_I: Yesterday there was a part that you didn't describe to me. What happens to the Large Intestine and Anus?
_AM: I did not describe them, because although they are a direct part of the Digestive system, their functions are more related to the Excretory System.
_I: Oh, of course, because it is responsible for eliminating what is not useful…
_AM: The small intestine is an extensive pathway where information is assimilated, where nutrients are absorbed. The bacteria in the intestine collaborate in this process, helping to consume all the small parts, dissolving them in their smallest expression, so that they are filtered by the villi. But there are many parts that are impossible to dissolve, or that due to their composition are rejected by the intestine. Additionally, there is an absorption limit, so not everything, no matter how nutritious, will enter the bloodstream. All this must be excreted.
_I: What does it mean to excrete?
_AM: It comes from the Latin “ex” (out, go out) and “cernere” (choose, discern, analyze), as well as the suffix “tor” (agent, subject). Excretor is the agent dedicated to discerning what comes out.
_I: I understood that this system is part of the urinal.
_AM: In reality the Urinary is part of the Excretor, since not only urine is excreted, but also fecal matter, gases and liquids through the skin of the eyes and nose. Everything that comes out with the objective of purging the body is “excreted.”
I understand. Maybe it's one of the dirtiest or most disgusting systems that we don't normally want to talk about.
_AM: Because, as on all levels, people tend to deny their shadows and hide what they do not want to see about themselves.
_I: Sure… It's true.
_AM: In celestial and religious traditions, cultures that seek the divine and pure, interpret what is excreted as what is impure, the shadows to be denied, what must be distanced from, and biologically it has its logic. Everything excreted is precisely because the body cannot process it, because it harms it in a certain way, and therefore, “better outside than inside.” Now, at the beginning of time, humans often did the same thing as any animal, in that their waste was usually left in the same space in which they lived. But over time, many species, including humans, could see that this practice brought many diseases. For this reason, they began to look for remote places to leave their remains, but this created a notion of denial. Being seen as something that is bad for us, the brain placed it in the “disgusting” informational folder. The brain interprets as disgust those things that can be poisonous or harm us. In this way, we naturally tend to feel disgust when we see something we don't like, which, in the extreme, produces a natural reaction, typical of the organism that defends itself against toxic objects. , which is nausea, that feeling of being on a boat, which contracts the stomach and esophagus to expel whatever has entered and may harm the body. In this way, understanding how harmful excrements are, the body rejects them.
_I: Of course…
_AM: Still, psychologically, we perform the same thing as the excretory system. Those situations that harm us, that we don't like, that we want to forget, make us disgusted, nauseated, and we eliminate them from our lives, denying them, distancing ourselves from them.
_I: Oh, of course, we interpret them as toxic, and that's why we distance ourselves...
_AM: However, ideas, emotions, are not excreted, but by denying them, they only remain registered, hidden in the field of our souls. Therefore, they end up making us sick. The comparison would be the following: eliminating toxic waste, such as excrement, by throwing it into a dark well, where no one can ever see it. But that well was connected to the underground waters, which beyond, nourish the cistern from which we drink.
_I: And we get sick without understanding the logic of why…
_AM: Because I hid the “dirty”, the same thing leaked into the same terrain from which I feed.
_I: So what can we do?
_AM: Learn to look at our waste, and not throw it and run, but understand what can be done with it. Humanity has always done this throwing and running thing, that is why they have polluted the world, that is why there is so much garbage in the oceans and the land, that is why there are contaminated waters and air. Because they hide what they don't like, but everything is connected. Knowing how to look at waste and understand how it is produced and what it has to give us in return is essential.
_I: Recycling…
_AM: And not only the physical is recycled, but also the emotional and mental. In the psychological aspect, many people who enter the path of awakening must delve into the phreatic wells looking for what they once threw, to clean the waters. Review hidden stories, traumas, repressed ideas and feelings. Face all that you don't like, to understand it, assimilate it, and recycle it so that it is useful in other aspects of life.
_I: Like making compost, but in every aspect of life.
_AM: Always, what is waste for one, for another will be the basis of their growth. It's just a matter of knowing where that growth, that transformative agent, is located.
_I: So, to understand the excretory system is to recognize one's own darkness as a vehicle of development... Letting go is not denying, letting go is surrendering for the next step of the cycle...
_AM: And there are two ways to excrete: solid and liquid. In the case of solids, it is related to the continuity of the digestive system. After finishing the last part of the small intestine, known as the ilium, it is connected to the colon through a part called the “cecum”, where the appendix is located. This would corrode the remains of raw meat that has been consumed, and from the “cecum” they would propel the chyme towards the part of the large intestine called the “ascending colon.” The last nutrients are absorbed here, while the chyme once again constitutes as a bolus, this time, fecal. This word designates the attribute of “dregs”, from the Latin “fex, fecis”, the way in which the remains of the vine accumulated at the bottom of the barrels during the fermentation process to obtain wine were known. Removing these residues from the wine was known as “defaecare” which meant: defecate. Completing its journey having passed through the transverse colon and the descending colon, surrounding the abdomen and small intestine, the colon becomes more compact and smaller in the area called “sigma”, which flows into the rectum, the part where waste They are accumulated, generating tension and causing intestinal contractions to produce the need for evacuation.
_I: Which will occur through the anus.
AM: An elastic tissue of many nerve endings. The excretory part of the solid allows all the waste of the body that we have ingested through eating to be released in a practical way for the kingdom of insects, fungi and plants in nature, which will use it as a source of nutrients to the development of their bodies.
_I: But... I have to ask... And the diarrhea and gas?
_AM: In the dissolution, decomposition, of the internal organic matter, hydrogen and carbon are released and compacted to form methane gas. A human produces half a liter of methane gas each day in this digestive process, which is released around 20 flatulences per day.
_I: Wow… So farting is inevitable…
_AM: Or you would die poisoned by this noble gas. Noble gases like this maintain the Earth's greenhouse effect.
_I: Isn't that bad?
_AM: Not if it's just the right amount. A greenhouse is a space covered by tarps, used in agriculture to maintain heat in a closed space that allows the seedlings to remain at the same temperature despite the cold outside. This is what allows half of the planet not to freeze to death from the cold of space during the night. The greenhouse effect is what keeps biomass at an average temperature, due to the accumulation of gases that trap solar energy and keep it on the planet's surface. Without the greenhouse effect, you would die. However, balance is essential. An excess of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, whether due to human pollution, or a chain reaction of volcanic activity, or the melting of permafrost (frozen soil that contains methane from millions of years), can generate a hellish effect on that the greenhouse becomes a cauldron and the seedlings die.
_I: Oh, I understand…
_AM: Diarrhea can generally occur due to an excess of viruses and bacteria that prevent the absorption of nutrients, which generates an intestinal reaction of accelerated evacuation, without giving time for the formation of the fecal bolus in order to be cleaned as soon as possible.
_I: So many times, what we see as the problem is actually the solution.
_AM: That's right. Just like in life, sometimes it is crises and breakups that are saving our lives, even if at the time we don't see it as such.
_I: It makes sense… And what about the liquid?
_AM: Liquid excretion occurs through the cleansing of the blood. All the liquids you ingest pass very easily into the blood system, absorbed by the intestines, since they do not require much dissipation effort. The liquid helps make the bolus easier to dissolve, and therefore drinking a lot of liquid improves the entire digestive system, in addition to being another source of minerals and oxygen. When fluid is absorbed into the bloodstream of the circulatory system, it carries with it many nutrients that can be heavy on the cells. In some cases, these dirty fluids become incorporated between the cells, accumulating, leading the lymphatic system to have to drain it. Another way to eliminate heavy and dirty fluid accumulated in cellular tissues is through sweat. These liquids begin to be excreted through the millions of pores in the tegument (tissue) called skin, which emerge from the body seeking to escape due to excess heat and pressure. The higher the heat, the water molecules will begin to expand, seeking to escape, and in doing so they will take all these wastes and impurities with them. Because this liquid is the main source of heat accumulation, when it is excreted the body cools, regulating the temperature, to maintain balance.
_I: That's why we sweat when we have a fever...
_AM: Yes. Now, the largest amount of liquid waste is, of course, not excreted through the skin, but through urine.
_I: Sure… It is the largest source of waste and toxin release. And you can see the amount of toxins that a body has by the color of the urine, the darker, the dirtier the body, the lighter, the healthier.
_AM: A completely healthy body will eliminate its liquids without color or smell, such as water, and to do this you need to drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water daily, without consuming any other type of liquids, sugars, carbohydrates or lipids for a week. . That would eliminate all the accumulated waste, meaning that by regularly using it again, the system can clean itself accordingly, without overworking itself. This system is working 24 hours a day, as it needs to filter the blood of all impurities, and the blood never stops circulating, just as you never stop breathing.
_I: What are its parts?
_AM: The famous kidneys are the fundamental organs, responsible for filtration. However, we could talk about another person in charge of said blood filtration: the Spleen.
_I: Isn't it an organ related to the digestive system?
_AM: The Spleen is attached to the stomach, since its vascular connections absorb all the blood that the digestive system filters in its functions, thus being the visceral gland that filters dead blood cells and all those things that can be harmful to circulation. , thus fulfilling an important role in the immune system, as a kind of blood self-service, where the old is left behind to obtain new cells. It is almost like a third kidney exclusively for blood cells, while the kidneys are intended exclusively for fluids outside the system. These are located behind the stomach, almost at the level of the pancreas on the back, one on each side of the spine. The arteries carry the blood to the kidneys, where it is filtered of all toxins by their sponge-like tissues, allowing the pure liquid to pass between their filaments, to be returned to the blood system through the veins. The waste is expelled into the renal pelvis, inside the kidneys, which become outwards into the ureter. Each duct will head downwards, finding itself in the bladder, a sac located at the height of the pubis, which retains liquids until it has been completely filled, which exerts pressure to begin pushing this liquid through the urethra, where They will be eliminated, excreted in the form of urine through the genitals.
_I: The journey of waste… Interesting.
_AM: The excretory system is essential for your health, for stability. It helps in the daily purging of the rest of the systems, allowing them to function correctly, in harmony. This way you understand the importance of observing what you consume and how you help your body work or relax, as well as being able to see your own shadows, the things you no longer need.
_I: Detachment…
_AM: Release toxic relationships, unhealthy bonds, release stagnant emotions through crying, excreting painful feelings through tears. Allowing himself to scream. Defecating is like the effort of childbirth that releases what is no longer my own, what no longer belongs to me and belongs to others.
_I: “I shit on everything”, it is often said in eschatological culture…
_AM: Releasing one's shit is recognizing that only I was holding it in me. The question is why, for what, from where. When you understand these questions, you can free yourself without hiding it, but by recognizing that what you seek to let go, at some point, was you who consumed it.
_I: Oh, that's an interesting turning point... What I seek to discard from my life is the same as before, one day, I myself decided to consume...
_AM: Therefore, be responsible for what you consume, and you will be aware of what you excrete. Become aware of what you excrete, and you will be responsible for what you consume.
_I: Matter, Emotion and Thoughts... Everything that we deny, want to let go of, is useful to others, therefore, before hiding it, we must know its usefulness, why I consumed it, and how the result can be useful to others. the rest…
_AM: What I keep quiet can harm others, telling about my ailments, the toxic in me, can help others improve their lives.
_I: “Sharing my shit” would basically be like “fertilizing the soil”, instead of hiding everything in a well that will contaminate the waters… Emotions.
_AM: Therefore, the next time you go to the bathroom, think very carefully: what am I letting go, and what am I not allowing myself to let go?
_I: The meditative throne of the toilet…
_AM: Center for personal inspiration. From now on, turn the bathroom into a place of recognition, because it is not where you get rid of what you don't like, but where you free yourself from what you believed about yourself, to better know what you have inside.
_I: Until now, no one had ever “told me to shit” or “to shit” in such a profound and poetic way… Even spiritual.
_AM: Now you know. There is poetry in everything. Biology is perfect, therefore, it is the voice of the spirit. Be free.
_I: I'm going to the bathroom...