_AM: What is your Plan? Is there really a Divine Plan? What would you do if you knew there was no plan in your life? Does having one give you security or freedom?
_I: The Plan… It's something that has been on my mind since I was little… Everything I do is for “the Plan.”
_AM: Tell me about “The Plan.”
_I: When at 12 years old I remembered myself as Shiw next to Sobek in front of the Sphinx, whom we called “Tul-Bassík” (Great Guardian), I felt some words in my voice that resonated deeply among the dialogue we had… “ Dhu Ater Tumti, kei dhu urnus Aterti” (Bring Heaven to Earth, and bring its light to Heaven). We called it “The Plan.” The Atlantean Priests said that everything that exists is part of a Plan, a divine plan that makes everything make sense, logic, but it is so big that we cannot understand it. Compared to the Universe, humans are like ants trying to understand the entire Earth. But they said that if you look at things well, you will understand that there are patterns that repeat themselves, and if you understand those patterns, you can understand the plan. The Atlanteans managed to reduce all existence to simple planning. Thus, the Architects became our leaders. They understood the codes of creation, and became mathematicians, philosophers, doctors, musicians, artists and builders. The divine plan was named after them: the Sikhir (designers of the framework), and from there, The Plan: Sikhot. They explained to us that everything had arisen from one, and the way to compare it was with the weaving of a spider web. In Khemul mythology, from the Atlantean Nile, we called the Great Architect as Manik, the weaving Spider of the Universe. His 8 legs represented the 8 directions of Space and Time, the Cube of Density. His 8 eyes represented the Cube of the Subtle, with its directions to the Inner and Outer. With his head and torso they form the Consciousness that shines in the stars, and with his tail they connect the network of the subconscious and the cosmic dream. From the center of his unity, he weaves a perfect web, with patterns designed according to the need of the environment. From the center of her she feels everything, everything is united to her, and the fabric of her is invisible and subtle. But if the dew bathes its loom, at each intersection you will be able to see a shining drop. For us, those were the stars. Ahead, Tut, the Beetle, moved the Sun from east to west. And the Nuth, the Moth, flew pushing the Moon. Every 28 days, the moth was caught by the spider and disappeared into its web, being devoured by the stars. But a new one resurfaced in the heavens, again and again, in a new and different sector of the loom. This showed us the cycles, the structure of time in space. Thus we were able to understand the codes of existence. Manik was the First Plan Weaver.
_AM: “Primordial”, which in Greek you say “Arkhós”, and “Weaver”, which you call “Tekton”, Arkhitekton, the Great Architect. An architect is the one who creates the first fabric, the one who designs what others will build...
_I: This is why the architects looked at Heaven, and said: to make the Divine manifest here, we must build the Blueprint of the Great Architect on Earth. This is how the idea arose: bringing Heaven to Earth. Design the stars in the form of temples, so that they shine, downloading the information from the Cosmic Network. In the stories they told us as children, they divided the plan into several parts, but above all into 3: Universal Plan, Galactic Plan and Terrestrial Plan. It had to become denser towards us, to be able to touch it and live it, knowing that if we did it in matter, uniting the Plan of the Body, the Plan of the Soul and the Plan of the Spirit in us, we would incorporate the cosmic fabric, becoming weavers, creators. , alchemists of being. The architects discovered that everything was divided into 12 sectors plus one in the center, and they found ways to manifest these concepts in matter in a simple way, without religious or mental philosophical preconceptions, but rather tangible and objective ones. They called them “Yku”, “Phyru”, “Tumu”, “Wassu” and “Hïru”: Seed, Fire, Earth, Water and Air, which they schematized into Octahedron, Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron respectively. And so, they designed the stellar temples: the Pyramids. All of them, around the world, sought to manifest Manik's fabric in our reality. The Spider became a key symbol for the architect priests, and they became known as Ant Men and Women, Spider Men and Women, Moth Men and Women, Bee Men and Women, all related to insects. It was because the insects had the plan in their minds, in their hearts, and without culture or any reason, they showed the logic of the plan, the frameworks, the patterns, the structures. The priests, then, spent hours observing the insects to learn the universal plan. They said that there must inevitably be divine planning, since everyone in nature followed the same codes: minerals, plants, insects, animals, humans, the stars... They all followed a pattern, and that pattern was so big that we couldn't see it...
_AM: Or so small, that it seemed invisible...
_I: Exactly. The Ater Tumti Plan marked our cultures. He took the Nile to be the Milky Way, and temples and pyramids were built on its sides to represent the constellations. Humans, then, had to pass through the framework, through the Nile, connecting the brilliance of each star until they shine inside. The Sikhir became doctors when it came to connecting the invisible networks of our organs. They became musicians when they had to calibrate the energy and vibration of our souls. They became mathematicians and philosophers when they had to calibrate the logic of the spirit. And by putting all aspects together; body, soul and spirit, you became a spider, a spider man or spider woman, an architect of reality. The same path of the Nile was traced in many regions of the world, all with the axis of Orion. And all these roads together formed one larger one throughout the tropics. For this reason, the civilizations born from Atlantis followed the tropical zones, following the flow of the stars. This is how they built the Planetary Network, which made us all part of the Network, but this same network became our prison...
_AM: They turned into flies...
_I: Yes. That was the conversation with Sobek that time. We were losing our Internet connection, and I was afraid I would forget about him. He felt the enormous responsibility of a people to guide through the shadows, and yet he could do nothing to get them out of there. “It's natural cycles,” they said, although it seemed unfair to me… “Follow the Plan,” they told me. And so I did... I follow the Plan. I follow the stars, the eclipses, I follow Manik's network, searching for the data scattered in a disorganized library. The world today resembles the remains of the Library of Alexandria taken by Christian insurrectionists. Chaos. The Plan requires reconnecting the Network.
_AM: Why?
_I: Because we are the ants of consciousness. We are the spiders of the cosmic mind... Does an ant wonder why? Does a spider wonder why? I think it's in our nature.
_AM: Still, you're still a fly when you say you have no choice.
_I: Is there?
_AM: Not in the what, but in the how. What is a plan?
_I: You explained it the other day. Plan comes from “plat” which means to extend, and in turn comes from “lat” which means “plain” or “pelët” (plain). The word speaks of everything that expands, that moves, that extends and branches. Plant, Planet, Plane, Plan, Plasma, Piano, Planisphere, Palate, Palm.
_AM: The Universe is a single being that expands, moves, vibrates, branches...
_I: …The Universal Plan…
_AM: Galaxies are clusters of compounds and chemical elements that expand and move by gravity...
_I: …The Galactic Plan…
_AM: The Earth, like other worlds, rotates on itself, moves through space erratically, wobbling around a sun, a star, extending, branching life in constant evolution...
_I: …The Earth Plan…
_AM: And a human, with his intelligent mind, found the expansion codes, saw how things move and interact with each other with a fractal logic. Then, he understood how to manage time, and planned the temporal cyclical stages.
_I: …Calendar…
_AM: Measuring time cycles is the first step of Planning, having the notion of stages or seasons. The word Calendar is Roman and means "The Cry", coming from "calare", which in turn arises from the Indo-European "kel" (cry, clamor, claim), and refers to the cry with which the tax collectors called the door of the citizens every New Moon, a time that was called “kalends”.
_I: So our way of calling time planning today is born from the imposition of Roman taxes...
_AM: Yes. On the other hand, Almanac, from the Arabic “al-Manakh”, refers to the stations of the Moon in front of the mansions or houses of each constellation (meaning: “where the camel kneels”, stops). Thus, humans began to dominate time, carrying what you call “agenda” (participle of the verb “agere”, agendum: that which must move forward). But then, he managed to dominate space by putting all the things that were separate, together in one place in an orderly manner, that is, a Structure, from the Latin “Struere” (to gather, to pile up) and “-ura” (result). ). Seeing the geometric patterns of nature, they began to spread the bases on a table, on a flat and extended surface to work on, joining the geometric codes, numerical patterns, natural matrices, and rearranging them in a new design that they called "plane." Thus, through “planning”, they managed to dominate the space. And do you know what they thought?
_I: What?
_AM: That if they could plan, then all of existence was also planned. What they saw seemed so perfect to them that they created the idea of a mind capable of planning something infinite, and they called it “The First Weaver.”
_I: The Great Architect... As he was called from the Atlanteans to the Freemasons of Europe.
_AM: And for thousands of years, humans, in their ability to plan, projected to the cosmos the idea that there is a mind that plans, that designs, that “has a plan for everyone,” and we are its workers, bricklayers. …
_I: By saying “projected,” are you trying to tell me that there is no plan or planner?
_AM: I know that you have entrusted your existence to a Divine Plan, which because you do not understand, you attribute to a superior Mind. I know you talk about the Life Plan, the Soul Plan, the Spirit Plan. “God has a Plan,” you often say. “The Universe has a Plan,” echo those who do not like to say God, no matter how much they talk about the same thing. You relegate our lives to the idea that the bad or the good that happens to us is due to the structure of a planning mind that lives in the cosmos... But no.
_I: But no...
_AM: Humans, weavers, architects designed this philosophical concept from their perception...
_I: But, we have said that the Universe is Mind, that is, there is a mind that creates everything. A Mind that in a certain way searches for itself and plans a network to do so...
_AM: It is a Mind that expands… Mind means Thinking in Indo-European (mens), which in your view comes from the concept “spen”, which means “to stretch, to spin”. The concept of thinking is the ability to string things together, to stretch them, extend them, which you call a “plan.” Mind means precisely “that network that expands.” And reason, intelligence, is part of that network, inherent to it, not external. When humans describe the planning of something, they do so from the concepts of separation in which they see a person, individual, agent, who uses their mind to manifest something in the external world. This way of seeing the world projected the same idea outward into the cosmos, that of having an external mind in an intelligent being that plans, designs something externally, separated from itself. Now, do ants, plants, atoms, animals, spiders use intelligence to shape the outside world?
_I: No… There is no plan, there is no planning mind…
_AM: And have you asked yourself why?
_AM: Because they are the incarnated intelligence. They are the plan themselves. Humans developed intelligence because it is the plan itself. The only Plan existing in the Universe is the Expansion of oneself in the interconnection of everything expanded.
_I: We are the expanded mind, we are the woven network... The Plan is not a mandate, it is the nature of the expansion.
_AM: God does not have a Plan… God is the Plan. Your Soul does not have a plan, nor does your spirit, nor your life... You are the Plan. And do you know how you will make it possible?
_I: If I expand…
_AM: If you expand… Exactly. The only thing that makes a plan possible and coherent is when you allow yourself to expand into existence, because if you seek to fulfill a plan you will be clinging to the structures you have created, if you wait for the plan to work out, you will never expand and you will die waiting. If you do not expand, the constellations, the world, will make you their plan, manipulating your history, conditioning you through the cry of the calendar immersed in the patterns of space. But if you expand, you will transcend the limits, you will be free from the cry of time, and you will be able to create your own...
_I: Being guided by the constellations is then living in a prison…
_AM: It is if you consider them as such from unconsciousness, from believing that you have no escape from an eternal cycle of 12 mansions. However, the truth is that the constellations are in your mind, only you see them. In space, there is no such thing, because the stars that for you are together are not, some belong to distant galaxies, others are very close, and yet they only take logic from your point of view. But the sky moves, the sky expands... You are free, the sky is not a prison with 12 cells, it is a garden that expands into a forest, a jungle, and you, walking in circles in a clearing with 12 trees around you, you feel trapped in a plan of time and space.
_I: You are destroying everything that I have considered as my life plan… The Plan of my existence, why I am here…
_AM: Oh no, my friend. I am not destroying the trees around you, I am showing you the forest in which you live. Your vision of the Plan, something you think is so magnanimous and wonderful, is actually a limited and limited vision. I am not destroying the plan that moves you, I am reminding you that you are the Plan. You are not someone external who must fulfill something projected, you are the mind that weaves itself together, expanding. That's the only truth. Do you know which?
_I: …Tell me…
_AM: That the Universe never had a Plan for you, the Universe expanded in you so that you create a Plan.
_I: …Freedom… Suddenly, I feel freedom again… My shoulders don't feel the weight…
_AM: You were never a slave to any divine or ancestral plan. The Plan that you explain is yourself arriving from the Heavens to the Earth...
_I: …And returning from the Earth to the Heavens… “Amma Ater Tumti”… I Am Heaven on Earth…
_AM: That is the only Plan. The one that you build through the coherence of your being. Expand yourself, and you will be fulfilling the only possible divine plan...
_I: …I am…