

_AM: If you are the World, you are the Earth, then you are...

_I: …Human. What is it to be human?

_AM: To be human is to be of the Earth, born from the elements of water and earth, a wetland, from the fertile mud or clay that you call “humus”. The human is the one who comes from humus. Around 50 or 40 million years ago, a diverse branch of apes emerged characterized by having more agility in their movements, as well as a different configuration in their teeth, and a decrease in body hair, which gave rise to a new evolutionary branch of the animal kingdom, called the “hominids”. Its name comes from two etymologies that are related to each other. Firstly, from the Greek “homós” meaning “equal” (as in homogeneous = of the same or equal origin), which gave the Latin word “homo, hominis”, meaning “man”. We could say that being men was recognizing each other as “equals”. The idea of ​​hominid, then, is related to those who are similar or equal to men.

_I: So… We come from the monkey?

_AM: No. I know that it is common to trivialize evolutionary theory by claiming that according to science we come from the monkey, defending the hypotheses that we come from extraterrestrials or directly from God, however, evolution is much more complex than that. The Human is a living being from the Eukaryotic Domain, the Kingdom Animalia, the subkingdom Eumetazoa Bilateria, in the superphylum Deuterostomia, in the phylum Chordata, from the subphylum Vertebrata, in the intraphylum Gnathostomata, from the superclass Tetrapoda, in the class Mammalia, from the subclass Theria, in the infraclass Placentalia, of the superorder Euarchontoglires, of the granorder Euarchonta, in the order Primates, of the suborder Haplorrhini, of the infraorder Simiiformes, in the parvorden Catarrhini, of the superfamily Hominoidea, of the family and subfamily Hominidae, in the tribe Hominini, from the subtribe Himinina, genus Homo, belonging to the species Homo Sapiens (Thinking or Wise Man).

_I: Wow… Now that's a ranking list.

_AM: This implies that in each aspect mentioned, more living beings spread and have generated more species. As you will see, monkeys are within one of those categories, but their branch begins to follow a different line at a certain point in history, specifically from the Simiiforme infraorder, from which we separated almost 50 million years ago. Since that moment, various branches mentioned have given rise to different species that became extinct or evolved towards us step by step. Broadly speaking, Homo Sapiens are the surviving branch of two other extinct ones, called Neanderthal (from Europe) and Denisovan (from Central Asia). These three are direct sisters of the Bonobos and the Chimpanzees, and half-sisters of the Gorilla. Humans share 99% of their genome with these three mentioned species.

_I: We are practically the same… So, we don't come directly from the monkey, although we share a common ancestor.

_AM: And with hominids, we share several common ancestors. The Catarrhino ancestor that unites us all is possibly Propliopithecus, ancestor of the first bipeds (that walk on two legs), those that came down from the trees and left the forests, initiated by the Oreopithecus, whose attempts were recorded in the Orrorin and Ardipithecus. But it would not be until 4 million years ago that, with the famous Austrolopithecus, they would begin to walk upright towards the horizon, using their hands for tools and their feet for walking, instead of climbing. These were followed by Paranthropus and Kenyanthropus, which give rise to the Genus Homo.

_I: So, the last 2 million years or so...

_AM: Who saw different variations of Homo pass by, classified by the places where they were found or by the characteristics they presented. Gautengensis, Habilis, Rudolfensis, Ergaster, Georgicus, Erectus, Cepranensis, Antecessor, Heidelbergensis, Naledi, Luzonensis, Floresiensis, Rhodesiensis, Helmei, Nesher Ramla, Longi, Neanderthalensis and Sapiens.

_I: I had only heard of Austrolopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens.

_AM: These are the ones that generally represent the most important periods of change in this species. Therefore, they are the key points on which human evolutionary theory is based. Emerging from Africa, from jungle and forest areas of present-day Congo and Mozambique, hominids moved towards southern Africa first, and then towards the north, following the rains, vegetation and animals. At that time, there was no such thing as the Sahara Desert, but rather an extensive network of lakes and grasslands rich in plants and animals. But the constant droughts, increasingly overwhelming in some periods, separated the hominids, causing some to remain in Africa, while others crossed to the Middle East, all this between 150 and 100 thousand years ago. From there, the majority headed along the coast until they reached India and from there to Indochina, where they spread along the entire large peninsula of Indonesia. To the north, some tribes moved through Anatolia to populate Europe, while others headed towards Siberia. Around 70,000 years ago, the eruption of the Indonesian volcanoes, initiated by the great Toba explosion in Sumatra, forced humans to migrate away from the rich area of ​​Indochina, migrating towards Australia and crossing into North America. This also forced many inhabitants of Asia to head towards Europe, populating it even more. The beginning of the glaciation prompted people to inhabit the Mediterranean and move away from Alaska and Siberia, beginning a stage of expansion towards the Americas, both from north to south through the Bering Strait, as well as from south to north through the islands of the Peaceful. The adaptability of this species allowed it to very quickly gain ground against the other Homo groups, who were gradually disappearing, or mixing with the Sapiens.

_I: And where does the alien thing come in? Do we come from them?

_AM: Humans are children of the Earth, and have appeared and evolved here. The Earth is the managing Mother of this species. However, throughout history, certain extraterrestrial species have visited this world, and had contact with certain human tribes and groups. In this process, there have been some exchanges, in which not only extraterrestrial genetic data have been implanted in some individuals, but in other cases they have even had carnal relations.

_I: Like with the Anunnaki.

_AM: That's right. But remember, this doesn't mean you're from here. It simply makes you a guardian of stellar information, data that greatly boosted human development in the last 50,000 years, and that if the species had not become endangered around 70,000 to 60,000 years ago, would never have helped us. Humans are a key species, fundamental to the development of planetary consciousness. Human Consciousness is the axis of the turning point of this planet.

_I: A question... Was it the presence of extraterrestrials that led to the appearance of human races?

_AM: Not exactly. Humans are all seen as a single species beyond their variations, and these have no direct relationship with the intervention of the stellar brothers. In any case, it may have influenced some ethnic groups more than others.

_I: What about human races? That is to say... Are they another classification?

_AM: Nowadays, saying that there are human races is wrong. But there is something to keep in mind: ethics and morality cannot determine classifiable facts. And much less ethics, which uses classification.

_I: In what sense?

_AM: Race is a very debatable word in its origin, since it can come from many places. It can be a formation from “radix” in Latin (root), it can be from “ratio” (thought, reason), or a more logical one that comes from Arabic: “head” = “ras”, since it could be a way to identify someone by their face.

_I: Sure… It makes more sense.

_AM: A race, then, identifies the different characteristics of the different groups in a species. Just as there are breeds of dogs, cats, horses, cows... However, they are all dogs, and they are all cats, that is, they are part of the same species, but with different shapes. This classification is not a problem, it is logical, classifying. Until the typical thing happens...

_I: What?

_AM: Humans begin to evaluate who is better or worse in this classification. It is like evaluating which breed of dog is better than the other, when that does not make any sense, since the evaluation criteria are totally subjective, never objective. This tendency to compare made the agents of one race believe themselves superior to another, starting a war over the differences that should actually nourish us. This gives rise to “racism”, that is, a movement that clearly divides humans into races as if they were more important to the species of which they are part. Racism promoted human segregation, and empowered the idea of ​​slavery. The sale of people, considering a race or ethnicity as an animal. In 1960, egalitarian movements reached science, anthropology and sociology, which led to the withdrawal of the concept of “race” as a human classification, due to the historical weight of the word. The fight against racism and the exaltation of equality sometimes makes us evade obvious things: differences enrich us. It is not bad to know that races exist, to value the black race, the white race, the yellow race, the red race, to recognize them in their abilities, gifts, history, in their unique forms and beauties. The weight of pain that has been placed on the races has forced humanity to seek, in an almost communist attempt, to make everyone equal as if no differences existed. You are so afraid of being different, you are so afraid of being judged, separated, classified, you are so afraid of someone overlapping others, that you eliminate words, but it is impossible for you to eliminate the facts. Because instead of going to how important it is to educate in respect and honor of differences, you focus on the fight against words. And this is where the great inconsistency arises. In a fight to defend human ethics, the word race is displaced due to its historical weight in the times of slavery, when at the same time, the word ethics means “race.”

_I: Really?

_AM: Ethics, the “set of customs and habits”, comes from the Greek word “ethos”, which means “to separate, divide, classify” (from the Indo-European “swe”), and which with its Greek relativism “-ikós”, gives rise to “ethikós”, ethics. Its adjective derives from “ethnós”, which gives rise to the famous word “ethnicity”, which defines a people, a nation or a race, that is, the differences between groups. Ethnicity and Ethics are two words that go hand in hand to define the ways of thinking and acting of a specific people or race. But the word ethnicity did not have a segregative direction in slave history, and therefore, the philosophical concept “ethics” remained a human attribute.

_I: This just blew my mind, because it breaks with what I thought about ethics.

_AM: Like morality, ethics defines a race or difference between groups, but unlike morality, ethics crosses states to encompass subjective and internal concepts of a culture, while morality relates to a specific group. of a place or nation. Therefore, every ethical and moral concept is nothing more than an ideology from a cultural perception that is not directly related to the facts.

_I: Like what happens now with the masculine and feminine genders… No? Humans today are in the struggle to see themselves as “non-binary”.

_AM: Again, it is an ethical and moral concept, but not a biological one. Considering yourself as one gender or another, or not identifying with one or another, is your right as a free, thinking, human being. It is your inner freedom that is the only one that can tell you what your being is considered to be. But the fight centers on something illogical: you can't change your body. Biologically you are male or female. Ethically you can be a woman or a man, or neither of the two. Do you understand the difference? Humans condition the objective through the subjective, like the one who imposes the idea of ​​a God on others, claiming that he is the only and true one. No one can tell another human being how to feel, or force them to be what they are not, but this goes beyond objective. You are male, and knowing this goes beyond morality, it is in medical terms, of study, of knowing how to care for a person, since chemical, medical, physical reactions are not the same as moral and ethical ones. .

_I: So, what you're saying is that humans tend to create struggles against unnecessary things to recognize our part, and value what we are, when one thing does not take away the other. Me, being biologically male, recognizing this is not against identifying as a non-binary person or perceiving myself as female. Just as, recognizing that there are blacks, whites, and yellows, does not make me racist, but is something objective that allows me to see the evolutionary richness of the Human being.

_AM: The human is an animal individual who has fought two constant struggles in his existence: one internal and one external. The external is survival in a group, in a context, adapting. The internal one is identification, recognition, belief. Unlike the rest of the animals, human conflicts of external survival are colored and nourished by internal conflicts, turning objective problems into subjective conflicts.

_I: Like when there is a problem of famine or poverty and suddenly political, social, philosophical visions appear on how to solve it, and yet the problem is still there...

_AM: The same thing that makes humans human is what prevents them from evolving. Just as we said that animals have Unconsciousness and Animal Consciousness, there is also an Unconsciousness and a Human Consciousness, related precisely to their eternal conflictual struggle between the internal and the external, the subjective and the objective, personality and biology, ethics and the moral. This is a conflict that does not exist in the rest of the Animalia world, and is the only reason why the Human differs from the rest of the species.

_I: Isn't it Intelligence?

_AM: No. Well, many other animals use intelligence, to different degrees. The term Homo Sapiens identifies our species as Wise Man, or Thinking Man, but it is clear that it is not a quality applicable to every human being.

_I: Hehehe, clearly… We are not wise. And thinking... Some.

_AM: Many animals think, have memory, ideas, solve problems with ingenuity, and I'm not talking about chimpanzees, but even octopuses. Cetaceans, dolphins and whales are among the most intelligent beings in the world. Despite not having developed external technology or artistic cultures, they have internal cultures, language and social organization, as well as internal communication technology. All this shows that what has really defined humans is their struggle between the objective and the subjective, between the visible and the invisible, the mundane and the divine.

_I: How to be a Conscious Human, then?

_AM: You must first evaluate your human unconsciousness, and this refers to all the subjective belief patterns that define your objective reality. That is, the attitudes, ways, intentions, purposes, jobs, loves, relationships, emotions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, perceptions and qualities that you possess. Are they yours, are they your own, or are they from others and have you imitated or inherited them? Recognize what is authentic and what is tradition, where cultural, social and family conditioning ends, to begin your own individual with their own conditioning and freedoms. The subjective world of a human is so rich and varied that it is confused with reality, preventing him from clearly seeing such simple concepts that have been clouded by patterns of beliefs and preconceived ideas. Once you have been able to identify this, which, I warn you, is a lifelong task, you can finally begin to glimpse what human consciousness is.

_I: What is it?

_AM: Recognizing oneself as one with universal nature, knowing oneself as an extension of the cosmic mind, and therefore, a bridge between the mundane and the divine, which makes you responsible for all creation. In ancient times there were those who believed that everything that exists was created so that humans could use it at the mercy of it. In reality, the human is born from all of this to keep it together in coherence and resonance. The conscious human is the responsible aspect that maintains the status quo in reality, seeking ways to transcend to other dimensions. The fundamental task of Human Consciousness, therefore, is to recognize itself as Multidimensional.

_I: Know that I am infinite in my subjectivity and finite in objectivity. That I am a link between the subtle and the dense for the transcendence of both.

_AM: Collaborating so that the subtle experiences the dense with wisdom, and that the dense ascends to the subtle with love. Human Consciousness is recognizing that you are part of many visible and invisible aspects, all equally valid, that enrich your being and the world you inhabit, as well as the Universe that generates you.

_I: I am a Multidimensional Portal… Being aware of it is what makes me truly human.

_AM: And you will be truly Human when you consciously recognize that you are Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Elemental, Atom, Existence and Universe, seeking to find Divinity in all of this.

_I: Being Human is not being intelligent... It is Being a Bridge between the external and internal world...

_AM: Between Earth and Heaven. To awaken the consciousness of Humanity, then, is to remind them of their responsibility with the outside world and their coherence with the inner world. When both are free, you can speak of a true Human Being.

_I: I am the roots of time, the history of existence made body, the spirit and its journey anchored here and now.

_AM: You are the Human Consciousness on Earth. Wake up and remember.

_I: I Am Human.



