about it in perspective, I was trying to design something that would make me feel at home...

_AM: What do you feel now that you look at him?

_I: My house… Wow… You just brought tears to my eyes again… I see my house, I see the lemons in the garden, my great-aunt watering her plants, my great-grandmother harvesting in the garden, the animals in the garden. shed, my mother painting with me, my grandmother cleaning, my grandfather listening to classical music while polishing the coins, my aunt sewing on the stairs. Every time I paint the Earth, I am saying: “this is my home”, even if I go far away… I am still here, it is small, it is a small world… And I have created it, it is my home… I feel at home when I see the Earth... I feel like a child, I feel the innocence, I feel the thousands of opportunities that exist... You made me cry...

_AM: I just ask the questions… You do the recognition process. Who is God?

_I: “Once upon a time there was an angel, alone, in a dark corner of the universe, with no one to love him, nor anyone to love… Then one day he decided to create life that he could love, and thus be able to feel loved… And the living of They called their creation “God.”

_AM: “God is a child playing alone in a room in the cosmos, hoping to reunite with his family, and feel love”…

_I: An angel told me that story when I was a child. He explained to me that God is not an Omnipresent Almighty, but a Child who Loves what arises from him...

_AM: And He Loves it because he has created it, but more importantly, the reason why he loves his creation is because it reminds him of that child, it reminds him of everything he can do, it reminds him of his home, his imagination, his infinite capacity for creativity.

_I: So God did not create life to love him, but to remind himself of self-love...

_AM: “In the image and likeness.” God is Light (from the Indo-European dyew = day), and this light decided to play creating thousands of colors that branched out through the universe. God did not create things outside of himself, all things arise from God, from Light, from Consciousness. All things are the product of God like the fruits on a tree. The fruits are products of this great tree of life, which will fall, separating from the Great Tree, suffering the fall, rotting, dying. But it is in that death that they give power to the metamorphosis of the seed, which finds stability and nutrients to grow, forming a new tree. When the apple falls from the tree, he sees the Tree in the heavens, contemplating it from its branches and leaves, and he feels like a “fallen angel”, living in a world of insects, crawling vermin that damage the skin, the integrity, that devour, and They decompose the bodies while God contemplates. What the apple does not know is that underneath the roots of the tree support it, accompanying it in the process of emerging from the shadows, spreading roots and seeking light in its shoots.

_I: So God is not a Tree, but a Forest…

_AM: A Jungle... The largest you can imagine... Once, it was a single tree, but it found a way to transcend by replicating itself, designing new options for its being. Each new sprout, each flower, each fruit, generated a new seed with new information, improving, but at the same time feeling part of the previous and the new. God creates himself transcending the thousands of forms that he replicates…

_I: Like me painting the Earth over and over again, and the better I get at it, the closer I am to home...

_AM: The Light that gives Light to itself, seeking the Origin. Do you know what that is called?

_I: No…

_AM: In Greek, origin or birth is said “gene”, from the Indo-European “ghen”, which means “to give birth, to give birth”.

_I: God did not create us, then, but himself... We are simple mirrors of God, we are aspects of Divinity, and as such, we are Creators... And in each creation, we give birth to ourselves, taking us to the light consciousness...

_AM: This is the principle or law of Generation.

_I: The Generation of things is the action of giving birth, giving birth to something new with the sole purpose of replicating itself and returning to the Origin, home...

_AM: But since it happened to you, you already live in that house, you just have to remember it. The Earth is in your hands, and wherever you see it, you will know that home is there, in your memory, because nothing else exists, only in your mind.

_I: Every time I paint I return to the feeling of the origin in my mind, of my creative child, of my home... Every time I do something, I generate a project, a trip, a relationship, a painting, a song, a child , a book, no matter what it is generating, everything is inevitably the law of generation, the natural impulse to seek the origin...

_AM: And that is no purpose, because purpose is to search for something ahead, when the home and origin of all things was always within you.

_I: …”I Am”…

_AM: The generation reminds us that through Polarity, through the Axis, the magnetic forces of positive and negative, drive our vibration to transform its rhythms, the search itself being the cause of the effect that will be generated, projecting a response corresponding to a idea that only lives in your infinite imagination.

_I: What I generate is a product of my mind…

_AM: There lies the intention of all things. Therefore, you create your purpose, you design the strategy, you are the cause of your life, you attract what you resonate with, you live to the rhythm that your heart beats, you are God being manifested, and therefore you are generated and generating .

_I: I am Creator in every step, every attitude...

_AM: The greater the creators, the greater the divine potential. For this reason, one of the keys to finding God is to awaken the generative capacity of every human being.

_I: How is it done?

_AM: Reawakening that child who awaits the reunion with his family, which is yourself. Go back to that child and hug him, tell him that his imagination is the only one that will set you free. Restore the faith of creating through play, through fun. It returns to the child damaged, psychologically abused by the system, emotionally abused by the culture, and in some cases, physically abused by the environment. Hug him and tell him that his smile elevates worlds, generates forests. Tell him that he can be reborn, return home, and create new worlds. Tell the Adolescent in you that sexuality is not taboo, that it is okay to feel sexual desire, that it is okay to experiment, tell him that he does not have to repress himself, that the force of his creation is in his genitals, that he does not have to be afraid or ashamed of your own creative power. Tell him that he is a superhero, that he is a superhero, tell him that he is God and Goddess. Which is the Creative Universe manifested in a human, capable of creating his own universe.

_I: I am the Generator of my own reality, I design my purpose, I am the Creator of my own Universe.

_AM: Dare to create without fear. There are no limits other than those you believe. Believe, and when you return home you will be millions. You will be a Forest in constant generation, giving birth to Existence.



