

_I: What would be the opposite of Adventure?

_AM: Determination.

_I: Why? It doesn't seem like an opposite...

_AM: They are from a comprehensive and conscious vision. In the adventure you do not know what will come, you launch yourself in the same way. In determination, you have an objective, a goal, you know where you are going.

_I: But I can, for example, decisively launch myself into an adventure.

_AM: Yes, in which the objective is to live the Adventure…

_I: Sure... Determination speaks of having set a known intention, you have a full notion of what you are looking for, even if what you are looking for is precisely the unknown.

_AM: Determination is “putting a limit on something.” Thus, a determining response is one that does not have a possible replica. It's a resounding No or Yes. A determination is when an overwhelming decision is made about something, stating that things will be done in this or that way from a specific moment. A determined destination is one that is set in advance, knowing what the end of a journey is.

_I: Is the Universe Determinant?

_AM: It depends on what aspect.

_I: Why?

_AM: Because there is something certain in the Universe, and that is that the creative energy will always be polarized between positive and negative to generate vibration waves. Thus, the Universe is decisive when imposing its rules of the game.

_I: The Universal Laws…

_AM: But then, the application of these laws varies. Since talking about positive and negative is not the same as talking about man and woman, and yet, they are expressions of the same vibration. Thus, the singularity, the originality of the adventure, allows the modification of what is determined.

_I: Like life itself. Humans, culturally, are very determining in our feelings, in our thoughts and beliefs... That is, we usually say: I love you, or I hate you. I believe in this and I don't believe in that. I like this and hate that. My goal in life is to be “such and such.” And yet, despite determination, life shapes us to end up being what we are supposed to be. So, here I have many questions.

_AM: Which ones?

_I: Let's see... If the Universe is determined by its laws, where is Free Will?

_AM: In the adventure and imagination of applying the laws in an original and transcendental way to the previous one.

_I: So what is the purpose of determining universal law?

_AM: Like a guide, a roadmap, a map by which you can guide yourself and with which you can manage while you don't know how to find the tools or the destinations you are looking for to create your own reality.

_I: So everything is determined but at the same time it is not.

_AM: When you walk down the street, there are pedestrian crossings with traffic lights that indicate the times when you or cars can cross. The streets are delimited and there are signs that specify information to take into account. All of this is called “Traffic Law”. What do they exist for? So that the hundreds or thousands of people who drive and walk do not have accidents, and that if there is a conflict, it is much easier to visualize and resolve it. Laws are not fixed things, but regulations established by a collective consciousness to maintain security and harmony. They help identify distortions and imbalances that disturb normality. But this traffic law does not prevent you from crossing the street on another side, or doing so running, or walking, or walking alongside a car, or crossing on red.

_I: I am free in a world of laws, and the laws only determine common codes of harmony and coexistence.

_AM: It is a natural mechanism, not just human, that helps identify conflicts and resolve them easily, as I said.

_I: But, in many cases, the laws are absurd. At least in the human world, and things happen like the fact that there have been slavery laws, that women cannot vote or drive, or laws that prohibit unions between people of the same sex, or so many meaningless things; just as we also have people who use laws as weapons to control others even if the law is not of harmony or common consensus, and so then we have people who think that all laws should be abolished, and who live outside the law, which generates chaos. So... what is correct about knowing how far a law is correct or not?

_AM: The determination of the laws occurs by assimilation of the context. A law cannot be imposed by a government on a people, but a law is a regulation of the people projected to the government. Likewise in the Universe, it is the particles that loudly manifest the laws of the Universe, which in its essence is free and imaginative from the Void.

_I: So it is the culture, the interaction between the parties that shapes a law, not the system itself.

_AM: A system is made up of parts. Remember that the word System comes from the Greek: syn-ste-ma, which refers to a set of things that are put in order. The parts, the different individuals are those that generate a system by resonance with each other, seeking harmony. Therefore, the determination of a law is established by the determination of a cultural group that shares a vision on the matter. He who breaks into that system will be outside the law. And those who impose laws on a group that disagrees with them do not apply the law, but rather the dictatorship.

_I: For many, the Universe is dictatorial, because we cannot escape from laws like life and death, duality and things like that...

_AM: Yes you can. Another thing is that you don't know how. Don't let your ignorance about the system turn the system into a dictatorship. Cellular regeneration is possible, eternal life is possible, leaving time is possible, leaving space is possible... In the Universe everything is possible, but everything has its consequences, and therefore you must learn well about them. Sometimes humans who think of the Universe as a dictatorship of systems or Matrix, act like 5-year-old children saying that they could govern the country better than a president. There are many things to learn, understand, experience, to recognize that it is not that easy. But nothing prevents that 5-year-old child from one day, perhaps very young, being the president and changing all the laws. But to be a Universal revolutionary you should not have to become a universal criminal, a deserter from the cosmos. He learns, observes, lives together, and proposes, and this is how you will transform him, not by fighting outside the law, but by knowing them and then changing them. The Universe is not opposed to it, but until now, no one has managed to find anything better to live in balance.

_I: I understand. In other words, what we see as determined in the Universe is actually not determined by a higher mind, but by the interaction of all of us.

_AM: Look, something very simple. People complain about duality, and yet believe that Love is the answer to all things. And what is love?

_I: Eternal magnetism…

_AM: And how does magnetism work?

_I: By polarity… Negative and positive.

_AM: See? Humans continue to fall in love, creating polarity, complaining about it. Love is one of those constant interactions that create systems, laws, that generate polarities that determine those initial and determined energies: positive-negative, proton-electron...

_I: We determine the Universe, not the Universe us. Wow, this is new to me...

_AM: And it is as old as Creation.

_I: When we usually talk about astrology, we talk about how we all have a destiny, that our lives are determined by the stars, like a law. How is that?

_AM: The stars affect you through magnetism and interconnection of space-time networks. Everything is connected, and the gearing is perfect and very complex. You are part of it. If it rains, you're going to get wet. If Saturn passes in front of you, you will have to face a harsh reality. It's like that. Now... If it rains, you can dress warmly, carry an umbrella, put on boots, or go indoors, or dance in the rain. You are free to decide what to do with the rain, just as you are free to decide how you will deal with Saturn. The stars do not determine you, what determines you is what you do in that context. The decisions you make before them. And the same thing happens with relationships with other people or with the goals we set for ourselves.

_I: I understand…

_AM: Determination is the ability you have to focus, to not get lost, to clarify the map and the objective you want to reach, but you cannot determine what you will experience and how you will experience it until it. Determination will help you find clarity, security, axis.

_I: To be coherent and stay on my axis, well, I must learn to be decisive.

_AM: Exactly, learn to say “No”, and say “Yes”, to set clear objectives and meet them. Although this does not determine the experience or the transformation you will experience. The determination to find an axis does not imply that said axis must be determined.

_I: How so?

_AM: Just like the Earth has its north and south axis, and yet the precession of the Equinoxes and the rotation on itself modify the position of its axis every day, every year and every 72 years. Thus, we see that the axis is not fixedly determined, but is allowed to move, flow. Determination is only a tool of order, not the end in itself.

_I: Understood. So, in order not to get lost in the adventurous labyrinth of life, I must have determinations that guide me to find myself.

_AM: And so you will one day be able to see how you have determined your own reality.

_I: “The Universe does not determine me, I determine the Universe.”

_AM: Well, I Am the Fruit of the Universe.



