0th Dimension
_AM: Inspire…
_I: Hold…
_AM: Exhale…
_I: Everything is calm… There is… Nothing. Nothingness contains all things, the void that is in the center, and around... It is the background on which the hologram is projected, and it is the essence of it. Nothing affects the void, since nothing exists. How to explain the simplest dimension of all?
_AM: In the most complex way possible.
_I: Paradox…
_AM: “Pará” (against) and “Doxos” (opinion). Paradox is the Greek word that describes that which is against public and common opinion, that which is singular, unique, different, incredible, out of the ordinary. A paradox describes that situation from which, through common experience, you expect a specific result, but in response you receive exactly the opposite.
_I: Like the fact that too much light blinds you, leaving you in the dark.
_AM: There are many paradoxes, but the greatest of the Universe is that which considers it as the maximum unit of all things, the Totality, when in reality, it is a hologram based on Nothing.
_I: How do I get to this?
_AM: The Universe itself is a dream that sustains itself in cycles of expansion and contraction. The sensation of breathing of the mind is what generates the idea of pulses that give rise to the laws of the Universe, on which all existence is based, all dimensions, from the First to the Ninth. You must first go through the integration of all these dimensions before understanding the one that generates them all: The point.
_I: That one particle that reflects everything else…
_AM: And it's not even a particle. It is just an idea that expands and contracts, manifesting as space-time constants. Breathing, eternal cycle of a spirit that creates and returns to itself. The inspiration of 9D prompts you to create the constants by which you move outward, which design the toroids of 8D, projected from the illumination of 7D, eternally transforming into 6D, finding patterns and coherence in 5D, to focus on processes in the 4D, and thus experience them in the 3D, where you discover the concepts in the 2D and in the Axis of your being in the 1D. And there the cycle is completed, between 9 and 1, both return to 0.
_I: There are only 9 dimensions?
_AM: Oh, no, there are infinite ones.
_I: How?!
_AM: The first 9 are just the measurements of this Universe. But they multiply.
_I: For how much?
_AM: The 9 are divided from the inside out by 2, giving 18. Eighteen essential positive and negative dimensions of themselves, which will give rise to new time-space processes: expression, experimentation, integration and transcendence.
_I: The 4 levels of time, which are lived in space…
_AM: That's right, that is 8. The 4 of Time, and the 4 of Space. For each dimension you will find 8 steps… The Cube.
_I: Hexahedron… A Hypercube.
_AM: Now multiply it by 18.
_I: 144…
_AM: Aha!… 144 aspects of the breathing mind. He inhales in 144 aspects, contemplates 144 aspects, and exhales 144 aspects, manifesting the three levels in spirit, soul and body… 144×3?
_I: 432…
_AM: Oh… The vibration of the heart. That orders everything that you are... The entire hologram born from nothing...
_I: Wait… This is a lot… A lot of numbers. This is what the ancients called the Atlantean Cube, the multidimensional expansion of a Being. How to understand it?
_AM: We have seen all the dimensions, now try to understand the being that you are through all the dimensions. You, Matías, are nothing more than the millimeter fractalization of a particle that, going through the process of the 7 universal laws, has come to form what you are. But in turn, this particle, you must understand, was reflected in many others. To visualize this you must imagine a simple fractal: the duster of a Dandelion.
_I: The flowering of plant seeds?
_AM: Taraxacum Officinale, or Bitter Chicory, the asteraceae plant considered a medicinal herb, has a particular flower that looks like a sun with a lion's mane, whose petals look like lion's teeth. Its light and image are known throughout the world, but even more so is its flowering to seed process. The receptacle of the flower swells, extending the achenes, the seeds, that were in the uterine area of the flower, while the stamens and stigmas turn from yellow and fleshy into fine, white filaments that open at the top with the pappus hairs open like an umbrella. The flower becomes a geometric sphere of unmatched beauty. And the subtlety of the wind, the breeze of the air, leads them to fly, sowing seeds over long distances, to create new flowers. The image of the Dandelion is the key to understanding the fractality of the only cosmic being fragmenting. Now, let's dismember this image. The stem of the flower that connects you to the plant is that projection that arises holding the foundations of the Universe, connecting the 1D and the 9D = a polarity that projects a hologram. The receptacle is 8D, with the constant lines of Time and Space, containing in its center the womb of divine potential, core of the flower, 7D. From its vertices, from the intersections between the lines of time and space, the 6D nodes emerge, that is, the seeds, the achenes, which contain the potential of the entire plant to create a new one, in many different shapes and directions. In the conjunction of the rays of the 7D, the crossings of the constants of the 8D and the manifestation of the 6D, the 18 primordial seeds manifest. Nine related to the internal, and nine to the external.
_I: Like the Flower of Life, which has 18 circles…
_AM: That's right. And one in the center, which unites them all: the Mind, the Idea. This flower, then, arranges its 18 seeds in two circles around the central seed of Mentalism: 6 around the original seed (representing the other 6 universal laws of Correspondence, Vibration, Rhythm, Cause-Effect, Polarity and Generation, through the attributes of Sound, Light, Form, Love, Wisdom and Will), and another outer circle of 12 seeds representing the potentials (I Am, I Have, I Communicate, I Feel, I Can, I Command, I Balance, I Desire , I See, I Use, I Know, I Believe). These 18 seeds will expand upwards, radiating their light in 5D, and through the temporal node of 4D, they will expand in the depths projected in 3D: 4 of time and 4 of space. Thus, each duster will have different probabilities of manifestation. Everything is the Flower, just as all the Dimensions are the same reality, making each small part of it a being, an entity, an aspect of itself. When the air moves them, it multiplies their potential by thousands. This is what causes a single system to fractalize into millions of options.
_I: I myself am like a new flower from the original flower. Is that?
_AM: That's right, that's why “you are God.” Let's go back to the simplicity of the numbers. 0 is everything, it is the point from which everything emerges, it is the idea, the dream, the imagination; It is the neutral, the one that has no intention or pulse, it simply is. From itself, the rest emerges. The idea of the internal and the external, of the dream and the dreamer, arises, projecting the polarity of the 1D, the concept of the 2D, the experience of the 3D, the process of the 4D, the understanding of the 5D, the transformation of the 6D, the illumination of the 7D, the eternity of the 8D, and the hologram of the 9D. By having these 9 dimensions projected, 0 recognizes that they are outside and inside itself, that is, 9 inside and 9 outside, macrocosm and microcosm, therefore, 18 Dimensions of itself. The 18 arise from this pattern of the constants of Time and Space, which manifest the pillars where existence will manifest (expression, experimentation, integration and transcendence, which we will know in Space as right, left, in front and behind, while in the Time you will know how to be born, grow, produce and die). Thus, for each dimension you will have a specific process to complete. That is, each dimension will go through 4 aspects of time and 4 of space, giving a total of 8, forming the vertices of a Cube. 18 Cubes will give a total of 144 vertices, which are the final expressions of this flower, the one that leads each seed to live its own experience and create its own story, its own universe. Due to this, each being in the universe is part of a Universal Flower that has 144 aspects, which manifest on the Mental plane, on the Emotional plane and on the Physical plane. If you wish to return to the center and axis of your being, to the most sacred of existence, that is, to Dimension 0, you must unite each and every one in harmony. That is, take the Body to point 0, take the Soul to point 0 and take the Spirit to point 0, neutralizing Action, Emotion and Thought. This is how you take the 144 aspects that make you up to the “000” degree. And the way to connect them all is with the code 432 (144×3), which is the vibration, the hertz necessary to balance the One Being.
_I: “144,000”, the 144,000 Enlightened Ones who in tradition said that they will save the Earth, or ascend to the Heavens…
_AM: The bad news is that those 144,000 saviors do not exist. The good news is that they exist in you.
_I: And 432 is the vibration we use for all the music we make…
_AM: It has its reason for being.
_I: So the 144,000 are not people, but a code that speaks of the 144 aspects that each being possesses, and that must balance at point 0, in neutrality, to become “enlightened.”
_AM: Going back to point 0 is the key to restarting. Let go of everything, physically, emotionally and mentally. Release the idea of who you are, free yourself from attachments to everything that has built you. Let go of the idea of mission, of purpose, of pulse intention, everything. The paradox is that the only way to fulfill the purpose is to eliminate it from your being. The great paradox is that to create your universe you must stop being one. The great paradox is that to be One, you must reset yourself and be Zero.
_I: Nothing…
_AM: Nothing…
_I: …
_AM: …
_I: When we made the Arsayian Foundation logo, I decided to use precisely the Dandelion seed... I had a certain idea of why, but now I understand the symbolism... More than ever. When I began to remember the Saytu language, spoken in the Nile 12,000 years ago, I didn't quite understand why either, but seeing that its codes created the structure of the 144, as I grew up I began to understand its logic as well. And my guides always repeating to me three times: Remember, Remember, Remember... Unite the aspects of the body, soul and spirit... Connect the network, understand multidimensionality, and that to create a new reality you must harmonize the existing ones, and at the same time, let them go, returning to point 0.
_AM: Zero is neither the beginning nor the end, since it corresponds to 1. 0 is...
_I: ...It's...
_AM: It just… It is.
_I: This is where the true I Am is found…
_AM: But the I Am that possesses neither I nor I Am... It is the I Am of Silence. Nothing is necessary there, there is no projection.
_I: What being inhabits Dimension 0?
_AM: All, and none. Dimension 0 is the only one that exists, and in turn, it does not exist. Well, “exist” comes from the verb “ex-stare”, which means to be outside, to put oneself in the external, to leave and remain there. 0 does not exist... It is. Everything that exists comes from itself. Dimension 0 is not even God…
_I: So... It's Nothingness itself...
_AM: Nothingness is the only one that can give you everything you need to exist. You are a projection of Nothingness, which like the flower expands into seeds, multiplying from 144 to 144...
_I: And what do I do when I have connected everyone?
_AM: Ask the question…
_I: Which one?
_AM: What could it be?
_I: “…I Am…?”
_AM: And so it is, like everyone you are will seek to find the answer... The 144 aspects of you will resonate with your question, and will begin to search for each other. The question is the Void, the Nothing, the question is freedom, the question is the potentiality of all possibility, the question will lead you to seek the answer, to expand what you are and can be. Dimension 0 originates all the others through the void produced by the question. And the answer exists in itself. Every trip you have taken is a reunion through the memory of yourself. You have never been out, you have always been, you have only reached out to see the response. And all your aspects in all dimensions, times and spaces, are doing the same. When you call them the question, they will hear you, when you show them the answer, they will cheer. Everyone will see the original point, no matter where they have flourished, in what world, in what time or space, they will all resonate to the center, where they will see the light become Nothingness. And they will remember.
_I: Remember… Remember… Remember…
_AM: Remember... That I am the divinity that becomes time and space, illuminating to infinity, transforming into millions, flourishing in the consciousness of the process in which I find myself, living the meanings of each manifestation, understanding the concepts of existence,
that live in me as a beginning
and end that
I am…
I am god,
I am the Time,
I am the Space,
I am the Light,
I am the Way, I am the Love,
I am Life,
I am the Truth,
I am the Consciousness,
I am the Word,
I am who I am…
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