

_I: Pisces had a Dream, and he set out to make it come true. But first, he asked himself, “What does this dream mean, Why did you dream it, Why do you want to live it, What is your purpose, Who will live it, How do you intend to manifest it, How much of yourself should you have to make it possible, When is the best time to achieve it, where can you capture it, and question if that dream is really yours? Once you get the answers, you will set the intention to let go of what you believed and what you were clinging to, to vigorously solve all the problems and obstacles that arise, fighting furiously to be independent of your past, and move towards the future. . What is the goal?

_AM: Victory.

_I: Clearly, this had to be today's concept. Nothing more emotionally Aries than winning, than experiencing Victory. Why is this sign related to competition, sports, excess energy?

_AM: Aries is the initiator, and therefore, he does nothing but try to complete things in order to start new ones. He gets bored easily, because everything that is already in the process of development is exasperating, he needs the culmination of things to obtain the power to light the spark. It is the eternal and infinite beginning. Therefore, the entire existence, for Aries, is presented as a marathon, a race in which goals must be met. The path is not as important as recognizing that you have reached the end and started a new stage again.

_I: But isn't that counterproductive to the teachings we have received, such as: “the important thing is the path, not the destination”?

_AM: When you become aware of the eternity of the universe, you value the path above all things, and philosophically you understand that the important thing is to experience because there is no end to things by themselves. However, when consciousness becomes habit, one gets lost on the paths of experimentation, clinging to the path, forgetting where they were going, and the importance of getting where they were going. What allows networks to exist, and existence itself, is the ability of data to move and interact through nodes. Without that end, you would not be able to feel anything, perceive or understand things. Understand that the path is eternal, and is made up of a constant of endings and beginnings.

_I: Oh! I already understood, it is as if I were drawing an extensive dotted line. From the constant vision of time and space, it is a consecutive, eternal line, a path, but each point that composes it is a beginning and an end in itself...

_AM: ………………………………………………………………………………. This is existence. What your brain interprets as a line is nothing more than an eternal sequence of points, and what your brain understands as points is nothing more than a line sequence. Alpha and Omega, for all eternity. This implies that the only thing that allows the existence of the consequence is the eternal permanence of the beginnings and endings.

_I: Birth and Dying, Beginning and End... Everything is ordered so that it begins and ends, like days and nights, weeks, months, years. Time is a constant divided into millions of finite fragments...

_AM: Same as the consciousness of the Universe. Every thinking mind in the cosmos is a fraction of the universal mind. They are all a constant idea, mentalism, consciousness of the divine universe, and in turn it is divided into individuals. Like water, it is one, fragmented into millions of atoms or drops.

_I: Wow… It's true.

_AM: For this reason, Aries reminds us that all things have a beginning and an end, a goal, an objective, and that they are all the path. There is no end to the path, because the path is a constant of endings.

_I: So what role does competition play?

_AM: “Com” (with) and “petere” (ask, acclaim), is to acclaim something together. Particles compete for space and energy, atoms compete for energy, molecules compete for energy, and so on, nature groups individuals, fractions of being, in order to claim something, to receive energy. If you don't take action, you won't get what you need. Nature is capable of generating everything for everyone, but to get it, they must earn it.

_I: This is a very capitalist or liberal vision…

_AM: Do you think that nature is Communist?

_I: Explain to me.

_AM: Organisms group together in communities, sharing energy with each other, this is the basis of natural communism. But the reason this communism works is because each individual contributes something to the group, and does their part to generate energy exchange. That is capitalism, and it is called distribution of capital, of what is earned. There is no organism in nature that nourishes other organisms with energy without asking for anything in return. In that case, it is called a tumor, or parasite. For something to work, it takes teamwork, and no matter how minimal it may be, everyone contributes something to the whole. It's called competition. It is the exchange between the parts, which by nature, occur freely between the fractions. There is no central system that forces others to give to others, there is no government that distributes capital, but rather a government that sends signals to where there is more so that those who have less share. It's called libertarian equity. Independence is achieved when you are able to generate your own resources, or add your resources to those of the group, or community. But when someone does not make his energy available, there is no victory, but rather a parasitic disease.

_I: Ugh… This is morally very susceptible today. Because it is considered that we must help those who have less with the resources of those who have more.

_AM: And so it should be. This is how nature works...

_I: But… Then I didn't understand… Because your description was totally backwards.

_AM: Oh no, what's backwards is your preconception. The error is in believing that someone external, paternalistic or matriarchal, has to decide on the parties considering some weak and others strong. Weak organisms tend to group together to generate greater interaction, and thus find a way to compete. But no one in nature simply gives to those who do not have. Everyone delivers or performs something. Humans are the only ones who have broken this rule, and that is why there is hunger in the world, rich and poor, and the poor are usually out of the competition, since states have dedicated themselves to dominating them in order to maintain power.

_I: I understand... It is not a matter of not having, but of nurturing the idea that they do not have, which takes away their power.

_AM: Stigmatizing profit. Winning comes from the Indo-European etymology “gheë”, which means “to be open”, to open oneself to something (also related to yawning). The Gothic used this term to describe “gänan”, related to the desire for something, like someone who opens their mouth wide to eat everything. Related to competition, the concept of winning is what tells us about taking that energy that is needed (like in English “win”, coming from “wen”, which is desire for something). Power is the fundamental energy, since power comes from power, arising from the idea of ​​being a master, owner of one's own destiny, independent of others. From the mental human concept, one competes to obtain recognition, from the emotional one one competes to be accepted, and from the physical one one competes to win. All three give power to the being, but this system comes, as I have mentioned, from the incessant search for energy in exchange with other organisms. And that energy, vital force, in the Indo-European language is called “weik”, that is: Victory.

_I: So Victory is the concept that lets us know that we have managed to obtain the energy we needed to move forward, developing.

_AM: The constant task of living organisms is the administration of this energy or force, and to do so they must learn to exchange naturally from a liberal independence, at the same time that they need a community exchange to obtain what is necessary. This is teamwork. The only possible victory is when the effort of each individual sustains and develops the group. Like a hive, an anthill, a herd, a forest, a school, a family, or a community village. Victory is the exchange of energy.

_I: And how is it related to the competition of an end, a goal?

_AM: In Greek, “meta” means beyond, giving the sense of moving into the distance. However, the idea of ​​a finish line comes more from the cones located on the stages of a Roman horse circus, marking the limits of the race, since the word derives from the construction. In English, “goal” refers to the obstacles on a path. Running and crossing obstacles to advance further and build a new stage is the sporting or symbolic summary of our lives: being born, growing, reproducing and dying. Each of these stages, fragmented by days, months, years, hours, periods... Life itself is the energy, vitality, strength that we gain in each new cycle, and therefore, represents Victory in itself. From the aforementioned point of view of a dotted line, a being obtains victory every time he restarts a new cycle and continues to develop, evolving in his existence.

_I: So Victory is eternal...

_AM: But you must know how to use that energy. Well, if you wear it out or steal it, there is no victory, but dependence, lack of power.

_I: I re-signify the idea of ​​competition, then, from being something that puts me in the fight with others, to being something that helps me improve my interaction and exchange with others, freely if I do it consciously.

_AM: Well, if you do it from unconsciousness, you will become a cancer, a tumor of the organism to which you belong, stealing energy from the system, and one day you will die because no one will be able to give you anything anymore.

_I: I renounce the idea of ​​believing that I do all this to reach an end, a goal, since my entire path is a constant goal.

_AM: Every day you wake up is winning a new fight on all levels. Every day you advance more, every day you learn something new, you are victorious. Energetic.

_I: This is how I redefine Victory not as that which puts me above others as a winner, but as that recognition that I was able to generate for myself the energy that I need to exist.

_AM: You are eternally victorious. Every day you wake up you are victorious. When you have eaten, you are victorious, when you laugh with someone you are victorious, when you love you are victorious, when you rest you are victorious, when you share you are victorious, when you learn or teach you are victorious, when you manage to create something you are victorious, when you live you are victorious.

_I: Emotion is energy, and energy administered independently in our being, becomes Victory, translated into life. Therefore, I understand, if I know how to manage the emotional energies of this Arian impetus, I will be able to become the winner of my own being, generator of my own victory.

_AM: Recognize yourself Victorious, bring awareness to each of the sparks that ignite your being, and crown yourself with this mantle of energy that rewards, rewards your existence.

_I: I Am Victorious!

_AM: I Am the Eternal Wisdom.



