

_I: When we talk about Universal Laws, for some reason it sounds strong, as if there is an obligation. And then there is this idea that the entire Law was made to be broken. So what does a Universal Law entail?

_AM: The use of this word has two connotations, but the one that has given weight to your perception of the law lies in a cultural issue. Let's first see what Law means, as we have said at other times. Law comes from “Leg” in the Indo-European language, meaning “to choose.” By etymological principle, the law is not an obligation, but a choice. Now, let's go to the human context of 10,000 to 2,500 years ago. During this period, humanity once again plunged into a time of conflict and doom, when all peoples divided, fought among themselves, and civilizations once again became tribes that formed empires that rose and fell. But primarily, most cultures were made up of tribes around Asia, Europe and Africa. The changing context caused a lot of confusion among individuals, and therefore, it was necessary to establish certain rules according to the environments.

_I: We talk about this, what we call “morality”, those norms established by the normality of a people inhabiting a specific place, understanding that “inhabit” in Latin is said “moris”.

_AM: In the inhabited space, certain actions are carried out that by nature can be interpreted as good or bad for the community: actions like killing, everyone knows that it generates social disharmony, and actions like planting, everyone knows that it produces something good for the whole… Thus, the idea of ​​what is objectively “just” is constituted, which in Latin they called “ius”, the origin of the word Justice. But this just morality was missing something else: a consensus of rules that would calm the subjective concepts of what is right or wrong, as we could say today: crossing a red light, invading private property, etc... These rules They are established in an assembly, where the regulations are “chosen”, and therefore, where they are “legislated” by consensus. This is how the law is born. While Morality is the norm that makes a culture that inhabits a specific space and time, and Justice is the objective natural right of what is right and what is wrong, the Law is a subjective consensus of norms or guides chosen by morality to keep justice alive.

_I: So the laws are the pages of a book where the rules of a game are subjectively written, in which even though we know that cheating is wrong, without the rules we would have no idea what the limit is between the strategy and the trap.

_AM: That's right.

_I: And why are they called Universal Laws?

_AM: Because the Universe is a Game with free will. Then, the Mind, divided into its three levels: conscious, unconscious and subconscious, chose certain subjective rules that would help it stay in order within the game. The law is not there as an imposition, then, but as a guide.

_I: I understand... It happens that throughout human history, laws have not favored everyone in the game, and have created this subconscious idea that a law must be broken, that they are not fair to the people.

_AM: This is because it is not citizens who write the laws, but politicians. The laws, in most cases, represent the ideals of the powerful and not the perspective of the citizens. For a long time, systems have abused the Legislative Power, using it according to their own ideals or needs, adjusted to their intentions over others. It is not the people who choose the laws, but individuals pressured by people (whether people, companies, ideals or policies). They are not objective, they are loaded with interests and conditions. The Law helps prevent chaos from existing, and it appears in different forms. The Law constitutes the joint idea or intention of a tribe or nation. For this reason, countries have their own “Constitution”, which means: “that which is united”. And sometimes, they have joined forces. In a kingdom, it is the King and the feudal lords who establish the laws. In a Dictatorship, he is the dictator, depending on the mood of the day; in an Empire it is the emperor or the parliamentary Board; in a republic it is the Parliament; On a religious level it is the spiritual leader who chooses them; and in a democracy, it is the popular assembly.

_I: Are there popular assemblies today?

_AM: No, at least not at the Republican level. All existing republics use the parliamentary representative system, so there are no people involved. People don't elect laws, they elect people who will elect laws.

_I: So democracy doesn't exist...

_AM: No. But that's another topic. What concerns us here today is the creation of the Law that, as you will see, throughout history, rarely have the individuals of a people been able to truly choose all the laws under which they live in a common consensus.

_I: Maybe it's difficult for everyone to agree...

_AM: Not necessary. Well it's impossible. The democratic system precisely aims to allow the greatest number of people who think in one way to shape the law, since they represent the majority of that people. Imposing a law that represents the minority would not make sense; to do so, the minority must propose better ways that are accepted by the majority, and this is how it evolves. Thus you see how the law, which is subjective, depends more on democracy than on other systems, because outside of the representative parliamentary republic, all other systems do not have Laws, they have control and punishment mechanisms.

_I: This indicates that the Law was made to transform according to the evolutionary context... Not to be something fixed.

_AM: The rules of the game change. That is why universal laws are malleable. You don't always have to be in a low vibration, it is not a law, it is an evolutionary state, and the laws will adapt to it. You are free to change your vibration and use the laws for you instead of against you. Judging universal laws with the eyes of dictatorship, oppression, is like judging food for making you fat.

_I: Sure... I understand, food is an option, which my body needs until the day I manage to live off prana, on light. In the meantime, I will continue to use food, but only I am the one who decides how much I eat, and what I eat and the way in which I do it...

_AM: That's why you perceive that the law was made to be broken, but that's not the case... It was made to transform based on your own transformation. The Law is not your enemy, the Law is the one who guides you in existence when you are lost and without your own power. The law protects you, and therefore, the law is a Patron (from “Pater”: to protect).

_I: And it will protect me until I regain my own power and shape the law for my next level, in consensus with my new reality... The patterns are laws that limit me trying to guide me...

_AM: But if you give them your power, instead of guiding you they will control you, they will believe that they have the power. And power is the Will, having power is not controlling, it is having responsibility, that is, responding according to the whole. A being without personal responsibility receives all the natural weight of the law and finds himself a prisoner of the bosses. Power does not position you above others, power gives you responsibilities for action for the balance of all parts, free of conditioning.

_I: This is why we believe that the laws limit us, because we are irresponsible... Then the law becomes more intense... Or it becomes corrupted.

_AM: The corruption of the Law demonstrates a system without any power, without joint responsibility. The Universe does not oppress with laws, it does not punish. There is no Heaven that rewards the just nor Hell that punishes the unjust. That was a religious law that ensured social stability in times of chaos. The truth is that the Universe has only given 7 laws, and through them it hopes that each person finds the responsibility of knowing how to handle the rules of the game freely.

_I: The Law is the Pattern that takes care of me in my time of unconsciousness. A conscious people only needs 7 laws…

_AM: A people that recognizes that its mind is creative, that responds coherently to the world according to its inner feeling, that vibrates in the truth, that adapts to the rhythms of existence, that is consistent in its actions, that lives in axis in his emotions, and who is able to allow himself to manifest his inner potential, is not controlled by patterns, but is free to use them to create realities. He is a human being who needs nothing more than the 7 Universal Laws to live in harmony.

_I: Just as Laws make up a National Constitution, Patterns make up the Constitution of an Individual. If the individual changes, so does his constitution, and modifies his patterns with freedom and responsibility... And the same goes for a Nation.

_AM: Every rule was made to guide us, and it has only become control over people when they have forgotten their responsibility in existence. Reclaim your power by following the universal laws, and you won't need anyone else on the outside to remind you of what you already know.

_I: We can tell them Universal Principles then…

_AM: The 7 are the beginning of all things. “Principle”, the one that takes first place… The 7 arise at the same moment, and are aspects of each other, like the different angles at which you can see a person. Talking about Universal Principles reminds us that they are the foundations of Existence, but it does not remind us that they are a guide, a way of not getting lost, which is why you will know them as Laws. They are the Patterns of God... And when you are able to be like Him, like the Universe, you will be able to establish your own Laws. In the meantime, pay attention to your patterns, what are your biggest patterns? Those who control you, who condition you in life. Where have you lost power? That is, where, when and in what way have you stopped being responsible?

_I: What I am not responsible for controls me...

_AM: Submits you… So, know your patterns, and you will know your laws. And if you are worthy of regaining your power, you will be Righteous.

_I: “The Kingdom of Heaven will belong to the Righteous.”

_AM: The Earth is already floating in the Heavens... You just need to remember that you are a Just King.

_I: And I will be when I recognize all the patterns inherited by those who make up my Family Tree, who write my Constitution.

_AM: Transform your idea of ​​yourself, and extend your branches writing new laws.

_I: I Am the Law…

_AM: I Am the Universal Law.



