

_I: In the pyramid today, they were fixing things inside. There were workers with ladders and pulling many ropes out of a sack. For a long time, they focused on extracting each piece of rope and starting to untie them to secure the ends of the ladder.

_AM: "I Am the Ladder of Evolution."

_I: Oh, it's true, I hadn't realized it until you mentioned it... Today's Affirmation is what was happening inside the King's Chamber in Khufu's Pyramid... An extensive ladder that was being secured with ropes to make it more firm and safe to reach what they needed to repair on the ceiling.

_AM: Today, the Evolutionary Ladder was literally activated in the Pyramid while you were there... Symbols showing what happens on other planes.

_I: Yes... And then I could feel the presence of the masters. At first, I felt uncomfortable; they even asked me to stand up, saying you can't sit or meditate, even if I wasn't meditating... Then one of the masters whispered to me: "observe, contemplate." I only saw the ropes; I didn't remember that this month we are transiting through the Ladder... I didn't contemplate it very well, then...

_AM: What did you see?

_I: I saw the knots, and I remembered the image of when we tie or untie shoelaces. The knots we make must be strong enough to not let the structure fall, or the shoe come off, as it would be uncomfortable to walk with something on your feet that dances to its own rhythm and can come off at any moment. We tie the knots precisely to ensure that things are in place, that they won't move, and that gives us firmness with each step. But there comes a point in the day when we must take off our shoes, and at that moment, I saw something interesting.

_AM: What?

_I: The way we do it. Some sit down and take all the time in the world to analyze the laces and find the right folds from which to pull to dismantle the knot and loosen the shoe's neck. Others pull on the ends, watching them unravel by themselves as they pull the tips. Others impatiently start pulling without considering the consequences, and all they manage to do is tie it tighter and tighter until it's impossible to untie what's been knotted, generating anger. Others, a bit more rough, don't even look at the lace and forcibly take off the shoe by pressing with the other foot, and although it hurts a bit, they save the strategic time of untying the laces.

_AM: Which group do you belong to?

_I: The last one... I never had patience to untie laces; I always rip my shoes off like a beast...

_AM: Well, I don't think the Universe thought very well when they chose you to perform this task of "untying the planetary nodes."

_I: Wow... How much truth in a simple comparison.

_AM: Do you remember that phrase "God doesn't choose the qualified, he qualifies the chosen"?

_I: Yes, I don't know where it's from, but it's something they told us when I was 21 and we were being tested with demonic entities. Our thought was: "why does this happen to us and not to those who know about it?", and this phrase appeared somehow.

_AM: The phrase wanted to remind you of something key: life is about learning. The evolutionary development of a being doesn't come from what it knows, but from what it doesn't know. You will never find evolution in things that are familiar to you, but in the challenges of what is different. For this reason, the diversity of a world is key to developing new skills, to expanding consciousness. The key is in conflict. The word conflict arises from "con" (unity, together) and "flibo" (tighten, narrow). "Tighten everything together," confront, stand in front, very close. In Latin, "flibo" originated "flagere," which means "hit," so "afflicted" is the hit one, and to flagellate is to hit.

_I: Today in the pyramid they told _I: "The Brain seeks conflict because it is in this narrowing where it finds advancement. And if it doesn't find a conflict, then it will create one." Why does this happen?

_AM: Because of the Principle or Law of Polarity.

_I: Ufff, the famous Polarity, that everyone detests.

_AM: Well, you have to understand the difference between Polarity and Duality. What people really detest experiencing is the concept of Duality, which is the Quality of being Two things. This is interpreted by people as having two faces, usually opposite to each other, which generate all the conflicts of existence, and if one seeks harmony or freedom of being, one needs to leave all conflict. And, therefore, one must escape the system of Duality. On the other hand, Polarity comes from the Greek "pólos," and means "axis," that is, the Quality of being on an Axis, and it is related to two extremes that complement each other in such a way that they are never against or in conflict, but in complementarity, balance, unity, and generation.

_I: They are very different from each other...

_AM: Duality is the distortion of Polarities. But to understand this distortion, we must go to the origin. Remember: the Mind is the original pulse, which from the void projects all existence through the idea, thought, imagination. The intention to live that idea makes the void project into the full, that the negative or internal corresponds to the external, and thus the Correspondence is born. In the instantaneous movement of the concepts "inside and outside," an axis of manifestation arises: Polarity. Negative and Positive. No matter how much you call it the Sixth Universal Law, in reality it is born at the same moment as all the others. Polarity is not what divides things, but what tries to find balance between them.

_I: This changes my perspective on things a lot when we talk about polarized concepts. What you're saying is that, instead of separating to confront, what Polarity does is maintain the axis between each projection or distortion in order to maintain order...

_AM: It's a way of not losing harmony in creation. Polarity is the key to existence in order, in perfect balance. Void and Full, Nothing and Everything, Inside and Outside, Internal, External, Night and Day, Black and White... One doesn't exist without the other, they are perfect balance...

_I: But... Why does it then become duality?

_AM: Because what is in perfect balance has no room for changes. How many degrees does a sphere have?

_I: 360 degrees of circumference...

_AM: How many days are in a year?

_I: 365... 5 more days than the sphere.

_AM: Those 5 days or 4 days and a few hours are the constant option to make an upward turn, different, to transcend the previous circle in an expanding spiral. The margin of error, imperfection, is what gives rise to constant evolution. Thus, Polarity is attracted to the point where they narrow down, generating a pressure force such that both realities collapse into each other, bending and splitting in two. What you call distortion (dis: two, and torsion: bend). And it is this distortion that generates an opposite reaction to the expected one, causing polarities to change, and begin to repel each other, becoming "duality." This is where new causes with erratic effects arise, generating a consequence of dual facts and reasons. But this is useful for the universe. Because it gives many options.

_I: It's like a game...

_AM: Polarity is the law or principle that establishes that the norm is evolution in balance, but recognizes that without room for error or erratic movements, there will be no evolution, because without conflict, no options arise from the mind, and that's why it needs duality, as a way to find those options. So today they told you "if there is no conflict, the mind will seek to create one."

_I: All our conflicts arise from the mind... From erratic, confusing ideas, perceptions, beliefs, preconceptions. But it's horrible...

_AM: It depends on where you look...

_I: In what sense?

_AM: If you look at it from a high vibration or a low vibration. Whoever is at the bottom of the valley, trapped in the shadows, will only see obstacles, hills to climb, effort to make. Whoever is at the top of the hills will see the landscape, the sun, the horizon clearly, and going down will be an exercise in grace. But to get up there, you had to climb up from below. In the cosmic vibration waves, rhythm marks the hills and valleys of existence, the positives and negatives that make up the universal consequence you call Eternity, and without it, there is no balance. Now, if you speed up, you will tire faster, and you will be frustrated because in a short time you have tried to get too high, and that has only shaken and exhausted you. To get very high, you need to walk with patience, take your time, and breathe with quality.

_I: That's why you told me about the shoes... I'm one of those who do everything quickly, now... And yet, what is going best in my life is precisely the year I'm doing everything slowly, little by little, day by day...

_AM: There are those who need to speed up their pace and those who need to slow it down. The search for balance is not unidirectional; it will all depend on where you are. It's a matter of knowing how to observe, analyze, manage polarity sharply.

_I: It's a game of strategy... It reminds me of chess. I love playing chess; it's one of my favorite board games, but the only person I play it with is my 6-year-old sister. Whenever I'm home, she says to me, "Do we play chess?" And I can't refuse. I taught her how to play, and sometimes we play several games in a row. Every now and then she is the whites and I'm the blacks, and others we switch. There was one day when both of us played so badly and yet so well that our kings ended up facing each other. Proudly, I said to her: We drew! We were in perfect balance!

_AM: "Non-zero sum game." Strategy is a Greek concept that refers to "leading (agó) an army (stratós)," while "game" is equated with the English word "joke," stemming from the Indo-European "yek (speak)," which reminds us of the concept of a "jester," one who plays with words and entertains people. A game of strategy is a conversation that seeks to do the least harm possible, in which no one wins or loses, and everyone benefits. That's the key to Polarity in a harmonic vibration, which you only achieve with coherence. In the case of manifesting it in Duality, the game will turn into a discussion and the strategy into a battle, and only because of a simple conflict of preconceptions and misunderstandings.

_I: So the only way to get out of Duality is by entering Conscious Polarity.

_AM: Without leaving the game, change the discussion to conversation. Without abandoning the strategy, transcend the need to win for the search for diverse solutions. Whoever puts the idea of competition in their mind will believe that life is about enlightening and ascending, overcoming shadows, evil, or competing to win better resources, or logics, or being the owner of reason and feeding an ego that will not have more than about 90 years of life. And the same goes the other way around, with wanting to use darkness to overcome light. No one wins in wars; everyone loses. But everyone wins in peace. And peace is not achieved with stability, but with mobility, with the freedom of transformation, because conflicts arise when one who seeks change threatens the comfortable stability of the herd.

_I: That's where we understand that polarity and its diversity only seek to generate, manifest, transform, evolve... Transcending duality is learning to use it as a tool of coherence and not a weapon of survival.

_AM: And for that, you must take your time to observe the game... Like in chess, every move you make must be premeditated. Contemplate, observe the possible results, because every time you move a piece, you'll have to wait for the opposite to move and determine your next steps. Tick-tock. Positive and Negative. When you're about to take off your shoes, contemplate the laces, and untie them strategically.

_I: Like the workers did today in the pyramid, tying the ropes on the sides of the ladder to give it stability...

_AM: The knot is to support, not to tie. All the knots in your DNA are the links of your existence, they are the data of your evolution. There is no existence without Polarity.

_I: So, to use Polarity in my life, I must recognize it as the chessboard, knowing that every move in negative or positive I make will give rise to a polarity mechanism that will balance my steps. If I understand the rules of the game, I can use them to my advantage.

_AM: Every relationship you have is a polar negotiation. Negotiation comes from the word "nec" (without) and "otium" (leisure), that is, there is no moment of rest, but it is a constant dispute of values. Negotiation is the relationship of more than one subject or aspects trying to find a balance of values, whether psychological, emotional, physical, or conceptual... Negotiation always brings new data and learning for the involved beings, and therefore growth. The problem is that you usually do this with the goal of winning, never of growing. Use Polarity as a negotiation for advancement, growth, inner enrichment, and you will discover in conflict a key to knowledge and not to war. You just need to look, contemplate the world from Coherent Consciousness.

_I: I Am Polarity, I flow through existence nourishing myself from all perspectives...

_AM: Only then will you be able to create, advance, expand, and become the creator of your own universe...




Cause and Effect