_I: “In bad weather, a good face.” Today that phrase came to mind. And I thought about it because of the post I made yesterday on social media. These are the presidential elections in the United States, and in a way they are elections that affect all of us, not just Americans, since the United States is a country that intervenes in the decisions of all international organizations. My publication was in relation to the system they use in that country to carry out elections, and several of the people's reactions had nothing to do with what I had published. On the one hand I realized what always happens: a great lack of reading comprehension. Most do not pay attention to the words and the syntax between them, and the reactions are directly proportional to what they see in the media. There is like a constant search for, I don't know...
_AM: …Conflict.
_I: Yes, conflict. Why do humans seek conflict before understanding what the other is exposing?
_AM: Because of the need to evolve. Yesterday we talked about suffering and the origin of this word. For a human to awaken the greatest capacity of his sensory potential in matter, he needs the pressure of the environment. It is like when superhuman strength arises in a mother or father when they see their children in danger, because adrenaline is propelled to each muscle, giving it extraordinary power, in which the mind does not play a main role, but rather the other senses, which are They sharpen to such a point that reactions are more intuitive than calculated. In short, pressure and suffering take all cells out of their comfortable state. The biological body, like everything organic, seeks to save energy, and for this reason it tries to remain sedentary for as long as possible, saving energy for really useful moments. And those useful moments are those of crisis, those of conflict, where something must be resolved immediately, only through intuition and without prior planning.
_I: What is conflict?
_AM: It comes from the Latin “con” and “fligere”, which mean “conjunction of blows”, that is: squeeze, crush, oppress. Conflict speaks of the pressures exerted by the environment on an object or subject. This pressure generates a reaction, which can be harmonious if one is conscious or chaotic if one lives from unconsciousness.
_I: How do you experience conflict from unconsciousness?
_AM: Unconsciousness is moving through currents, which can be physical or conceptual. At atmospheric pressure, a cold current descends collapsing with a warm current. This generates wind, and if the atmospheric pressure is very strong, the collision of the opposing currents tries to find harmony, seeking its way back to its place, generating spirals, therefore creating tornadoes and hurricanes. The same thing happens in the oceans with waterspouts. Everything in between will be carried away by these currents. Trees, houses, anything that has little grip on the ground will fly. On a social level, a person without his own foundations, without being at his center, without clear roots, will be carried away by the currents of external thought. You can call the cold current as “blue color” and the warm current as “red color”, just like in a thermometer. By not having firm feet, any external wind will drag you along its currents, and when you collide with the opposite current, there will be so much pressure that it will generate force and conflict. The blows will be mutual in an incessant fight.
_I: And how do you stop that fight?
_AM: Is a hurricane bad for nature?
_I: Well, it damages the environment, but I don't think it's bad for nature.
_AM: Why?
_I: From what I know, they help regulate the planet's temperature. When the surface of the biosphere overheats, it can be harmful to many species, low pressure, lack of oxygenation, embolisms. So the planet has its own air conditioning system, tornadoes, hurricanes, which bring cold air from the atmosphere to the surface of the planet, oxygenating the biosphere. The normal thing is that hot air rises and cold air falls, so when hot air accumulates due to atmospheric pressure, which would be as if the roof of the house lowered a little, that heat remains close to the ground, and to remove it a fan, which shakes everything.
_AM: Then you will agree that what you see here as a conflict was actually a solution.
_I: Sure… Yes… Seen this way, the conflict has a purpose.
_AM: It has everything. Conflict is nothing more than the clash of two forces, one positive and the other negative, that have been accumulating in one place, in a corner, and now it is time to remove them in order to generate something new. Conflict, then, awakens the potential of both parties, since in essence, outside of forms, positive and negative can only create by interacting. Thus, from unconsciousness, the creatures and entities of nature continue to manifest the impulse generated by the cosmos, a creative impulse. But at the same time chaotic. The pressure of the environment generates the awakening of internal capabilities, and with it, evolution.
_I: So the key to evolution is conflict, because only through it can we discover that it is necessary to solve a problem, and transform ourselves to adapt and transcend it.
_AM: That's when conflict has a purpose.
_I: And when is the conflict conscious and harmonious?
_AM: The Tree spreads firm roots, it settles, it knows where it belongs, it knows that it does not follow any current, but it also knows that it cannot expand its essence by being fixed. It then evolves to benefit from the conflict. Design flowers, which will contain pollen. Design fruits that will contain seeds, and develop their flowers and seeds in a flexible and aeronautical way, so that the wind carries them. The Maple, for example, designed a system of seeds that appear to have wings, like a dragonfly. Thus, the wind tears them from the tree and they begin to fly like a helicopter, moving away, finding new lands to take root. The Dandelion has designed its planting system thanks to the wind. In the ovary or seed receptacle, there are the achenes, from which the pappus hairs emerge, elongated white formations that look like the skeleton of an upturned umbrella. The wind releases the achenes from the flower's receptacle, and they fly with the currents to spread their seeds over land they could not reach otherwise.
_I: So it adapted to use the wind at its mercy, for its own benefit, without being affected by the wind and its currents. Making a profit from conflict: evolution and expansion.
_AM: But both systems inevitably use conflict, since they are all expressions of biology.
_I: So what would it be like to not get into the conflict?
_AM: Get out of Biology, and find the essence. There, from infinite contemplation, all forces are equal to 0, all perceptions are part of the synapse that creates the great cosmic mind. There, the energy is neither positive nor negative, it simply is, it coexists in neutrality, and there is no pulse or impulse, there is no action or reaction. Therefore, you will call the energy that previously pressed and pushed Love, and the force that pressed intentionally, becomes Unconditional.
_I: But, it's almost impossible...
_AM: Sure.
_I: So... I don't understand, why look for that unconditional love if it is impossible to live from absolute neutrality on Earth?
_AM: Where do you do things from?
_I: You mean what is the initial intention?
_AM: Sure. Do you do things based on what you see outside or based on what you have inside?
_I: Well, I guess I should do it from what I have inside me. This is how I take action instead of reacting.
_AM: And how do you know what you have inside?
_I: I must go inside, know myself, know all my internal conflicts, understand myself, heal, find harmony, and from there act.
_AM: In other words, in order to transform the external world into its conflicts, you must first know if you do it from the chaotic reaction of the reflections of the external world, or from the harmonious understanding of your internal world. This is how meditation and philosophy are the basis for politics and civilization. The philosophical is the basis of the pragmatic.
_I: That's what I wanted to ask you. Because many times I feel that when we start philosophizing about the Universe, and how to understand metaphysical concepts, everything remains a dream, but it is not practical. I have heard people tell _I: “someday you will have to take sides and talk about politics, be practical, etc.” Something that I often feel, but at the same time I feel that this is not how it should be.
_AM: The mistake is in believing that speaking is taking sides. Party is that: starting, dividing, dividing the path between origin and destination. Humans believe that in order to act it is necessary to position oneself on one side or the other. This causes you to experience conflicts polarized, looking for enemies in every corner, in every current. If you react to the world, you will only become a reaction to the world. But if you act in the world, you will transform it. And to take action, you must go deeper, not to people, not to individuals, not to ideologies, or what you believe about one or the other, but to real conflicts. To be able to act from the essence, you must go to the essence, you must understand how things work. You cannot resolve the fight of enemies if you do not understand duality, you cannot fight against lies if you do not understand the law of vibration, you cannot ask for justice if you do not live in balance, you cannot project a better world if you do not understand that you are the world. To act with wisdom you must convert knowledge into love, that is, in Greek we say “philós” and “sophé”, love for wisdom: philosophy.
_I: If I do not find philosophy in meditation and abstraction, I will continue to be the reaction of the world around me, polarizing myself into the parts, into the “parties.”
_AM: When the tree and the flower discover their essence, they awaken using the world from harmony, sowing seeds. Without taking sides, being in itself, its essence creates seeds that will germinate throughout the world...
_I: “Sowing a new Humanity”, is the slogan of the Arsayian Foundation… Today I understand it more clearly.
_AM: This is why your teachers and guides have always told you: “from Ideology to Biology”, because in the idea lies the philosophy that must be applied in the physical world according to the laws of the physical and biological world, which is the spirit design. That is why you have always been told that you must first nurture the abstractism of the spirit to be able to till the soil of the concrete. For the world of forms is born from the world of ideas. The external is born from the internal. And if you do not face the internal world, you will never be able to transform the external world. So ask yourself what your conflicts are.
_I: What I see is that when we talk from philosophy, everyone feels happy, but when we start talking about the concrete, our social reality, politics, etc., battles begin to break out. The conflicts.
_AM: So, perhaps it is time to raise those inconsistencies, because only then will you be able to discover who looks inward to transform the world, who flourishes, and who is swept away by the currents of conflict.
_I: Does what you're telling me imply that we will continue talking about conflictive topics?
_AM: Is there a better month for it? We will not go to the battles, because they are not ours, but we will go to the wounds, to the reactionary bosses. Conflicts are key to Evolution, but it is the decision of an individual's Consciousness to decide whether he will use them to impose himself through reaction or transform through action.
_I: How do you know the difference? Because many of us may think that transforming through action is fighting against someone or something...
_AM: Imposing from reaction is when a being considers that their point of view is the only acceptable one and that therefore the other is wrong, they become polarized. Transforming from action is when a being acts from example, and seeks third solutions to partisan conflicts, creating something new, original. He does not take a position against anyone, but he is willing to solve everyone's problems.
_I: Difficult…
_AM: But possible. It's called Evolution. Go inside, discover your own conflicts, and you will know what you reflect on outside. Thus you will be free from the dual reaction, to act in harmony.