

_I: I was thinking... Yesterday we were talking about how the universe is a Wise being that decides to divide itself to discover originality in its wisdom, and thus fragments into what we call Knowledge. Therefore, learning is the mechanism by which such knowledge is conceived, taken and acquired to awaken inner wisdom. But in many cases, there is knowledge that is obtained without learning, nor is it part of wisdom... What is that like?

_AM: What do you mean?

_I: To things that you know are going to happen, or that you know what they are like but you can't be aware of why you know it and you don't even have a prior point of reference. Like when you meet a person and without having even said hello, you already know who is trustworthy or not.

_AM: Ah, intuition. A few days ago we had seen that Intuition comes from "in" and "tueri", which in English would have its comparison with "stare at", to stare, to stare, but since it has the prefix "in", it means to stare intently and intensely. something sharply but from within. Intuiting is the innate capacity for analysis that your subconscious possesses through pre-established data in your brain accumulated by the experiences of your unconscious. It does not imply knowledge because you have no reference, and it does not imply wisdom because you do not understand. It is a subconscious reaction, in which your internal gaze interprets data in a mechanical way, foreseeing situations in relation to similar previous data.

_I: It's understandable... It takes away the magic of intuition, but yes, I remember that we talked about it. Now, what I was thinking is that what we call Intuition only puts us in context, but does not lead us to action.

_AM: What do you mean?

_I: Well... I'll explain. Something has happened to me this last month, in relation to the recognition of certain unclosed conflicts. In relationships with certain people, I have had reference points that led me to live experiences, good and bad, but all for my growth. That is to say, they all gave me knowledge about certain ideas, circumstances, feelings, and I learned from all of this, and it awakened wisdom in me, the ability to understand where my mistakes were, where I could correct them. Then, intuition made me feel that this month I had to heal all of this, without understanding how or the logic, but that's how it happened. However, there is something else, an energy that tells me that I must take one more action that I don't know how to explain, as if something was missing that I need to do, take action, not just analyze...

_AM: Like an inexplicable push…

_I: Yes, something like that…

_AM: A Hunch.

_I: This! that's the word! Hunch. Like an impulse that it is necessary to do something, very strongly, but you have no exact reference... What is it?

_AM: Heartbreak comes from the Latin “cor”, that is, heart, and speaks of the pulse, the heartbeat that drives us to do something, to pump the blood. In English, that impulse is called “Hunch”, which is the push of something to perform an action. One has a hunch when he knows that he must embark on doing something even though he has no internal or external notion of whether its result will be positive or practical, he simply feels the impulse to do it. It is called that because of the adrenaline. When the body must prepare to act on something unexpected, the adrenal glands secrete the hormone adrenaline, which alters the blood vessels to dilate, allowing greater blood circulation so that it nourishes all the muscles and the brain, preparing them for action. immediate. The dilation of the veins and arteries amplifies the flow of blood through the heart, making it pulse harder, and causing an excess of energy that translates into heat, similar to the fire of kundalini. This altered heartbeat is called “heartbeat,” and it is what is felt when, in an unexpected situation, the body prepares to act. For this reason it is related to “Heart”, with the pulse, with pushing and pushing towards inevitable action.

_I: How is it different from Intuition?

_AM: Intuition is mental, it is a construct of preconceived ideas that are made available for the analysis of the possible results of a specific event. But intuition has no action, only foresight. In the Hunch, the body itself propels you to action.

_I: Why does it happen? What mechanism does this respond to?

_AM: When the Universe decided to express its Wisdom by dividing itself into Knowledge, it immediately separated its reality between negative and positive, internal and external, generating the impulse and the pulse. The Cosmic Heartbeat is what maintains the flow of data communication between the external and the internal, thus learning and development arise through this magnetic polarity. All this fabric is a network of data called “memory”. Polarity generates that electrical, energetic pulse that is interpreted as Synapses, neuronal communication. The data memorized by the universal neurons are connected to each other by resonance, that is, by their vibration, by their frequency, rhythm and harmony, thus this communication begins to behave intuitively. That is to say that by resonance, you can already foresee what step is next, like your mind trying to finish the sound of a song. The rules of the brain try to find the harmonious order in all things, and this results in the fact that it is neither knowledge nor wisdom that assembles the data, but rather the communication channels between them.

_I: The children that connect reality, the matrix, are like memory, records, that act like strings... And tuning forks, that when one resonates at a specific frequency, makes all the others aligned with it vibrate as well.

_AM: That's Intuition.

_I: And in that system where is the hunch?

_AM: In the pulse that makes the string vibrate. They seem like different things, but in reality it is the same action but from different visions: from the spiritual and mental plane you call it Intuition, when from the emotional soul plane you call it a hunch. Well, it lives from the impulse of the negative and the pulse of the positive, which interact creating tensions and resolutions in the resonance, making the strings vibrate, which is what allows the information data to move.

_I: So when I feel a hunch, it's my being pushing data that needs to be exchanged...

_AM: That's right...

_I: In August I had a strong moment of letting go of that emptiness that I felt after having lost that great love, which reminded me of emptiness and nothingness. I understood that being here, his disappearance was a gift. Then, someone appeared who made me sense that he would be a mirror to resolve that void. And so it was, but now the hunch arose, that feeling of: there is something new, that I must solve with this, like something to do, to live, to transform, like trying to... I don't know... I don't know how to explain it.

_AM: There have been specific moments in your life, as in any human, when you have faced situations that awaken new information, that grant you knowledge to help you find your wisdom. If you had not encountered the whole situation of Love – Emptiness that you experienced in Switzerland, you would not have been able to learn the most important thing to fulfill your mission today with full wisdom: speaking from the emptiness of unconditional love. That experience gave you the knowledge necessary to share wisdom today. However, as with everything, learning is never finished, and there are still more levels, more steps to integrate. Intuition showed you the next step, the next level, recognizing the reflection that you experienced two years ago in another person, like an echo, a tuning fork that resonates and therefore you sense that in this new experience there is something new to learn in relation to what lived previously. And the Hunch awakens in the need to live it, to launch, not to be afraid, not to doubt, not to put conditions on said echo, is what she says: yes, it is this way, and there I go.

_I: I understand. It is another surpassing level of learning, a sign that after Scorpio I overcame a story, or a part of it, finally healing it, allowing me to live a new learning at another level of consciousness...

_AM: Hunches are not always positive, but they always make us move forward in evolution and development. What drives the heart is undoubtedly, because it is a source of life.

_I: Should we listen to hunches, then?

_AM: Dichotomy between Mind and Heart.

_I: I once told someone: “I have a brain-heart dichotomy,” and they thought I had a terminal illness, hehehe.

_AM: A somewhat frivolous and biological way of describing the conflict between what you think and what you feel. It is a constant duality that is often talked about: “listening to what the heart feels” describes the way we live, giving priority to the mind over the feeling, as if they were separate things. The brain and the heart are two inevitable expressions, like the strings that vibrate in an instrument, like intuition and hunch, they are synonyms expressed in different frequencies. It is not a question of paying attention to what one feels, or putting the logic of what one thinks above feeling, but rather combining them with the responsibility of making harmonious music. Hunches come from adrenaline, from the creative sacral chakra. That is to say, it does not think, but rather acts on impulses to create or destroy. The mind and intuition regulate this impulse, putting order. But mental order alone does not do or achieve anything. A hunch reminds us that it is time to take action, but that action needs a plan, which is designed by intuition. So, it is not a question of listening to the hunch, but of recognizing in it that your being is asking to do something, move, generate a transformative action, and it is your mind and intuition that will help you build that path.

_I: Understood. Do not separate mind from heart, but follow the hunch with a clear mind.

_AM: Where the heart beats you must go, because the universe is an eternal beat.

_I: I am the Dimension of the Soul, I am the constant heartbeat that drives creation.

_AM: The true walker is the one who travels the world driven by his hunches.



