

_I: Today we begin the month dedicated to the Scorpio Constellation. In the preconception we have of this sign, we usually classify Scorpios as dark, sexual people, with an overwhelming intensity, in some ways manipulative, and fervent enemies who know how to find the weaknesses of others to put pressure where it hurts the most. Is this so or is it a perception?

_AM: Everything is a perception. The constellation of Scorpio was previously known as the Eagle, who had the power of the heavens, to see everything, but due to his pride, he was expelled from the heavens to live beneath the Earth, in the pressure of the mud, in the depths of the oceans. His punishment would be to stop flowing in the air to bury himself under the dirty waters and pressure of the world. There the eagle became a Scorpion, sentenced to live crawling on the ground. Tell me, what is the greatest gift of the eagle?

_I: The vision, being able to see everything from above clearly.

_AM: Well, his vision, capable of making him see all the shapes in the world from miles away, had to adapt to seeing in the shadows, in the densest darkness, to see beyond the shapes, inside them and through them. . His new environment only perfected his ability to see, no longer from the light, but from the shadows, that which is usually invisible to others. His punishment actually became his strength. While others saw the shapes of the world around them, the scorpion would have the ability to see through them, through their shadows. The eagle's ability to contemplate turned his weakness into his greatest ability. Do you remember the three great spheres that interact in the Universal Mind?

_I: Yes, the conscious, the unconscious and the subconscious.

_AM: Well, imagine again that the Subconscious is the ocean, the unconscious is its cold and warm currents, and the conscious is that being swimming in the sea. Now, the conscious is the one who has a purpose, the one who looks at the horizon and sets an objective, the one who knows where he is going, uses the currents in his favor to move through the subconscious, but does not know what the subconscious is. ocean, because it is too big and makes you lose focus of your objective. He imagines the swimmer as that eagle that from the heavens saw the entire horizon of the sea, but did not know what was below. As he plunges into the abysses, he suddenly becomes the ocean, stops seeing a single point miles in the distance, and now simply feels the miles on every part of his skin. The scorpion discovered that through the Subconscious he can reach much further, and in all directions, he can feel everything that happens in him.

_I: From the subconscious it stops being a simple point swimming in one direction and becomes the ocean…

_AM: Thus he contemplates everything through the shadows. From the depths. For Scorpio, the spirit no longer flies through the heavens, in the crown, above the head, but rather expands through the abysmal depths of the subconscious, in the feet, legs and genitals, in the densest and darkest part of the being, where can feel everything.

_I: That's why it seems like Scorpios look through you, analyzing your soul, reaching the deepest part of it.

_AM: People usually hide in the shadows everything that causes them insecurity, fear, shame, pain. All the traumas, what is denied, is hidden in the shadows due to the inability to face it, to look it in the eyes and work on it. The human is a being built in history through fear. The subconscious hides all the things that we do not want to face, that we leave for another time, that we have inherited and do not know; It is the trunk that we do not want to open. In the depths of the soul, information is hidden that would make us lose our personality, what we have built, because there is no destination there, there is no one to tell where to go, there everything is mixed, meaningless, and it is easy to get lost. Fear makes humans become comfortable, following others, creating leaders, teachers, characters that tell us what to do and how, that protect us, that make us feel part, because being alone would imply having to listen to those voices that lie in the shadow of our being. They cause discomfort, they show what we don't want to see, they confuse. They give insecurity. There is madness, losing your axis, forgetting who you are, there is what we fear to see about ourselves.

_I: And facing him is the dark Night of the Soul.

_AM: Falling into the very jaws of the shadow, among everything that we were denying for centuries. The big problem that humans have is that by projecting the good of God in the Sun, in the cosmos, in the heavens, they distance themselves from the center of all things, from the core of the world. And as we have talked about, the external is experimentation, expansion, where I discover what I am capable of. However, then I must return to the center, to what I truly am, to the depths of existence, where I find myself with the Am, with the truth, and the only way to achieve this is to come down from the clouds, put my feet firmly on the created reality, and go towards the center, to the depths. There, in search of the neutral point of all things, you go through the pressure of the world, you get muddy, you enter the gloomy caverns of the earth, where you must face the diabolical shadows of the world, the distortion, and go through them, until you recognize that they are your projections. And there, then, you face your own creations, fears, darknesses, the crisis of being, the night of the soul, and by going through them too, you find the center. The human considers freedom to feel flying in the clouds, to expand towards the cosmos where no pressure is felt, but nevertheless, you are a prisoner of gravity. The false sense of freedom when expanding makes them slaves to returning again and again from worlds with great force of gravity. But in the center, all forces are neutralized. All forces are equal to 0. Remember? The greater the pressure, the more crisis and the more you live your shadow, the closer you are to neutrality, at the point where they originate, where you can no longer feel pressure, since you are the center of all things.

_I: And it is Scorpio who shows us that path…

_AM: There lies the key to this month that we begin to face. Are we willing to go deep? Shall we not dare to hit rock bottom? Do we have the will to go through the dark night of the Soul? “Depth” comes from the Latin “ability to go deep.”

_I: I remember that you told me that the Spirit is a being or aspect that does not seek to be spiritual, since it is absurd to seek to be what one already is. The spirit seeks to experience what it can do, what it is capable of creating. For this reason, the spiritual mind seeks to be born, to descend into the mud, since the lotus flower only blooms in the mud. Without birth, experience, without the pressure of the world and life, the spirit does not understand, does not learn, does not evolve.

_AM: In order to flourish, it will be necessary for us to spread deep roots, to get our hands dirty by going to the Deep. Today, the crown chakra stops shining like a sun, and contracts like the core of a world, passing through the crushing heat of magma, until it becomes the iron center of the Earth. The light chakra will become shadow and deep darkness. Scorpio's ability is to remind us that alchemy is the ability to turn poison into medicine. We all have poison inside us, we are all contaminated by the distorted shadows that we have hidden inside our bodies and souls for millennia. The paradox is that it is that same poison that is the key to healing. Denying it makes us live trapped in its toxins. The Scorpio ability is to go deep, contemplate the poison, and be able to turn it into the medicine that heals the soul. Remember that in Indo-European, the concept “being capable” is said “magh”, origin of the word “magic”. This month will remind us that we are all Wizards, that is, that we are all capable, but to do so, we must know how to use the arts of magic, that is, see in the darkness, use it, go through it.

_I: Why is this month's attribute Desire...? Saying “I Desire”. What is Desire?

_AM: “Desire” comes from the Latin “de” and “Sedere”, which simply means: “to be seated.” Sitting, in turn, comes from “Sedentare”, which gives rise to the word sedentary, that is, one who lives in a single place. Desire, then, is the attribute of feeling the comfort of staying in the same place, of leisure, of pleasure and feeling, the libido of remaining in constant pleasure. The lower chakras tell us about territoriality, just as animals urinate and defecate marking territory, we use the same parts of the body to settle on a piece of land. Sex hormones are impregnated in natural elements, like a fingerprint. Going deep is reaching the center where everything converges, remaining fixed, in contemplation. Scorpio speaks, then, of staying in the shadows, of feeling and contemplating, finding comfort in what usually makes us feel uncomfortable.

_I: This implies that we will talk about topics that will make us uncomfortable, right?

_AM: Yes. If you want to find the axis of Being, it is inevitable to first find comfort in what makes us desperate.

_I: That is something very Scorpio, black or dark humor, as they say, related to death, to the uncomfortable, to taboo topics, to the spiritualist. In the world of consciousness, this Scorpio energy is usually understood as the medicine that makes us spiritual and meditative, that connects us with magic, the ancestral, the ceremonial. But nevertheless, there is a reluctance to confront the shadows, the demonic, the dark, the shadows of the soul, the most hidden desires of the subconscious.

_AM: Because they still do not know that the shadows are the creators of matter, and that the only way to go to the origin is through the shadows. To confront them is to immerse yourself in the subconscious that contains all things. Go beyond fear, shadow, prejudice, false spirituality painted in pink colors. It is necessary that this month we filter our souls, it is essential that this month we face the darkest shadows, madness, schizophrenia, the most depraved and twisted desires that are hidden in their bodies, the most painful traumas, grudges, hatred and tears. accumulated. It is time to get muddy, to get dirty, because whoever wants to plant a new tree and sow a seed of consciousness must dig a well in the ground, get their hands dirty with mud, smell and handle the fertilizer, collect the worms, admire the darkness of the terrestrial humus. The blacker the earth, the more fertile it will be for our tree and its fruits.

_I: It will be a difficult month…

_AM: Only if you resist. Are you afraid of seeing the shadows that cover your essence?

_I: I have faced them several times, I am not afraid of going to the depths anymore, but my lack of fear has not made me feel superior to the shadows, but rather I have learned to honor and respect them. Something I would like to help others see. I have almost all my important planets in my natal chart in the 8th House, the house of Scorpio, so for me it is a natural terrain, which has allowed me to have the gift of spirituality, of channeling, of going deep without denying my shadows, but enjoying them.

_AM: Thus, when we manifest the Desire of Being, we can convert its concept of idleness into the ability to find our place, sitting where we belong…

_I: In the I Am. I manifest, therefore, my Desire to immerse myself in the Depths of the Subconscious, to thus find the liberation of my soul from the poisons that I have created for myself.

_AM: I am the Spiritual Eagle that launches into the void. I am the Scorpion that becomes that emptiness.

_I: To stop seeing appearances, and see through forms.

_AM: I Am Depth…

_I: And from it, I will find the truth of who I Am.




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