Here and Now


_I: Space and Time... Perhaps the most fascinating duality of all, and at the same time, the strangest. Our lives are directly linked to Space and indirectly to Time, which conditions our lives almost as if it were Space itself. But even though we all know that these two concepts exist, most people do not know or understand what they really are and how they sustain each other. And at the same time, something catches my attention, the concept lately so mentioned: "Here and Now". It's as if suddenly, many people have awakened to understand that the most important thing is to live in the present because it's the only thing we have control and awareness of. Therefore, we have no choice but to live it. But I don't feel it's like that, so what are the concepts of time and space that we should understand, and what does it mean to live here and now?

_AM: Well, this probably eliminates the idea of ​​such duality from the beginning: Time comes from the Indo-European "temp" which means "to stretch, extend". Space comes from the Indo-European "spau", which means "to pull, drag".

_I: Wait... Do they mean the same thing?

_AM: Yes.

_I: But then, why do we take them as different and dual things?

_AM: Because one stretches on one side, negatively, and the other stretches towards the other, positively. But both are the forces that stretch reality, that expand it.

_I: It makes sense like that...

_AM: In your conception of Time, it relates to what happens. Time, then, is a unit of measure of events that helps to order concepts that can only be understood from the mind but not from reality.

_I: In what sense?

_AM: Is it possible to measure the past? Is there anything that allows you to touch what really happened?

_I: If I touch bones or an ancient monument, would I be touching the past?

_AM: If you touch it, it's present, it simply means that there is a bone there and that the monument is a rock. You call it a person and a monument, but they are not. The past, as such, does not exist from the spatial point of view. Nor does the future, as they are not quantifiable by physics, and there is nothing in your five senses to assure you that what you touch is the past, as the senses can only perceive the present.

_I: What about memory? When, for example, I remember my childhood and my taste feels the flavor, or my smell feels the aroma.

_AM: They feel. For your cells, that is not memory, it is present, because they are feeling it, only you in your mind know that it is not happening.

_I: It seems complex to understand.

_AM: But it's actually very easy. Everything you perceive from the world is due to a reaction in your senses. That is to say, for your senses, there is nothing outside until it interprets it inside through the connections it makes in the brain. If your brain generates a reaction, then your senses will interpret that idea in the present. Therefore, the past is just a concept. You divide time into a sacred trinity called Past, Present, and Future. This trinity is conceptual because it describes 3 aspects of a space: the expressed, the experienced, and the projected. But in each case, there will only be a single thing in transformation. Therefore, there will be nothing in the past or in the future, as the only thing you can perceive now is simply what "is", and nothing else; the rest are just interpretations of the intelligent mind. A mineral, a plant, an insect, and most animals cannot interpret the time of things, only space, what is, what they feel and perceive, nothing more.

_I: And what is it based on what they perceive?

_AM: In Space. It also has its sacred trinity, which you call: Height, Width, and Depth. This defines the law of the Third Dimension, therefore it is called Third, because it is composed of three dimensions of space, that is, extensions of a reality in which one can move. Dimension comes from Latin "Di" and "metiri", which mean "Two" and "Measure", respectively. That is, measuring the parts of something. Thus, the Third Dimension would be measuring the three directions of an object. These three directions, in turn, in the third dimension, will be expressed in the 3 times. This is how you understand that the three times and three spaces are nothing more than two forces stretching the same object, forcing it to transform.

_I: But how would time be a force if it really doesn't exist, as you say?

_AM: Let's first see it from the human perspective. Your life occurs through time, and everything you do is related to it. Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Solstices, Equinoxes, Years, Lustrums, Decades, Centuries, Ages, Millennia, Eras, Periods... All calculated by the movement of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the change of weather. But, yesterday we said that it's not the sky that moves, but the Earth, that is, what you consider "passage of time" is based on the concept that things pass through the sky to measure moments. However, since it doesn't move, then the only thing that determines time is you from your perception of the movement of something that is really static. Old age, the deterioration of a body, is not due to the passage of time but to the expansion of its cells. The division of them begins to exhaust itself, losing the ability to multiply, and that produces death. In reality, time never passed, it only happened that the cells stopped multiplying. Days and nights do not mark the passage of real time but show the process of terrestrial rotation. Seasons do not change over time, but by the movement of the planetary axis in its periods of translation and precession. Hours are calculated as the light affecting a territory of the planet in its process of rotation. As you can see, all the time concepts you may have depend absolutely on the ability of space to move. They are just ideas, ways of naming the physical processes that happen.

_I: But, we have talked that Space is also a construction, in other words, it's also a perception... Right?

_AM: Exactly. Space is nothing more than the harmonic or distorted interaction of vibrations that generate energy, and in turn, this gives rise to particles that will be arranged in a coherent way to save energy. That is, space is nothing more than the distorted expansion of a pulse. Both Space and Time are summarized as those two elastic concepts that expand the universal mind to experience processes. The paradox of this duality is that the only reason why matter expands is because of the need to live a process. Therefore, it's in a certain way time that originates space. Time equals Nothing, to the creating matrix network, which projects ideas, thoughts, plans, where everything is possible, and from this awareness, the vibration arises that unites thoughts, thus giving rise to the creation of space. Space is directly related to time, since it is its creator, time being that inner world that projects the external world that will end up being space.

_I: Ugh... It's an Ouroboros. But if you say that time creates space but space is the only

thing that makes us perceive time, then what is the meaning of this duality?

_AM: Order. It is a way in which the mind orders the internal and external. The human concept of Time is not what Time really means. As I told you, the only existing concept is the elastic mind stretching its connections, expanding them like strings.

_I: The string theory. Time and Space are nothing more than strings that tense and untense creating perceptions of all existing... But they are the same.

_AM: Just as beyond genitals, a man and a woman share the same genes. Dual concepts are mere expressions. Nothing else.

_I: So, what is real between both?

_AM: Eternity. Some know this as the "eternal present". The only way to mention the strings that manifest all space and time is the concept "Here and Now".

_I: But it's not related to the "present", right?

_AM: No. That's a concept error. The present is one of the three conceptual times that is also nonexistent. Many humans consider that the phrase Here and Now sums up the fact that nothing exists or matters more than what is happening right now and in the place where I am. That is actually called "presentism". This concept implies that one detaches from Universal consciousness to live only from the perception of the Ego. It is a temporal-spatial self-reference based on Personality and the individual's perception of the reality they have projected, when in reality it is much more complex than that. Yesterday we mentioned that the Universe is a Circle that becomes a Point and a Point that becomes a Circle, and that observation is the only real thing, because the observed and the observer are the two polarized extremes of an expression. That observation, that void, that unique mind, therefore, inhabits all possible spaces being fixed, and lives all possible processes without the need to move. "Here" is the idea of ​​the Universe that summarizes all existing places, and "Now" is the concept of the Universe that summarizes all possible moments.

_I: So saying "Here" would be like acknowledging that my existence is not only in this place where I am, but that all places inhabit in me, all places, continents, worlds, galaxies; all, in the I Am, coexist as one. And "Now" would imply that past, present, and future merge with each other, making me at this moment a conjunction of all possible processes.

_AM: When you go beyond one of the extremes, both from the time perspective and from the space perspective, that is, when you transcend the duality of the observed and the observer, to become the observation, and space and time become the words "ethereal" and "eternal", you realize that both arise from expanding the "ether". Ether comes from the Indo-European "aither", which means "to burn", and it describes the process in which fire, by burning things, shows its true hidden essence in them: nothingness itself, because everything disappears. This idea is that the pure is invisible to the eyes, that things are composed of immeasurable existences, and therefore, they cannot be dimensionalized, only multidimensional. Thus, you understand that Here and Now remind you that you are only the flexible mind of the Cosmos stretching, coiling its strings, but all of them are in you, and all your history, past, present, and future, coexist in some way in you just like all the spaces you have occupied in your existence.

_I: It's a very... Grand... Image... It's so complex that...

_AM: ...That we had to summarize it into something very easy: Here and Now.

_I: So, finding the Balance of everything, of all the things we've talked about this month, is simply remembering that we are a point, a center expanding in circles through the process of infinite and eternal observation, which stretches and extends into two primary concepts we call Here and Now, and that in experimentation we will interpret as Space and Time.

_AM: That's right. Therefore, when you seek Balance in all things, simply remember that you are all things.

_I: I Am Here and Now.




Center and Periphery