_I: The hunch is a pulse, then. A pulse that forces us in a direction even if we don't have much idea of the reasons or the results. But what happens when we can't have that hunch, that is, when we don't know or feel where to go?
_AM: What you call “losing your way.”
_I: Yes, that feeling. It is awful. I know there are people who live like this, who don't know where they are going, and still find a way to live in peace with it. But others, like in my case, are always setting destinations, and when we lose, it is exasperating.
_AM: Because you lose control over what you perceived. Your habit of being connected to things, of planning, of following the steps of your path with a specific destination or at least with the north marked, means that when you lose it, nothing of everything you have done makes sense.
_I: This happened to me a few times in my life, and I had a very bad time. I usually have a very good location in my life, I know where I am, where I am going, conceptually, and also physically, I know where the north is, the east, and therefore, wherever I go I can guide myself by the directions. shadows, lights or stars. I don't usually get lost. And there were specific moments when it was as if my internal compass failed, and did not point north, and I lost all types of reference, leaving myself vulnerable.
_AM: Every living being has an internal compass. They just don't usually perceive it...
_I: How so?
_AM: Every existing body is based on magnetic, polar energy. This means that the positive and negative poles of an object, thanks to the electrons and protons, will rotate around each other trying to find balance. This magnetic pressure generates an energy discharge, which because it is polar, is called electric. Thus, each object, to a lesser or greater extent, has an electromagnetic field. For the simple fact of being made up of atoms. There are certain atoms that generate much more electromagnetic conduction, and therefore, the iron that accumulates in the cores of the worlds and suns, generates much more magnetism, expanding an electromagnetic field that is projected thousands of kilometers from the Earth itself. These fields protect the harmony of objects, keeping them “on axis.” This Axis exists between the negative pole and the positive pole, which in a large object like the Earth, you call South and North respectively. The force from the south nourishes the core, and from the north the axis is discharged outwards. This produces a toroidal shape, like an apple, around the world, a structure that protects the Earth from other magnetisms, from other harmful discharges such as the Sun's rays. The magnetic discharge of this external energy is what is seen at the poles as Northern Lights, which is nothing more than the largest earth discharge that you can see at the Celestial level. The electromagnetic axis of the Earth is known as geomagnetism, and it arises from the core, the center of the being, its Plexus. From there all the magnetic filaments are projected that, as if it were a gigantic magnet, organize the minerals such as iron aligned with this axis. Thus, everything that has Iron will naturally point to the North axis, aligning itself with the greater body.
_I: This is what allows animals to migrate and not get lost…
_AM: That's right. Following its magnetic instinct, the iron that lives in animals has programmed the center of the brain like a compass that is guided by these slight changes in direction. Therefore, the faster the Earth's axis moves, the faster they must adapt to migrate, or they will die along the way.
_I: Like whales and dolphins stranding on the coast, birds losing their way or stopping migrating...
_AM: And humans have it too.
_I: But we don't use it...
_AM: Well, yes you do, but you don't pay attention. You have lost your connection with the Earth for many millennia, thinking that you are living on it as if you were aliens. But your bodies are still human. By rationalizing everything, your north stopped being the North Pole and became your ideologies, objectives, purposes. Now, if the Earth's magnetic pole moves with speed, all of humanity will enter a crisis of values, loss of purpose, failure to achieve objectives... Where is the north pole?
_I: Well… I know, but it's true that most humans don't know it. Because one would say... To the north, but I couldn't point it out, much less the magnetic one. This 2020 is a clear example of what a sudden change in axis leaves us with. Many do not know it, but in the year 2000 the North Magnetic Pole stopped being on the Ellef Ringnes and Amund Ringnes islands of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, to move towards the Arctic Ocean towards Russia. But between 2018 and 2020, the pole moved faster than ever, shifting from west to east as it crossed the 0 degree Meridian for the first time on record.
_AM: And this cannot be taken as a simple fact.
_I: In 2019, aircraft and ships around the world had to adjust their compasses to find the new north, as all of these machines move on autopilots based on the magnetic north pole. The passengers never noticed it, but for the pilots it was a matter of life and death, since air routes or ports could be confused.
_AM: 2020 was the year in which the North Pole passed from West to East, from one planetary hemisphere to the other, and for this reason, humanity stopped, for this reason, everything went crazy, the direction was lost, the north, the logic... What you are experiencing is not the fault of a Virus, the virus is just a symptom of something much deeper. Humanity must seek the new north.
_I: That today it is aligned to the physical north pole for the first time in... Who knows how long...
_AM: Matter and Spirit align for the first time, and this would not go unnoticed. All humanity lost its axis, and must, therefore, align itself with the new axis, which is why there was no need to move.
_I: The quarantine, well... Was it part of the divine plan?
_AM: The Universe takes every distortion in its favor, and takes advantage of it to generate something new. The pandemic had two origins: one natural, arising from bats, and another programmed by some human strategy. But the Universe is responsible for doing its part. Bats are a symbol of good fortune, wealth, and luck. His wings were the inspiration for the Totem you call Dragon. The bat is the plane of ascension between the shadows towards the spiritual plane.
_I: It is often seen as a negative animal in popular culture.
_AM: From this time, but not from past cultures. The bat, in Asia, America and throughout the Mediterranean, was a positive symbol. Thus the Universe used him to activate the Crown of the World, the North Pole. Everyone was thinking about the Crown. Beyond human errors and distortions of matter, you must always remember that for the universe everything is sacred, nothing is bad, everything is useful.
_I: Yes, I understand.
_AM: For this reason, the Quarantine of 2020 was a gift for planetary realignment: all humans in their homes, focused on themselves, facing their own shadows and conflicts, recognizing their axes, their loss of logic, of destiny, still thinking about the Corona Virus… About the Corona. The North. As the pole settled there, lining up. Preparing for the great arrival of the “King to Earth”.
_I: Conjunction “Jupiter and Saturn”, hand in hand with Mother Moon…
_AM: On the Solstice of December 21, 2020, 8 years after 2012, a perfect time cycle. Starting the Aquarius period.
_I: Wow… Everything was programmed… Like a perfect compass, a work of cosmic clockwork.
_AM: And in this process, the inner compass of each human was being adjusted. The paradigm shift does not have to do with a new idea, but with a new position of the North. Therefore, you are on the Axis of the World, putting in your daily life the intention of aligning everyone with their own Axis... Aligned to the Axis of the Earth. Activating your own compass.
_I: And how does one align with that compass beyond the daily alignments?
_AM: Well… Let's get to it. Compass comes from the Latin “buxis”, which means “box”. In English (compass), it also comes from Latin and refers to “cum” and “passus”, that is, the set of steps to follow. Cosmically, consciousness was polarized in the unconsciousness, creating the internal and external, beginning the first great path that would summarize all the others, which were traced by the subconscious as a network, the Matrix. In the Matrix or Universal Network, there is no north, since each north is in the center or south of another extremity. Everything is a fractal, there is no direction. The north and the south, then, are not destinations, but impulses. There is no objective in the Universe, because each step you arrive at or come from is the north or south of another individual. It all depends on your perception. Thus, the spiritual compass does not work in the cosmos, since it could not guide you anywhere, since none really exist, and they are all north.
_I: Complex… Where am I going then?
_AM: To the center, of course... North and South arise from the core of the Earth. Dazzled by the Northern Lights, you forget that it is the nucleus that produces them, not the celestial projections. It is your heart where everything goes and where everything arises.
_I: So what's the use of the internal compass?
_AM: To create and choose paths. Manifestation only occurs through polarity. Your heart, to generate existence, needs to project itself outward, and thus generates paths. Every north has a south, and you can never go to a goal without the opposing force of the origin from which you come. This is related in astrology to the North Node and the South Node. Your destiny and your origin. You must rethink your history and your origins, to rethink your objectives and destinies. The inner compass does not guide you to a destination, but rather helps you identify the path that you have drawn for yourself among all those that exist...
_I: That's where it connects with the hunch, since it involves feeling where I should go.
_AM: “All roads lead to Rome”, but if you find yourself in Paris, it makes no sense to take the road to Vienna… The internal compass is what reminds you of your north, the path that you have drawn for yourself. And that's where we return to the cosmos: your subconscious saves each of the paths you have generated. Your unconscious keeps each pulsing intention, and your conscious keeps the purpose for which you began the journey. Thus, for your compass to work, you must begin by knowing the paths drawn in the subconscious (your life story, your road map, that of your family, other lives...), and there continue through the unconscious (beliefs, emotions that govern your life, intentions, the links and bonds of attachments, positive and negative), and in this way you will be able to unravel the conscious, the logic and the why, the responses of the beginning. Step by Step you unite them all... The Compass, closing the circle, connecting the Clock and its hands.
_I: I am my North...
_AM: I am my South...
_I: I am the Compass…
_AM: All Hours and all Directions live in me.
_I: And only by going through them step by step in consciousness can I put them back together...
_AM: Weave the network of the Subconscious, the Unconscious and the Conscious, recognizing that the compass within you has led you to travel the paths of your own fabric. Now is the time to recognize everyone, all the paths, all the goals that you have set, and remember that they all guide you, to the center, to the One.
_I: The unity that lives within each one… To which all the iron in our blood, in our cells, points… To the magnetism of our interior…
_AM: After the eclipse of December 14, the shadows will discover the last time of darkness that you will have to face, so that on December 21, you can all be crowned. Unite the Crown of Jupiter, the King, into the Crown of the Earth, which is Saturn. Enlightened by the Divine mother in the spirit of the Moon, you will take the first step of Aquarius in Consciousness... A new Era begins...
_I: And that is our North.