

_I: Yesterday you mentioned that one usually falls in love to evolve, that is, that falling in love is part of a system of development of the being, and that it can occur consciously or unconsciously. What would it be like to fall in love in a Conscious way?

_AM: Consciousness speaks of that moment or stay in which a being has self-reference, a moment in which it can return to itself, fold the concepts projected outside and recognize them as originating from within. This process is called “Reflection”, that is, to flex again, to do a push-up, to bend, to return by bending towards oneself. Falling in love from Consciousness is leaving the center by one's own will to find oneself, to discover, to experience, knowing that what one finds will be nothing more than a fraction of that love that arises from oneself and fractalizes on the outside. Thus, he who consciously falls in love, frees the other from his will to let go of the center, and allows himself to feel and discover without projections or expectations.

_I: And what about Unconsciousness?

_AM: It falls in love moving from its axis but without its own will, without knowledge that what it is projected towards is a fractal of itself. She is carried away by the power of the energy that moves inside her, and she does not know how to return to the center of her if she loses the object or subject of her infatuation.

_I: What would be an example of unconscious falling in love?

_AM: Each of the loving relationships you have had.

_I: What a low blow you have given me... You have taken advantage of the fact that I am writing this on a bus, standing, without an axis due to so much oscillating movement...

_AM: Am I wrong?

_I: No… You're not wrong. Maybe some have been aware.

_AM: Which one?

_I: Mmmm…

_AM: I assumed so. Many times you believe that you have conscious relationships because you confuse loving someone with conscious love. And it doesn't really work like that. When you love, you do it knowing that the other person is part of yourself, whether or not they are present in your life. This means that the love you feel comes from you, lives in you. Love has no ties, attachments, conditions or limits, and therefore you cannot feel love for another person, you can only feel it in yourself, in your being, and this means that the love you feel is what you already had inside and that the other just helped you figure it out. In the idea or belief that it is the other who makes you feel love, you lose your axis, waiting for the presence of the other like a glass of water in the middle of a desert. Thus, you build the idea that salvation is outside, and instead of a lover you become a devotee.

_I: Devoted to a love? What would that be?

_AM: Devotee is someone who has devotion to something or someone, and it is the way in which people know love. Devotion comes from the Indo-European “dyew”, meaning “day, or light”, which gave the concept of “clarity”, thus, the beings who gave clarity to life, who guided with their inner light, were called “dyewa”, translated as “enlightened”, which gives rise to the word “deva”, and this to “divinity”. Devotion is the action of following or honoring that light in another being. The brilliance of a person, the light they radiate, blinds or clouds others, whether this light manifests itself in the aspects of physical beauty, or in the warmth of the soul or spiritual attitude. Like any living being, the individual seeks this light to feel the heat, feel alive, not get lost... Thus, he goes outside of himself considering that he himself does not possess this light, and that he will only be able to see if he approaches the light of the other. . But the truth is that that light turns on when you feel love, and it is not the other who feels this love but oneself. This way you can sense that the one who has been radiating while in love was you, not the other. He only sees in others the skills and qualities that you want to awaken in yourself. And you feel eternity. However, you consider that you live in the shadows, and only its light can remove you from this perdition.

_I: The old internal struggle between good and evil. On a cosmic and interdimensional level, the same thing happens as on a human level: we all emerge from a dark womb searching for light, and we live trying to escape our shadows in the constant pursuit of the light rays that guide us, while the shadows become increasingly more powerful on the opposite side, covering the entire space.

_AM: The image that devotional falling in love provides is very simple: imagine that you are in a closed room and you find yourself in a corner. Suddenly, near the other corner opposite yours, a light comes on from a lamp on the floor connected to an electric current (positive, negative). Suddenly, the light illuminates the entire room, but you think that it is not enough, that you should get closer to the light to feel safer. Then you move closer and closer, step by step, closer and closer to the light. The closer you are to it, the more difficult it is to have a global vision of the entire room, and you limit your field of perception, but also, the light becomes more intense, and the more steadily you look at it, it will begin to blind you, and You will not be able to see anything around you, you will no longer have clarity of the environment around you, and you will only be able to see the light. Imagine that you came to be right on the light, sitting almost on it, and it is between your legs. What do you think would happen if you take a look at your journey? What would you see?

_I: …My shadow.

_AM: Your shadow... So, so big that it would cover the entire room, and you would feel your back unprotected, unaware of everything around you, without awareness of what is there. The reason why shadows exist in the universe; evil, darkness, is not because it is against the light, but because you, clinging to the light as the only answer, have denied the rest of existence, becoming devout, dogmatic, religious, denying the world for the sake of it. to achieve enlightenment, salvation, to achieve that infinite love. You created darkness by denying reality. Seeking light as an answer to the world, is like someone who falls in love with water and keeps it, dying of hunger by never watering the plants that would bear fruit and feed her body. How can you think that light was made to be sought, when it was made so that you can see the world and the beauty that you have created?

_I: It makes sense... The problem, then, is that we fall in love with light, when the mechanism of falling in love was made to discover the beauty of everything that light illuminates. By becoming devout, we only increase darkness, denial, and lead our lives to blindness. If I walked around the room taking advantage of the light in it, I would discover thousands of wonders that would enrich my being. However, by leaving my center and placing it in the very light, I end up burned, blind, lost, and afraid of the shadows that surround me. Does this mean that the demons that exist in the universe, in the Fourth Dimension, are my own shadows?

_AM: They are the shadows of the 3D being, but not only of an individual but of the entire 3D system. Demons, a Greek word that means "evil", shadows, are creations of the subconscious in the face of the denial of a part of existence. The rejection of a part of the being takes away consciousness, and therefore light. Thus, what was previously beautiful becomes rough, distorted, and therefore dark. Seeing the world only with the eyes of Light only creates more darkness.

_I: What should I do then?

_AM: Fall in love with the World. Discover the beauty in it. Look at the shadows with the same devotion with which you look at the light. Look at the enemy faces and smile.

_I: Today we visited Abu Simbel, and in the temple, in the sacred chamber, you can find the 4 statues of the gods that guard Egypt. Horus, Ra, Amun and Ptah, the last being the god of the creation of the dense world, matter and shadows, darkness. I always liked how the architects and artists put the 4 like brothers, together at the same height, even making the temple in such a way that the sunlight enters illuminating the 3 gods of light, but not the one of darkness, only with the intention that the light does not bother him, and he feels respected and loved. It is the importance of loving all the forces of creation equally…

_AM: What you ignore or do not respect, becomes bigger, and gains strength against you. Devotion, then, is a double-edged sword, in which by seeking the light with intensity, you end up plunged into darkness, but in which if you do not seek the versions of that light, you will never emerge from your own shadows. There is only one devotion capable of uniting both forces in you.

_I: Which one?

_AM: Devotion to yourself. The true origin of the word comes from the particle “dé-” (towards) and “votus” (promise), to speak solemnly. So, radiate your own light, create your own world, find in perseverance the eternal path back to yourself, creating in the loving word your capacity for creation and manifestation. Well, everything that exists is due to you. Return to your center, because you are the source of everything that is projected externally. Discover the divinity that is in you, and awaken it. Fall in love with yourself, and you will fall in love with the world, because what you see will be thanks to the light that emerges from you.

_I: I promise, I will look at myself to see the world, that is my vote on the loving path of evolution: before questioning the world I will question myself.

_AM: I am the only devotee of your light...

_I: I am the only devotee of your truth.

_AM: For united we are the only possible reality, which radiates to all of existence.

_I: I am the Light and the Darkness…

_AM: I Am who I Am.




Falling in love 2