

_AM: What do you place your expectations on? What do you believe in? What moves you? Is what moves you real?

_I: Uhum… I wonder, and maybe it's strange to answer. Sometimes we think we have things clear, because we simply go in that direction and we don't question why... Where is what I do taking me? I mean... What drives me to go in that direction?

_AM: Start by telling me about your life path.

_I: Well… My Self, that is, my personality, has a constant need to think about the social. If I start to think about what I project for my future, it is social policy, the revolution of systems, social education, of conscious individuals who live harmoniously on Earth. The path I chose to achieve this is spirituality, that is, it is what comes naturally to me. Just as some contribute to their planetary mission through music, or architecture, or art, or medicine, science, or sport, my tool is my spirituality. It is my attribute, it is something natural that I should not force, that is inherent to my being. My goal is not spirituality, my mission is not enlightenment, nor do I seek to become a spiritual teacher. I already consider myself spiritual, it is my natural nature, my path, but not my objective. What I project before me is the social, the political, the improvement of people's lives, but not through the forms, but through the essence.

_AM: The politics of being…

_I: Something like that, yes.

_AM: And where does this come from?

_I: Well, it comes from two different paths. On the one hand, the memory of my soul, and on the other, the memory of my body.

_AM: What is the memory of your soul?

_I: When I turned 12, I began to remember everything that had happened before I was born, but the first memory I had was of myself, as a woman, with my husband, in front of the Great Sphinx, but as a huge reddish Lion. , without a human face, surrounded by beautiful temples and plants further back. My name was Shiw, and my husband, Sobek, and I recognized that that time was 12,000 years ago, in a country called Khem, in modern-day Egypt, a colony of the famous Atlantis. At that time, she belonged to one of the 12 Blue Families, descendants of the Atlanteans, and as a woman in a matriarchy, she was in the circles of women who cyclically governed the regions of Africa. She had a large part of the town under my care, like sons and daughters, and I felt responsible for what she decided for them. The seers, astronomers and teachers had announced that our time was soon to end, and that it would be impossible to reunite the people again in a network until after the reflections of the mirror, that is, 12,000 years ahead, in the Age of Aquarius, opposite to ours. It was from Leo. At 12 years old, when I remembered this, I felt the responsibility of a leader at that time, trying to unite her people, so that they would not be lost in the fall of civilization. Trying not to let them forget... This conditioned my life. It made me feel like it was my responsibility that things hadn't worked out during my time, during my family's time, and I felt like I had to bring them all back together, make them remember. I felt responsible for not knowing how to take care of them, how to prevent what history foretold... I lived this life remembering myself as Shiw, and trying to find ways to rebuild that civilization, that town, that network society again. My guides always tell me: “you cannot build a society without conscious individuals, it is essential to prepare the being, not the forms.” This is why I believe that in this life spirituality is innate to me, because it is the only way to prepare a being from the depths, not to force him to modify systems if his being continues to nourish the old ones.

_AM: And the body?

_I: I was born in Argentina. What more can be said? He he. Argentina is a Cancer country, since its independence was on July 9, its Ascendant is Libra, and its Moon was in opposition to the Sun, in Capricorn. It is a Mother country, which sees its people as its children who must take care of everything, and does not allow them to be free, to emancipate themselves, it controls them under its roof making them believe that it is a mother's love. And her children are in love with her, dependent on her. But her ascendant remembers that we live in masks, decorating things that are not true and that we end up believing them to be true just because they seem like pretty ideas, at the same time that it makes the Mother and her Children fight, in constant search for a balance that never comes. And this is because of its Moon, Capricorn, which marks the effort, the dissatisfaction, the fact that it is never enough, the constant crises that lead us to a state of emotional inability to manage growth and development, due to being in opposition to the emotion of group, the family of our Sun in Cancer. We are a dystopian family. And that is reflected in all areas. I was born hearing about economic crises, fights between the people and the government, social struggles, but not those that mark history, but those that seem like flies on the face or mosquitoes in the night, those that become more like repetitive static and unbearable. Growing up in an environment of constant instability, the feeling was to think: I have to help this country, this country needs a root change, from its foundation, it needs a structural but above all essential change. And it has never left my mind to return to Argentina to find a way to generate that change. But to do so I had to let go of the idea of ​​the mother. If there is something that most Argentines do, it is criticize everything about the country, but when they leave it to emigrate, they tend to compare the things of the world with the good things about Argentina, saying that there is nothing like being Argentine (typical upward reaction in Libra), that is what makes us so unbearable in the eyes of the world in a conversation, the constant dichotomy, who hates and loves the mother, a kind of Italian tragedy in which no one tolerates the mother, but everyone goes out of their way for her (Cancer). I have heard so many say: “you are Argentine, come back, speak Spanish”, or “Argentine pride”, things like that, and the truth is that the less I feel Argentine, the more I can see ways to help the country in which I was born. Freeing myself from the belief of the Mother.

_AM: And yet, as you said, your mother is the hardest thing for you to let go of...

_I: …You just hit me in the back of the head with a stick.

_AM: Thank you for acknowledging that.

_I: It's true... It's something that, it's there, it's like, a code... I don't understand...

_AM: It's a belief.

_I: A belief…

_AM: Everything in the world is a belief. When you think of the term belief, what comes to mind?

_I: Precisely, the mind. Believing is something you think, that you have in your head. A pattern.

_AM: Let's go to the origin of all things. Again, the mind is a whole without any point of reference. Therefore, he decides to bend himself to observe what is, and in this way create the correspondence. It generates the concept of polarity and cause-effect at that same moment. And the reason why it is possible to see the two options reflected is because of the vibration and rhythm, which allow the generation of something new. The more times it is multiplied and divided, what was previously a whole begins to become parts, that is, fractals of itself. These fractals begin to create a framework, a network that we call the Matrix, generating the idea of ​​the creative womb, where everything arises. And the womb protects the seed of creation. Therefore, the same matrix is ​​prepared to take care of, what we call “pattern”. Mother and Father, Matrix and Pattern, are the creative essence. While the matrix is ​​a network of patterns, the patterns are the parts of a matrix. And each pattern arises from the correspondence of the mind, from a different point of view from the original idea. Thus, the mind becomes an idea, the idea becomes a thought; but the more thoughts there are, they begin to distort with respect to the original idea, and there comes a time when the only way to perceive the true image is through Faith. Faith represents the confidence that what I perceive is part of a truth that I can't see because it's distorted. Thus, the greater the bending of time and space, faith is the only way to guide you through a complex network of which you cannot see its pure origin, and in this way, what you previously called thoughts become mechanisms of faith, something what you call “belief”. Faith has nothing to do with spirituality, no matter how much it relates to religion today. Faith has to do with trust in something. A scientist, for example, has faith that what he is looking for is like this, but he dedicates himself to following the patterns until he finds the matrix and makes sense of what he perceived, while a religious person does not search in that experimentation but rather blindly trusts, hoping that the answer comes to him or her instead of searching for it by trial and error. Both are faith beliefs. A belief, then, is a network of thoughts confident that they are part of the original idea.

_I: An example?

_AM: You take a bicycle for the first time in your life and you decide to ride it. You have faith that you will walk away like the best because you have seen how it is done. But the first time you pedal, you fall. Even so, knowing that there are many people who do it well, you have faith that you can keep trying until you succeed like the best. But every time you fall, you will create a path of experience that will register in you, and that will repeat to you: “I have faith that I can do better, but I think I am going to fall again.” The difference between having faith and believing lies in experience. Faith is an expectation for the future that drives you into the unknown, Belief is a known pattern of experience that protects you from the past on your path of Faith.

_I: Now I understand.

_AM: They are both related, but they are ends of a timeline of action. Let's keep going. Now, you have described that belief lies in the world of thought, when in reality, it arises from the experience recorded in your cells. Humans place Faith in the heart, and Belief in the brain. But what if I told you it was the other way around?

_I: You would break my belief.

_AM: Hehe, well let's get to it, with great pleasure. The word Faith comes from the Indo-European “bheidh”, which means loyalty, trust, to advise, that is, it depends on advising (from Latin: sitting down to talk) in the law (from Latin: loyal) and thus convincing the other of what has been said. (from Latin: trust). Faith, then, implies a mental attitude of conviction, of debate, of adjusting a law, of conversing to understand what it means. Faith is trust, it is hearing a word so convincing that it sounds logical even if you don't have the evidence to prove it. Therefore, it is born from the perception of an idea, from the capacity for imagination.

_I: Wow, I understand... This is why it is called "having faith in the word of God", it is the written word, the law, the poetic and imaginary discourse to which we have faith... Not the fact itself, or the origin and truth, but to the discursive…

_AM: That's right. Now let's go to Belief. Believing comes from the Latin “credere”, which in turn comes from two Indo-European concepts: “kerd” (heart) and “dhe” (put). In English, “Believe” (believe) or “belief” (belief) comes from the Indo-European “leuph” (love) and the verb “be” (to be), that is, “believe” means “to be in love.”

_I: “Put in the Heart”… “Live from the Heart”.

_AM: When you pass the stage of Faith, of trust in things you do not see, of expectations of what will be, you have the experience of what you have lived, of what is felt now not by your mind, but by the senses that They nourish your mind. You perceive it by touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, you register it in your cells, and it becomes part of your body, and the center of your body, the one that nourishes organic consciousness, is your heart. A belief, then, does not live in your head, but in the beat of your heart. And tell me... who created your heart? Whose was the first heartbeat you heard?

_I: My mother…

_AM: That is why everyone believes in their mother, that is the basis of all cultural and social, religious, spiritual, social, political, emotional, family beliefs; everything is born from the heart of the mother, from believing in her... That is why mammals are linked to the mother more than to the father, and they live their lives linked to her or trying to separate themselves from her. The Mother is a fractal of the Cosmic Matrix of the Universal Mind. She represents the idea, and she is in herself all your beliefs, since she is the one who created you. Therefore, the first link of creation and belief is the mother, then the culture, then a nation, then the mother Earth, and then the Cosmic mother, and there you meet again with the Matrix of the Network. Your entire life is conditioned by the belief in the Mother…

_I: The Universal Mother is the great Akashic Library, from where I obtained my first memories... Mother Earth is the one who called me with her heartbeat to live in this world... I became a mother in this world to experience what it feels like to be a creator, and I became the mother of a people to know what it is to connect a network of individuals... The Mother Planetary Network designed my path, and I owe my life to her. The Argentine Mother Nation united the mothers Italy and Spain to give me birth, and my Mother Claudia gave me life. My mother is the summary of all the mothers to whom I owe my existence in the past and in the future...

_AM: This is how you see the Belief based on the concept of the Mother, and why you have Faith towards the future in continuing to try through her, through the Network, through Mother Earth, through the Matrix.

_I: My mother is like the bicycle, about which you said: even though I fall many times, I know that if I try again and again, I will go very far. The key is, then, to free myself from the idea of ​​the fall, not of the mother.

_AM: Hehehe, you're getting it. It is not a matter of letting go of the mother, of letting go of the belief, it is a matter of understanding that the belief is what guides you towards what your mind imagines. Mothers all live in your heart, now they are part of your heartbeat, they are your belief.

_I: So, “eliminate beliefs”, what would it be?

_AM: An irresponsibility.

_I: But... There are beliefs that do not allow us to move forward, that keep us trapped...

_AM: It's not the house's fault that you can't find the key... Would you break the doors and windows to leave a house simply because you didn't look for the keys?

_I: I guess not...

_AM: Humans believe that if there is a wall you have to break it, if there is a barrier you have to tear it down. That revolutionary thinking is what makes them devolve instead of evolve. If every time Nature decided it was time to transform into something new, it had to eliminate everything before from scratch to start over, today you would still be a bacteria in the ocean. It is because of the belief patterns that you continue life after life building the future, adding tools, improving the ways in which you do what you do, and certain codes remind you of the experiences you have had to get here. The patterns guide you, they protect you. The structures are there for a reason. That you are not aware of why does not make them less important, that you are not responsible for them does not make them a burden. It all depends on your perspective, your state of consciousness. Every step you take is a step towards your own being, they all lead to you, to the center, to your heart, but without the steps of your beliefs, your patterns, you would never arrive, because you would not find the way, and if you get lost it is because you have become entangled in them, forgetting how to climb the ladder to the center of your being, believing that you must reach the top, when there is nothing there...

_I: Thank you for showing me this, it frees my relationship with my past and my future based on my relationship with my mother and the mothers in my present...

_AM: Remember… Remember… Remember…

_I: Return to the Heart…

_AM: There are the answers, the keys that open the doors of Home... They are there, in the trunk of your Beliefs.

_I: I Am the Key to my Home… I Believe in myself.



