_AM: How do you experience crises and conflicts? How do you assimilate defeats and challenges? Do you have enemies? Are they real or invented?
_I: After 6 months of searching for the deepest answers in the universe, I think that talking about enemies or thinking that I have them is almost absurd.
_AM: What color is the sky?
_I: Ummm… Celeste? Although we already talked about how it is not actually celestial, but rather how my eyes perceive the photons reflecting the atoms of argon, nitrogen and oxygen...
_AM: So the blue color does not exist, it is just your perception of the light reflected from certain atoms.
_I: Yes…
_AM: But still, you see it light blue, right?
_I: Yes, I see it light blue.
_AM: Therefore, that distortion, to your brain, is recognized as celestial. Essentially, it does not exist, it is a belief, but conceptually it does exist, because it helps you interpret the space in which you find yourself. Otherwise, you would not be able to differentiate earth from heaven.
_I: With this you are trying to tell me that even though I know that enemies essentially do not exist because everything is One, my brain needs to create enemies to have reference points?
_AM: Yes, you understood it correctly.
_I: So… Ugh, explain to me. Are enemies necessary?
_AM: Yes, but only conceptually.
_I: How to differentiate a real enemy from a conceptual one.
_AM: Easy. Real enemies do not exist, they are only created by the mind.
_I: How? But, when there is a war, there are real enemies because the threat is real.
_AM: Why does a war arise?
_I: Conflicts of interest. Whether religious, cultural, ideologies and philosophies or due to economic, natural, territorial resources... Or sometimes simple misunderstandings...
_AM: Defines interest.
_I: Something that I desire, that I seek for my own benefit.
_AM: Interest arises from the words “inter” (between) and “esse” (to be), that is, “to be between something.” Interest defines the concept of those that keeps someone connected to another. We can say that a synonym for “interest” is “important”, which comes from the Latin “to bring something to me”. What matters to us is a matter, material, that is exchanged out of interest. What makes us care about something and consider it important or interesting?
_I: Our need for it… Because of the value we give it.
_AM: What is value?
_I: A conceptual weight or force that we attribute to things.
_AM: That is to say that the value is subjective.
_I: Yes, for some cultures gold is the most valuable thing, for others it is just another stone. For someone money has value, for others a seed has value. For some, a relationship has more value than a material possession, or the other way around. It's subjective.
_AM: Therefore, interest is never based on something real but rather conceptual, based on the perception that I have about the world. Just as you see the blue sky.
_I: I understand…
_AM: That is to say, the creation of a friend or a friend is merely conceptual. The conflict you have is due to an interest in values that arise from defending what you observe from your point of view. A religion that generates a conflict is nothing more than a conflict of illusions not based on objective facts. The ownership of something physical is the subjectivity of believing that something belongs to you and not to the other, when the basis of interest is sharing, not possessing. The fight for a philosophy between human beings is totally subjective, not based on natural processes, but on utopian imaginaries. An emotional conflict arises from the unmet needs of a being that feels empty and waits for the other to fill that gap to feel complete. But emptiness is conceptual, because inside you you have everything you need. A war is a conflict of interests born from the confusion and internal disorder of a being or group. The word war comes from the Indo-European “wers”, which means disorder, mixture, confusion, distortion. But what other word originates the sound “wers”?
_I: I guess “verse”…
_AM: As Universe.
_I: Oh, of course! Universe: the single spin, everything returns to unity, that which doubles on itself, the torsion of the one.
_AM: But that is what defines returning to the Oneness. How would you define that which twists outward and only seeks division, distortion and confusion?
_I: …Adverse.
_AM: From the Latin “ad” (towards) and “versus” (torsion).
_I: Adversity would be starting external conflict. The Universe expanding, moving away from the One to create all experiences…
_AM: The Universe knows that nothing outside of itself really exists, but it needs to position itself in its reflection, distort its image to be able to see different options. Thus, in the bending of time and space, it finds different forms, it finds new perspectives, it perceives itself in different ways, and this leads it to learn, to evolve.
_I: Through distortion one is nourished by different options…
_AM: And that's where adversity makes sense. This is where the conflict finds its logic.
_I: Wow…
_AM: The struggle is the same being observed from different opposing directions, related by the same interest. After millions of bends, the Am becomes the I, and the I seeks to survive, it is afraid of bending again and losing what it built, that is, it fears death, and in that fear of losing, it clings to what that he can, and interest becomes a struggle to possess, to occupy spaces that leads him to conflict with his environment.
_I: Does this justify war?
_AM: No, it does not justify the war, it explains it. The Universe does not generate Wars, it generates options, and what its parts decide to do with the options is free will. And that freedom, sometimes, causes confusion, which leads to experiencing adversities that, from consciousness, nourish the experience. But from unconsciousness, they generate wars, from the mental, emotional and physical.
_I: So an enemy is the mental construction of our being trying to transcend a conflict.
_AM: It is the idea to be solved. The mind needs to project the internal conflict onto something external in order to observe it. Thus, the image of the opponent, the adversary, the enemy, is useful to the conscious mind to see its own defects outside when it cannot see them inside. By seeing the projection, you can analyze all the conflicts arising from this reflection, and thus honor the enemy as the one who allowed you to transcend yourself to a surpassing level of consciousness.
_I: But…
_AM: However, the subconscious mind seeks to survive, and interprets everything external as a threat, creating preconceptions, limiting beliefs, patterns; who consider this projection a real threat, and therefore, the fight is a form of defense. Thus, the cultural unconscious creates common enemies, such as other nations, cultures, religions, systems or individuals, which, by blaming them for the threat, free the subconscious from the pressure of having to transform itself through observation.
_I: That is to say that in a biological need to save energy so as not to transform, it is easier to place what you must work on an external enemy and blame it and even try to destroy it thinking that this way the threat will disappear.
_AM: That's right. So, you have two paths to choose from here. The Universe projected itself into the Adverse, to seek ways of manifestation, development, and experience. And in this Adverse aspect, now you must choose between living it from Consciousness or Unconsciousness.
_I: From the Unconsciousness I will generate enemies all the time outside: ex-partners, family members, abusers, dictators, illuminati, reptilians, religions, the Pope, companies, governments, extraterrestrials, other nations, races, cultures or philosophies... Seeking to free myself myself of the responsibility of transforming, transcending myself and finding coherence. From Consciousness I will see adversities as mechanisms of evolution, learning, that nourish my experience and make me expand towards higher levels of understanding and manifestation.
_AM: As you will see, adversity is not the problem, but your mental position in the face of it. It is your perception of things that generates the conflict. And it has become systemic after millions of years of cyclical repetition. If you truly seek to transform the world, then you must forgive your enemies and create a new reality where you are not a victim of adversity, but rather use it for the expansion of your infinite creative being.
_I: Even so, I think that many people will not understand this, because they have lived in the struggle, and when they see or hear this they tend to think that then anything goes, that nothing needs to be done about injustices.
_AM: Well, let's explain it very easily. When someone is knitting a scarf, the threads intertwine, creating a weave. But if a knot occurs in the middle, if a conflict arises, what is the solution you will look for? Cut them? Burn the scarf? Or patch it up, looking for where the problem is at the source and start weaving that part again?
_I: What you say brings back a very emotional memory that is stuck in my mind. One time, my mother was knitting a scarf as a gift to my partner for her birthday. But the scarf had become knotted in the middle and she didn't know why. So, with my character of wanting to solve everything now, I told him: “you can cut that protruding thing with scissors, it won't affect it.” I convinced her and helped her, but the end result was that the scarf was left with many little holes in the middle. My mother had been making that beautiful knitting for a long time, and I ruined it in 1 minute trying to help her. I felt her pain and frustration, and it still hurts me today, because she wanted to hide what she felt. Then it took some more time to repair the holes... But even today I feel the pain of everything it meant to do that... I realized that by wanting to eliminate the things that I thought were bad in the framework, the only thing I did was ruin the entire fabric , all the effort that a mother had made with love. Sometimes I see humanity as I saw myself, believing that by eliminating what we consider to be wrong we improve the fabric of the world, when perhaps we only poke holes in the beautiful fabric of Mother Earth, which took millions of years to create. do it. And yes, there are knots, but it is necessary to mend them carefully, delicately, understanding where they come from, why, and reweave from there, understanding the pattern.
_AM: Wars are not only caused by knots, but by cutting said knots. Now you understand that adversities are just tools of evolution, they are knots that are there to remind us that we can always improve.
_I: I face adversity, well, not to fight against them, but to improve who I am.
_AM: You are your greatest Adverse aspect, observe yourself and you will remember the Universe.