Reproducer - Skin
_I: Today, taboo topic.
_AM: What would be taboo?
_I: Something that is not talked about… Or is difficult to talk about.
_AM: The word taboo comes from the Polynesian “tapu”, which means “forbidden”, and referred to the dangerous things of magic that could not be pronounced by anyone, only magicians, sorcerers. Uttering them without permission was synonymous with physical punishment. This term was introduced in Europe at the end of the 18th century, and began to be used as a term to refer to things that should not be said, that were culturally interpreted as in bad taste, such as certain political, spiritual and sexual topics, especially in such religious cultures, where certain topics were considered impure for distancing us from the divine glory of God.
_I: Wow… And clearly the genitals were in that bag of concepts.
AM: According to the Judeo-Christian creation myth, the first man and the first woman were born without genitals, as they had emerged from divinity.
_I: A very absurd story, it is worth mentioning.
_AM: Well, it explained things that couldn't be explained, as if you wanted to explain how quantum physics works with apples and pears. If the person who sees the explanation has no capacity for imagination, then he will only see apples and pears, and will convey it as such. This is how myths come to this day. In this story, Adam is born from clay molded by God, and Eve is born from Adam's rib. Because they were not gestated, they have no navels, but their genitals have no purpose either. When “original sin” is committed, the story tells that God expels them from the Garden of Eden, forcing them to survive, and thus they have to reproduce. As you will see in this story, everything that is from the navel down reminds us of the suffering acquired by our sins. According to these traditions of the Semitic peoples, everything related to the navel and genitals, to the legs and feet, is worthy of being considered the devil's trap.
_I: However... They all reproduced...
_AM: Yes, but with a single purpose, to have children who serve God, it was not for pleasure...
_I: Yes… Sure… Tell me another myth hehehe…
_AM: Well, that's what they believed. However, this vision of punishment for sex is born only in these traditions that consider themselves slaves of this world. Previous cultures considered sexuality as something sacred, and genitals were divine symbols of power and fertility. In many towns, symbols of vaginas and penises were drawn at the entrances to cities or houses to call for prosperity or demonstrate power.
_I: I saw that in Rome, in ancient ruins where there are engravings of erect penises on the walls.
_AM: The erect penis is one of the greatest symbols of fertility that gave rise to the famous obelisks in history. All the obelisks you see in the world are a penis. And all the circles, sacred chambers, are vaginas.
_I: Wow… So St. Peter's Square in the Vatican… It's quite explicit.
_AM: That's right. The artist captured there the true way in which God manifests himself in the world: reproductive sex, a vagina and a penis at the center of it.
_I: Will they know?
_AM: Maybe. The tradition of the obelisk arises from the story of Osiris, who was mutilated by his brother Seth, and scattered across the Nile. When Isis wanted to put all the parts together to generate a son, she placed her erect penis in the body of the God so that it would fertilize him. . Isis represents the star Sirius, and therefore, each obelisk is connected to it, fertilizing the sky.
_I: Wow. All ancient history was very sexual.
_AM: In the stone circles, in the pyramidal temples, sexual rites were the way in which heaven was brought to earth, since a spirit could be born through reproduction. The ancients interpreted that the pleasure of orgasm was above all a gift from the gods that allowed us to feel what divine glory is. That's why you had to learn to have relationships. This led us to understand that sex was a form of spiritual communication that was first personal, connected us to our own power, then shared with others, and then, in awareness of its function, was used as a means of reproduction.
_I: Contrary to what one might think…
_AM: Biologically, the genitals are designed for the transmission of genetic information so that eukaryotic cells continue to multiply and the information remains eternally. Reproduction is key in biology, however when a being becomes conscious, he recognizes that this information also serves for spiritual transcendence. Here a data transmission cross is generated. The horizontal line speaks of biological reproduction and the transfer of information in the world, while the vertical line is a transfer of information between the spiritual world and the earthly world. In the first case, you will need both reproductive organs, female and male. In the second case, it can be personal, or shared with either sex.
_I: Does this explain homosexuality?
_AM: No. Homosexuality is also a natural process shared by several species, whose purpose has always been to strengthen the bond between groups and self-confidence, as well as to harmonize and pacify. This happens because in many species, males fight for females and put their lives at risk, with which homosexual responses help control testosterone, occupying their constant energy while females enter the gestation process where they usually move away. of the males.
_I: Which feminizes some males, taking the place of females.
_AM: Yes, to counteract a reproductive response that balances a community.
_I: I wasn't expecting this answer.
_AM: In any case, both types of sexuality serve for the development of the being. Cells generate chemical reactions that drive cell division, the multiplication of an organism until it forms a body. In the first instance, all cells generate themselves.
_I: Autopoiesis…
_AM: Exactly. This makes cells have the capacity to create new cells, which in complex organisms makes us asexual beings, that is, those that do not have genitals and reproduce by dividing the organism itself.
_I: Like starfish…
_AM: Yes. There is only one problem with this, and that is that genetics are always the same, and therefore, there is no greater capacity for development than that which is transmitted, depending on its adaptation to environmental changes that modify the context. your DNA. Instead, some beings generated another novel option: producing males.
_I: So at the beginning they were all females…
_AM: Nature, as we said, is autopoietic, and therefore, it develops to generate itself. It is female. But some of these females, seeking to extend their territoriality and spread their DNA, their information, transformed their genitals so that instead of gestating, they could inseminate this data into other females.
_I: …And so the male emerges…
_AM: From the deformation of the female genital organs of complex organisms millions of years ago. In this way, a genetic package would pass to the new gender called male, which would have the mission of being driven by the environment to try to fertilize the greatest number of females, extending the genetic territory, a kind of colonization.
_I: So the female created the male as a tool of expansion. Explaining this to those who believe in Adam and Eve can be quite a challenge... As well as explaining to some women that they created the male to spread information about him to other females. This breaks with the monogamous tradition.
_AM: Some individuals are monogamous, but many others are polygamous. The logic of this is to be able to expand the genetic material and not stagnate it in just one individual, which can jeopardize the consequence of its lineage. The males evolve, therefore, to show all the genetics that they carry in their being inherited by the female, showing themselves with bright colors, strong, with striking sexual organs, with special songs, unique attributes, because depending on their capabilities they will be chosen by the females. other females. This is how we see that in nature males tend to be more striking than females, and this is how we usually see men try to attract attention with their abilities to women. This cellular memory is the basis of the continuity of a species.
_I: I understand, that is, men are women who have modified themselves to be able to expand their genetics, and women have the potential to be men to do the same, while generating life.
_AM: They both share the creative power, but they have divided it in halves, to improve the species. The more genetic crossovers that occur at the DNA level, in the chromosomes, the more likely adaptation is. For example, if a genetic line of a being that lived for generations on the coasts and the sea crosses with someone who lived all its generations in the mountains, their children will have more options to expand their land, being able to have great management of the waters, as well as a high capacity to process spaces with lower oxygen. which expands its expansion territory. For this reason, mixtures are very important, since a people that maintains the same genetic development of a specific place will have less and less possibility of adapting, and even of generating diseases. The intelligence, adaptation and development of a people is in turn related to its ability to mix genetics.
_I: And, how do we go from a female to a male?
_AM: It is related to environmental factors, especially temperature, which means that the organs that are normally inside the woman at a constant temperature need to cool down so as not to die, which exposes the gonads to the outside to balance the temperature. . This, for millions of years, has been modifying the reproductive cells, leading the ovaries to become testicles, and the uterus to become the prostate.
_I: Explain its parts to me.
_AM: We start with the feminine, as it should be, since it was the first to emerge. Bodies generate hundreds and thousands of stem cells, cells that are the foundation for others, such as the makers of all types of cells. As you know, in the formation of a gamete, there is not much differentiation or cellular specialties yet, so these stem cells, which live much longer than normal cells, are dedicated to producing other cells according to their capabilities. These cells will also find a place to manifest themselves, creating the largest cells in the body: the eggs. They are generated in sacs of cellular tissues called ovaries. These produce ovulation, that is, they absorb nutrients and energy from the body, and contract to expel these cells from their tissue. These contractions are intermittent, and are related to the cycles of the Moon (every 28 days), a period of rising ocean tides, a cellular memory of when we all lived as simple organisms in the seas and took advantage of the high tides to put eggs near coasts where they would be more protected than in the open ocean.
_I: Oh, so the female period is related to the tides of the Moon, it is incredible that it comes from this reproduction period from when we were fish, millions of years ago...
_AM: Long story, still alive in us. These ovarian sacs are the producers of eggs, a word that comes from the word “egg”, as it is the same foundation used by all animals, reptiles, and birds.
_I: There was a time when we also laid eggs, well.
_AM: Until we became mammals, and the incubation process took place indoors. The ovarian ducts (called fallopian tubes) that previously led to the sac where the eggs were contained before being expelled from the body, became the insemination space, where the sperm would meet the egg while it was still sensitive. And the ovarian sac became a more complex and elastic tissue, called the uterus, or womb. In each ovulation process, the female would generate a mucous layer on the walls of the uterus called the endometrium, where the egg would be contained, trapped as in a kind of caltrop. The fertilized egg would attach, creating tissue that would allow it to absorb nutrients from the mother's bloodstream, creating the placenta around it, and the connecting channel between the endometrium and the embryo would become the umbilical cord. The uterus is seen connected to the cervix, which becomes narrower towards the vagina. The vagina is the elastic space that at the time of insemination receives the penis, which will rub against the entrance to the uterus, called the cervix. This, stimulated, will open to allow the seminal fluid to pass into the uterus, and at the time of delivery, it will widen to allow the baby to pass through. The external part of the vagina is the vulva, a series of lips and tissues that protect the vaginal opening as well as the urinary canal further forward. It has all its nerve endings in a muscle called the clitoris, which when stimulated, expands and relaxes all the internal tissue, distending the vagina for better penetration, as well as preparing the uterus and ovaries for fertilization.
_I: Now that you say this, I can't believe clitoral cutting exists in some cultures... Why?
_AM: The clitoris produces an excitation of the nervous system that distends the body for better fertility. However, cultures that consider pleasure as a sin have interpreted that women should not feel pleasure in fulfilling a divine duty, they should only fulfill her command. Pleasure is something from the devil...
_I: It's absurd, because in that case, why, if it's a bad thing to feel pleasure, didn't God make women without a clitoris in the first place?
_AM: Mysteries of religious beliefs. There is no logic in a belief, that is why it is a belief.
_I: It's like, once, talking with some friends, I asked the question (and sorry for the word): If God hates homosexuals: why did he put the G-spot in the ass? Hahaha…
_AM: Well, this brings us to the male reproductive system, arising from the female. We go from the external to the internal to follow the path that has led us to this talk. The clitoris, this nerve ending, is what in men they call the glans, which is the head of the penis.
_I: Oh, so in those traditions they could also practice ablation by cutting off the tip of the penis, right?
_AM: Well, if they wanted to be equitable in the eyes of God, they should do it. The glans is the set of nerve endings that stimulate the male organ. The elastic muscular tissues that form the vagina, in the male, have turned outward, keeping the clitoris (glans) at its upper end, bringing the urinary duct outward and turning the vulva into the scrotal sac. The tissues of the vagina that were previously inside project outward, also contracting or extending due to the circulation of blood in the nervous stimulation of the sexual organ, which, in the case of the man, pushes outward by stretching the muscles connected to The back part of the body acts as a counterweight, causing the perineum (between the anus and the scrotum) to also be stimulated and swell, something that sensitizes the nerve endings in the anus, which become elastic. This outward movement of the reproductive organ draws the internal parts outward with it. It drags the womb tissue down the bladder, placing it between it and the rectum, where the prostate will now form. It, just as in women with the endometrium, will create a mucous film of sugars, nutrients and proteins that will contain the male ovarian cells, creating a liquid called semen. The ovaries will go outside the body to stay at a room temperature, tolerated by the reproductive cells that stop being eggs and become sperm, and thus, these ovaries will be called testicles. The old fallopian tubes will have become the seminal ducts, which, surrounding the bladder, will bring semen from the prostate. While the testicles produce testosterone and sperm, through genital stimulation, they will be sent to the prostate where they will be covered with sperm or semen (both meaning "Seed", the first in Greek and the second in Latin), from where, through muscular and blood stimulation, they will pass to the seminal duct along the penis where it will connect with the urethra. In relation to it, and its intersection with the nerve endings, is where the idea of the G spot arises. It was named after its supposed discoverer, Ernest Gräfenberg, who in the 1940s said he had found a point where the greatest number of female orgasms occurred. In any case, this point as such does not exist, since it is not an organic strategic point, but rather a reaction of the set of nerve endings, which can extend to various parts, depending on the receptivity of a person. The reason why you said the “ass” is because both men and women have hundreds of nerve endings in the anus that stimulate the sexual organs, and that together with the perineum and the testicles, generate the motor of the root chakra, source of kundalini. However, the man's strategic point is found in the stimulation of the prostate, which generates contractions to produce semen, and which, when manipulated, stimulates its production. And the only way to reach this gland is through the walls of the rectum.
_I: I understand. Despite this, the topic is taboo for most men, as they refuse to “lose their manhood” by doing so.
_AM: This is an ancient view related to losing power. The anus represents the personality, it is the place in the body where you sit, where you put the weight of the body on a throne. The anus, then, is the power. In a derogatory way, to remove someone's power was to prevent them from sitting on their throne, and to do so, they broke their integrity.
_I: What a crude saying would be “they broke his ass.”
_AM: Yes… The ass is integrity. Therefore, culturally the idea of “giving up the anus” is to lose power, and especially in men, in males, losing power is losing territory. In this way, one allows oneself to give one's power to those one trusts, as it is allowing someone to enter the most subtle part of one's being, one's creative power.
_I: Seen this way it takes on another, more transcendental meaning.
_AM: The woman does not have that same nerve ending in the prostate area because she does not have a prostate, and therefore it is more difficult to reach, more complex.
_I: What would it be like?
_AM: It works in both men and women, but even so, women are more sensitive to it, and it is related to the Integumentary system.
_I: The skin!
_AM: The skin or integument (from Latin: tissue), is the largest cellular organ in the body. It has an important double function: firstly, protecting the body from the external world and the integrity of all its organs, and at the same time allowing interaction with the environment, either through the absorption of nutrients or the excretion of toxins through of the pores. The skin is divided into three layers: the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (active cells in the middle) and hypodermis (subcutaneous adipose tissue). Its different layers act as protectors from the sun's ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, parasites, microbes, bacteria and viruses, as well as any other type of threat. At the same time, they play the fundamental role of nutrition and respiration of the body, purging toxins, taking the vitamins necessary for the body, also serving as camouflage. It is an elastic organ that allows movement, and is the first vehicle of information, since everything that happens in the environment will be passed to the skin from where it will be reported to the brain. Skin hairs have the function of being receptors for temperature or movements in the environment, and therefore the entire skin is full of nerve endings in every corner of the body. The nervous reaction, such as chills, is what puts the body in a defensive position, generating heat or accumulating it in the event of losing it.
_I: And why do they occur with caresses?
_AM: Because the skin, furthermore, due to being a nervous extension, is the most direct way of communicating pleasure to the brain. For this reason, caresses, kisses, and touch stimulate the nervous system through the skin, which reports a kind of invasion that produces the opposite effect: collapse. The collapse is produced by a desired aggression, in which the skin interprets it as an invasion, but allowed by the conscious, so the break or crisis of understanding produces great pleasure, generating all types of hormonal reactions, almost a kind of imbalance. that generates heat.
_I: This is why it was considered diabolical, perhaps, because “control is lost.”
_AM: That's right. But if instead of prohibiting it, you learn to direct it, the skin and sexual organs can lead you to experience enlightenment.
_I: And stop being taboo…
_AM: To be free.
_I: So… You have to know these two systems better.
_AM: Allow yourself to feel them, touch them, enjoy them, know what your limits are, where the orgasm occurs in you, and in this praxis, you will find the engine of the spiritual energy that is produced in your biology.
_I: I allow myself to feel it, I free myself from beliefs and taboos, and I discover the machinery of my inner power.
_AM: And thus you will be a channel between the two worlds.
_I: Heaven on Earth.