

_AM: Who is God?

_I: Ugh, what a question to start the morning… Well, I could tell you what I know about God.

_AM: Tell me.

_I: It is a socio-cultural construct that seeks to give meaning to the things that exist.

_AM: Good. What else?

_I: Well… I would say that it is an image that serves as a guide for those who feel lost in a strange world.

_AM: Aha…

_I: Who acts as Father and sometimes as Mother, for the circumstances of each individual or group that needs to feel protected by something greater.

_AM: Yes…

_I: It is an idea that mobilizes us…

_AM: I want to get here... Tell me, what mobilizes?

_I: Well, I think that the idea of ​​a God gives meaning to what is not seen, what is not understood, and this gives the idea of ​​destiny, of purpose, of that which is there but we do not know, and therefore gives hope, led by faith, and this drives us to search, to continue moving forward.

_AM: Gives meaning to life.

_I: Yes… You could say.

_AM: So it is wrong to believe in God?

_I: Ummm… I guess not.

_AM: …But…

_I: …But it does a lot of damage too.

_AM: Why?

_I: Because faith is blind, and that clouds the ability to question, annuls reason and the ability to self-govern life, to discern. All power is relegated to something external, and the person cannot find their way unless it is dictated to them from outside. It makes us prisoners of other people's destiny. And hope is corrupted, because things do not always go as expected, and for centuries people wait for something that never comes, making us irresponsible with our here and now, expecting someone else to solve the problems.

_AM: That's right...

_I: And worst of all, when God becomes tradition, it becomes culture, and culture relegates individuals to belonging to a group, and thus a religion is born. And religions are nothing more than political ideas of a time that became a constitution, which, because they did not have the resources of reason, became sacred books, to be followed without question, as the "word of God", and Under this pretext, in contexts of illiteracy, religion and politics used the world in the name of God, controlling everything, manipulating, killing, massacring. Many murderers, thugs, tyrants, gangsters, terrorists, crusaders, genocidal people, are religious people, who have faith in God, and pray to Him to sustain them in committing their atrocities.

_AM: So believing in God is bad?

_I: No… It's just that the problem is not God.

_AM: So?

_I: The problem is the people… The gods have nothing to do with this.

_AM: Exactly. “God works through our actions,” they say, do you know why?

_I: No… why?

_AM: Because our actions are God. What moves the Universe?

_I: The energy… The polarization.

_AM: Energy is the exchange of electrons between different atoms, which produces an electric current. In small or larger electrical pulses, each atom is capable of creating molecules, and these to chemical elements, and thus to inorganic constructs, and then they will combine organically until creating life, which will eventually generate an internal electrical network capable of originate thought, which is nothing more than an exchange of electrical currents at the atomic level. All electrical movement is called Action, or active work force, and this generates constant energy. If all existence leaves this constant energy that allows the perception of Time and Space, energetic activity is the only thing capable of giving meaning to existence, in addition to “conducting the meaning” towards which it is directed: from negative to negative. positive. For this reason, in every action, there is a corresponding reaction.

_I: God is Action…

_AM: And that is why it is manifested in every act. The human mind, designed to achieve a purpose, orders this action from negative to positive, which builds an idea of ​​the world in which we must leave the negative to go to the positive, and this can be understood as leaving the Earth and the dense. to go towards Heaven and the subtle. This idea makes action propel us towards carrying out positive actions, forward, and therefore we consider God as that driving force, with the hope of reaching the positive pole. Every action we perform comes from the impulses of God, and therefore, God manifests himself through our actions.

_I: Wow… Wow, I understand this now. It unifies the idea of ​​the existence of a God who guides us, but at the same time there is no guide if we do not take responsibility for our actions. It is like an electric current that will not produce light in the lamp if I do not activate the switch that allows the electrons to move.

_AM: There is no light without action, there is no lightning without grounding, there is no sunlight without gravitational pressure. There is no God without action. Where does the word God come from?

_I: From the Indo-European “dyew”, which means to shine, light.

_AM: Name with which it was recognized in the light of the Sun. If we go back to 50 thousand years ago, when humans began to spread across the European and Asian steppes, the idea that humans had of the Sun changed completely. Remember what happened 70 thousand years ago.

_I: The Toba volcano erupted in Sumatra.

_AM: One of the biggest explosions in recent history. Its ashes covered much of the planet for months and months, especially the regions inhabited by humans. Many were forced to migrate. The sky became overcast, and a period of volcanic winter began, in which the temperature dropped because sunlight could not enter properly. Humans moved away from the covered areas, and this catastrophe generated a psychological change that defined the history that would follow: humans began to migrate in search of the brightness of the Sun.

_I: Looking for Dyew…

_AM: Looking for warmth, clarity. Plants died, animals became extinct or migrated, the cold devoured everything as well as ashes in the south. Although several managed to adapt and remain, the majority were forced to move in search of the Sun. The trauma of the Toba Volcano was recorded in the memory of the 100,000 surviving humans, who inherited this fear of the darkness of hell, searching for the light. divine that gave heat and food.

_I: The eruption of the largest volcano in history defined our religious faith and hope. Wow.

_AM: Thus we left the Animist tradition, which followed animals and their qualities, to begin a Devic stage, that is, based on the search for the lights, in other words, of the Devas.

_I: Does Devas mean Lights?

_AM: That's right. All the Devas together make up what you know as the “Divine” Plane.

_I: A Deva, then, is a part of Divinity.

_AM: It is the same etymology: dyew… dyeva… deva… devi… devinus… divine. It is the same etymological origin that encompasses the word devotee (one who follows a light), divinity (quality of light), divine (find clarity), deity (a specific deva), and it was transpolated into Greek as “theos ”, which represents light on something, as in “theory”, or the study of light, as in theology. Theos, named after Zeus, father of Light and Lightning. Zeus had his Latin namesake coming from the same Indo-European origin “dyew”, called “Dyw”, a sound that ended up lengthening as “Djú” and ended up sounding “J” (a long i). The Father of Light: Djú-Pater, that is: Jupiter. In turn, the word “deva” became “divos”, originating divine, divina, divo and diva. And for the people of India, the Devic worldview, a pantheon of gods and goddesses.

_I: And from Latin, it went to the Romance languages ​​as “God, Dieu, Déu, Deus, Dio…”.

_AM: Everyone agrees on a fundamental principle: God is Light, he is clarity, he is truth, he is the one who sees everything, and that is the Sun, who is over all the lands, who reigns over all the gods, who inhabits and arrives everywhere. God is the light, and that great light comes from Heaven. God is in Heaven, and he lives in a celestial kingdom along with other divinities (lights) which are the planets, the moon and the stars. Sometimes some gods are born on earth, they can be seen descending by comets and asteroids that fall from the heavens, announcing a birth. The ancients knew that there was a great God, the Sun, and a great devic pantheon, of all the lights that surround him in the sky and take his place during the night to guide lost souls. For thousands of years, the idea of ​​following the lights built stories, and the ancients narrated the exploits of the stars, of the stars, to which they gave names and gave them a body, a relationship between them. This led to deities being generated beyond light, to describe the light that was within each thing.

_I: …Polytheism. Many Gods.

_AM: Manifested in the most human aspects, or in nature, in plants, minerals and animals, in some humans, in the elements, and in the constellations and planets. This is how the gods and goddesses appear. And, it is important to recognize the clear vision of Akhenaten, who explained the great difference between Aten and Amun, that is, the visible light and the invisible light. Akhenaten was pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt about 3,370 years ago, when his capital was in Luxor. Egyptian culture took Ra, the light itself, as the supreme God, but he had two aspects: Aten (the visible light) and Amun (the invisible light). Amun was considered the spiritual and real aspect of the Universe, and therefore, all cults were dedicated to this attribute of Ra. The king was born named Nefr-Jeperu-Ra Amen-Hotep, that is: "beautiful are all the manifestations of Ra, Amun is satisfied", but over the years of his reign, he changed his perspective of reality and his faith, renaming himself as Akhen-Aton, that is: “Servant to Aten”. His idea was simple: why honor an invisible and conceptual God, if the manifestation of him is visible? His approach today could be interpreted as follows: why honor the photons that I cannot see, if I can honor the ray of light that they make up and that I can see?

_I: It makes sense…

_AM: Akhenaten's logic involved honoring what is seen, nature, and in it we would find manifested divinity. But not only that: the image that Akhenaten imposed on history is a symbol recognized in antiquity: a huge solar disk from which rays of light emerge with hands at the ends, blessing life. This image summarized the following: all the gods and goddesses in which you believe are nothing more than the rays of light of a single god, the only possible one from which everything arises: the Sun.

_I: The idea of ​​Monotheism.

_AM: But an idea that does not oppose the existence of other gods, but rather recognizes them all as part of a unity. That is, we can understand this approach with the following question and statement: all colors come from white light... So does believing in white light eliminate the possibility that other colors exist?

_I: No... That is, white light only exists as a unit of the rest of the colors in a wavelength... No color exists by itself, and yet, if they did not all exist at the same time, there would be no white light.

_AM: So monotheism embraces the idea of ​​polytheism, it's natural. And polytheism conforms to monotheism by essence. Knowing that there is only one God, one White Light, does not eliminate the existence of all the colors of the universe.

_I: And each color will be a god.

_AM: The gods and goddesses are those attributes of light that give meaning to existence, that allow you to see, fall in love, taste, enjoy, enjoy what surrounds you. They give depth, meaning, life and understanding. Each culture has a special way of seeing light, of understanding the brilliance that inhabits each object.

_I: Each divinity is an aspect of light... In the same way that the same electrons, protons and neutrons make up different organizations and charges that give rise to an enormous variety of molecules, and these to hundreds of elements, and the same to millions of inorganic and organic realities, also the same base of divinity can generate millions of options of divinities... And still, be the same God.

_AM: God is Light, God is the photon, it is the particle that moves, that generates movement, and that inhabits each existence, each living or inert object. Its different frequencies, its different wavelengths, give rise to infinite possibilities, different gods and goddesses, manifested in each reality.

_I: So... God exists, God is the Photon.

_AM: And the rainbow is all the gods and goddesses of existence. Altjira, Baiame, Bamapana, Banaitja, Baralku, Barnumbir, Bobbi-bobbi, Bunjil, Bunyip, Daramulum, Dilga, Djanggawul, Eingana, Galeru, Gnowee, Kidili, Kunapipi, Julunggul, Mangar-kunjer, Numakulla, Pundjel, Rainbow Serpent, Ulanji , Walo, Wawalag, Wondjina, Wuriunpranili, Yowie, Yurlungur sound in Australia. YHVH, Elohim, Adonai, Eloheynu, Hashem sound in Judaism. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God, sound in Christianity. Jehovah, his witnesses sing. Allah, prays Islam. Asa, pronounced in Kenya, and Jok in the Alur of the Congo. Jubal, Manat, Uzza and Allat love the old Arabs. Tezcatlipoca, Xipetótec, Quetzalcóatl, Mictlantecuhtli, Huitzilopochtli, Tláloc, Coalicue, Ometéotl, honor the Aztecs. Gulo says the baganda and Imana the banyarwanda. Aizen, Daiitoku, Fudo, Gozanze, Gundari pronounce the Japanese Buddhist. Angus Og, Anu, Arianrhod, Badb, Balar, Belenus, Belisama, Bran, Brigid, Cailleach Béirre, Camulos, Cerridwen, Cernunnos, Dagda, Dana, Endovéllico, Epona, Esus, Grian, Gwyndion, Lugh, Lyr, Macha, Manannan mcLir , Morrigan, Nantosuela, Nemain, Nuadha, Ogmios, Oak, Holly, Rhiannon, Sucellos, Taranis, Teutates resonate among the Celts. Lü Dongbin, Lan Caihe, Zhang Guo Lao, He Xiangu, Li Tienguai, Han Xiangzi, Zhongli Quan and Cao Guojiu are the eight immortals of Taoist alchemy in Chinese mythology. Nanabozho, Sint Holo, Wemicus say the Chippewa. Cheonjiwang, Daebyeolwang, Sobyeolwang, the Dangun shaman among many others spread throughout Korea. Bendis and Zalmoxis along the Danube. Agé, Ebo, Gu, Mawu, Lisa, Gbadu, Da, Loko, Zinzu and others of the Dahomey. Anubis, Aten, Atum, Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hapy, Hathor, Heget, Horus, Imhotep, Isis, Jepri, Khnum, Jonsu, Maahes, Maat, Menhit, Min, Montu, Naunet, Neith, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Osiris, Thot, Sekhmet, Ptah, Ra shine for the Egyptians. The names of Aegir, Balder, Bragi, Frey, Freyja, Frigg, Hell, Heimdall, Hoder, Idun, Loki, Njord, Nornas, Odin, Sif, Skadi, Thor, Tyr, Valí sound in the Scandinavian fjords. For the Etruscans he sings Alpan, Minerva, Nethuns, Tinia, Turán, Uni and Voltumna. Ukko, Luonnotar, Mielikki, Tuoni, Tounetar, Turisas resonate in Finland, while in Phrygia Cybele sounds. You already know the Greeks Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Cronus, Demeter, Dionysus, Deimos, Erebus, Eris, Eros, Enio, Phobos, Gaea, Hades, Hebe, Hecate, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Huma, Iris , Morpheus, Nike, Nyx, Leto, Pontus, Rhea, Selene, Thetis, Uranus and the great Zeus. Achamán, Guayota, Magec and Chaxiraxi honored by the Guanches. Abaangui and Jurupari by the Guaraníes. The Vedas sang to their devas: Adati, Aditiás, Agni, Apsarás, Aruna, Asuras, Aswini-kumaras, Bakasura, Balaram, Brahma, Chandra, Dhármarash, Dhanu-Antari, Durgá, Diaus Pitar, Gandharvas, Ganesh, Ganga, Jaiagriva, Iámarash, Indra, Kali, Kalki, Kartikeia, Krishna, Kurma, Laksmi, Matsia, Mitra, Narasinja, Parashuma, Paryania, Prayápati, Prithivi, Rama, Rudra,Sarasuati, Shiva, Soma, Suria, Usha, Vamana, Varaja, Varuna, Vasus, Vayu, Vishnu, Visva-deva, Yaganat and Buddha shared their light towards Buddhism. The Hopi join Aholi, Angwusnasomtaka, Kokopelli, Koyangwuti, Muyingwa, Taiowa and Toho and their Kachina. Inti shines in the Andes of the Quechua, along with Mama Cocha and Mama Quilla, Pachacámac, Zaramama, Pacha Mama and Viracocha. In the cold of the Inuit, Igaluk, Nanook, Nerrivik, Sedna and Torngasoak shine. Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Inari, Izanagi and Izanami are lights of Japan. The Lakota have their Canopus, Haokah, Whope and Wi. Ngai, Olapa, Kiliken, Le-eyo of the Masai. And in the Yucatan Peninsula, the Mayans sing K'inich Ahaw, Chaak, Yum Kaax, Kukulkaan, Xbalanque, Bahlam, Hun Hunajpuh, Hunah Kuh, Xibalba, Ah Kimi, Ix Chel, Itzamnaaj, Bolon tza cab, Bakab, Balam , Ixtab. And in Mesopotamia the voices of Anar, Anshar, Anu, Antu, Apsu, Ashur, Damkina, Ea, Emes, Enbilulu, Enmesarraa, Endursaga, Enlil, Enurta, Ereshkigal, Erra, Hadad, Inanna, Ishtar, Isimud, Iskur, Kingu resound , Kishar, Marduk, Mummu, Nabu, Nannar, Nergal, Nidaba, Ninazu, Ningal, Ninhursag, Ninlil, Ninsubur, Nintu, Ninurta, Nunbarsegunu, Shamash, Sín, Tiamat, Utu, Zarpanitu.

_I: Wow… There are many… is it necessary to name them all? It is impossible!

_AM: Every time you name them, the light and faith of each human resonates in their sounds... Feel them in your mind, because by turning them on, you connect the Divinity of Humanity within you.

_I: I understand…

_AM: Ahsonnutli, Bikeh Hozho, Estanatelni, Glispa, Hasteoltoi, Hastshehogan, Tonenili, Tsohanoai, Yolkai Estasan for the Navajo. The names Make-make, Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Hau-Maka, Hiva, Hotu Matua, Uoke, Hiro, Haua-tuu-take-take, Tive, Raraia hoa, Arebati, Khonvoum, Tore, Atea, are heard in the Pacific. Ina, Kane Milohai, Maui, Papa, Pele, Rangi. The Romans always remind us of Apollo, Bacchus, Bellona, ​​Bona Dea, Ceres, Cupid, Diana, Phobetor, Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Pluto, Proserpina, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Vesta and Vulcan. Around the Mediterranean, the names Janas, Maymon, Panas and Thanit are pronounced. Euskadi names Maddi, Suggar, Gaueko, Atarrabi, Mikelats, Ekhi, Ilazki, Etsai, Akerbeltz, Inguma, Erio, Ortzi, Hodei, Eate, Aidegaxto, Aideko, Egoi, Ernio. The Yoruba hail the Orishás born of Odumare, Aja, Babalí Ayé, Egungunoya, Eshu, Elegua, Oba, Obatalá, Odudua, Olofin, Olokun, Orunmila, Ochun, Ochosi, Oggun, Oshunmare, Yansan, Shakpana, Shango, Yemanyá, and Yemu. The Zulu sing Mamlambo, Mbaba, uKqilo, Umvelinqangi, Unkulunkulu... To name just a few.

_I: Only some? God!

_AM: Exactly. All gods are the rays of the Sun, a single Consciousness called “Divine Consciousness”.

_I: So, divine consciousness is that which goes beyond forms, it is that which encompasses the essence of things.

_AM: It is the information, the energy that moves all existence. Each existing being has its divine aspect, the light that enables the movement of its being. And the movement does not have a single direction, but expands throughout the universe in all directions, and yet they arise and return to the same source.

_I: God is the luminous essence that manifests the Space through which we move...

_AM: It is the same movement, and you are the root that anchors its divinity in this space. To become Divine Conscious is to recognize that there is not only one God, but that all gods and goddesses are One.

_I: We are all God…

_AM: We all come from God, we are all God, and we all return to God. Beyond religions, beliefs and human conflicts with their internal and external world, divinity exists in all things, and from an Unconscious vision, you do nothing but look for it in external projections because you cannot see it in yourself. But when you recognize that God is movement, you will know that he is your origin, destiny, mission and purpose. Well, it is the movement, the action, the power and intention that sustains the essence of what you are. When you become aware of your divinity, you will know that in your actions lies the power to transform the world, and be one with the Universe. And without fear, beyond belief, you will be able to recognize who you are...

_I: I am God.



