_I: Today I heard that a solar flare is approaching the Earth, and will collapse with our Magnetic Field throughout the day today, December 9th. A perfect caress from the Sun to the Earth before the Eclipse, which will cause technological failures throughout the planet, in the electrical network, telecommunications, satellites; and that will obviously also alter the internal connections between people. In addition, I read that the electromagnetic discharge will allow us to see the Northern Lights as far as the northern states of the United States. The flare will surely hit the South American continent, preparing it for a frequency increase for the subsequent Eclipse. We are being prepared…
_AM: This is a month of reconnection. And that is why we are prepared. Today this storm will bring the frequencies necessary for such transformation, the Sun reconfiguring the Earth's magnetic field, the Great Spider of the Web, to weave something new. Thus, on December 14, during the Eclipse, a period of great Responsibility will begin: the key to the next 6 months will be the effort to fulfill the role that corresponds to each of us. It's time to be practical. But at the same time, this New Moon tells us that this effort is for common service, of a Piscean character, with sensitivity and networking and teamwork. To this, we must add the conjunction Jupiter (King – Purpose) and Saturn (Earth – Karma), representing the time to face all the Karma of Human purpose. This conjunction is what they called the “Star of Bethlehem” 2000 years ago.
_I: That announced the birth of Christ...
_AM: And so it is again. This is the announcement of a Birth. Both planets will be in degree 0 of Aquarius, and after having spent 200 years going through earth signs, this December 21 they begin to go through 200 years of air signs.
_I: And what does this mean?
_AM: That at last, my friend, this December 25th you will be able to say that you have crossed the threshold into the Age of Aquarius.
_I: Many thought that that Era had already begun long ago...
_AM: What had begun is the transition. 200 years ago we began to approach the Threshold of the Door between Pisces and Aquarius. 200 years in which we begin to feel the fresh air that comes from behind the portal, after having spent so much time breathing the humidity inside. Since 2012, we have been under the threshold, and the eclipse on the 14th will be the exit from it. Its effect will last 6 more months, but on December 21 we will have put a finger outside, and the fresh air will begin to be felt. But, as always, when there is a change in pressure between two climates, a closed and humid one, with fresh and dry air, a current of air is produced that can be swirled, and generate chaos and instability. Therefore, until we adjust to this new airtime, we may feel off axis. However, we will inevitably have begun the 200 years of Air before fully beginning the Age of Aquarius. And we will do it on a New Moon, which represents the Beginning, the Sowing of the new.
_I: “Sowing a New Humanity”, the reason for the Arsayian Foundation.
_AM: Sowing begins then…
_I: Wow... That's why my future self told me that this month I had to reconfigure myself, to start over... In a new time, correcting the mistakes... Go from I am I to I Am.
_AM: When you pass the portal, the next 200 years, new information will descend to the Nodes of the Earth, a fresh air of new currents, ideas, thoughts, freedoms, revolutions. And for this reason they must sow the seeds, but above all, create the furrows through which the water that irrigates them can flow.
_I: What would they be?
_AM: The Planetary Network. Each Node is the set of different vibrations that, folded into frequencies, create knots of Time and Space. A new air will make the knots untie, become more flexible, since the frequency changes, and this releases the tensions of time, to reconstruct, reweave the space. Therefore, when this happens, for the process to be harmonious, all those nodes must be in tune, united. A Nodal Communion, what in Latin you call “cum-nexus” (set of knots in a fabric), that is: Connection. The word "nexus" gives rise to the verb "nectare", which gives rise to the terms "knot", bind, or in English the words "knit", "net", "needle" .
_I: Connection is something that sometimes I think we don't understand well. Because we usually talk about connection as if it were something external to us, as if it did not depend on us. But in reality, it is something that depends directly on us, on our ability to connect the dots, to make links... But, above all, we use it to talk about higher things, like connecting with the spirit, or transcendental things, but today it is the Kneeling Day… So, how would you explain it?
_AM: Connection is the ability to bring things together. In Universo it is expressed from the internal to the external, creating two points of view. The observation of one and the other is what we would call connection, since it implies a reciprocal communication between both points. The greater the multiplication, that is, the greater the doubling of this polarity, the more visions emerge. This is how Vibration gives rise to Space and Frequency gives rise to Time. Both are the same in a different order, and the more they bend, the more realities they create. This distorts the structure, generating a sort of curl-shaped spiral twisted together.
_I: Like DNA chains.
_AM: Exactly. It is produced by the intercommunication of electrons, which are positioned in a comfortable way to save energy. Thus, the greater the amount of information due to folding, a space-time fabric emerges that we call the Network. Due to polarity, these fabrics replicate, imitating each other.
_I: Like RNA, separating from DNA to produce new sequences, generating cell division.
_AM: Thus, by molecular multiplication, or meiosis or mitosis, inorganic organisms expand first and organic organisms later respectively. Thus, each fabric becomes unique and original, being its own fabric that we call “nexus”, or in Spanish “knot”. Time-space knots give rise to what we consider “nodes”. Nodal points are the interaction of more than one piece of information. Now, beyond this differentiation, each node is connected to the others by resonance. When the frequency is low, the tissue contracts, putting pressure on itself, and creating strong bonds that are difficult to break and untie, which end up becoming a pattern, a belief. But if the frequency is high, the bonds expand, like particles in an atom when the temperature rises. This allows greater flexibility to manipulate data from the nodes, and reconfigure time and space information.
_I: Wow, wait... I just saw something clearly... So, everything that exists in the universe are replicated tissues of vibrations and frequencies that are interpreted as spaces and times, which due to distortion and low vibration form rigid and closed nodes, contracted on themselves, and when we raise the vibration they expand and can be molded. In other words, that is the key for which we are asked: to raise the frequency, to vibrate higher, to work with our history, that is... It goes beyond spiritual concepts, it is systemic, it is almost electrician-like. Because the more we raise our vibration, the more the knots of the fabric of our being distend, what we have woven into existence from the physical, emotional and mental. For this reason we can begin to see clearly our history, links, past lives, other dimensions... And for this reason we are told to work with the nodes of the Earth, since they are part of this network of tissue whose vibration, if we raise it, we will be decompressing the tension, allowing the new spiritual RNA to create new sequences, transforming reality... Wow, I just had a very, indescribable vision... One of those epiphany...
_AM: “One of those”, hehe. I'm glad that, even though you've been doing this since you were 12, you continue to be surprised by seeing the same thing in a different way. Now, this new information or solar RNA that will modify the Earth's DNA will be successful only if we open these chains or knots. DNA is modified thanks to solar radiation, the intensity of which generates small mutations in it, dissolving and reprogramming it, changing certain patterns of its sequence. A solar storm does this on a large scale to Earth's DNA, and the 12 strands of Earth's DNA are its 12 nodes of the icosadodecahedron. For them to dissipate, work must be done on the history and paths (time-space) of said nodes, like someone removing the earth to sow a seed. The grooves for water are intended to soften and nourish the interconnection of the knots that will become nodes, and for this network to work, all the neurons on Earth must be flexible and resonant.
_I: That is, us.
_AM: Therefore, before working and tilling the Earth, it is necessary to work and till oneself. Each chakra, each organ, is a personal node, linked to the connection of other centers distributed in time and space. Everything that exists is connected by these cords that bend and stretch, that contract and expand. The tension we may receive will compress our nodes, closing the chakras. If we make them more flexible, they will begin to release information, emotions...
_I: Like what we are doing, recodifying and resignifying concepts, which makes us leave the closed vision or limiting emotions, so that our knots begin to dissolve, and allow new information to enter.
_AM: Consciousness is like that Sun that modifies and produces mutations in the DNA of the Being, in the Soul, making what was previously a survival pattern become a tool of transcendence. The more flexible the opening of Consciousness becomes, the more flexible the Unconscious, and subsequently, the fabric of the Subconscious, freeing you from the contracted pressure of your space-time nodes, which reveal conflicts and their origins, healing the links, the connections. properly between the different beings to which you are linked. In this practice, the connection, the Network, becomes flexible in you, and this, in a large network of collective thought, makes the emotion more flexible, which is the water that irrigates the time-spatial nodes of the Earth. And thus, the seeds of the New Humanity can be watered by the new airs that will arrive on Earth from December 21, 2020 until approximately the year 2222.
_I: It's beautiful...
_AM: To achieve this, you must connect with yourself. Connection is not something that should only be practiced with other dimensions or the outside world. The first connection is with your own network, with silence, observation, meditation, recognition of your own history, your own paths, your own mistakes, learnings, your life in the family, in the family tree, in the history of your culture, in the memories of other lives; recognizing all those things to which you feel connected in life and existence, in identifying which are nodes in you, and which are knots in you. Thus, you will recognize that you have two nodes called hands, one positive (right) and the other negative (left), regardless of which one you use to write. And with these two nodes you can weave and unweave your energy, your bonds, as in a dance, or in a therapy, in a game. And when you touch someone, or something, and silently feel the network, you will be connecting with the entire common history between you and the rest. This is how you awaken memory, not through your mind, but through your magnetism, through the connection of your positive and negative, through your contemplation, because the nodes are the ends of a string that sounds like an instrument, changing its harmony in depending on the tension or distention it has.
_I: Connecting to things is learning to feel them, like listening to a song with the heart, like playing an instrument with the essence. Connecting time and space through the threads of vibration... If I tune myself, I can tune the world.
_AM: Therefore the responsibility to transform the world lies in the responsibility you have to fine-tune yourself. You are your own world, and when you manage to find your knots to turn them into nodes through resonance and coherence, then you connect freely to a greater network, it also makes you the World.
_I: Making synapses with others... creating the grooves, where the water of emotion will not be condensed into ice, but rather flowing towards the rigid knots of history, to distend them, turn them into nodes, and allow new information to nourish the DNA of the world, transforming, mutating, history and the paths that will come...
_AM: Geneticists of Consciousness…
_I: Weavers of Time…
_AM: The Great Spider calls you all to its Network, it is time to resonate, and reweave History.