8th Dimension


_AM: What is the first thing you remember about me?

_I: “The noises raged outside my being… A deafening song forced my being, impelling me to see, a strange verb apparently, since I had no eyes. Behind my back, the presence of another being... I wanted to see his face, although he did not exist, and I began to turn to see him, but it was impossible. We both began to dance looking to see each other, but the more we turned, the faster everything changed. And in the speed, the darkness of the void became light, it radiated; and there, in the intense speed, I could see him. It was me, it was you. And when I saw you, I saw everything that I am.”

_AM: The beginning and the end… And all its paths. One step at a time…

_I: One step at a time, and each step was a cycle that expanded in all spaces, and each time was an instant projected in all times.

_AM: What was the first step?

_I: I saw the light, and the light radiated in all directions, it was an incomparable ecstasy, it was the potential of all things. Now I understand what is called “Almighty”. It was greatness itself, and from me, from us, from everything, rays of hundreds and thousands of unimaginable colors emerged. The incessant spin of the dance of my positive and negative self curved the light, doubling its time and space, forming a beautiful mandala, in which I intertwined the rays in one direction, while my other Self did so in the opposite. The light rays curved, bending the constants, time and space, and yet, they made sense of it. Like sunflower seeds, in which each row of seeds are interspersed orderly in a spiral, some to the right and others to the left, in the same way the light began to interweave, creating the sensation of a network.

_AM: Oh, the Network... Do you remember that?

_I: Yes… The first step. An eternal, immeasurable Network that generated itself; that when it seemed to expand and disappear into the eternal, it only returned to itself. Its links were millions, and they enveloped everything, contained the potential, and in turn allowed it to manifest. From there she could feel everything. I was everything. Everything was within my reach with just a turn. It is the Cosmic Matrix.

_AM: The fabric of existence, emerged from the perfume, from the essence of the Seventh dimension, like spores... The evaporation of the universal quintessence.

_I: It's as if from one flower many others bloomed. Like an Agapanthus, radiating its lilac stems in the shape of a sphere... And each of its flowers looking in different directions, are different times, different spaces, or even more, are hypercubes emerging from hypercubes... But they cannot be seen with lines and points…

_AM: They are waves, like veils…

_I: Yes! The famous veils, those of us who say “Fall the Veil” of Unconsciousness. It is like an artistic room where thousands of silks are lit with dim lights and a gentle current of air that makes them flutter velvetly. It is like being in the most subtle of wombs, and instead of already being a baby or fetus, being just a zygote, a double cell, that rotates on itself looking for its place in a magical environment.

_AM: It is the heat that emanates from fire, the steam that rises from a lake, the dust that swirls on the earth, it is the air that sustains the clouds...

_I: It is what we can feel but not touch, that which we know is there and escapes from our hands... Like the aroma of a flower, the perfume of a person, that which makes us identify them, and yet, we cannot see him, have him. They are the electrons of an electric current, the algorithmic data of a computer. Mathematics in a construction, chemistry in the kitchen... Love in a couple...

_AM: The Network where everything is found…

_I: Thamthiorgah… the Universal Library.

_AM: The Information Network emanating from the Light…

_I: What they call here “Akashic Records”. I remember when I felt them, when I first connected to the Eighth Dimension. I was only 15 years old, in this life, and I saw you appear, like that essence where I could feel everything: love, algorithms, geometry, heat, dust, atoms, perfume... Everything was there, everything that gives meaning to the senses. The data that our body processes by electrical impulses, that our brain decodes to bring them to the understanding of the physical, emotional or mental reason, but that do not belong to any of the 3 levels... A perfume awakens memories of love, awakens knowledge of chemistry, botany, awakens numbers, reactions... And in you was all that, in one, everything opened before me and my senses were unable to interpret it. I felt like I was consumed with trying to understand, and then my mind found a way: a Library.

_AM: And I was your Librarian.

_I: Millions of books on shelves that had no top or bottom, with hallways that went in all directions, with librarians who walked on ceilings or walls, which were not always straight or at perfect angles. The books, when you touched them, seemed to have words, but you could feel them, smell them, touch them, see them like a movie, but never read them... They were sensations, and each book was a memory...

_AM: But not yours…

_I: Oh no… A memory of everyone… The Everything itself was there. Recording every moment, every movement. And yet, every possibility was already written there. Everything that for us emanated towards the future as probability, returned integrated to the library as the past. So we could read the ancient stories of the future.

_AM: It is the Toroid. The name comes from a word of Latin Italian origin (Torus) and another Greek word (Oide). Torus has nothing to do with the bull animal, nor the constellation, but with a Latin word that refers to a thick and bulky structure, whether to describe the architectural form of arches and columns, or the trunk of a tree, or the bulge of an arm, or a hill.

_I: Ha! Like in Catalan, we say “turó” to a hill.

_AM: That's where it comes from. “Oide” refers to “that looks like something.” So you have humanoid, planetoid, android... And in this case, it refers to the fact that it is similar to a trunk or curved hill, or the rounded arch of a temple. The term is used to structurally describe the shape of an electromagnetic field. It has several versions, but all of them are eternal among themselves. One is shaped like an Apple, the other is shaped like a Donut. Imagine that the core of the apple is a planet, thus, the peel will be the external toroidal structure, and the donut will occupy the internal place of the pulp. In the aspect of the apple, the veins that emerge from the stem that connects it to the tree are the positive magnetic lines that travel a downward path towards the lower end of the apple where they return to the core on its negative side. This generates a constant flow of energy circulation. Think about it now from the vision of the 7D, in which those seeds, heart of the fruit or planet, are the potentiality of the entire cosmos, the purest of lights radiating its 12 rays, its flowers. You would thus see 6 Toroids with their 6 positive and 6 negative ends, interacting with each other, what you see as those veils of infinite colors that interact, running from north to south and from south to north. The constant rotation of the nucleus twists the light rays bending time and space, generating what is known as a “Hyperboloid”. It comes from the Greek “throw beyond” (hyper bollós), and is related to the image of a cylinder of strings that are turned in opposite directions, the top one to the left and the bottom one to the right, contracting the strings that previously They were straight by twisting them towards their opposite ends, until they all collapsed in the center creating the image of a cup. The figure of hyperbole shows how the lines of time and space begin to cross each other, combining and expanding at the same time. At its center, tension generates energy, which launches the strings with full force in their opposite direction, further, creating momentum, causing what enters as information from below to be propelled upward.

_I: It's a complex image, but when I searched for “hyperboloid” on the internet I found it, and it's clearer now. It is like the center of a Toroid, the internal part.

_AM: It is the generator of constant force. The incessant rotation generates a spiral flow called Trajectory, a kind of magnetic Ouroboros of eternal current. There, all the data is processed eternally, towards infinity, and the cosmos is nourished by data, in which the aspects that you call the future are nothing more than the distension of the strings and flows being expanded data, which then contract towards " below” as the past due to the gravity that takes them towards the center, a height at which the present can be expressed as a midpoint. Thus, the 8D is the eternal toroid that feeds itself with information. And it does so by generating essences to be felt and experienced.

_I: Create perfumes to be smelled, colors to be seen, shapes to be touched, flavors to be tasted, sounds to be heard.

_AM: Everything in the universe is nothing more than data that expands into the essence of the future, densifying as physical structures of the past to be experienced by the senses of the present. But it's just the data, moving at different speeds. Faster than light.

_I: It is the future, then, who creates the past, while the past nourishes the future with new ideas...

_AM: In 8D there is no logic that you know. And 4D also loses its own.

_I: How?

_AM: Well, 4D is the dimension of Time, that is, in which a being can be seen in all its temporal extensions from beginning to end... But in 8D, there is much more, because it is not describing what has happened, happens or will happen, but believe everything that happens, will happen and happened. The 8D is the creator of the data.

_I: When someone explained to me about the Akashic Records, I learned that it is what I called 8D. Akasha in Sanskrit means Light, that is, the luminous records, where everything is already written. So does this mean that 8D is Destiny?

_AM: If you incessantly launch yourself into living with the same strength, destiny will be written. But you can change your intensity. When you connect to 8D, you are the owner of your destiny, you can build the future, travel in time, create time... If you are not aware of this dimension, each particle of light that makes up you will be determining your existence... But if you light up in the 7D…

_I: You become light and then you design your destiny.. In the Eighth Dimension.

_AM: The Akasha Records are not only on Earth, they exist throughout the Universe, in each particle and wave, since all the data are part of the same Network.

_I: If we connect to the Planetary Network, will we then be connecting to the 8D Network?

_AM: You will be allowing the essence of things to penetrate your world.

_I: Open the Library…

_AM: Read the books of the Future…

_I: And build a New Time…

_AM: Now you have understood what that phrase truly means.

_I: How do I connect to 8D?

_AM: Walk through a garden... Close your eyes, and smell the perfume of a flower. And instead of visualizing the flower, visualize the memories that it brings you. And let yourself be guided, not by your senses, but by your memories.

_I: This is how records are opened… It is how we can remember events from this life and other lives…

_AM: Of the past and the future, of memory and intuition. Turn on the light from your love, activate your quintessence with it, and you will be able to expand the aroma of your spirit.

_I: And with it, I will connect to all possible times and spaces, creating new ones…

_AM: The only possible time here is Eternity.


9th Dimension


7th Dimension