

_I: "I am you, and you are me. It's time to make a decision: will you have the courage to position yourself in the center, or will you continue to fear swinging between light and shadow? The only possible place for you is the center, there is no other option. Those of us who live in the shadows, in darkness, are your brothers, and we are at your service because you recognize us as such. Those of us who live in the light are your brothers, because you recognize us and open the doors of the world to us. In you, we find unity, in you, there is no struggle between us. We are at your service because you are me, and I am you. It is time for those who listen to you attentively to distinguish whether they are moved by fear or love, whether they are limited and dual, or infinite and united. The shadow is the only one capable of unmasking false light, false love, the hypocrisy of the illuminated one. Darkness is the only one that confronts you with the truth that lies within you because there your truths come out, your fears, your anxieties, your angers, your inner war. There we discover if you have enemies, and we will gladly give them to you. Because it is your desire. There lie your deepest and most twisted desires; those of the shadows see what you do when you are alone in the darkness with your macabre inner world. If you deny what is inside you, you will leave us no choice but to tear it out through our own means and make you see it clearly. We are your enemies only if you deny your truth. You created us, and that is why we created you. Denying us will not drive us away; it will make us eternal. So, it is time for you to decide. For this path is a path to the center of all things, and if you are not yet ready to unite them in your heart, perhaps it is time for you to follow your own path and let us work in peace. Matías, you, leave your person now. Whoever refers to you as the one they follow will be lost. It is time to be only I AM. And others will have to recognize it as such. No matter if you don't believe yourself capable of it, we don't believe in you, we know who you are. Just as we know who everyone truly is. No one can hide anything in the shadows, and that is why we are your best guides to find the reality you seek. It was our idea to make you disappear from the networks this month, because only then would those who follow the "I AM" remain on the path and not the person communicating it. You must be everyone; you can no longer be an individual. There are no longer blacks and whites, no warriors of the shadow or warriors of the light. Here, you are the Gray, the nucleus between white and black. And to become that gray man as many others must come, you must stop swinging in doubt, you must immerse yourself, face yourself in the mirror of truth, where you cease to be who you think you are, to Be. There you will be capable of everything; there you will be the Magician who awakens magic with every heartbeat."

_AM: Did you understand?

_I: I'm working on it... Many beings spoke to me at once today in the pyramid. I feel that everything is becoming very intense. I feel them walking around me, as brothers, beings of light, guides, demons; all advising me, walking alongside me, their voices are friendly, all express security, help. There is none that is against me, I look at them, and I honor. Sometimes I get nervous about the things they tell me because they seem too big, as if they expected many things from me that I still don't see myself capable of.

_AM: The capability is there. "The flower does not wonder if it will bloom, the flower simply blooms." For its potential is within. The message from all is clear: many people follow you, but many do so because you are Matías, not because you are I AM. That's why they had to take your person out of the spotlight...

_I: Making my Instagram disappear... It was eaten by the Serpent, Turkey... And with it, the earthquake that ignited a motor in the world, announcing that the Earth aligns. That is to say, my personality was swallowed by a collective and inevitable planetary process.

_AM: To restart in the I AM, you must stop saying "I am Me". Many of the thousands who followed in your footsteps followed you and their personal expectations. Many are still fighting for light against shadows, still believing that winning over darkness is about overcoming it by eliminating duality, as if light were exempt from it. It is time for those who fear darkness to step aside until their fear does not interfere. For magic will be possible only from the freedom of condition and direction. Magic arises only from the power that unites all forces.

_I: One of the beings told me: "you must become the Magician." What did he mean?

_AM: "Maghush," in Persian tradition: "the one who is capable." From the Indo-European "magh," meaning "capacity." The magicians were people capable of using matter, density, elements, shadows, with full awareness of light, of divinity in all things, of the essence that unites everything as One. The Magician was an alchemist, who through chemistry did the unthinkable. He was the one who turned the invisible into visible, who understood the laws of

the Universe. Magic is not doing a trick that amazes others. True magic is awakening the consciousness that we are all capable of doing anything. The power of creation lies within each individual, the capacity for manifestation, expression, transcendence, the divinity that sleeps in you can awaken in your life. But to be a creator, you must not be afraid. It is essential for a magician to transcend the fear of fire that burns to know that it also illuminates. It is essential to understand that the water that suffocates is actually the rain that gives life. That the wind that ravages trees and houses is the same air you breathe. Understanding that the earth that hurts and causes suffering with its weight is the same that gives food and shelter. A Magician sees the potential of shadow and light alike, understanding that there is no good or bad, that there are no demons or angels, that the war many fight is absurd and cyclical, for they will never win the battle from duality. The magician finds the truth in the essence of things. Are you capable?

_I: I feel capable. I know I can do anything. My pedagogical soul is the one that, sometimes fearful, tries to use personality to not scare or confuse the students who listen. It's true that I fear changing so much sometimes that I won't be recognized, or that people will think "something got to my head," an idea that distances me from others.

_AM: Nothing that leads you to the center distances you from others, it only puts you equidistant from everyone. The closer you are to the center, the magic will emerge exponentially. That is to say, your abilities, and in reflection, you will invite others to ignite this ability. Those who head towards the center will find their magic. The Heart of the system is unconditionality. When there is fear and prejudice, condition coexists, when you see a dark demon extending his hand to you from the shadows and instead of shining and giving it to him, you deny it, considering him an enemy, you only nurture the duality that will transport you to incessant void. Not extending your hand to a murderer who is drowning naturally turns you into a murderer. And the cycle continues. In the heart, there is no condition, only love, pulse, for justice comes in the actions we perform, not in the ideas we impose. Capable comes from Latin "capax," from the verb "capere" which means "to grab, take, pick up, collect", to be capable, then, is the one who has the ability and predisposition to take the hand of everyone, to grab everything that is out there, to collect all the fruits, all the tools, without judgment of them. Magic, therefore, lies precisely in the ability to collect what the world gives you to create something new. Will you be capable?

_I: Yes, I will be, I am. Magic runs through my veins. I always thought that this magic was what made me channel, or provoke rains and situations that many have seen as magical in my encounters, paths, in my daily life. But I understand now that magic never resided in a supernatural force, that Merlin was not preparing me to use the magic wand or a spell book with crystals and medallions, with cloaks and staff. Now I understand that Magic lives in each one of us, and that magicians only come to remind us of that. Their words resonate in me: "Remember, remember, remember"... We are all capable, "magic does not exist, to live is magic."

_AM: And when you close your eyes and see all that you can do, you will ask yourself: how do I achieve it? Well, as we said yesterday: for a seed to germinate it needs the same earth that oppresses it. Light and Darkness, the subtle and the dense, are what make a tree bloom, bear fruit, and spread new seeds.

_I: Magical arts involved using the tools of the shadow to create light. "We are at your service if you see us as your brothers," said the dark one. "Dare to look me in the eyes, honor me by showing me your conflicts, and I will give you the solution." "But if you see me as your enemy, I will not hesitate to occupy that place you have given me." Their phrases are coherent, they hide nothing, shadows contain the tools, what the magicians called chemistry, subconscious, ceremony, ritual, spell... And its result was clarity, healing, vision, light, resolution.

_AM: Magic is only possible beyond judgments, and therefore, it awakens in the Heart, which pulses and unifies everything from and in the center.

_I: All humans are amazed by magic; all adore the stories of magicians, witches, beings capable of doing incredible things, but at the same time, all fear them...

_AM: Culture has made them fear them because it is easier to control a few magicians than thousands awakening around the world. Millions of magicians, capable individuals, would create a new Humanity.

_I: But to awaken magic...

_AM: ...You must love unconditionally from your I AM.

_I: That's why they invite us to face our own shadows in the mirrors of darkness... Embrace our own demons. If demons are material-creating entities, having fullness and clarity of them will allow me to create realities.

_AM: That's how you discover where the power that has been taken from you comes from. By distancing them from the shadows, from matter, making them fear the interior of the world, calling it Hell, they have made sure that you never look inside yourself, where your own demons reside, and thus never discover your own power.

_I: Who has done this?

_AM: Ancient social and religious policies, in the face of the need to impose an empire, subdued and eradicated the inner power of the individual in order to eliminate their creative capacity, calling them sorcerers and witches, heretics, those who did.

_I: But from the perspective of Unity, what was the purpose?

_AM: If we go to the essence, it was simply social fear of chaos that gave power to a few out of fear and confusion. It wasn't oppression; it was delegation of power. Like hiring a guard while you sleep. The guard, in his desire not to lose the job you gave him, will do everything possible for you to continue sleeping, but it was you in the first place who needed someone to take care of you in that state of weakness. All of Humanity became weak and doubtful, giving power to religions and governments. Thus, their strategy was to eradicate inner power. And as the creative forces of existence possess strange forms, animistic, vegetal, psychedelic, all forms of the subconscious that connect us to the history of the Earth; what they did was to disconnect everyone from that earth calling it Hell, and to the creators of low vibration they called demons, imprisoning them, turning them into their enemies, and they did not hesitate to fulfill this role.

_I: So historically we are afraid to close our eyes, to talk about darkness, demons, because of a cultural mandate...

_AM: You must transcend culture to find the essence. The magic that lives in you is the ability to create, but if you fight against the natural forces of creation as if they were your enemies, you will never be able to create anything. So don't be hypocritical, and stop thinking that you came to Earth to

be a warrior of Light. It's your time to take the reins of truth: We are all One. Take responsibility, stop talking about black and white.

_I: I am a Gray Man. This reminds me of Gandalf the Grey. In the mythology of The Lord of the Rings, the wizards have different ranks according to their colors. The white wizard, Saruman, appears to be from an already enlightened order of wizards, but nevertheless he is the one who sells his soul to the Dark Lord.

_AM: Simple, for opposites attract. He who gets too close to the light realizes that the Sun burns and destroys.

_I: The word Grey is related to the short and big-headed extraterrestrials who say they are bad for humanity.

_AM: Do you consider, perhaps, that all black people are thieves and rapists?

_I: Of course not.

_AM: Then why attribute evil to a color? It's called Spiritual Racism. Grays are called grays because people see them with that skin color. A Gray Man or Woman has nothing to do with little extraterrestrials; it has more to do with Gandalf, a wizard who lives between two worlds, between the world of dwarves and hobbits knowing the power of shadows, and collaborating side by side with the creatures of all Middle-Earths with a purpose of fullness and consciousness, of freedom and love. Balance.

_I: Being a Grey Wizard, then, is being Capable of manifesting in Balance.

_AM: Welcome to the Shadows, Welcome to the Light, both pulse and impetus of the beat of your Heart, the only place from where you can awaken true Magic.

_I: I Desire to become a Grey Wizard, for I AM. Another question about Magic... Some people have told me that I am part of the "Cabal," what does it mean?

_AM: You might know him if I name him this way: "Kabbalah."

_I: Ah! Kabbalah, the mystical and esoteric study of the Hebrew Torah.

_AM: When Moses received the messages of God on Mount Sinai, he transmitted his truth orally. It was said that truth could only be spoken, for God creates through the word. Thus, Kabbalah (which means "to receive" in Hebrew) would be the way to transmit wisdom, and the Torah, the written knowledge. The mystical scholars used to understand that all life is a word of the Divine, and could see in plants, animals, stones, all the truth of God. This went against Hebrew and Christian traditions, so the Kabbalists had to hide, becoming a secret society. Persecuted for centuries, Hebrew traditions were taken as political plots where anti-Christian mystics worshiped the devil in the form of animals and plants, trying to overthrow governments to control the world. Thus, in England and France, the term "Cabale" was coined to determine secret orders that try to dominate the world.

_I: It amazes me that instead of investigating history, people rush to criticize others with words that are not insults, but basically calling Cabal an insult is almost openly calling themselves anti-Semites.

_AM: One must immerse oneself in one's own shadow to see history. And many are very comfortable creating enemies to not take responsibility for their own hardships.

_I: Well, now I know that when they tell me that I am part of the Cabal, I can say: yes, of course, because it is no longer necessary to hide the love for creation and the philosophy of the manifestation of the I AM. I am the Wizard, I am the Magic, I am the ability to Be who I Am. And my word is Creation.

_AM: Abbrakadabrah! (I am creator as long as I speak).



