

_AM: And this is how this path ends…

_I: …

_AM: Consciousness.

_I: Path of Consciousness. 360 days…

_AM: And so today we close the Circle. The 360 ​​degrees of a Sphere. The 360 ​​aspects that formed the Tree of Consciousness.

_I: Since I began my mission in this life, this was the word that defined everything I do and seek: “my life is dedicated to Planetary Consciousness.” I wonder if I really know what Consciousness is.

_AM: Ask it, then.

_I: What is Consciousness?

_AM: The word means “having the capacity for discernment.” “Con-scient-ia” is the quality of union of all the parts of a whole, “with” being the unit and “scin” of the verb “scindere”, that is, to cut, partition, and “ent”, particle. that defines the being, entity.

_I: So, Conscious is the one who manages to unite all the separate parts and give them meaning...

_AM: Why does a sphere exist?

_I: Mmmm I don't know, is this the perfect way?

_AM: A sphere exists because when the forces of nature are projected on each other, filling the spaces by the force of gravity, the shape that tends to save the greatest amount of energy is the sphere.

_I: Ah, like molecules, which seek to save energy and that is why they join together, they combine to create larger structures that serve as support, savings.

_AM: A sphere is the way in which all the parts are arranged in such a way that each one occupies a perfect and identical place to all the others. They are all the same, they all find a perfect balance, and that is why there are no corners or deformations. Each aspect is unique, but equal. Each one faces a unique direction, and yet they all contain the same force within them.

_I: They are all Unity.

_AM: Each of the partitioned fractions of nature is unique when separated, but is an equal when united with its own. As each tree forms a forest, as each drop forms the sea, as each person forms humanity, each star forms the universe, each spirit forms God.

_I: The fragments are what give meaning to the whole...

_AM: That's right. There is no ocean without drops, no humanity without humans, no forest without trees, no universe without stars, no God without spirits. One makes the other, one gives meaning to the other. The parts and the Whole. Therefore, the conscious Being cannot cling to one of the parts, the conscious being must see everything.

_I: It's hard to see everything...

_AM: It is not if you do it step by step, and if you open yourself to doing it. Remember, you are just a fragment, and your task is not to do everything yourself, but to do your part. Each one has their part in the formation of the sphere. But to take your place, you must recognize that it is supported by a greater unity.

_I: That is to say that it is not necessary to know everything to be aware, but rather to know part of it, and recognize that there is much more than what I observe...

_AM: The conscious being is the being that knows that it does not know.

_I: What would that be like?

_AM: When you are part of something much bigger than you are, you must understand that all of this works beyond your actions, but nevertheless, it works thanks to them. Just like a living organism in which the organs know exactly what the body in general needs, and yet they have never seen each other or interacted. Each organ knows what it does, but it doesn't really know why it does it. He simply knows that there are many others who know what they should do.

_I: Confidence…

_AM: Homeostasis does not work because there is a leader who tells everyone what to do, but it works because there are thousands of beings who know what to do at the leader's expense. There lies Consciousness, the aspect that recognizes each person's place, and that one takes absolute responsibility. The only thing that being needs to be able to function is to know that others are taking care of the parts that he does not know.

_I: There can't be someone who does everything for others, everyone has something to contribute...

_AM: But to do it, you must have a surpassing, greater, transcendental vision of where you will do it. Thus, a kidney does not know what a hand does, however both know that they are part of the same body.

_I: A word comes to mind that at the university the professors said a lot: “Multidisciplinarity”, a very long and difficult word. It refers to the fact that there are problems that cannot be solved from a single point of view, and therefore, many disciplines must come together to evaluate the same point. I always imagined it as a circle of stones, that is, with people around someone or something, analyzing it.

_AM: A discipline is an area of ​​understanding, and the sum of understandings is wisdom. Where did you find wisdom? In knowing that it is not necessary to know each discipline in depth to solve a problem, but you must know how to identify which discipline can help recognize the solution to a problem. This gives you a broad view. Recognizing each aspect of the circle means you can call its agents to help you resolve the issue at hand. A circle contains 360 degrees that give meaning to its multidisciplinary form, in which each of the 360 ​​observes a different reality in a different direction, being able to bring to the center everything it understands from the external things it observes. And as you approach the center, you will see that the only reason you were there is because of the restraining force of the others.

_I: A Network…

_AM: And this circle has no edges, it has no vertices, and yet it is made up of all possible edges and vertices, to the point of becoming a single solid angle, 360 degrees.

_I: This is how I feel today… Completing a circular cycle of time, having built the 360 ​​degree spherical angle.

_AM: Each angle provides a point of view that nourishes the 12 faces of the dodecahedral sphere. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are the faces of a sphere that contain 30 attributes each, empowering the concepts of the mental, emotional and physical planes. Every word spoken, every word taught, educates in the eternal sources of the empowerment of the being towards the path of Consciousness, an eternal path that can never be reached, since you can only know when you become your own path.

_I: “…When you turn your own path”…

_AM: Everything you have traveled until now, is you, nothing more. Everything you have shared so far is you, nothing more. And what you are, belongs to everyone, because what you have seen, you have taken to the center, so that each one can take its strength and do what is necessary to fulfill its function. Like the Heart that pulses the blood without questioning where it goes, or to whom it gives more or less. Consciousness does not divide the parts, but takes account of them to give them global meaning without needing to know each one in depth, but gives itself to all of them, as in an offering of benevolence, demonstrating its will to be part of that greater .

_I: Becoming a Conscious being, then, is accepting the reality of others as part of me, although I can choose to live a different one.

_AM: Whoever believes in God will be part of a religion that explains God, whoever knows God, knows that it does not matter what religion you experience, since he lives in you. Whoever theorizes an experiment will be part of a scientific current, but whoever knows science will be open to any experience without clinging to an idea. Just because you like a flower does not mean that you are unaware that others exist. Just because you live in a world with life does not mean that others cannot have it. Consciousness is the smallest part of the Mind, and yet it is the largest.

_I: Why?

_AM: Pay attention. If the subconscious is the ocean, and the unconscious is the waves, the conscious will be the drops. And what is the ocean if not a sea of ​​drops?

_I: Oh…

_AM: What would the sphere be without a constant of vertices?

_I: Wow… Sure… When you once gave the example that the Mind is like an Iceberg, I was left with the concept that the ocean is the subconscious, the submerged part of the iceberg is the unconscious, and the small tip that emerged from the waters was the conscious, that is, what is seen, the concrete. So the idea was spinning in my head: how could something so sought after be something so minute, so small? What is everything else if consciousness is so little? But now… I understand.

_AM: …You understand now that each iceberg peak forms a frozen sea of ​​enormous magnitude. You understand that it is the millions of rays of light from the sun that give meaning to its brightness. That it is the smallest drops of water that give the great power of an ocean. Each tiny particle gives meaning to the entire Universe. Thus, just as in a circle, the tiny conscious aspects, all together, recognizing each other, are capable of forming the sphere, of creating the world.

_I: And that is the Planetary Consciousness that I talk so much about.

_AM: The Earth will be able to evolve for millions and billions of years, moving through its subconscious and unconscious, protecting its conscious aspects, separated between species. But when you accept the Divine family, the Human family, the Animal family, the Plant family, the Mineral family, the Elemental family, the Atomic family, the Existential family and the Universal family, you realize that every subatomic particle, every manifestation, every atom and molecule, every chemical element and its compounds, each crystal, each plant, each living being, each individual and each divinity, are a vertex in an enormous network, which together makes up the sphere of Mother Earth. Being One with Her.

_I: Mother Earth... I am a vertex of the sphere called Earth... And by becoming aware of each of the other aspects of this world, even if I do not know them, opening myself to accept their existence, then, I awaken the Planetary Consciousness.

_AM: When each human, neuron of the world, recognizes itself as a connector of consciousness, and deigns to seek answers, to occupy the space that corresponds to it, firmly saying “I Am”, then it means that the angles begin to take their place, and the nodes to activate, and the more that do so, will begin to form the Sphere.

_I: This year, we have delivered the bases so that you can see the meaning of the Sphere…

_AM: Now is the time to take those nutrients and take their place as vertex, as angles.

_I: Build a Planetary Consciousness Network.

_AM: Now that you know the Eternal and Deep truth of consciousness, you know that you know nothing, and yet, everything is in you, for you are everything. And in a sphere, there is no end, in a circle there is no objective.

_I: That's why this cycle we've done together doesn't end here...

_AM: …Well a new one begins.

_I: I'm ready to start again.

_AM: Take the fruits that you have harvested in these 360 ​​days, and sow its seeds in the days of No Time. It's time to celebrate a New Beginning.

_I: Thank you for giving me the fruits of this Tree.

_AM: Thank you for being the Fruit, and giving yourself by becoming the Tree.

_I: Now I know who I am.

_AM: Tell me... Who are you?

_I: …I AM… I AM… I AM.



