_AM: The divine spark ignites, a new brilliance dawns. A ray of sun that illuminates, and a ray that descends. The fire in a bonfire makes the home warm, in the clarity of the day that begins, it summarizes life and truth.
_I: The fire lights up in me. And its heat spreads to the world.
_AM: It is time to remember and recognize the Fire in you. Integrate the Holy Trinity of Spark, Flame and Heat.
_I: I am ready to become Fire.
_AM: So, let's start at the Beginning.
_I: Aries… The initiator, the Spark.
_AM: And that's why I ask you.
_I: And I will tell you what I am.
_AM: Breathe deeply, look for the spark in your heart. Inspire.
_I: I inhale…
_AM: Now tell me... What is it?
_I: It is the Beginning, the question that gives meaning to the being that arises.
_AM: Why?
_I: Because its interior is so big that it cries out to expand.
_AM: For what?
_I: To find yourself.
_AM: What is the purpose?
_I: Discover what you are capable of.
_AM: Who?
_I: The being that I am, the only one capable of existing.
_AM: Like?
_I: Stopping being one, to be two, releasing the internal towards the external.
_AM: How much is released?
_I: Everything, well, it is unconditional, and all things count as part of oneself.
_AM: When?
_I: In eternity, well it is infinite. Everything is Now.
_AM: Where?
_I: In the Universe, because space is one, just like the path. Everything is here.
_AM: Am I?
_I: It is you, and it is I, we are both… I am.
_AM: Answers…
_I: They are the offerings that I give myself to the infinity of possibilities.
_AM: Intention…
_I: It is the force that presses, tensions, so that I can release my energy.
_AM: Release…
_I: To allow for transformation, to let go of who I am to be a new version of myself.
_AM: Impetus…
_I: Throwing myself without hesitation into the adventure of existing.
_AM: Problems…
_I: They are the incentives that I have set out to transcend to grow with wisdom through experience.
_AM: Fight…
_I: Allow myself to face the reflection that I have created, to recognize myself in my differences and overcome them victoriously.
_AM: Fury…
_I: The potential of the energy that drives me, uncontrolled if I do not recognize it, empowered if I assimilate it...
_AM: Independence…
_I: By being able to use the intense energy of my being, I can govern my life, be the leader of my destiny.
_AM: Advance.
_I: Recognizing that I must always move forward, take the initiative for said destiny.
_AM: Victory.
_I: Finding myself in the glory of the fruits that I have generated in my action, in my walk.
_AM: Initiation.
_I: It is the constant of my existential path, because each step is always a beginning.
_AM: Transcendence…
_I: It is the ability to be free from what I believe I am, to be able to Be.
_AM: Expressiveness.
_I: Get out of the internal pressure, to create the external world based on my rich internal world.
_AM: Experimentation.
_I: The ability to live, feel, know and learn about everything over and over again, without fear of failure or repetition.
_AM: Integration.
_I: Become One with each learning.
_AM: Reproduction…
_I: Bringing out again and again everything I have in me, expanding into the eternal.
_AM: Growth.
_I: Expand, learn from each experience, something that never stops.
_AM: Decay.
_I: Know that it is necessary to move forward, go to find.
_AM: Birth.
_I: Arriving at the new destination, which is a new starting point. Every day can be a new beginning, a new life.
_AM: Free Will.
_I: Only I am capable of continuing towards eternity, since I am free as long as I act coherently.
_AM: You light the Fire of Leo, the flame that imposes its presence. And its rays branch into a tree of light, electricity that activates life.
_I: I am the Tree of Life.
_AM: I Am Power.
_I: I Am Truth.
_AM: I Am Pulse.
_I: I Am the Center.
_AM: I am the Matrix.
_I: I am Vitality.
_AM: I Am the Tree.
_I: I Am the Way
_AM: I Am Mind.
_I: And everything emerges from it…
_AM: The Projections.
_I: Everything is projected from the internal to the external, everything we see is a reflection of what we are capable of seeing.
_AM: Expectations.
_I: And that's why we hope to see what we want. Letting go of expectations allows us to live the truth.
_AM: Coherence.
_I: It is the key to being real, finding harmony, balance, correlation between what I think, feel and do.
_AM: The Loves…
_I: It is these projections of expectations where we hope to find ourselves.
_AM: The Ego…
_I: I am I, the construct and anchor that gives meaning to the verb Being.
_AM: The Darkness.
_I: They are the shadows of the ego, roughness typical of the erratic expansion in the desire to create.
_AM: Fear.
_I: It is the evolutionary tool that allows me to survive, but prevents me from being free, I must honor it to transcend it.
_AM: The Ancestors…
_I: They are from whom I inherit what I am, all those who have lived and died so that I could be. And without judgment, I honor them in me.
_AM: The Paths…
_I: They are diverse, and they are all valid. Without judging you, I can discover the great Universal Way.
_AM: The Emotional Shield.
_I: It is the shell that seeks to protect us from all of the above, useful for integrity, useless for expression.
_AM: The Head.
_I: He is the guide, leader, captain of my ship, of my nation that is my birth, my life.
_AM: The Vision…
_I: It is what allows me to contemplate what is projected of me, and assimilate it as my own.
_AM: The Development…
_I: It is developing, acquiring new skills to expand my territory of existence.
_AM: The Defense.
_I: A natural mechanism that calls us to contain what we have achieved, an idea that holds us back when seeking the freedom of being.
_AM: The Want.
_I: The incessant search to take from the environment what we have projected, to integrate the new.
_AM: The Will.
_I: Force of action that leads us to get what we want, one of the attributes of the Holy Trinity of Being.
_AM: Sexuality.
_I: A form of power through the sectoral division of the parts that make up a whole. New parts demonstration vehicle.
_AM: Guilt.
_I: Along with shame, they are the blow of the ego when an action fails, it is the wake-up call to restart the attempt.
_AM: The Constancy…
_I: Despite the guilt, the frustration, it is necessary to continue moving forward, growing, always expanding, because there is no shine without the Sun.
_AM: And this brightness brings the light and heat that gives meaning to Life. This is how Sagittarius, symbol of Resurrection, expands.
_I: Resurrection that leads me to come out of the darkness to find the light on the surface.
_AM: And for this you have to Dimension...
_I: Well, light expands into different strata, reflections, colors, and despite their differences, they are nothing more than the same light.
_AM: The light of Wisdom.
_I: The spiritual manifestation of knowledge integrated by the experience of walking through existence.
_AM: With a Hunch…
_I: I am heading to fulfill my destiny from the heart.
_AM: What is your Compass.
_I: Which indicates the north whose strength lies within me.
_AM: And in the Adventure…
_I: …I discover the world I have created through awe and universal wonder.
_AM: With Determination…
_I: …And knowing that there is no end, I propose it, to know that I must close each cycle.
_AM: In Connection…
_I: …With every part of my being.
_AM: Karma.
_I: It is the action that moves me to find each part in each cycle, that teaches me and reminds me of each adventure.
_AM: Expansion.
_I: It is what my being seeks by creating the Infinite Universe.
_AM: Feeling.
_I: It is the quality of perceiving that Infinity.
_AM: Shine…
_I: I shine when I feel, when I make part of myself what I saw outside.
_AM: Future.
_I: The idea of what I was out there and had to achieve, and that is nothing more than a new state of myself that I build today.
_AM: Plenitude.
_I: It's what I feel when living the future today.
_AM: And the Links…
_I: They allow me to connect all times and spaces…
_AM: Fun…
_I: Diverse paths in which I must travel having fun, playing in diversity.
_AM: Joy.
_I: It's what it feels like to be diverse, to play in life.
_AM: Life…
_I: Which is the path itself, divine manifestation.
_AM: Travel.
_I: Transit through life is a journey, walking along the path, discovering in each adventure.
_AM: Freedom…
_I: It stops being an objective, and becomes a state of being in the course of your journey through the world.
_AM: Along the Kundalini, the Fire Serpent, the vital energy that ignites the Being that we are.
_I: The Earth of which I am a part... In which the internal fire of the world makes its way in every lightning bolt and volcano in every direction.
_AM: Towards Antarctica…
_I: Through South America.
_AM: Throughout North America.
_I: In Europe.
_AM: For Asia.
_I: For Oceania.
_AM: In Africa.
_I: Connecting the Central Americas and the Middle East.
_AM: Navigating Oceans and Seas…
_I: Until we find the Axis of the World. Between North and South…
_AM: And this is how the Fire is lit in you.
_I: I Am Fire.