_I: Today there was a lunar eclipse, and you know how I get...
_AM: Lunatic.
_I: Yes... I remember that since I was in school, my mother and I used to make a calendar marking some of the eclipses, knowing that on those days I shouldn't do anything except rest. They made me feel very bad, I looked strange, autistic, exhausted, with tachycardia, mobilized. I have learned to manage it, but resting is the best, letting the energy simply pass through me, be absorbed, processed... Sleep... It is difficult for me to even open my eyes and stay upright.
_AM: You have always lived very connected and aligned to these phenomena, so it is important to respect them.
_I: Yes. A lunar eclipse allows us to see the shadow of the Earth on our natural satellite, and it is what allows us to see ourselves projected as a whole outside. Therefore, beyond the fact that each individual is affected differently, it is inevitable to recognize that an eclipse refers to everyone, not only humans, but all living beings, the Earth itself. And specifically, an eclipse speaks of the closing and opening of shadow processes of the soul for the last 6 months, counting from the moment the shadow begins to be projected. What were you doing on May 30? Ah, yes, in quarantine, locked up in France, accepting that the Camino YoSoy could not take place as planned and that it would have to remain still in the same place for a year...
_AM: Quite a trauma, right?
_I: Yes… Really. Exactly 6 months ago my world turned upside down, as I suppose it did for most in relation to this virus and the planetary quarantine. But of course, since 2015, having received instructions on everything I had to do, I was waiting for this August 2020 as the time to launch myself onto the planet to connect the world; 32 equidistant places in the global sphere, surrounding the world, in addition to the north and south poles. A trip that would take a year and a half, and that at the end of May, entering Gemini, like the lunar eclipse today, was completely frustrated. If I couldn't travel to the 32 sites of the network and the poles, then I had to go to a place from which I could connect with all those sites from within...
_AM: Egypt, The Great Pyramid.
_I: Which represents the Earth, and its internal chamber, the expansion core. That week, I had to start rethinking everything, my journey, my path, would no longer be outward, but inward. It would no longer be with nature day by day, but with humans day by day in connection. I should do the opposite of what I was used to: sit still, follow a routine, and talk to people every day. The frustration of such an idea and expectation plunged me into a horrible shadow of depression that week, in a lack of understanding, in hopelessness, without meaning, I felt used by the Universe, having put me through so many things... for what purpose? I felt like I wasted a lot of time. But as the days passed, I realized that everything I had experienced had prepared me to be able to do this in the best way, free of all past regrets, being myself, being present in balance within me, without judgment, neutral. So, after feeling stripped of everything I had hoped for for so long, I resignified my external path, and turned it into my internal path.
_AM: And now you can understand what's happening to your aching body this week. You are letting out the shadows of tension and frustration. Your mind accepted it in an instant, your soul needed about 2 months to process it, and your body is reacting now, 6 months later.
_I: Clearly, it is as if the shock wave of that conflict has reached me now. Face the reality that you only try to deny and reject. I don't want to go to the pyramid, I don't want to be in Egypt, all those ideas that my mind perceived one day 6 months ago until it made sense. All those emotions that my soul felt for two months, feeling hopelessness, frustration, sadness, now began to be manifested in the body, as always, more slowly. It's really like I'm in the shadows and my spirit, no matter how much it tries to tell me that everything is fine and that there is much more beyond, my body just wants to lie on the bed and feel sorry for itself, playing the victim... Stuck in its cave.
_AM: Once upon a time, on an island in the Aegean Sea, there was a deep cave where a small group of people lived. They were slaves, and not only were they prohibited from leaving the cave, but they were also tied hand and foot. Some high rocks, acting as a wall, prevented people from seeing what was beyond. They lived in the shadows. But every so often, a flickering light came on, and on the rocky walls of the cavern, they saw moving shadows projected. The slaves believed that all that existed in the world was that cave, those shadows, and the flickering dim light. However, behind the wall was where the magic happened. There, other people were in charge every day of lighting a fire that emitted that light, and in front of the fire, they placed figures of animals, people and objects, moving them like puppets. This cast shadows on the rocks that obscured the slaves. Then one day, one of the slaves managed to untie himself and freed himself. He went through the wall and saw the puppets and the fire. He understood that what he had seen all his life growing up there had been only the shadow of the truth. But he did not stop there, and was emboldened to leave the cave. Upon reaching the end of the tunnel, he saw bright daylight, something he had never seen before, and it damaged his vision, preventing him from seeing the world. For a long time he refused to see, covering himself, looking for shadows, dark places, to feel safe in the known, to which he was accustomed. He could only see and understand shadows, so he began to follow them, looking at the ground, until he began to dare to see the objects from which the shadow was cast. He saw nature, the plants, the animals, the people, and understood that the puppets were not the truth, they were just a game, a simulation of this real world. But it would take him even longer to understand where the real light that allowed him to see everything came from. At night he dared to see the stars, then the moon, and one day, he was ready to look at the Sun. When he discovered the whole world, he decided to return to the cave, to help his enslaved brothers and free them so that they could see the TRUE. As he entered the tunnel, he realized that his vision was failing, and he could not see things clearly, because he had become accustomed to the light, and returning to the shadows was very difficult for him. Upon finding the others, he told them what he had discovered, but the other slaves saw how useless he had become, tripping over stones, not seeing the wall or them well, being quite clumsy. The other slaves believed that he had gone crazy and that he could not be like them. They began to fear him, calling him crazy, pushing him away, and even thinking about murdering him if his crazy ideas threatened the comfort of their lives. Thus the freed slave returns to the outside, frustrated by seeing that it was impossible to convince the others of what the truth was, that they lived in the shadows and the shadows are not real,It is only absence of light. Absence of Consciousness.
_I: The myth of the Cave of Socrates and Plato.
_AM: This myth, this story, narrates life itself, between lights and shadows. All life and existence is a game of light and shadow, it becomes a problem when you take this game very seriously. The first particles that will generate energy will project light. The light particles will pass through all empty spaces, but will bounce back when encountering other particles in their path. This causes more particles to form atoms, and more atoms to generate molecules, and these in turn chemical compounds, chemical elements, matter, objects. It will be much more difficult for photons to pass through the bodies, bouncing off the surface of all the thousands of particles, which prevents the passage of light from the other side. This generates a void of light, which we call Shadows. In mythological stories, light and shadow are enemies, but in reality, shadow is not a real or opposing force, but is simply light without being able to be projected. Absence of Light. The opposite of light would be matter, which prevents its passage by being compressed more and more. But matter is nothing more than distorted light. For this reason, in history it is the light itself that decides to transform and create the darkness of the density that will allow the existence of the shadow. In Latin, “carrying the light” is said “lux fero”, which gave rise to the name “Light Bearer”: Lucifer.
_I: He who is culturally considered an enemy of the Light is precisely the one who possesses the light.
_AM: More paradoxes. The story of Lucifer is better explained from another, not so mythological, point of view. When the conscious light expands, he is able to manifest realities through energy. Energy, then, in its positive and negative, begins to agglomerate the waves in the form of particles, and these into atoms that will give rise to the matter that you perceive with your senses. The same light bends in time and space to be able to live its ideas, feel its thoughts, experience its expressions. The distortion of light becomes the very mechanism of creation, but at the same time, a kind of trap for divine consciousness, since it begins to weave a labyrinthine network from which it is very difficult to escape. Thus, one becomes a prisoner, a slave, of one's own creation, being able to only perceive the distortions.
_I: Like the slaves of the cave…
_AM: That is when people begin to live deceived by their own psyche, their own soul and energy, from the subconscious and the unconscious, weaving an infinite and chaotic web, meaningless, without escape. That is the world of shadows. The very life you live based on beliefs, sensations, perspectives and perceptions. You believe everything your senses tell you, you believe everything others tell you, you make it your truth, and you can only see the world with those eyes clouded by distortion and shadows. It is the subconscious that lights the fire every day, hidden behind the wall, bringing patterns to light. It is the unconscious that, without any idea of things, lets itself be carried away by the shadows and lives its life based on them. Well, in every step you take, your shadow is the only thing you have contact with...
_I: Unless you're Peter Pan, and you're looking for your shadow.
_AM: Peter Pan was not from this physical world, that is why he did not have a shadow, and he wanted to feel, to live, that is why he looked for his shadow.
_I: So, our feet, with every step, keep us living in the world of shadows... We design our lives based on them, projected on the floors, on our paths, purposes, destinies...
_AM: They obscure the clarity of being every day. Until one day, the shadows themselves show you the truth: it is not the shadow that allows you to see or identify something, but the light that surrounds them. Then, you start looking for the light.
_I: Sure! It has logic. People who are fixed in a belief pattern are anchored in the form, in the shadow, the object. It's like someone looking at the sky observing the stars without realizing that you can only see their brightness thanks to the darkness that surrounds them, to space.
_AM: When you understand the contrast of things, you begin to understand that what you have always seen is nothing more than a mere projection. Thus, the slave, trapped in his own ropes of the fabric of his psyche, begins to become detached. And how does he do it? Just like Ariadne in the Minotaur's labyrinth. Unwinding the Golden Thread as you enter, you can then wind it again to find the exit, going to the questions “where am I, where do I come from, who is my family, who do I relate to, what was my story?”, all the questions existentialities of the clan, the family, the culture. He searches for the origins, begins to unravel the mysteries of the fabric that kept him imprisoned. Bringing clarity. Thus he discovers the fire of the subconscious and the patterns used as puppets that repeat themselves over and over again, day by day.
_I: And there he decides to go out into the real world, to the perfect world of Ideas... Where he finds divinity, the reality of the Soul.
_AM: Although it is difficult for him to adapt. She must follow many paths to achieve it, looking first at the shadows, hiding in them so as not to damage her vision and consciousness. Thus he follows the steps of religions, studies, philosophies, spirituality, science, dogmas of illumination, shadows in the world of ideas, and then, he leaves the shadowy theory, to encounter experience.
_I: Like someone who studies botany and has never seen a tree. One day, when he sees him, all of his knowledge will make sense.
_AM: This is how you discover reality in wonder. And one day, she will see the Sun, the Truth, she will discover Everything.
_I: And he will tell the others again…
_AM: And they will think you are crazy.
_I: Why?
_AM: Because the path of Consciousness, coming out of the shadows towards the light, is a personal path, never collective. It is up to each slave to unravel his own threads in the labyrinth of the subconscious. A slave with no will to be free, if he is forcibly brought to freedom, will only end up becoming blind to the light, afraid of what he saw, and will run to the safety of the shadows, denying the light forever. .
_I: Of course, that is why humanity cannot be made conscious in a magical, forced way, but with love, patience and education.
AM: The slaves of the Shadows will be willing to destroy you for defending the integrity of their perceptions. Well, the light has only come to harm their eyes accustomed to darkness. And then they must blame someone for their inability to see...
_I: To Lucifer, to the Devil...
_AM: Which they will dress in all the ways you can think of, as it suits them so as not to lose their vision of security.
_I: I remember when I was a child, I was about 12 years old, some Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on the door and started talking to me about things that I had recently remembered. I saw that they knew what they were talking about and would understand me, so I showed them home. I showed them my drawings, my notes, which also talked about his apocalypse. But instead of sharing, they stared at me and told _I: “this is the work of the Devil.” Why? I asked them, disappointed by their reaction. They told me that only the devil is capable of showing those things. To which I replied: but if what I say is the same as what your prophets say... And they told me that the prophets no longer exist, there were only those who are in the book, and everything else is the work of the Devil. I kicked them out of my house. Clear. Telling a child that the Devil was talking to them about things that they themselves talk about seemed too hypocritical and unpedagogical and unconditional on their part.
_AM: Well, they only defend their position and mission, and they can't see more than that. In history, religions made sure that no one else can change things by saying that after what was written in the holy books, no one else could talk to God, and therefore everyone else is from the Devil.
_I: They have told me many times, that what I do is diabolical...
_AM: It is a political strategy that continues to work, that makes people doubt any innovation or enlightening or different idea, embedding the idea that something is real when it is not.
_I: Like when they say we are Democracies, when we are not.
_AM: That is a topic for another post.
_I: So, the myth of the cave is current at all levels of our lives. We live in a world of shadows, and eclipses remind us of this whenever they can.
_AM: That is why they are key moments to recognize the shadows that constitute us from the subconscious. Time to ask the key questions: “Is what I see, think, believe, do and feel the truth?” Perhaps, they are just shadows of the past that continue to be reflected in our lives, to which we have become so accustomed, that we fear to deny them as distortions and cling to them as absolute truths.
_I: It's like yesterday when we talked about Abortion, they are difficult topics, but you tend to see very quickly how we are all conditioned by what we believe or see according to our own history and upbringing or experience. It is difficult to be neutral in a dual world, which considers neutrality as lazy thinking, which “does not get involved” in delicate issues because it does not take a position.
_AM: The path to neutral unconditionality is long, and you must practice it if you seek coherence, understanding that all positions are truths and none is above the other. In a world of shadows, lights are mere guides.
_I: Like a starry sky.
_AM: Who finds reference points in the shadows…
_I: Although we know well that the stars are not the truth, but rather a tiny manifestation of it, which is invisible to the eyes.
_AM: That is why you must make peace with the shadows instead of wanting to eliminate them. For the shadows have formed you, they have made you what you are, they have traced your history, your paths, your destinies, objectives, purposes and missions, every emotion, relationship and action, belonging, attachment and sensation. Everything you know arises from the shadows, and you will only see the light when you become aware that just as the shadows you see cast on the ground are only visible because of the light that surrounds them, the only reason you can see the Sun, the Moon and the Stars is thanks to the Darkness that surrounds them.
_I: The world of shadows in which we live is visible thanks to the light of the divine and celestial...
_AM: Just as the celestial and divine world is only visible thanks to the world of shadows in which we live.
_I: I honor all my shadows…
_AM: And only then will you find the way out of the labyrinth, towards the light of Truth.