

_I: “I want to have a million friends, and then be able to sing louder…” intoned the singer Roberto Carlos. And every time someone says “Gemini,” it's the phrase that comes to mind.

_AM: Well, there is no doubt that this constellation remembers the sweetness of fraternity and friendship, the love of sharing and discovering the other as part of oneself. The Constellation was named after the two large stars that look twinned in the sky, called Castor and Pollux. Both represent the forces of balance, the positive and the negative, but not in the balance or the fight, but in the purest and most loving unity. The myth says that Zeus fell in love with the wife of the King of Sparta, and transformed into a swan to make her fall in love. This woman, Leda, having had relations with Zeus in her swan form, returns to the castle where she consummates with her husband that same night. Because of this, Leda becomes pregnant with both of them at the same time, but the strange thing about the story is that the woman lays two eggs. From one is born Pollux, the son of Zeus, and from the other is born Castor, son of the king. The first was immortal and divine, while the second was mortal and human. But despite their indisputable differences, they both loved each other deeply, so much so that they seemed to be one. They were Twins. The word “twin” comes from the Indo-European “yem” which means to pair, to put in the same place, together. This is how “geminus” is created, that is: engendered or born together, as a couple. Its nominal formation is “Gemini”, which gives its name to the constellation. It is named after these twins because, according to Greek history, Castor dies in a battle, which destroys Pollux, who asks his father Zeus to end his life, since he will not tolerate living without his brother. of the. He asks Zeus to let Castor go up to Olympus, or let him go down to Avernus. But Zeus places them both in the stars, where they can share forever. For Egyptian mythology, the figures of Gemini are a man and a woman, representing day and night, external and internal light, holding hands in a sign of brotherhood. For China, they are the stars of Yin and Yang, who maintain the balance of things, as a unity.

_I: So for all cultures they have always represented that fraternity or balance...

_AM: And above all because of one special characteristic: it is the time of bartering.

_I: Exchange…

_AM: We have talked about barter in relation to Libra, which was responsible for setting the value of things based on their weight, and therefore there was equity when exchanging products. Well, Gemini is the one in charge of carrying out said final exchange, he is the one who communicates between the different agents of the trade. The Gemini period was a time of need, while Taurus began to till the fields, it was necessary to obtain the necessary resources for the continuity of life until production was adequate. Therefore, families and villages were forced to communicate with each other, to exchange products and tools. But one thing is clear: humans do not interact like a machine, but do so from emotion. Thus, the meeting points were called fairs, markets, days of celebration, where there were games, new people, from different cultures, where you could learn many things and discover the latest news. Many gathered to drink, to celebrate, to interact, to make the best deals in the purchase or sale of seeds, products, food, tools. Just as children found spaces to play, discover, and learn new things. Many spoke different languages, and it was necessary to learn to communicate in different ways to obtain the expected result. And many did not see each other for a long time due to distances and work, so those moments of exchange were essential for conversation, talking about everything that had happened, meeting old friends, catching up.

_I: And in the sky were Castor and Pollux.

_AM: During that time, everyone remembered the importance of being brothers, of not fighting. It was a delicate time, since winter resources were running out, and it was necessary to start sowing and cultivating again, raising animals again. They couldn't be fighting, fighting; It was important to be brothers, to find peace between each other.

_I: This describes the personality of the stars…

_AM: Again, what happens on Earth, decorates the energy of the stars. Gemini stories are what help everyone know that this is the time to talk, to converse, to create friends, where even those I may consider enemies must become part of this exchange. Gemini is a time of brotherhood, of fragility, and therefore it was necessary for everyone to know the importance of getting along during the passage of these stars if what was sought was to survive.

_I: The needs of the people forged the subconscious idea that Gemini is the stellar body that conditions our relationships and communications… The word…

_AM: And therefore it is the Physical aspect, of the Body, of the Trinity of Air. Aquarius being the expansive Mind of the Spirit, Libra being the Creative Harmony of the Soul, make Gemini the Communicative Manifestor of the Body. It is the Throat of this being that we are. The best Gemini tool is diction, communication, the word as the main tool, communication as the fundamental means of existence. The word is the creator of the Universe, and it can only be created if the polarity is recognized as one, if everything is interconnected. Without Gemini to pronounce the word that unites both extremes of the poles, Libra would continue to doubt which of them should say the first word for it to be the most correct, and without Gemini and their communication, Aquarius would never be able to say what they think, express his infinite world. Communication between agents manifests the idea of ​​Aquarius networks, and allows the advancement of Libra's harmonious search.

_I: Gemini inquires, questions, tries to listen, advise, and philosophize in an open psychology capable of moving from one side to the other without problems.

_AM: This manifests the symbol you know as Yin-Yang.

_I: A circle formed by a black drop containing a white dot, and another white drop containing a black dot.

_AM: Represents the constant circulation, the interaction of both forces. White is the expansive divinity and black is the limiting manifestation. The symbol recognizes, therefore, that everything is a fractal of divinity that manifests itself, of an expansion that generates limits, and reminds us that in every manifested limitation there is the possibility of freeing oneself and being divine, while in every divine expansion there is a luck of limitation.

_I: I always heard that yin-yang is “good and evil.”

_AM: Well no. That is a dualistic vision that considers that there is something that is good and something that is bad, when in the universe it is not conceived that way, but rather it is conceived as a pattern of harmony within which there is the possibility of the manifested and the unmanifested. . The summarized, simplistic view is to say that “in everything good there is something bad and in everything bad there is something good”, however you do not get away from a moralistic vision of judgment, which Gemini does not use. Gemini does not recognize if it is good or bad, Gemini only exchanges...

_I: And that's sometimes where Gemini conflicts begin.

_AM: Exactly, because in many cases, when Gemini gets out of harmony, they try to be on good terms with “God and the Devil.”

_I: I heard that phrase many times. But in my point of view, if God and the Devil, as concepts, arise from the same Unity, then what is the problem of getting along with both?

_AM: It's not a problem, until it becomes incoherent. That is, when I say to that “God”: “I am going to clean the house”, and at the same moment I say to the “Devil”: “calm down, I am going to dirty the house”. It is one thing to have a good relationship with both visions, another thing is to lose one's essence by wanting to be accepted by both external visions. Gemini, in their desire for communication and fraternal exchange, ends up generating discord, conflicts, confusion, because instead of finding their own position, an internal axis, they swing from one extreme to the other giving each person what they want to see, hear, feel.

_I: It is the famous Gemini bipolarity.

_AM: The desperation to make sure that everyone gets along, that there is no conflict, that everything is understood perfectly, that no one is offended, ends up, precisely, generating the opposite. Human society, composed of beings without their own axis, has subsisted by giving power to others, pretending to be what they are not, because to belong to a group one must stop being something to become that group. This creates two faces, one looking in and the other looking out. The first is hidden, hidden, trying to survive in the shadows, in denial, and the other trying to adapt and be accepted by others.

_I: That describes our humanity of appearances, of conflicts, of being what others want us to be... Losing our essence for the good of the group.

_AM: It is important to recognize that Gemini teaches us to speak, to communicate, to give the word, to interact between the different parts and express through voice what lies in the Libran perceptions and the Aquarian ideas. Teams are formed thanks to the Gemini arts of making everyone feel like equal parts of a group. But to achieve this, the Gemini being must put on a mask for each individual he interacts with, becoming so many options of himself that he forgets who he really is.

_I: That's what happens to a civilization like the current one based on telecommunications, on globalization, a time in which we have begun to interact like we have never done before.

_AM: Today you are under the command of Mercury, ruler of Gemini, you are a Geminian civilization of appearances, in its most negative aspect, in showing what others want to see, all decorated with Librian injustice and Aquarian indifference. You are off axis, and that leads you to turn the air signs into an unstable hurricane.

_I: How do I stabilize him?

_AM: Try telling your truth. Try saying: I have my opinion. This is my vision. Don't give advice, do it. My task for you today in relation to the Gemini that lives in you is that you think about those things in which you should give your opinion and never omit a word. Take that concept or idea, person or circumstance that you always wanted to give your opinion about but have never done so, and write it down, then recite it, read it aloud, and even dare to say it to the appropriate person. And on the other hand, those who tend to say everything, keep quiet about anything, who talk too much, I invite you to stop giving advice and opinions. Think for a moment before saying what you think, what you think would be better, and instead of saying it, do it yourself, without waiting for someone else to say or do it. It is not always necessary to communicate everything we do to show ourselves and be accepted. I invite you to the next time you do something remarkable and incredible, do not tell it, and keep it for yourself, because it is for you, not for others.

_I: Difficult having Instagram…

_AM: Instagram is the treasure and bane of a Geminian spirit. Stop the verbosity, and speak what is necessary. Do not consider yourself essential for communication between others, sometimes silence is the best of words. Sometimes a word is the release from so much silence. Look in the mirror, and say everything you haven't told yourself. It is time to remember that you are two, your twin lives inside, look at him and love him, your shadow and your light are the only ones who must find communication, so that you stop fighting with the world, so that you stop wanting the world to like you. .

_I: I am my own Twin. And when I understand it, I can really have a million friends...

_AM: And instead of filling you, they will nourish you. I Am Real Food.



