

_I: Yesterday you mentioned that excess energy is not good either. That is, speaking about how to use energy correctly, you mentioned that it is important not to give of our own energy so as not to empty ourselves, when we are of service, but rather we must do so by taking the energy from the environment, the photons, and from there give to others. , but an excess is not good either, because it could damage us like current does to a phone battery that remains plugged in all the time. So, you have to download.

_AM: That's right. A human, like any being in existence, is a battery. It has positive and negative poles, charged with potential energy, which when moving on its axis creating a magnetic field, generates kinetic energy; that distributes energy, data, information, to an entire system. If the system is not balanced, it is not self-sufficient, and therefore will depend on forms of external energy, such as food, sleep, laughter, sun, minerals, water... Like everything in the Universe, it is a network of exchange connected by waves. of vibration, what you resonate with will be what charges your energy to continue moving forward: doing what we like, being with those who do us good, listening to music that delights us, eating something that makes us happy, etc. And this causes everything that exists to feed back energetically. However, if you eat too much, you can gain weight or have health problems; if you drink too much you can drown; If you sleep too much you lose vitality; If you only do what you like or what you are good at, you will never evolve or learn anything new; If you sunbathe too much, you can burn yourself and damage your skin. The excess of things is an overload of energy. Just because it is good, its excess will not be better. Therefore, when we work with energy, we must always know how to deliver the excess to the earth through bare feet, like a ground cable, like a lightning bolt that releases the energy accumulation from the atmosphere (where a great electrostatic tension is generated) to the biosphere or lithosphere. The discharge of energy is fundamental for development, for the circulation of energy, as in a constant circuit, or as in a river. If there is excess water, the river will overflow, flooding everything.

_I: So it's not good to accumulate quantities. It ends up being counterproductive... This leads me to wonder if it is related to any vision regarding the capitalism in which we live today. If excess is bad for health, is generating resources harmful to society?

_AM: Here you must differentiate two fundamental things, which are the word Accumulation and the word Abundance.

_I: I suppose, and it shakes my mind, that they are very different, although they talk about the same thing.

_AM: That's right. Accumulation is the act of arranging in the form of a heap (a heap, mountain, mound). The concept refers to putting everything in the same place, piling it up, reserving it, without mobility. When you accumulate energy, food, emotions, material goods, you do it with the fear of losing it, of being left with nothing, and it happens as a defense and survival mechanism. Therefore, accumulating ends up generating problems in your body, soul and spirit. Accumulating action is stagnating energy potential, which, having nowhere to express itself, turns into frustration, contracting the body, generating pain, diseases, and obesity. The same thing happens when at the soul level you accumulate emotions, for fear of letting go, of letting go of the ties that you believe are good, or for fear of breaking things as they are, for comfort. This is how feelings that are the key to electricity in your body stagnate, and because they do not circulate, they become static (something stable, still), which will produce storms inside you, lightning bolts that will explode in unexpected places.

_I: Like when we attack someone who has nothing to do with the cause or reason for our discomfort.

_AM: Discharge point, exactly. And this takes us to the mental plane, where the accumulation of ideas and beliefs turn a stale, strict, inflexible mind, full of data that does not allow evolution, since nothing new can enter.

_I: Like becoming stubborn.

_AM: Aha.

_I: And… what is Abundance?

_AM: The meaning of this word is something very beautiful, related to everything we have talked about. At the origin of the Universe, everything expands through waves, like an ocean that propels its waves in all directions, for all eternity. Sometimes, static waves generate electrical discharges that produce positive and negative currents, manifesting waves, and from there, kinetic energy from potential. Something you call “tides”. Produced by magnetism and gravity. The more these waves move, the more distortion there is, but at the same time, the more options, variations of this ocean, which in its electrical discharge generates life: cells, organs, and the entire biosphere. A constant transfer of information in a network, overflowing with potential, and launching into an eternal movement. It does so in such a way that it exceeds the capabilities of the universe itself, giving rise to new dimensions, kingdoms and worlds, an eternal ramification. When waves of vibration exceed the limits of self to expand into something new and transcendental, it is called “Abundance.” The word comes from the prefix “ab” (outside, beyond the limit), and “unda”, which means “wave”, like the waves of the sea. To this add the particle “-ent-” that refers to the subject or entity, and the suffix “-eía”, which denotes quality. Abundance is the quality of a being to pass the limits of the waves. It refers to the idea of ​​a river that overflows, of a sea that crosses the coasts to enter the land.

_I: Wow, I would never have seen this concept like that. Abundance, for me, is the accumulation of goods, like there is a lot of something, but I never thought of it as waves that overflow the limits.

_AM: The clear difference between Accumulate and Abound is that the latter crosses limits, while the former sets limits. We are going to differentiate this from different levels: Energetic, Individual and Social.

_I: Let's go to the energy...

_AM: Energy Accumulation is the stagnation of inner potential. For fear of the reaction of the outside world. This is what every structure does from the atomic level, seeking stability of energy exchange, in which by forming rigid structures it aims to accumulate energy so as not to lose it and disappear. Nature follows this system, through what we call “storage”. Many plants, animals, insects, fungi, dedicate their daily lives to the accumulation of food and liquids, seeking to have reserves for times of scarcity. It is a natural mechanism that humans repeat because they are not exempt from this nature. Humans, in turn, generated cultures and civilizations as a form of accumulation and storage that ensured their subsistence.

_I: And here I suppose we come to the individual…

_AM: Each human comes from an animal tradition of a hostile environment that forces accumulation for survival. And throughout history, because of slavery, work in fiefdoms, wars, famine generated by bad policies, as well as violence and insecurity; All this ends up generating a cumulative mind. This causes closed, repressed, greedy, stingy, greedy, stingy and mean personalities. Thus, the fight to obtain resources is based on an overwhelming logic: “he who does not have, dies, he who has, lives.” The battle to have becomes the sauce of life, and individuals will fight to obtain and accumulate what they can to live.

_I: And this is how our society is formed…

_AM: Based on the sum of individuals who, seeking to survive, have become greedy for information, feelings and goods. In order to obtain something, it is necessary to undertake, which leads us to the creation of the “company” or “entrepreneurship”. In the struggle to obtain, the subjects called entrepreneurs supplanted those who had everything: feudal lords and kings. Suddenly, citizens with extraordinary abilities surpassed the very powerful of the Earth, creating the civilization of “capital”, where Having is a symbol of Success, because you have managed to escape from scarcity to enter opulence. And the opulent become the new kings and feudal lords, while those who have less take them as such, idols, or oppressors. The struggle to have led to ideologies of equality, which instead of giving to the people, ended up leaving them with nothing, since a system of workers who hand over everything to a third party (State) so that it can distribute it equitably, never worked, nor it will work.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because from the bottom up there is a very serious mistake: giving your power to a third party who claims to know much better what you need. It is counterproductive to evolution, and is called state paternalism or maternalism. It is the distrust in individuals, taking them as children, but children who are not educated to be adults, so that they always remain innocent infants cared for by their parents. Thus the “fathers” can administer, who accumulate wealth and distribute it according to their beliefs and considerations. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to abundance.

_I: How is abundance applied?

_AM: You must recognize that abundance on the energetic, individual and social levels. From the energetic, you can remember the image of the universe. Waves of vibration that exceed their own limits, and eternally transform into different things, do not accumulate, but continue to give rise to new realities. But what is given is the excess, since one can only give when he has received enough. An empty river cannot be abundant. Thus, the excess energy in atoms generates heat and electricity, generating chemical reactions that generate life and evolution.

_I: Life is like the abundance of atomic energy, then.

_AM: Exactly. Energy is the result of the abundance of vibration; atoms are the result of the abundance of energy; Matter is the result of the abundance of atoms; life is the result of the abundance of matter; and evolution is the result of the abundance of life. The Universe is designed to be abundant, and therefore, beyond the system seeking the storage and conservation of energy, the conservation mechanism never ends up being through accumulation, but rather through transformation. Thus, what plants accumulate becomes oxygen delivered to the biosphere, to animals. Animals accumulate food in their bellies or burrows, but lions will never consume an entire herd of buffalo, nor will ants consume an entire forest. They will always take just what they need to satisfy themselves. Humans did the same thing when they became sedentary: they did not eat all the crops, they had to leave them for the next one, to exchange with others for different products. Sharing became the abundant form of subsistence. Thus, individuals began to create bonds, to help each other, to generate forms of emotional exchange; relationships, bonds, loves, family, culture, tradition. And all of this gave rise to larger groups that formed societies, exchange of values, moralities, stories, goods and administration, a symbol of trust between individuals who seek the “status quo”, the balance between the parts; It is interpreted that if it is produced in excess, the community must benefit. The idea of ​​abundance, then, runs through all of existence as a way of reminding us that we are capable of generating and transforming ourselves unlimitedly.

_I: How to be abundant?

_AM: Abundance will not come to you out of necessity, quite the opposite. A river is water, and it grows through water. A river only receives water through its ability to open to channel that water. A person is like a river flow: if it is full of things, beliefs, emotions, patterns, accumulating goods in the form of rocks, the water will never pass through this flow, and will look for another. For water to “abundant”, the flow of the river must be clean, open, clear and without many things that impede its circulation. Do not accumulate assets, emotions, or ideas.

_I: But this seems contrary to what is seen in businessmen, who become multimillionaires and have more and more things.

_AM: A businessman is different from a king. The king accumulates power, and rots on his throne, because the only way to accumulate power is by demonstrating power, and the way to achieve this is through control, demonstrating who is in charge, or on the contrary, becoming a parasite for the society. A businessman has entrepreneurship by nature, and becomes a millionaire not by accumulation, but by abundance, by generating resources or goods that many acquire, buy, and receive based on their productivity. A person who produces for a family of 5 members will need to generate resources and manage their assets to support the 5. A person who generates resources for millions of people will need to manage their assets to support those millions. It is not cumulative, it is equivalent.

_I: Oh, I understand.

_AM: Those who do not understand this do not understand the law of energy: the sum of power and kinetics that you call work force. You cannot obtain energy without work, as it is counterproductive to the law of conservation of energy, and therefore, giving without receiving ends up becoming a problem at all levels, that is, it is harmful to abundance. An abundant being must deliver and be open to receive, and what he receives must be energy to deliver more at a superior level. Do you know what the great conflict of human abundance is?

_I: Which one?

_AM: Education. The thing is that you have never been taught to be abundant, but rather competitive. On the one hand, the Capitalist Economic system seeks freedom of trade and capital to encourage competition and thus generate wealth. On the other hand, the Protectionist Policy of the States seeks the opposite, which is the control of the markets to regulate the well-being of those who have the least and the equity of their citizens at all levels. Education promoted by the private business world drives competition among individuals, and Education promoted by the world of states drives equality among citizens. But none promotes true Education.

_I: What would it be like?

_AM: Teaching a being to be abundant, creating their own projects, sharing them with others and encouraging others to do their own projects, so that the chain continues.

_I: Why don't you do it?

_AM: Because they continue to be based on the law of survival of matter, and not conservation of energy. According to material survival, it is considered that one must fight to obtain resources, or that one must help others who do not have them, giving them them. According to the conservation of energy, we must give the other the tools to generate their own potentiality, entering into active movement, not passive reception.

_I: Encourage everyone to awaken their potential…

_AM: And this is not convenient for many, because doing so would mean losing control. For a being that is abundant in its mind, its emotion and its body, does not need any state or competition.

_I: Oh… Sure…

_AM: Abundance is not an attribute of gaining external goods, but of projection and expansion of internal potentials, placed at the service of others, to the exchange of potentials.

_I: Being abundant is allowing myself to open up to new opportunities and not have restrictions when it comes to expressing my potentials, sharing them with others.

_AM: This way you will receive everything you need.

_I: I consider myself abundant. With complete certainty.

_AM: So, by your example show others how to discover their abundance.

_I: The key is not to accumulate, but to share.

_AM: This month's mantra is I Have, why do you think?

_I: Because everything I need is not outside, it is in me. I have everything I need, I just have to expand it.

_AM: Open your heart, and allow your river of potential to show the abundance you have.



