

_I: Yesterday you explained that the Heart is not the producer of blood nor the origin or destination of the biological network as we sometimes think from a philosophical or emotional point of view, but rather it is part of a harmonious mechanism in which its function is basically the distribution and the impulse of said blood through the heartbeat, for correct giving and receiving.

_AM: That's right...

_I: You said that blood is the vehicle for all the body's necessary resources, what generates energy, and that it comes from 3 main sites: the bone marrow, the lungs and the intestines.

_AM: Aha…

_I: So I have two questions: how exactly do those nutrients reach our body? And how do they produce energy?

I am excellent. Let's go step by step then, to understand the device that allows this: the Digestive System.

_I: The one I've practically heard the most about in my life, because everyone talks about what we eat.

_AM: But no matter how much we talk about it, we probably don't even get close to the basics of understanding it. The Digestive System is a factory for energy production, assembly and disassembly of products, using very harmful toxic products, but necessary for development, and it is, probably, the system with the largest number of microbes that live in harmony with us, in symbiosis. It is the main producer, generator of all the products that keep the body alive.

_I: Wow… So, it's the fundamental system since the beginning of time…

_AM: That's right, because the first thing an atom does in existence is look for energy, consume it, save it, and in the case of an organism, share it for better functioning. This system is precisely what consumes, saves and produces to share with the rest of the organism. It has become more complex throughout evolution, in different ways depending on the species, like all biological systems, however, we are here above all to know the human. So let's get back to basics: everything seeks energy. But: where do you get the energy from?

_I: Well... If energy is vibration, and it is produced by waves of frequency and polarities, then it will have to be found in the interaction between positive and negative...

_AM: That's right. Imagine energy as the force of the vibrating strings that make magnetism possible, that join the positive and negative ends. If these two polarities join and contract, a reserve of energy and stability will be generated, but if you need action, movement and change, you must separate this polarity, stretching this rope until it breaks, which like an elastic band, when cut, will release an enormous tension that You will call it energy, that is, work force, movement force.

_I: All energy is produced, then, from the separation or rupture of an atomic structure… No?

_AM: Yes, it is the elasticity that occurs in the waves between electrons and protons. As we always say, the universe seeks stability and energy savings, but to improve its saving capacity, it is forced to evolve, to develop better forms, since environments are changing, and the chaos of the environment forces atoms to adapt, which modifies their composition and order, generating new structures. At this moment of rearrangement, the atoms lose energy, but at the same time, this means that the molecular assembly or organism receives energy, that is, it obtains an extra force, an impulse that moves it.

_I: So the energy we are talking about that mobilizes us, that drives us to do what we do, comes from the division of molecules and the release of energy accumulated in the bonds of atoms...

_AM: That's right. Now, let's go to the beginning. The main source of energy in a developing world was photonic energy from the Sun, and chemicals emerging from marine volcanoes. The high vibration of the volcanic components that are released by the pressure, and the movement of photons in the environment, allowed the electrons to vibrate much faster than normal in that hostile environment, which translates as “heat.” Heat, fire, allows the fusion or division of chemical elements, which generates transformations, alchemy, chemical reactions, in which that energy is released. The first cells that existed due to these reactions, in a fusion of sugars and minerals, began to absorb this energy released into the environment, which allowed them to move and grow. Over time, these cells developed the ability to carry out this division and extraction of energy on their own, capturing chemical elements from the environment, and processing them inside in a kind of chain work, in which each of the internal chemical compounds of The cell cut parts and glued others, to obtain a product that generated energy or accumulated energy, releasing what was left over.

_I: The image I have is as if a tree were a molecule, and a family of several people were those components.

_AM: Enzymes… Individuals will be enzymes.

_I: What is an enzyme?

_AM: From the Greek “én” and “zymé”, meaning “internal fermentation”, to which ferment comes from the Latin “herbir”, alluding to the fact that fire unites things, produces reactions. Enzymes are chemical compounds that enable chemical reactions in other external compounds.

_I: Okay. So these little enzyme people take the tree and because winter is coming, they decide to cut it down. Some of those people will collect its fruits to make sweets and reserves. Another little person will take the seeds to grow crops to create more trees. Another person will cut all the leaves to feed the animals. Another person will cut the branches to have a reserve of firewood for the fireplace, and another person will cut the trunk to obtain wood to reinforce the roof of the house. Thus, what was once just one thing, a tree, became part of many more things, generating energy for the winter.

_AM: Very good. She understands herself. Now, the larger the being, the more complex the energy assimilation system becomes. This divides two large kingdoms: the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes.

_I: What are they?

AM: They describe the development, shape and content of a cell. Prokaryotes (“pro” = before, “karyon” = nut, “tes” = agent), are bacteria cells, in which a thin membrane separates the external from a dissolved content where the DNA is arranged in a single long coiled chain, without having a core. On the other hand, eukaryotes (“eu” = new, “karyon” = nut, “tes” = agent), have a nucleus (where various DNA chromosomes exist) and organelles, that is, small internal structures that perform various functions, all of which are floating in the cytoplasm, such as the Mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. The mitochondria (“mito” = filament, thread; “khondros” = grain) here is one of the fundamental ones to understand, since it is responsible for the respiration of the cell.

_I: Do cells breathe?

_AM: They breathe and eat. Remember that before being what you are, you have been a single-celled organism. All eukaryotic beings (animals, plants, fungi) need to generate energy in their cells, and the mitochondria is responsible for this in a process known as the “Krebs cycle” (in honor of its discoverer in the 1930s), or also “citric acid cycle”. In this circuit, certain enzymes are dedicated to taking carbon molecules and making various cuts at different times of the process, to generate new energy-storing molecules (ATP = adenosine triphosphate, which transports energy for all the functions of the cell; and GTP = guanosine triphosphate, messenger that tells proteins what chemical functions to perform).

_I: Ugh… It gets complicated.

_AM: Take the example of the Tree. The House is the cell, and the family is the mitochondria. Imagine that the tree is cut down and the strongest enzymes in the family chop it into pieces. Then, the family will sit in a circle around the tree, and each one will take out a part of it, the fruits, leaves, branches, seeds, bark, processing it, passing the parts between them, storing everything according to its function in different parts. of the house, while the seeds will be used to create more of the same trees for the following years. This is what you call the Krebs cycle, it is a circular journey that humans take at each change of season of the year with the fields and production, only in the cells it happens in a matter of thousandths of seconds.

_I: Sure… I understand. In other words, this is how energy is obtained, they are electrical pulses of discharges generated in the division or union of molecules, in the breaking of carbon atoms...

_AM: The main source of energy is “acetyl-CoA”, which is obtained from the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and sugars.

_I: Oh, that's why we need to breathe oxygen!

_AM: That's right. In large quantities, to be able to oxidize all these elements. And now the question would be: where do you get all those carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and sugars?

_I: Eating…

_AM: Exactly. All these acids, amino acids, proteins, glucose, carbohydrates, lipids, all are diversified and dispersed in nature, in the chemical composition of the animal, mineral and plant kingdom. In order to generate energy in the body, you need to consume it from the external world. But, you can't get the glucose from an apple into the cell by putting the whole apple on your skin and squeezing... You need to separate the glucose from many other things, until it is just alone, separate, from all the fibers and other components necessary for it. other parts of the body, or parts that will not be needed and will have to be discarded. And this is where the Digestive system comes in.

_I: Wow, it's fascinating, all this to understand why we eat and drink...

_AM: Digestive comes from the words “di-” (to separate, divide) and “gerere” (to carry out, generate), so digesting is the act of separating things.

_I: Just like when we want to digest information that seemed like a lot to us, and we have to process it little by little, dividing it into parts to assimilate it. Like everything we're talking about hehe.

_AM: Yes. The digestive system incorporates various useful parts that will be responsible for breaking everything down to its minimum expression, with the aim of reaching the bottom of the atoms and being able to harvest the energy they keep inside. It is as if the true objective you have is to extract the nut from its shell, and to do this, you will cut the branches, remove the leaves, take the fruit, peel the shell, until you find the layer that covers the seed, where you find the shell. that you must break to find the seed, which by breaking it in two, you will find the nutrients you were looking for. And to do this, you must take a first bite.

_I: The mouth.

_AM: The lips are the first sensitive contact that will tell us if the material is cold, hot, warm, and if it is able to enter the mouth or not. The tongue, with the sense of taste, will notify the rest of the system what materials we are talking about, so that the body prepares to obtain specifically what this product will deliver to me. Teeth are the first step of division. Its cutting, starting and grinding functions form a bolus. This bolo (from the Greek “bolé” = ball that is thrown), will go through an entire separation system that will allow the organism to assimilate the molecules, something called “metabolism” (“meta” = after, through, “bolé” = launched), meaning that the metabolism of a living being is the ability it has to launch the product through a division process.

_I: Oh, I just managed to understand what they mean by low or high metabolism. Little or a lot of product division capacity.

_AM: Yes. You can understand here that teeth problems will be related to your inability to manage or analyze something in your life, to not being able to digest it, process it well (see dental biodecoding). From here, the salivary glands will be in charge of improving the flow of the bolus towards the stomach through the pharynx (shared with the respiratory tract), and from there to the esophagus, which will pass behind the heart and lungs until reaching the the pit of the stomach. Within it, one of the hardest actions of the physical body occurs: chemical decomposition. The stomach is a sac of strong tissues containing corrosive acids that can burn and disintegrate organic compounds. These compounds are produced by the Gallbladder, the Liver and the Pancreas, all three attached to the Duodenum, from where these gastric acids enter the Stomach and where the food will end up passing to the small intestine converted into chyme, a pasty mass. The Liver is responsible for generating bile, the acid that will allow, together with pancreatic juices, to dissolve food, and this bile is stored in the vesicular sac until the necessary moment of stomach digestion. Once the chyme is ready, it slides through the duodenum towards the jejunum, both being the entrance to the small intestine, approximately 7 meters of coiled tissue through which the chyme will be propelled on a long journey, through which a constant A row of villi will caress this pasta, absorbing all the nutrients, almost like an extensive mechanical belt where millions of products slide, while millions of workers at its sides select the good products, letting the bad ones pass by. Thus, carbohydrates, sugars, lipids, and proteins are captured by the small intestine, ending their journey in the last piece of it called the ileum, connected to the large intestine or colon. In this part, all the liquids finish being absorbed, compacting the waste that the small intestine selected as unnecessary, and forming the fecal bolus, which will end up being excreted through the anus.

_I: What a trip…

_AM: And you already know the rest. The capillaries of the blood system take these nutrients, unite them with oxygen, produce the reaction that gives rise to acetyl-CoA, which will be the basis for enzymes to split carbon atoms and generate ATP: Energy.

_I: And so I can move…

_AM: So you can live. As you see, matter is not something different from the spiritual world, but in its complexity, it only found different mechanisms to live off the same things as souls and spirits. In the infinite manifesting capacity of the universal mind, energy only found various ways to continue creating and expanding. The digestive system is the echo of the creation system, it is the echo of the designs of the essence, manifesting the personalities, it is the path of life.

_I: The initiatory path…

_AM: Where you enter as a whole, and go a long way to discover the essence that you were, the energy that lives in you.

_I: I will never look at a meal the same way I did before... To think that every day I walk an initiatory path to being what I truly am, at every breakfast, at every lunch, at every dinner...

_AM: You are what you eat.

_I: And if I am one of those foods carrying out my initiatory path towards the essence... Then the universe, the cosmos, feeds on me, and therefore, the Universe is Me.

_AM: You got it. In each step you take discerning what you are, you nourish the universe with your energy, and you stop being cosmic food, to become part of the Cosmos.

_I: In me, millions of beings make their way towards the essence...

_AM: Therefore, today you can say this…

_I: I Am the Channel of Beings.

_AM: I am divine food, essence of the cosmic body.

_I: I am the Universe.




Circulatory – Lymphatic