Logical and Illogical
_I: The week of the Physical Body begins in the month of the constellation of Libra, and when thinking within the pyramid about what things we should work on today, I could see the image of a human body crossing its information from one cerebral hemisphere to another, all the wiring of what makes us think, feel, do. It reminded me of the image I decided to put in this post. The two hemispheres of the brain, right and left, each supported by a god: that of the Sun, Horus, and that of the Moon, Thoth. Day and night, the visible and the invisible. The man in the middle, receiving the blessing of both gods in the form of water of life and power, and both waterfalls crossing each other. To the left of the person is Horus, the light, the Sun, logic, the visible and tangible of the outside world, the objective, which from its source of energy nourishes its opposite side on the right, bathing the entire right side. of man from head to toe. And to his right, Thoth, the Moon, the night, the illogical, the imagination, the subjective, the internal world, the invisible and intangible, nourishing with its water of life the entire left side of man, from his head to his feet. Unlike the image of the scales that we saw in the emotional, the physical body shows the interconnection of the two sides in a much more practical way. They are not two opposites that seek balance between their weights, but rather they are two systems that are interconnected in networks, which depend on each other to function. The Right Hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body, while the Left Hemisphere controls the right side. I have learned throughout life that people interpret the right hemisphere as the illogical, creative, feminine one, while the left hemisphere is the logical, analytical and masculine one. But... what really is logic and illogic? How can they be part of the same system, if in their words they basically indicate that one of them implies the absence of the other?
_AM: Both contain the same word: “logos”, which comes from Greek, and means “thought, idea, argument, reason and principle”. The concept “ikós” at the end of the word means “related to.” The letter “i-” comes from “in-” which refers to “no”, the lack or denial of something. Therefore, Logical is that which is related to the thought and the idea, while Illogical is that which is not related to the thought or the idea.
_I: And what would that be?
_AM: Feeling, emotion, impulse, parasympathetic and unconscious action.
_I: What a far-fetched way to say it... Wouldn't it be easier to look up the word feeling?
_AM: That is the word Synesthetic, from the Greek “syn aestesis” (with sensation). Logical and Synesthetic, refer to the two ways in which the universe works: by Pulse and Impulse. The Pulse arises from an initial energy, which originates everything. That force is a perception in existence. Everything that exists does so through a pulse of perception. This idea led the ancients to the logic that everything that exists does not exist by itself without the idea of what it is, and the only thing that can give shape to that idea is logical thinking, a mind capable of generating the connection of the concepts until they give clarity. For this reason, Thot thought: for the entire cosmos to have logic, then, it is inevitable to think that there is a mind that unites everything by giving it order. And he soon came to the conclusion that there could not be a being outside of that whole that contained the mind to give logic, since it would imply that its construction was based on another higher mental logic. That is to say, the final point of the understanding that gives meaning and order to all existence is not a being thinking, but thought itself. It is the Mind.
_I: The first Universal law.
_AM: The only Universal law. Well, all the others are born from it. Thus, students of the teachings of Thoth, whom the Greeks called Hermes, began to become known as “those related to the god Hermes”: the Hermetics. This group was a closed circle of scholars, who began to call the Universe The Mind, the Idea, just as Plato did when studying Hermes: the world of Ideas. In Greek, this made it understood that everything that exists is a thought, water is an idea, the earth is a concept, the sky is a thought, the stars are ideas, the animals are ideas, the gods are ideas... This gave rise to the concept of “the Logos” as a philosophical divinity. The Logos and its different “logos” are the ideological divinities that have given logic to existence from the Mind, the pulse of creation.
_I: And the impulse?
_AM: It is the reaction generated from the idea. Like when you come up with an idea and you set out to express it, then it will be time to review: was it the right one? It worked? What do I get from it?
_I: Integrate it…
_AM: And the way to do it is “with sensations.” Sensations are something new for the Mind, because the mind tries to interpret what comes back to it, it tries to give it shape. The impulse is the reaction to the pulse of the mind, but it is something that returns in a different form, like a distorted echo in a strange and deep cavern. The mind has a hard time interpreting the feeling it has created, and tries to catalog it to understand it. Thus, philosophers understood that everything that was not directly from the Logos, but rather a sensory reaction from it, would be called “In-Logos”, that is, “illogical”. The hidden, the invisible, what cannot be understood, what must be felt.
_I: The 5 senses…
_AM: These senses give a new “sense” to the mind. They allow the Unit to understand its potential.
_I: Like someone who changes their mind after experiences. Not because he understands them but because he lived them.
_AM: Living, experience, “living to believe” is one of the basic structures between the sensory world and the mental world, between the “ilogós” and the “logos”. If the universal mind was the pulse for the creation of ideas and thoughts that designed the meaning of existence, it is existence, life that will give new meaning to what the mind has created through impulse.
_I: So the universe is mental, but it inevitably needs physical impulse to be able to decode the mind through emotion.
_AM: Symbiosis. Just as flowers need bees to create honey, the spirit needs the body to generate soul. There is the balance of both, the connection, the divinity.
_I: And why do the two cerebral hemispheres then divide the tasks between them and intersect their functions with the body?
_AM: Just like the north pole and the south pole, with their hemispheres in the terrestrial sphere, the brain also needs a magnetic balance to balance its functions. Everything in the universe is polar in order to create. However, do you divide the planet into trees above and deserts below?
_I: No, everything is interconnected… There are trees and deserts in both hemispheres, there is cold and heat in both, there are seas in both…
_AM: Because the division is not literal, it is subtle. Of course, in the south of the planet there is more water, more oceans, which shows you that the south embodies the right, creative hemisphere, while in the north there are more lands, which shows more of the visible, logical, left hemisphere. . But both interact. Ocean currents, cold and warm, exchange information by crossing each other beneath the seas. This allows balance throughout the body. Thus, the distribution is balanced. That both hemispheres interact in this way generates greater reaction capacity and coordination when moving in a third-dimensional physical world.
_I: So when we say “my wires got crossed” to refer to when one goes crazy, in reality the wires being crossed is the key to balance.
_AM: Therefore, beyond the apparent duality of our bodies, said duality does not exist in terms of connectivity. The coordination and balance that we achieve when jumping, walking, running, turning, listening, dancing, interacting with the environment; All of this is thanks to the body's ability to exchange logical and illogical information.
_I: So, what you're saying is that logical people need illogic in order to discover the bases of their logic.
_AM: The key to all science is imagination. You cannot describe without imagining, you cannot develop without visualizing the nonexistent. There would be no logic without sensation, without synesthesia. And on the other hand, synesthesia, the illogical, the inexplicable, would not exist without the ability of the mind to open itself to the possibility of the sensory and strange expressing itself. Well, at the end of the day, everything inexplicable is part of the imagination, and the imagination is an idea born from the Logos.
_I: I have heard that there are people who call the “Logos” like the devil, like a macabre being that controls existence.
_AM: If that is what your illogic makes you feel about the Logos, then you will experience that aspect. The historical reason why some may know the Logos as something diabolical is always the sa_I: the Church. Just as they called freethinkers heretics, they called magicians and scientists sorcerers, they called priestesses and alchemists witches, they called other religions pagans and they called fertility ceremonies rites, they also called hermetics the devil. . Obviously their god Logos would be Satan.
_I: Sure…
_AM: Semantics and History.
_I: So, in order to find balance in my life, I must understand that I live between the logical and the illogical as a way of constructing realities.
_AM: There is no other way. The greatest force of transformation in the world is imagination. Imagination is the logical mind giving the illogical a tool to build its dream world into reality.
_I: So, I should not be afraid of living in a story, in the imagination, but rather dare to live my stories, my stories, my imagination, so that I can show that I can do the impossible.
_AM: You are the vivid Dream of the Universe. Dare, then, to live your own Dreams.