_I: Everything becomes a sea around me... I look ahead and see its waves, the coast, and without ceasing to marvel at the beauty, I am step by step approaching the foam of the waves that breaks against the sands, softly, like caressing the earth. I put my feet in the water, feeling the freshness, and I don't stop, I move forward, always looking at the horizon and the sky, where both merge, as if I were walking in a dream. The fish begin to surround me as I dive a little deeper, each step deeper. Until the waves cover my face, and I can no longer stand, because the corals have run out, and in front of me the deep ocean opens. I can feel how I don't need to breathe even though at first it sounds strange, and yet I move downward, moving away from the surface almost without making any movement. The pressure of the water embraces me, I feel contained, and at the same time expanded. The sensation produces mixed emotions in me, because it seems that nothing exists in my environment, and yet I can feel everything containing me.
_AM: I can feel that everything is a dream, that what surrounds me could be space itself, the universe, where I could not distinguish between pressure and freedom. The ocean becomes darker and darker, and the few glimpses I see of light passing through the water resemble a starry sky that I can touch and feel as part of me. In an instant I perceive that I myself became water, and that I flow with its waves into the depths. Everything in the distance looks blurry, like in a night dream. I feel that everything is part of me just as I am part of the whole, and that in my soft spiral movement, in my dance, everything dances around me. Schools of fish surround me, they become me, and I feel in my organs the warm vibration of the songs of the whales in the distance. In an unmatched dance, all kinds of creatures appear out of nowhere. Jellyfish fill the space like stars, shining like rainbows as they reflect the soft rays of the sun that reach us. Squids and octopuses observe me and design beautiful strokes with their inks, writing poetry about the waters.
_I: A huge lone shark makes way for groups of sharks that fill the non-existent ground, traveling with determination like an army, while with unmatched grace, pods of dolphins push them away to ensure my safety. They play with the turtles that pass by, accompanied by the dance of the manta rays that decorate the surface. The hundreds of colors in the fish that appear announce the proximity of coral reefs. The Ocean allows me to feel everything. When I was on the surface, I felt separated from things, from individuals, from objects. But now, each one of those who make a movement, I can feel it, each of my movements are felt by others. The waves, the pressure, make me part of everything, being one with everything. It seems like I can feel the heartbeat of each creature in unison with mine. As if we were one, and everything existed for us. The waters help me feel that I am part of the same body, it makes me feel...
_AM: Empathy. It comes from the concept "suffer", from the Greek "pathós" (feeling, illness, ailment, affection), referring to one who shares being within the same sensation, effect, reaction, pressure as others or the other. Beyond the fact that its etymology speaks from a negative place, having empathy was being able to put oneself in the other's place, to feel what the other feels, and from there to be able to act, help, understand, collaborate. Organically, the circulatory system is an empathetic system by nature, since by pulses it determines where there is a need, where blood is lacking, and pulses bringing it there, irrigating the empty spaces. The Heart, then, is the organ that connects with the empathy of each part of the body, seeking to solve without judgment, expanding in all directions, connecting every corner, feeling each cell as part of itself. Blood is like the internal ocean, and its proteins, fats, blood cells and hormones are like the beings that live in it.
_I: Like fish, whales, dolphins, sharks, octopuses... All the creatures that navigate in its waters... Contained by its plasma.
_AM: Empathy is nature's ability to encompass, to become a part, to be one with others in their process of growth and development. The being that manages to stop being an individual to become the environment that sustains individuals, can understand them all, unite them, feel them, and prepare to live for them and for them. Just as the human body is empathetic through the nervous and circulatory system, a human is empathetic in mind and emotion.
_I: So a human is the subjective development of the objective and organic evolution of the biological body.
_AM: That's right. While the nervous system seeks to receive all possible data without passing judgment or omitting any information, the human mind has been the evolutionary development of this system to create an open mind capable of receiving data, sharing it, reading it and thus becoming intelligent. In the same way that the circulatory system senses the pulses of cells and distributes its nutrients where they are needed most, a human developed a fine sense of empathy, of emotion, with the aim of improving the interaction of communities, of find balance between the parts. It is an innate attribute of biology, developed by human culture at its finest. It is an attribute that lives within, and that needs to be awakened in the most difficult moment of all.
_I: Which one?
_AM: The last month of winter. During the spring you have sown, in the summer you have harvested and celebrated. In autumn you will make reserves, so that in winter you can survive. But these reserves are running out, and the last weeks of winter are the most difficult, since food scarcity implies distributing equitably, being empathetic, fair. Thus, for the northern hemisphere, this time before starting the cycle again, to take the necessary energy to restart the will to work, to farm, families gathered to share, tell stories, teach children what is coming. And there high in the sky, the Sun was in front of this constellation, which was related to the Greek story of Aphrodite and her son Eros, who were saved by some fish from the Euphrates River before the attack of the monster. Typhoon. In gratitude, the gods placed these fish in the heavens. The idea of fish comes from a long time ago, and referred to the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates, as well as the Nile and its tributary to Lake El Karum. Two river flows that are connected by a thin cord of water, the only source of food during the winter dry season: fish. In this way, the beauty of the fish, the flow of their life, is related to beauty and love, to self-giving as a divine gift from the gods.
_I: This is how “Pisces” is born, the two fish.
_AM: The most expansive of the Water signs, it is part of the apex of the trinity of this element. Pisces is the Spiritual Ocean that contains all waters, so we continue with the Lakes and Rivers of Cancer in the aquatic Soul, to culminate in the mud ponds and wetlands that represent the Body of water called Scorpio.
_I: Pisces is then, that ocean in which we have immersed ourselves where all things are connected...
_AM: And therefore, from the emotional vision of the Heart, Pisces is the divine ocean of infinite and eternal Love for all things. In the Aquarian Mental principle, the cosmic ocean is an idea, it is the mind, which expands in ideas, freely. However, when Aquarius connects all the points in a perfect and transformative network, the emotion of this spiritual being is awakened, which transcends its energetic level, now constituting empathy for the connection, where not only ideas are projected, but also in turn they feel. Pisces is the divine aspect that falls in love with his creation. Aquarius idealizes what is created, being the Dreamer, while Pisces will enjoy the Dream, live the sensations, fall in love with what he was able to project, marveled at the harmonious beauty that Libra has designed, he will not stop to analyze what he created, but to feel what exists. He will not listen, learn, inquire like Gemini does, but he will close his eyes and dance, feeling it all with a huge smile. He will feel the flow of things on his skin, and join them in the beat of his heart. Pisces is Unconditional Love, which does not understand dualities, since all things inhabit it.
_I: This is why Pisces is so scattered...
_AM: Because an Ocean does not have an axis point, it does not have a focus, and it expands, flowing in all directions. It contains the shark and the dolphin, the fish and the octopus, the bright, subtle and warm waves, and the cold, hard abyssal bottom. It does not pass judgment, since it is recognized like all things. It has no condition, because it has no limits in what it feels. Thus he loses himself in his own dream, in his own feeling. The flow in all directions generates a chaotic soul and mind, without order, open to whatever, containing the darkest monsters and the most subtle of beauties. Pisces is the archetype that defines Divine transcendence, God himself, since it is the last sign of the entire stellar initiation path, it is the one that summarizes the freedom of the soul, of the mind, of the body, who recognizes that there are no limits. , and that all we are is unity, that one contains the entire universe within itself, living a dream of divinity, in which there are no opposites, but complements.
_I: How do I integrate this divine aspect in me?
_AM: It already lives in you. She is there, in your cells. Your body acts like Pisces every day, in that it chaotically puts itself at the unconditional service of a greater good, which is to allow your existence. To awaken this attribute in you, observe your body, how it nourishes both the intestines and your brain, how it keeps your being alive without judging any of its parts. But you must be very careful not to lose yourself in that same love.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because love is eternal, and matter has limits. And Pisces does not understand limits, it observes them as hatred, injustice, pain, even if they are necessary for your life, the Pisces aspect in you will try to deny them, to want to get rid of them, to feed their dreams above the reality, and lose its axis of love, becoming a constant escape from irresponsibility.
_I: Yes… I understand this… It is in turn a sign that is very reminiscent of spiritual service, and when we awaken this aspect in us, we tend to fall into the Piscean dream, into the utopian, idyllic, wonderful, magical, into the fairy tale. , without recognizing that the physical world has other rules, and that those Piscean attributes are actually an ability to help transform, improve those systems with greater freedom, activating all their infinite potentials, but even so, we are left in pain, anguish, martyrdom...
_AM: We come from 2400 years of the Age of Pisces, where these concepts have marked the beginning of many wars, since the imposition of ideals on others is an eternal struggle of dreams that are unrealizable. You must dare to dream, but awake in consciousness, not in the endless struggle of unconsciousness.
_I: What is it like to daydream from consciousness?
_AM: It is looking at life with the magic that lies in it, understanding the beauty in each of the things no matter how ugly it may be, recognizing that the limited and negative are nothing more than guides and tools that I am still learning to use. Seek solutions to conflicts with your love and infinite imagination, do not close yourself to any option, and yet try not to judge the limits that are presented to you, as they are not impediments, but challenges.
_I: Difficult task for a Piscean mind and heart…
_AM: To find the axis of Pisces you must remember that the two fish speak of two flows, one negative and one positive, and both speak of the constant circuit of energy. Even though the ocean does not have an axis, fish use magnetism and currents to guide themselves and not get lost. So, as a task I suggest, think of the most wonderful utopia you can imagine where everything that exists lives in harmony, and write the laws for this utopia. What regulations and limits would you set from Love?
_I: Love has no limits… How do I do it?
_AM: Perhaps, the limit of that love is a containing Hug.
_I: I understand... Those are the limits that feed the Heart and revitalize the imagination...
_AM: Fall in love with Nothingness... And you will be able to contain the ocean within you.