_I: Balance… Balance… Harmony.
_AM: Aesthetics… Visualization… Contemplation… Justice.
_I: Ying Yang… Right and Left… Eyes… Ears… Hands…
_AM: It's time to find coherence. Look to the Sky and find the constellation of Libra, the Soul of the Trinity of Air. Libra expresses itself in your eyes, seeking balance in your gaze, uniting two polarities to find a center, focus, and thus be able to see. Libra is the balance between the inner look and the outer look, it is the one who is responsible for bringing coherence to the external world, projecting the beauty of what he feels in what he sees, decorating with his soul the grace of life and existence. The external world nourishes the inner world with ecstasy, filling it with colors through its eyes, sounds through its ears, aromas through its nostrils, sensations through its hands, and tastes through the sides of its tongue. The beauty of the outside world feeds the Libran consciousness. And her soul embellishes her in poetry to see that her internal world can sow art in the external. That colors can make paintings, that aromas can make perfumes, that sounds can create music, touch can create fabrics, and taste can create recipes. And to find the art of life, Libra seeks the harmony of the internal and external, symmetry, perfection, what gives pleasure to the senses. Thus, his keen gaze allows him to see every distortion, imbalance, imperfection, what is not straight or harmonious, and therefore he immediately recognizes what is not fair. Thus, his sense of aesthetics, of beauty, of harmony, makes him a constant justice, who elevates the mundane to the ideal, becoming the one who judges.
_I: “Justice is Blind”… They say.
_AM: Well no, Justice is an artist. What has made her blind is human corruption, who just as she believes that justice is fair because she does not see who is judging or separate between the poor, the rich or the powerful, in reality she has become someone who cannot see where the imperfections or injustices are. of any kind.
_I: It's understood... Yes. I think so too.
_AM: He who recognizes the beauty of the universe, cannot see with clouded eyes, cannot be corrupted in his ideals, thoughts, feelings and loves. He who sees with the eyes of Libra cannot deceive or be deceived, by anyone or by himself. Whoever recognizes that the cosmos is perfect, is a work of art by the best of artists, the Dreaming Mind, and dares to be part of it, then he will find no way to corrupt, and he will be just.
_I: And what happens if we don't follow the balance of Libra?
_AM: Libra will lose balance. And it will be corrupted. And he will not be able to distinguish between what he sees and what he feels, and he will fall into the eternal dichotomy of doubt and internal struggle, living a life of illusion, in which he prefers to decorate lies than to discover truths, because he will be terrified of his own inability. to see beauty, and from an artist he will become a liar, a smoke-seller; a being who, by deceiving himself, deceives others by immersing himself in the deepest of doubts.
_I: How do you avoid falling into that illusion?
_AM: You must be fair, upright, and live in the balance of both eyes, focus. Find the perfect harmony between your right and left eyes, go inside both and find the third, the one that brings you serenity, harmony. The one that allows you to see the global image, the whole, beyond, the one that shows you on the outside what you are inside... Dare to see.
_I: Today I went to the Dragon's Eye, in Montserrat. I went through it. I was expectant, thinking that some teacher, or something important would happen, but no, I only saw myself. Me on one side, and my reflection on the other. As if from one eye to the other, from one side to the other, I saw myself, in my mirror, observing myself. I saw my shadows on the other side, and the lights I thought I had. I saw my light and my darkness. And I sang them a lullaby. Seeing that no one appeared, no teacher, I understood that now I had to fulfill that role, be my own teacher, the one who can identify my weak points, my weaknesses, inconsistencies, rough edges, and teach them to myself.
_AM: And you walked towards you.
_I: Yes, in the face of an overwhelming wind, I stood in front of myself, and I observed myself. I saw the dragon in his eyes, my emotions, my pains, expectations, beliefs, sensations and injustices. And I hugged myself. I realized that it is not worth fighting, that fighting is not standing face to face with the opponent, like males do when they fight for females or for territory by clashing their antlers. To confront is to dare to give a hug, to turn two into one. Be the center of the scale.
_AM: The Pound is the Roman instrument used for weighing, since one pound was equivalent to 12 ounces, just over 327 grams. A pound was equivalent to an exchange weight, used to evaluate minerals and foods. In mythology it was used since ancient times as a way of weighing the mind and emotion, in the same way that the Egyptian Book of the Dead tells how each death is subjected to a judgment in which the soul must put in a Libra the weight of your Mind and your Emotion on each side of the scale. If Emotion outweighs Mind, signifying spiritual truth, then one had to return to the world of the living, devoured by the crocodile god Sobek. Myth that tells how the reason for returning karmically to the world is due to the emotional weight of attachment to the things of life. The constellation Libra owes its name to the fact that it is the group of stars that is halfway between the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter. As well as the longest and shortest days of the year, which leads to recognizing the turning point and maximum balance between Light and Darkness.
_I: For the ancients both aspects were honorable…
_AM: For the two emerge from the one, and their division has a clear reason for being: to allow creation. Without imbalance there is no search for harmony, and it is only found in the symmetry that is possible through the diversification, distortion and multiplication of chaotic patterns. For this reason, the Dragon that you face within yourself is the chaos that allows your existence, and the dragon that you consider yourself to be is the one that brings order to that internal cosmos. Both find the meaning of harmony if they complement each other, and not if they submit. That is why you must embrace the dragon in you, looking straight into its eyes.
_I: I became his eyes, and I was one. And when I saw him, both united in me, and I recognized that he was not there to receive any message, but to renew my vow, to remind me to be fair to myself. Then I sang my vows, I reminded myself why I am on this path, because I Am the Path. I reminded myself why I continue in the light, because I Am the Light. I reminded myself that my relentless search for Truth is because I Am Truth searching for myself. And that my need to fall in love is nothing more than the eternal palpitating that reminds me that I Am Love.
_AM: You know? You, like many, have come to bring a new sense of Justice to the World, since your actions will build the citizens of the future, Aquarius systems; and you will achieve it when you have found the balance of your own being. You are practicing what real justice means, and then projecting its beauty to the world. For it is not right who judges by looking with his eyes, but he who observes judiciously with his heart.
_I: We are very used to judgment, to being judged and judging, and it is true, we do not do it because we believe that things are correct or not, but we judge them based on how beautiful they seem to us, how beautiful they appear to us. senses, and we judge more by what we perceive than by what is, decorating the world of our perspectives instead of contemplating it. Like someone who, instead of watching a tree grow, prefers to prune it and shape it, considering it more beautiful than what it really has by essence.
_AM: Whoever prunes a tree to decorate his garden is the same person who prunes a mind to decorate his society. You humans have cut and molded minds for millennia, limiting their growth, beautifying them at your discretion, loading them with Christmas decorations called beliefs, cultures, traditions. You are living a fairy tale in the middle of a war, because you only decorate shit with glitter.
_I: What an image you have given me now… But a correct one.
_AM: Let's see when you will deign to create compost and plant a garden.
_I: This is why the justice of our world is chaotic and unfair, because we decorate with beliefs, molding minds, making us less and less intelligent, because they teach us how to decorate the truths, covering up what we do not want to see.
_AM: The task of Libra will be to show the beauty of the world and its harmony, but as long as you do not have the courage to stop judging what you see to start judging how you see it, you will continue to live in doubt and lies that lead you to imbalance. .
_I: How can we do it?
_AM: I invite you to do an exercise. Think about the biggest injustices you can imagine, and try to find a solution to the problem without passing judgment or punishment on any of the agents. Think about political corruption, genocide, pedophilia, dictatorship, abuse, whatever, and describe how you would bring harmony without judging or punishing, without eliminating, but rather bringing positive results for all agents.
_I: Both for the “bad” and for the “good”.
_AM: That's right. But the worst, huh? The worst thing you can think of. Only when you find harmony in the development of your artistic solution, in which neither party is harmed or judged, there you will have found the truth of Libra.
_I: It seems difficult.
_AM: If it were easy, humanity would not be the way it is. And it is because it does not dare to seek harmony; Because it is easier to judge and punish than to discover the unity and beauty in all things. Look for it... And when you have found it, perhaps, the world will begin to be wonderful again.
_I: I open my eyes, not to see what is outside, but to feed my intellect with the beauty that only my interior can interpret...
_AM: You open your eyes to be able to see with the scale of your heart.
_I: I am Balance.